THE PUBLISHECADED WEEKLY BY T THE CORPS OF CADETS VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE Vol. XXIV LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MONDAY, FEB. 2, 1931 No. 15 CORPS MADE INTO REGIMENT TWO CAVALRY AND ONE INFANTRY COMPANIES FORM Corps Receives Gratifying Report Highway Conference FIRST BATTALION ARTILLERY THE SECOND on Inspection By Col. Leavitt to Meet Here Dayhuff Is Made Regimental Commander; Brower and Browning Discussions Designed To Aid Command Battalions. ALL PHASES OF CADET MILITARY ACTIVITIES ARE Counties In Highway VIEWED WITH SATISFACTION Problems. REGIMENTAL COMMANDER TO WEAR SIX BARS ON The Sixth Annual Highway Con- CHEVRONS; BATTALION COMMANDER FIVE Appearance of Corps Especially commended In Report By Corps ference will be held at the Virginia Area Inspector. First Class Privates Put On O. Military Institute, February 5 and 6,; (^IfJSS Attends G. Roster. MARKED IMPROVEMENT 1931. The conference is to be spon- sored by V. M. I. in connection with That eagerly awaited and much OVER LAST YEAR Dave Miller to Coach Fancy Dress Ball discussed event, makeovers, occurred the board of supervisors of Rock- Friday night. Following the prece- On Dec. 4 and 5 Colonel Leavitt bridge county and the United States FIRST CLASS • HOP SATUR dent established last January, the the R 0. T. C. officer of the Third Rat Athletics corps was organized into a regiment Corps'area, visited V. M. I. for the Bureau of public roads. DAY; BIG SUCCESS TO BE HEAlTOF FOOTBALL, of two battai'ons of three companies purpose of making his annual corps The purpose of this conference is On Friday night a great number Gach. Dayhuff holds the office of area inspection of R. O. T. C. units. BASKETBALL AND to bring together members of the BASEBALL Boards of Supervisors, road commis- of the First Classmen were the regimental comander with Brower Extracts from Colonel Leavitt re- guests of the Washington and Lee and Browning at the head of the two ports were received by the Superin- sioners, engineers, contractors, offi- One of the most interesting an- cials of cities and towns, highway students at the annual Fancy Dress battalions. The unusual aspect was tendent from the Corps area Head- nouncements that has come from the superintendents of the various coun- Ball. This affair is one of the most the establishment of six stripes ior quarters and are very satisfactory Athletic Association office in several ties, and others who are interested noted college functions of the South regimental captain and five for the and gratifying to all who are con- months is the one made by Major in highway problems to the end that and has been greatly anticipated by battalion captains in place of the us- : those nected with V. M. 1. r..a Clarkson recently to the effect that thev mav h ear" the' "latest" inform a tion members of the First Class who ual four formerly worn by all cap- The inspector visited the. ^^ I Dave Miller, former John Marshall I re]^tingn to construction and mainte- were able to attend. tains. This serves as a distinguish- The motif of the Ball was Sher- ing mark for these men, leaving four guard Lunt, mounted and'di^ j ^a^he^- and highway de- wood Forest in the time of Robin stripes only for company command- ed drills, class room work, ^ rifle j « bagketball) and baseball. Major Hood, and the gym was decorated ers. range mess hall, kitchens, stables ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Realizing that the Federal and very elaborately with boughs and Several new lieutenants were add- and quarters. ,. , , . ... State governments as well as the stars of silver on blue. The original- coach, a position which he has he d r ^ arg adequately equipped ed to the list and three lieutenants The appearance of the Corps in its ity and beauty of the costumes added since the entrance of V. M. I. into to build and maintain suitable high_ were made captains. All first class execution of moments, carriage of much color and gavetv to the occa- . the Southern Conference. wayg and adminiBter the funds now w ..nc v to : privates names wer placed on the rifles, marching and ability of cadet sion. Dave Miller will be remembered pouring into this work, the men plan- roster of the officers of the guard. officers, was especially marked, The music was furnished by Hal not onl for the excellent teams j the conference program con- a true copy of y n ng , _ , A , , , „ , , Following is the complete list in The following Kemp's Orchestra, who played for the order of rank. which he has turned out at John stantly attempt to reach the county, First Class Hop given at the Insti- the official report: Marshall recent years, but also j district, and small town officials. tute on Saturday night. This Hop HEADQUARTERS December 23, 1930. for