LEICA SUMMILUX-MSUPER ELMAR-M 28mm 21mm f/1.4 f/3.4 ASPH. ASPH. 11 The Leica Summilux-M 28mm f/1.4 ASPH. rounds off the range of high-speed M wide angle focal lengths. It offers exce lent image performance over the entire image field even at full aperture and in the close-up range thanks to a „floating element“. With its exceptional contrast, the lens delivers the same recognized high performance level as the Leica Sum- milux-M 35mm f/1.4 ASPH., and in some respects actually outperforms it. The vignetting that is typical of every optical system is naturally more defined on a wide angle lens, particularly a high speed one like this, than on standard lenses or those with a long focal length. At full aperture in 35mm format it is a maximum, i.e. in the corners of the image, of around 3.4 stops, around 2 stops on Leica M8 models with their slightly smaller format. Stopping down to 5.6 visibly reduces this light falloff – to 1.8 and 0.8 stops respectively. Stopping down further does not bring about any notable reduction as essentially only the natural vignetting remains. Distortion is extremely low for a wide angle lens at a ma- ximum of 1.1% , which is rarely noticeable in practice. A total of ten lens elements are used to achieve this exceptional performance. To correct color defects, seven of these are made of glass types with anomalous partial dispersion, while one has an aspherical surface. To maintain performance in the close-up range, one element towards the rear of the optical system is a “floating element” that moves independently of the rest of the mechanism. Summary: The Leica Summilux-M 28mm f/1.4 ASPH. offers maximum image performance with a focal length / speed combination previously unavailable in the M system. This extends the composition options of M photography, particulaly for available light shots, but also thanks to a previously unattainable reduction in the depth of field combined with large field angles. Optical design FloatingFloating ElementElement ASPHASPH LEICA SUMMILUX-MSUPER ELMAR-M 28mm 21mm f/1.4 f/3.4 ASPH. ASPH. 22 Engineering drawing Technical Data Angle of view (diagonal, horizontal, vertical) 75° / 65° / 46° (M8: 60° / 51° / 35°) Optical design Number of lenses/groups: 10 / 7 Position of entrance pupil (from bayonet flange): 31,9 mm Focus range: 0.7 m to ∞ Distance setting Scales: Combined meter / graduation Smallest object field: 526 mm x 789 mm (M8: 395 mm x 592 mm) Largest reproduction ratio: 1 : 21,9 Aperture Setting / Function: prefix with click-stops, half steps Lowest value: 16 Bayonet Leica M quick-change bayonet Lens hood External thread with stop for screw on lens hood (included) Filter mount E49 Dimensions and weight Length: approx. 81 mm / 67 mm (with / without lens hood) Largest diameter: approx. 61 mm Weight: approx. 