"SNICK"-the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee-in the Bay Area. Charles McDew, t he organizat ion's National Chajrman, visited PAGE 17 late last year to raise funds and help estab­ Wednesday, Dec . 5, 1962 l i sh the Bay Area Friends or the Student Non­ San Francisco Chronicle violent Coor dinating Committee. Write ror information to: .... I Ch 1'/egro s arge Mike Miller Page 42-~. JJt fxttmtnrr 5845 Chabot Court Wed. Dec. s, 1962 SC Oakland, California OL 8-6626 Justice Dept. Bobby Fails 1 27 ARRESTS Dragging Feef McDew was here for a series Negro, Says of talks on his group's drive to get Negroes to register in A Negro college senior, arrested '27 times while states like Mississippi and fi ghting for equal rights in the South, accused the Leader Alabama where they consti­ United States Department of Justice here yesterday of tute the majority of the popu­ "dragging its feet" in t he struggle. lation but have almost no say The student, Charles Mc­ V.ote Drive in .in politics. Dew, 23. chairman of the McDew said he has been Student Non-Violent Co-ordi­ South Lags arrested 27 times. nating Committee, currently The 23 year old sociology awajting trial as an anarchis t ''Despite Bobby Kennedy's student from a South Caro­ in Louisiana, told a p ress con­ lovely statements, he's failed lina college will s p e a k at ference·here: to protect Negroes who regis­ 8:15 p. m. today in the Oak· "Bobby Kenned~· 1l:. S. ter and vote in the South." land Jewish Community Center. Attorney General Robert This was the crux of a Kennedy 1 has -been mak-in · TALKS SCHEDULED lovely statements. but Negro st-udent-leaae-r's p1,0test­ - we Tomorrow feel that some of the very here yesterday against what he will appear at no on at San Francisco bad situations in the South he called "half-hearted" sup­ State College and will speak could have been prevented port from the Justice Depart­ if the Department of Justice at a public meeting at 8:30 had acted ... ·· _ment in the current drive to p. m. at San Francisco Jewish register southern Negros, Community Center. McDew said that his own His talk is sponsored by the "crime" was to He is Charles McDew, na­ encourage Americans f o r Democratic registration tional chairman of the Stu­ of Negro voters Action. in Louisiana-a campai gn dent Nonviolent Co-ordinating Friday he will appear at which his Student •Non-Vio­ Committee which o rganized Stanford University at lent Co-ordinating Commit­ CHARLES McD'cW noon and · Sunday at 7:30 p. m. at tee (SNCC) is promoting in Arrested 27 times registration drives in Georgia, during w hich eight churches Berkeley's Town and Gown several Southern States. I among Negroes in the South Club. EFFORTS ! - "to get lawyers and doctors were burned and five egistra­ tion leades shot. In his own case he said !I into i( as well as the wash­ the Department ~f Justic~ woman .. an d the shoeshine did interve,1e - thus far I bo? · · · Tues., Dee.4, 1962 without result-on grounds ! !hr SNCC w or~ er s. ?e 6 S. F. News Call Bulletin his prosecution was a clear [ said. also are _seeking to m- i violation of civil rights and I valve more w?1te college stu- ' that his action was not anar- ! dents 111 the fight, and lo reg- chv at all. i ister more Negro voters so ' Dixie Negro ;,But in less spectacular i thei:r v~i~e m~y be heard on efforts-in our day-by-day Ith e political front. Leader Hits campaign to get Negroes If eligible Negroes we re registered as voters - we lperm itted to r e gist e r. he think ,Bobby Kennedy . and said, Alabama and Mississippi U.S. Agency 'the Department of Justice .woulcf have Negro majorities. haye ' been dragging their 1 ARRESTS A soft-spoken Louisiana feet," McDew said at a p ress Five of his student organ- Negro, Charles McD~w, 23, conference in the St. Francis ization workers have been has accused the Justice De­ Hotel. shot, he said, and all of them partment of "dragging its He, said that despite such have been arrested. "I've feet" in helping get out the lack of Federal help in the been arrested 27 times since Negro vote in t h e d e e p battle for civil rights in the I quit in my senior year at ; South. South, his student organiza- South Carolina State College McDew chairman of the tion is gaining in its fight to at Orangeburg to take part : . Student Non-Violent Coordi- give Negroes the right to in this effort . .." . nating Committee, held a CHARLES MeD~~ vote. His latest alleged offense- press conference here Tues- "Dragging feet MEETINGS criminal anarchy against the ' . day. He was