E1754 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 10, 2003 support, and community service. I am so TRANSPORTATION TREASURY, hour to the nearest VA facility. This is a prob- proud that this unit is in the Fourth Congres- AND INDEPENDENT AGENCIES lem that must be addressed now. Veteran sional District and going above and beyond in APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2004 population growth within a two-hour radius its defense of the United States of America. continues unabated. If a new facility is not May God bless them for their service. SPEECH OF available to veterans in East-Central, Florida HON. EARL POMEROY soon, the hardship of long drives and waiting periods will grow even greater for our vet- f OF NORTH DAKOTA erans. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A TRIBUTE TO FORMER REP- As the Congresswoman from Florida’s third RESENTATIVE CHARLES E. BEN- Tuesday, September 9, 2003 district, I know firsthand of the need for a new NETT OF FLORIDA The House in Committee of the Whole VA facility in Orlando. I have been there for House on the State of the Union had under our veterans time and time again. I personally consideration the bill (H.R. 2989) making ap- escorted former VA Secretary Jesse Brown to HON. E. CLAY SHAW, JR. propriations for the Departments of Trans- the old Naval facility in Orlando and told him portation and Treasury, and independent what a perfect site it would be for a VA out- OF FLORIDA agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- patient clinic. The James V. Haley VA Hospital tember 30, 2004, and for other purposes: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in Orlando, Florida was later opened, and it is Mr. POMEROY. Mr. Chairman, I rise today proving to be the best location available to Wednesday, September 10, 2003 in support of full funding for the Help America provide even greater services to our veterans. Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA). Congress made a The goal of the CARES commission is to Mr. SHAW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today as commitment to election reform with the pas- Chairman of Florida’s Congressional Delega- modernize the VA health care system. This is sage of this Act last year and should provide an important first step in making certain that tion to honor the extraordinary life of former the funding required for HAVA-mandated im- Congressman Charles E. Bennett. I would be the needs of our veterans are met. They are provements. indeed, the best of the best, and deserve to hard pressed, Mr. Speaker, to find a better An amendment offered by the Honorable be treated as such. and more compelling individual dedicated to ALCEE HASTINGS to H.R. 2989 would have in- I abhor the treatment of America’s veterans ethical reforms than Mr. Bennett in his 44 creased HAVA’s funding to its authorized level under this administration. From the shabby ef- years in the House. Mr. Bennett was a long of $727 million. This was offset by eliminating fort to provide for full funding of concurrent re- time proponent of such reforming legislation $165 million from Internal Revenue Service ceipt, to the exclusion of new Priority Eight as the creation of the House Ethics Committee (IRS) information system funding. While I sup- veterans from the VA health care rolls, this ad- and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Earning the port efforts to increase HAVA funding, nec- ministration has proven that it is a miserable title of ‘‘Mr. Clean’’ for his unwavering deter- essary maintenance and improvements to the failure at treating our veterans with the honor mination to financial disclosure, Mr. Bennett IRS’ information system are critical. For these and gratitude that they have earned. set an example for all public servants as early reasons, I was compelled to vote against H. ANI´BAL ACEVEDO-VILA´, of Puerto Rico, and as 1950. Amdt. 357. SHELLEY BERKLEY, of Nevada, join me in spon- Mr. Bennett attended the University of Flor- I look forward to considering further legisla- soring this measure that additionally provides ida and graduated in 1934 with both a Bach- tion regarding HAVA funding in the future. $250 million for the construction of a VA hos- elor and Law degree. During World War 11, Election reform is important to democracy in pital in Las Vegas, Nevada, and $30 million Charlie defended his country with undying pa- our country and in North Dakota. It is my hope for seismic upgrades at the VA medical center triotism and fearless courage in the South Pa- that Congress will find a way to fully fund in San Juan, Puerto Rico. cific, earning the Silver and Bronze Stars for HAVA without reducing support for the nec- I would like to thank Senators BOB GRAHAM his distinguished service. In 1948, Mr. Bennett essary work of the IRS. of Florida, and HARRY REID of Nevada for in- was elected to the 81st Congress representing f troducing the companion legislation to this bill the Jacksonville metropolitan area. Forty-four LEGISLATION FOR CONSTRUCTION in the United States Senate. years later, Charlie remains Florida’s longest OF VA FACILITY IN EAST-CEN- f serving member of Congress. Despite con- TRAL FLORIDA PERSONAL EXPLANATION tracting polio from his Army days, Congress- man Bennett served his country with such fer- HON. CORRINE BROWN vor and passion rarely seen before or since. HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY OF FLORIDA OF CALIFORNIA In the early 1990’s, Charlie’s advocacy for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the disabled community translated into his Wednesday, September 10, 2003 strong support and sponsorship of the Ameri- Wednesday, September 10, 2003 cans with Disabilities Act. Despite the use of Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida. Mr. Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, had I been crutches, Charlie only missed one legislative Speaker, today I rise as a member of the present for rollcall No. 481, I would have voted vote in 41 years; a remarkable legislative ac- House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, as a ‘‘no.’’ On rollcall No. 482, I would have voted complishment. Mr. Bennett was also an ac- Congresswoman from Florida, to offer legisla- ‘‘no.’’ On rollcall No. 483, I would have voted complished author of seven books, as well as tion that authorizes $170 million for construc- ‘‘yes.’’ On rollcall No. 484, I would have voted a passionate advocate of the preservation of tion of a much-needed VA facility in East-Cen- ‘‘yes.’’ On rollcall No. 485, I would have voted Florida’s natural resources and history. A well- tral, Florida. ‘‘yes.’’ On rollcall No. 486, I would have voted respected member of his community, Mr. Ben- The legislation comes about after VA re- ‘‘yes.’’ On rollcall No. 487, I would have voted nett has a Federal building and a school dedi- leased, to the Capital Assets Realignment for ‘‘yes.’’ On rollcall No. 488, I would have voted cated in his name for his remarkable service Enhanced Services Commission, a draft report ‘‘yes.’’ on rollcall No. 489, I would have voted to his country. for VA review. The draft report recommends ‘‘yes.’’ On rollcall No. 490, I would have voted that Florida’s East-Central Market receive a ‘‘no.’’ On rollcall No. 491, I would have voted Mr. Speaker, Charlie and I served side-by- new hospital. ‘‘no.’’ side for 12 years before his retirement in Florida’s Central Market has the largest f 1993, and the news of his death has greatly workload gap and the greatest infrastructure saddened our State, our country, and me. I investment need of any market in the United A TRIBUTE TO BARUCH am honored to have called Charles Bennett a States. The CARES draft report states that the TENENBAUM friend and colleague during his remarkable life logical choice for a new hospital in Florida is and our prayers go out to his surviving family; Orlando. There is a former 150-bed Naval HON. TOM LANTOS his wife Dorothy; his children Bruce, James, Hospital in Orlando, originally designed for two OF CALIFORNIA and Cindy; and his three grandchildren. additional floors, which can be restructured to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Charles Bennett will always have a place in take on additional services. the hearts of everyone he represented and his This will mean a big difference in many vet- Wednesday, September 10, 2003 memory will no doubt live forever in the State erans’ lives because currently more than 50 Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I am delighted of Florida. percent of them must travel 60 miles or one to pay tribute to Baruch Tenenbaum, a truly VerDate jul 14 2003 04:55 Sep 11, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10SE8.012 E10PT1.
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