Amr>R (MARATHI) {Dkmz H$Wm {Díd

Amr>R (MARATHI) {Dkmz H$Wm {Díd

Total No. of Questions : 3] [Total No. of Pages : 1 P575 [3617]-131 S.Y. B.Sc. (Sem. - I) _amR>r (MARATHI) {dkmZ H$Wm {díd doi 2 Vmg] [EHy$U JwU 40 gyMZm - 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ AmhoV. 2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. àíZ 1) nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m {df`mda 400 eãXm§n`ªV {Z~§Y {bhm. [10] A) ^maVmMr Mm§Ð_mohr_ ~) EH${dgmdo eVH$ Am{U ^maV H$) nhmQ>oMr ^«_§Vr ..... (b{bV) àíZ 2) ~m{~©Ho$ZZo H$mT>bobr AZw_mZo "M§ÐbmoH$Mr g\$a' `m H$WoÀ`m AmYmao gmoXmhaU ñnï> H$am.[15] qH$dm ~Ý`m~mnybm `§Ì_mZdmZo {Xbobr dmJUyH$ "`§Ì_mZdmÀ`m hmVmZo' `m H$WoÀ`m AmYmao {deX H$am. àíZ 3) Qrnm {bhm. (H$moUË`mhr VrZ) [15] A) "H$ZoeZ' H$WoVrb {_ñQ>a CXmg. ~) S>m°. g_ra gXmdV} `m§Mo Va§JÊ`mMo ñdßZ. H$) S>m°. {dH$mg _mQ>o `m§Mm _¥Ë`y. S>) S>m°. Am°W©a AmohoZnr_a. B) "`§Ìm§Zr Ho$b§ ~§S>' _Yrb XrnH$. \$) {dkmZ H$WoMr d¡{eîQ>ço. rrr Total No. of Questions : 3] [Total No. of Pages : 2 P576 [3617]-132 {ÛVr` df © {dkmZ (àW_ gÌ) S.Y. B.Sc. (Sem. - I) qhXr (Hindi) (Z`m nmR>çH$_« - 2008 n°Q>Z©) g_` : 2 K§Q>o ][>nUmy H$ª : 40 nmR>ç-nwñVH|$ - i) à{V{Z{Y H$hm{Z`m± qhXr {d^mJ, Eg.EZ.S>r.Q>r. {díd{dÚmb`, _~B§w &© ii) N>m`mdmX à{V{Z{Y aMZmE± gånmXH$ Zram na_ma& gMZmEy ± :- i) g^r àíZ A{Zdm`© h&$¢ ii) Xm{hZr Amao {bI o AH$§ àíZ Ho$ nyUmH$ª h&¢ àíZ 1. A) {ZåZ{b{IV _ | go {H$Ýht Xg dm`m| H$mo ewX²Y H$aHo$ {\$a go {b{IE - [10] 1) a_eo Z o à_Mo X§ H$s CnÝ`mg nT>r h&¡ 2) h_mao Jm±d _| ~mT> Am`m Wm& 3) eoa Zo {haZ H$s {eH$ma H$s& 4) nmo{bg Zo Mmoa H$mo nH$S>m& 5) _{Xa§ H$o {Z_m©U H$m H$m`© nary hmo J`r h¡& 6) MrVm ~hmoV VoO Xm¡S>Vm h¡& 7) AnZo Jwê$ Ho$ D$na lX²Ym aIZr Mm{hE& 8) VwZo _Pw o AnZr emXr _ | ~wbm`mM Zht& 9) g^m _| AZoH$ lmoVo AmE Wo& 10) _mohZ H$mo nrVmOr Zo S>m±Q>m& 11) h_mam X\$Va gmT>o Xg ~Oo IbVmw h&¡ 12) ½`mam ~Oo V_w Am OmZm& P.T.O. Am) {ZåZ{b{IV A§J«oµOr AZwÀN>oX H$m qhXr _| AZwdmX H$s{OE - [4] When light propagates through a medium it sets the particles of ether in to vibrations. Since light is a transverse wave the direction of vibration is perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Imagine a horizontal plane in which two light beams of same wavelength and same intensity are travelling. At some point their paths will cross. àíZ 2. A) {ZåZ{b{IV JX²` AdVaU H$s