in the Bay Area, S tat e of Louisiana - was The committee is a group schools for potential voters. as one of SNCC's 46 field charged, he said, after he and of about 40 college students HE IS FREE on $17,000 workers (who "survive" on a white fellow worker tried · who have given up one y~ar bail from a charge of crimi. $20 per week), to address a to visit a jailed companion t of study to spearhead a drive nal an'archy in Baton Rouge, special meeting of Amer- in East Baton Rouge last 1 for gettmg Southern Ne- La -a charge that carries 10 icans for Democratic Action February. groes to register so they can ye~rs in prison on convic, tomorrow at 8:30 p. m. at t he "If the case does go to trial vote. tion. Jewish Community Center (the Justice Department still McDEW SAID the com- He said when he iei tried here. is seeking to halt the trial), mittee's efforts resulted in he'll be taken from a segre­ He also spoke on. the . Uni: ·we'll probably be convicted," the doubling of the Negro gated jail, in a segregated, versity of California c ampus McDew said. "We' ll be tried regis . · · · · · ·1 through a court- yesterday noon, and will ap tration m M1ss1ss1pp1, Jal van, " k" - by a jury of our ·peers·- an from 20,000 to 40,000. room door marked Blac_ pear at San Franci.sco St;i.te white.'' But the committee's ef- into a segregated courtroom. College tomorrow noon, and , McDew said t he voter reg­ · d 1· ·• e j - 1- r ·• to speak at a forts have resulte a s o m a -- ·. , , .,_..:. .• . , ~ at Stanford University Friday ! istration campaign depends criminal charge against the neetmg of t t:ie Am_en ca,1.:. noon. !'on voluntarv contributions workers, including himself. for Democ,·at1c Act1~n, at His student organization, Ifrom the public. Five o f h is workers have 8:30 p. m. Thurs.day m the he said at yesterday's press ! Contributions may be sent . been shot and eight churches J e"".ish _Community 1 Cen~r·1 conference, is seeking to , to the Student Non-Violent were burned in Georgia be- Cahforma st. and Pres1 10 make the civil rights battle i Co-orinating Com mitt e e. : "a community -wide effort" 1915 l\Iil•;ia s,rcet. Berkeley. · cause they were _:u::se:::.:d:_=a:.:s:.::a:.:.v_e.:....------- --~- laber d(lrla ted ,...~-,· STEP UP DRIVE TO AID HUNGRY MISS. NEGROES ECONOMIC PRESSURE AGAINST 5,000 FAMILIES AFFECTS 22,000 PEOPLE tllT By LARRY STILT. Vol. XXIII No. 18 Feb. 21, 1963 A Johnson Publication After months of protesting and pleading, thousands of Negroes are being saved from starvation in the Mississippi Delta by the voluntary distribution of tons of food and supplies donated from all over the nation. Aaron Henry, chairman of the Mississippi Council of Federated Organizations, which is handling the distribu­ Justice Department refused her plea, but Mrs. Nancy B rand tion of aid from Clarksdale, estimated that some 5,000 fights on for her frail brood, including two tell-tale mulattoes. families, or more than 22,000 persons, were destitute in the area as a result of being denied work or state welfare aid because of increasing economic pressure against Negro Federal Government to take immediate steps to provide voting efforts. more aid and protection for the state's Negro citizens. Henry said nine county COFO chairmen were aiding and Casting aside all fears for the first time in recorded distributing the food throughout the state under the direc­ ?-istory, Negro witnesses appeared before the nine-man tion of Mrs. Vera Pegues, a Clarksdale beautician. In near­ Workers stock supp_ly center 7J?ith rations to be doled out to he~ mterracial Civil Rights Advisory Commission (eight whites by Cleveland, the Rev. James Bevel, a representative of the . l~ss, penm'.ess, but i oud, Mississippi families. and one Negr?) and b?ldly testified on the creeping reign Southern Christian Leadership Council said the food prob­ of terror behmd the ' Cotton Curtain." Take the case of lem is a statewide action which would drive 500,000 Negroes Mrs. Fan~ie Lou Haymer, who told how she was run off out to other sections of the country. · actively mvo_lved m the Vler Education Project conducted b? a plantat10n _away from her husband and children, forced · Although state and county officials denied the charges. the ~~mbi1:e? ?r~aniza ions (the NAACP, Student Non­ to V10l~nt coordmatmg Com ittee, Southern Christian Lead­ flee to Chicago and finally decided to return to terror­ a survey of the area by JET found many families who had stricken Ruleville (JET, Sept.
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