his own meteoric success as a par- The conference this year promises the most successful from every VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE Subject: Report of Inspection. ticipator in high school and college was to be especially interesting. The point of view of all that have been Lexington, Virginia. Through: The Superintendent, Vir- athletics. It is said that Coach Frank speakers are all men thoroughly fa- given here. The entire Corps was January 30, 1931. ginia Military Institute, Lexing- Dobson, who is at the University of miliar with their subjects. Their ad- General Orders ton, Va. Richmond, Miller's old alma mater, allowed to attend and there was a j dresses will be found instructive as No. 13. To: Professor Military Science and considers the younger coach one of large number of Washington and Lee i Tactics, Virginia Military Insti- well as interesting. and University of Virginia men pres- I. All appointments of officers the best all-around athletes ever and non-commissioned officers in the tute. The machinery exhibit will be ent. The calic were numerous and turned out of that institution. Be- Battalion of Cadets, heretofore in ef- 1. The following extracts from the larger and more complete than those very beautiful and the music was ex- fore entering the University, Miller fect, are revoked. report of inspection made at Virginia of the past. Exhibits of models of cellent. All in all, it is accorded the spent two notable years at Lynchburg II. Upon the recommendation of Military Institute by the R. O. T. C. various types of roads ana bridges best First Class Hop in the Annals Higli school, where he starred in three the Commandant of Cadets, the fol- Officer on December 4th and 5th, loaned by the U. S. Bureau of Public of the Cotillion club. 'Continued on Par- Eight.) lowing appointments are announced ••' 1930, are furnished for your informa- roads will be shown during the Sixth to take effect from date: tion and guidance: Conference. t n The following outdoor work was To Be Cadet Captains. Engineering Building If V. M. I. and its Civil Engineer- First Class Holds Im- 1. Dayhuff, C. H., Jr., Regimental witnessed: ing Department can contribute some- Commander. Regimental parade. thing to the solution of the many portant Meeting 2. Brower, J. H., Battalion Com- Guard Mounting. Nearly Completed problems constantly arising in the mander. 3. Browning, G. L., Jr., Battalion Infantry close order drill. WILL PROBABLY BE OPEN- highway field by means of these con- CANTWELL "BROWN ELECT- Commander. Mounted Cavalry close order drill. ED APRIL FIRST ferences, their efforts are more than ED VALEDICTORIAN 4. Wallace, R. G., Company Com- Field Artillery drill. justified. It is felt that the Confer- mander. 5. White, G. R., Company Com- Battalion Parade. Work on the new Engineering ences have been a great success in The Valedictory address at Finals The drills and parades were excel- mander. Building has been progressing rapid- the past and the benefits of them will be delivered by Cadet Cantwell 6. Brown, C. C., Regimental Ad- lently executed. The carrying of the ly and without incident since the last are being enjoyed throughout the C. Brown, of Richmond, Va. He was jutant. rifles and the marching at the dis- news published in the "Cadet"; that state of Virginia in better methods elected to this office at a meeting of 7. Fort, R. E., Regimental Sup- mounted drills and parades was es- is, before Christmas. Since that time of administering funds and in bet- the First Class in the Academic ply Officer. 8. Leavell, B. S., Jr., Company pecially good. All cadet officers the walls and roof have been com- ter methods of maintaining highways Building last week. knew what they were doing in all Commander. pleted and all the floors have been to fill the needs of the state. Brown was elected by a large ma- 9. Pace, G. A., Company Com- formations. poured. The placing of tile on the jority. It is generally felt that mander. Visited the cadet barracks, the walls of the lower floors is almost A country has about hit bottom Brown is the best man in the class 10. Fitzgerald, L. K., Company rooms were all in good order. finished, and the plastering of the when an honest man is the only one for this job, and the class has ul- Commander. Inspected officers, store-rooms, w 11. Richardson, J. W., Company three upper floors was just recently bo doesn't know how to keep out of most confidence in his ability. Commander. stables, kitchen, dining room and hos- begun. From now on the completion jail.—New Haven Register. Several other minor questions were To Be Cadet First Lieutenants pital. All government property is of the building will progress rapidly brought up and disposed of, chief 1.
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