440 g SUMMILUX-M 1:1.4/28mm ASPH. Brennweite 28 mm Blende 1.4 Vignettierung SUMMILUX-M 1:1.4/28mm ASPH. Brennweite[%] 28 mm [%] LEICA SUMMILUX-MSUPER ELMAR-M 28mm 21mm f/1.4100 f/3.4 ASPH. ASPH. 100 3 Blende 1.4 Vignettierung 3 [%] [%] 80 80 5.6 100 100 2.8 1.4 60 60 80 80 5.6 2.8 40 1.4 40 60 60 20 20 MTF-graphs40 40 0 0 20 20 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 SUMMILUX-M 1:1.4/28mm ASPH. Brennweite 28 mm Y'[mm] Y'[mm] 0 0 f/1.4 Vignettierung 0 3 6 Blende9 1.412 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 Aperture 12 15Blende Stop f/2.818 5.62.8 21 Relative Verzeichnung [%] [%] [%] [%] 100 Y'[mm] 100 100 Y'[mm] 5 4 Blende 2.8 Relative Verzeichnung 5.6 80[%] 80[%] 80 3 100 5 2.8 1.4 2 4 60 60 60 1 80 3 0 2 40 40 40 -1 60 1 -2 0 20 20 20 -3 40 -1 -4 -2 0 0 0 -5 20 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 -3 0 3 6 0 9 3 126 159 1812 2115 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Y'[mm] -4 Y'[mm] Y‘ [mm] Y‘ Y'[mm] [mm] Y'[mm] 0 -5 0 3 6 Blende9 2.812 15 18 21 0 3 6Relative9 Verzeichnung12 15Blende18 5.6 21 Effektive Verzeichnung [%] [%] [%] 100 Y' [mm] 5 100 Y'[mm] f/5.6 4 Y'[mm] Blende 5.6 Effektive Verzeichnung 80[%] 3 80 100 2 The MTF is indicated at full aperture, at f/2,8 and f/5,612 Y'[mm]at long taking distances (infinity). Shown is the contrast 60 1 60 80 in percentage for 5, 10, 20 and 40 lp/mm accross the 0 9 12 height of the 35 mm film format, for tangential (dotted 40 -1 40 60 line) and sagittal (solid line) structures, in white light.6 -29 The 5 and 10 lp/mm will give an indication regarding 20 -3 the contrast20 ratio for large object structures. The 20 40 3 -46 and 40 lp/mm records the resolution of finer and finest 0 -5 object structures.0 0 20 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 3 0 3 6 0 9 3 126 159 1812 2115 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 Y' [mm] tangential structuresY'[mm] Y'[mm] X'[mm] 0 0 sagittal structures 0 3 6 Blende9 5.612 15 18 21 0 3 Effektive6 9 Verzeichnung12 15 18 [%] 100 Y‘ [mm]Y'[mm] X'[mm] Y'[mm] 80 12 60 9 40 6 20 3 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 Y'[mm] X'[mm] SUMMILUX-M 1:1.4/28mm ASPH. Brennweite 28 mm Blende 1.4 Vignettierung [%] [%] 100 100 80 80 5.6 2.8 1.4 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 SUMMILUX-M 1:1.4/28mm ASPH. Brennweite 28 mm Y'[mm] Y'[mm] Blende 2.8 Relative Verzeichnung Blende 1.4 Vignettierung[%] [%] [%] [%] 100 5 100 100 4 LEICA SUMMILUX-MSUPER ELMAR-M 28mm 21mm f/1.44 f/3.4 ASPH. ASPH. 80 3 4 80 80 5.6 2.8 2 60 1.4 1 60 60 0 40 -1 40 40 -2 20 -3 20 20 -4 0 -5 0 Distortion0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Y' [mm] Y'[mm] Y'[mm] Y'[mm] Relative Distortion Blende 5.6 EffectiveEffektive VerzeichnungDistortion Blende 2.8 Relative[%] Verzeichnung [%] [%] 100 100 5 Y'[mm] 4 80 3 80 12 2 60 1 60 9 0 40 40 -1 6 -2 20 -3 20 3 -4 0 -5 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 09 312 615 918 1221 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 Y' [mm] Y‘ [mm]Y'[mm] Y'[mm] Y‘ [mm]X'[mm] Blende 5.6 Effektive Verzeichnung [%] 100 Y'[mm] 80 12 60 Vignetting 9 40 6 SUMMILUX-M 1:1.4/28mm ASPH. Brennweite 28 mm 20 3 Blende 1.4 Vignettierung [%] [%] 1000 1000 Distortion is the deviation of the real image height (in 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 