gg§X^© ì`m»`m H$s{OE - [5] (H$) VrZ hr Vmo én`o h¢, Xo XmoJo Vmo H$å_b H$hm± go AmdoJm ? _mK-nyg H$s amV hma _| H$g¡ o H$Q>Jr&o Cgg o H$h Xm,o \$gb na én` o X o XJ| &o A^r Zht& AWdm (H$) H$m¡Z ~S>r aH$_ W_m XoVo hmo ? Xmo ê$nbnr {H$am`m Am¡a dh ^r N>h-N>h _hrZo H$m ~H$m`m& OmZVo hmo bH$S>r H$m `m ^md h¡ ? Z hmo _H$mZ N>moS> OmAmo& Am) {ZåZ{b{IV nX`² AdVaU H$s gg§X^© ì`m»`m H$s{OE - [5] (I) Am±I| A{b`m|-gr {H$g _Y w H$s J{b`m | _| \±$gt ~§X H$a nm±I| nr ahr h ¢ _Y w _mZ¡ AWdm gmoB© H$_b-H$moaH$m| _| ? AWdm (I) OJ nr{S>V h¡ A{V-XwI go OJ nr{S>V ao A{V-gwI go _mZd-OJ _| ~±Q> Omd| XIw gIw g o Am'¡ gIw XIw g&o àíZ 3. A) {ZåZ{b{IV _ | go {H$Ýht Xm o àíZm| Ho$ CÎma {b{IE - [8] (M) O_tXma Zo {dYdm ór H$s PmonS>r `m| bm¡Q>m Xr ? (N>) "CgZ o H$hm Wm' H$hmZr H$o A_¥Vga Ho$ BHo$dmbm | H$s ~mobr H$m n[aM` Xr{OE& (O) "JwÊS>m' H$hmZr H$o ZÝhHy$qgh H$m M[aÌmH$Z§ H$s{OE& (P) gwZÝXm AnZo n{V go ZmamO `m| hmo OmVr h¡ ? Am) {ZåZ{b{IV _ | g o {H$Ýht Xmo àíZm| Ho$ CÎma {b{IE - [8] (n) "Owhr H$s H$br' H${dVm _| H${d Zo àH¥${V H$m _mZdrH$aU {H$g àH$ma {H$`m h¡ ? (\$) "EH$ ~ma ~g Am¡a ZmM Vy í`m_m' Eogm H${d `m| H$hVm h¡ ? (~) "Zm¡H$m {dhma' H${dVm H$m ^mdmW© g§jon _| ñnï> H$s{OE& (^) H${d n§V Z o YaVr H$m _hËd H¡$go Xem`m© h¡ ? rrr [3617]-132 - 2 - Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2 P644 [3617]-133 S.Y. B.Sc. SANSKRIT (g§ñH¥$V) Jrdm©U^maVr (Semester - I) (New) Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) Write short answers in 2-4 lines of the following questions. [16] nwT>rb àíZmMr§ 2-4 Amit_Ü`o o CÎmao {bhm. i) What did e`mV© say to À`dZ ? e`mV© À`dZmbm H$m` åhUmbm ? ii) Write the conclusion of gË`H$m_Om~mb story. gË`H$m_Om~mbH$WMo o VmËn` © {bhm. iii) How many H$mÊS>'s of am_m`U and what are they? am_m`UmMr {H$Vr H$m§S>o AmhoV d Vr H$moUVr ? iv) From which drama the lesson "g`o § `m{V eHw$ÝVbm n{VJ¥h_²' is taken and who is the author of that drama? "go`§ `m{V eHw$ÝVbm n{VJ¥h_²' hm nmR> H$moUË`m ZmQ>H$mVyZ KoVbm Amho Am{U Ë`m ZmQ>H$mMm H$Vm© H$moU ? v) Write the importance of _mZgnOmy . _mZgnOy Mo o _hÎd {bhm. vi) Explain the meaning of "j{_Um néfw Uo ^{dVì`_&'² "j{_Um nwéfoU ^{dVì`_²' `m dm`mMm AW© ñnï> H$am. vii) What did ApídZrHw$_ma say to gwH$Ý`m ? ApídZrH$_maw gH$Ý`w bmo H$m` åhUmb o ? viii) What is the purpose of poetry "eVmnXo eà~ÝY 'o ? "eVmonXoeà~ÝY ' `m H$mì`J«§WmMo à`moOZ H$moUVo ? P.T.O. Q2) Write short notes on any two of the following in 8 - 10 lines each. [8] nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr Xmohm|da g§{já Q>rnm {bhm. (8 Vo 10 AmoirV) i) {ed_mZgnyOm. ii) l`Ý_hmÝVo § _hÎdm`& iii) qg{hH$m. Q3) Write short notes on any two of the following in 8 - 10 lines each. [8] nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr Xmohm|da g§{já Q>rnm {bhm. (8 Vo 10 AmoirV) i) Character of e`mV© king. e`m©VamOmMo ì`pV{MÌU. ii) Character of gË`H$m_. gË`H$m_mMo ì`pV{MÌU. iii) gw^m{fV's in the lesson of "g`o § `m{V eH$ÝVbmw n{VJh_¥ '.² "go`§ `m{V eHw$ÝVbm n{VJ¥h_²' `m nmR>mVrb gw^m{fVo. Q4) Answer any one of the following questions in 16 - 20 lines. [8] nT>rbnw H$s¡ H$mUË`mhro EH$m àíZmMo CÎma 16 Vo 20 Amoit_Ü`o {bhm. i) Explain the advises in "CnXeà~ÝY '.o "CnXoeà~ÝY ' `m nmR>mV Ambobo CnXoe H$Wm§À`m Ûmam ñnï> H$am. ii) Write the story of À`dZ^mJ©d with its importance. À`dZ^mJdH$Wm© gVmËn` © {bhm. rrr [3617]-133 - 2 - Total No. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 2 P1055 [3617]-149 S.Y. B.Sc. (Sem. - I) URDU GENERAL (Paper - II) (2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours][Total Marks : 80 Instructions : 1) Attempt all questions. 2) Figures to the left indicate full marks. [20] [20] [20] [5] [5] P.T.O. [10] 1) Boiling point 2) Voltage 3) Density 4) Vaccine 5) Convection 6) Mixture 7) Radiation 8) Freezing point 9) Reflection of light 10) Biomass 11) Haemophilia 12) Micro Organism [3617]-149 - 2 - Total No. of Questions : 3] [Total No. of Pages : 1 P1051 [3617]-182 S.Y. B.Sc. (Sem. - I) _amR>r (MARATHI) {dkmZ H$Wm {díd doi 2 Vmg] [EHy$U JwU 40 gyMZm - 1) gd© àíZ gmoS>{dUo Amdí`H$ AmhoV. 2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. àíZ 1) nwT>rbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m {df`mda 400 eãXm§n`ªV {Z~§Y {bhm. [10] A) OmJ{VH$ Vmn_mZ EH$ àíZ ~) AmYw{ZH$ kmZàgmamMr gmYZo H$) _mUygnU hadVo Voìhm..... (b{bV) àíZ 2) ""`§Ì H$Yrhr _mUgm§Mr OmJm KoD$ eH$Uma ZmhrV''. `m {dYmZmMm Ame` "`§Ìm§Zr Ho$b§ ~§S>' `m H$WoÀ`m AmYmao gmoXmhaU {deX H$am. [15] qH$dm "M§ÐbmoH$Mr g\$a' `m H$Wo_Yrb d¡km{ZH$ gË` ñnï> H$am. àíZ 3) Qrnm {bhm. (H$moUË`mhr VrZ) [15] A) "dm_bmoMZm' {gÕm§Vmg§~§Yr {dídZmWn§VmZr {Xbobr à_mUo. ~) "A§VamimVrb _¥Ë`y' _Yrb S>m°.{dH$mg _mQ>o.

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