the picture) from the ideal image height. The relative Y'[mm] X'[mm] f/5.6 80 80 5.6 distortion is the percentage deviation. The ideal image 2.8f/2.8 height results from the object height and the magnifica- f/1.4 1.4 tion. The image height of 21.6 mm is the radial distance 60 60 between the edge and the middle of the image field for the 24 mm x 36 mm format. The graph of the effective 40 40 distortion illustrates the appearance of straight horizon- tal and vertical lines in the picture. 20 20 Vignetting is a continous decrease of the illumination to- 0 0 wards the edges of the image field. The graph shows the 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 percentage lost of illumination over the image height. 100% means no vignetting. Y'[mm] Y‘ [mm]Y'[mm] Blende 2.8 Relative Verzeichnung [%] [%] 100 5 4 80 3 2 60 1 0 40 -1 -2 20 -3 -4 0 -5 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Y' [mm] Y'[mm] Blende 5.6 Effektive Verzeichnung [%] 100 Y'[mm] 80 12 60 9 40 6 20 3 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 Y'[mm] X'[mm] LEICA SUMMILUX-MSUPER ELMAR-M 28mm 21mm f/1.4 f/3.4 ASPH. ASPH. 55 Depth of field table ApertureBlende Stop MagnificationVergrößerung 1,4 2,0 2,8 4,0 5,6 8,0 11,0 16,0 0,7 0,676 - 0,726 0,668 - 0,736 0,656 - 0,751 0,639 - 0,775 0,618 - 0,811 0,589 - 0,871 0,557 - 0,961 0,511 - 1,165 1/21,9 0,8 0,769 - 0,834 0,758 - 0,848 0,742 - 0,869 0,718 - 0,903 0,692 - 0,952 0,655 - 1,038 0,615 - 1,172 0,559 - 1,503 1/25,5 1 0,950 - 1,056 0,933 - 1,079 0,908 - 1,114 0,874 - 1,172 0,833 - 1,260 0,778 - 1,422 0,719 - 1,697 0,641 - 2,529 1/32,6 1,2 1,127 - 1,284 1,102 - 1,318 1,068 - 1,378 1,020 - 1,464 0,963 - 1,607 0,889 - 1,886 0,812 - 2,419 0,711 - 4,648 1/39,6 1,5 1,386 - 1,636 1,347 - 1,694 1,295 - 1,787 1,224 - 1,948 1,141 - 2,217 1,036 - 2,802 0,931 - 4,209 0,799 - 28,68 1/50,2 2 1,798 - 2,255 1,732 - 2,370 1,645 - 2,560 1,530 - 2,913 1,400 - 3,574 1,243 - 5,448 1,092 - 16,21 0,911 - ∞ 1/67,9 3 2,560 - 3,628 2,426 - 3,941 2,255 - 4,512 2,040 - 5,769 1,810 - 9,220 1,552 - 98,2 1,318 - ∞ 1,060 - ∞ 1/103,3 Eingestellte Entfernung [m] Distance Setting [m] Setting Distance 5 3,873 - 7,074 3,570 - 8,399 3,205 - 11,57 2,782 - 26,8 2,380 - ∞ 1,938 - ∞ 1,584 - ∞ 1,219 - ∞ 1/174 ∞ 16,78 - ∞ 12,18 - ∞ 8,714 - ∞ 6,119 - ∞ 4,388 - ∞ 3,089 - ∞ 2,263 - ∞ 1,575 - ∞ 1/∞ ApertureBlende Stop 1,4 2,0 Blende 1,4 0,7 0,70,8 0,81 1,21 1,21,5 1,52 EingestellteEntfernung [m] 23 Distance Setting [m] Setting Distance EingestellteEntfernung [m] 35 ∞5 ∞ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 DepthSchärfentiefe of Field [m] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Schärfentiefe [m] Blende 2,0 ApertureBlende Stop 2,0 2,8 0,7 0,70,8 0,81 1,21 1,21,5 1,52 23 EingestellteEntfernung [m] 35 EingestellteEntfernung [m] Distance Setting [m] Setting Distance ∞5 ∞ 012345678910111213141516 Schärfentiefe [m] 012345678910111213141516 DepthSchärfentiefe of Field [m] [m] 6 LEICALEICA SUMMILUX-MSUPER ELMAR-M 28mm 21mm f/1.4 f/3.4 ASPH.
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