The Sea People A . Jim 's C olum n . Tiki 26 S olar Satellite Em ail . C at-c orner in the C abo Verdes . C at-A strophe aveded in Scillies . C at-construction . Feature - S ails and Sailm akers . G uesstim ating the W ind & W eather No 44 A PRIL 2001 @ @ @ @ # ê z z œ The official Sailm aker for W harram catam arans W ith m ore than 40 years experience w e understand the T iki and W harram rigs better than anyone else. A w ide choice of m aterials together w ith our traditional sailm alting skills allow s Jeckells to design and construct sails to m eet your particular requirem ents. A II W harram sails guaranteed for 5 Years For further details contact C hris Jeckells O n Telephone 01603 782223 Fax 01603 784023 Email chris@jeckells-co-uk . W eb Site wwm jeckells.co.uk . Page 2 The Sea People Issue 44 April 2001 * C ontents and C o ntacts The Sea People Magazine of the Polynesian Catam aran Association @ PCA 2001 Contact inform ation Full Committee contact Iist 4 Introduction - Ken and Anita Hook 4 Editorial Jim 's Column Chief Cook and Bottle W asher Editorial W elcome New s PCA News 9 News from Sea People 1 0 Obituary - Denny Desoutter 1 1 Astrophe driven ashore 20 Sails W harram Sailmakers - Jeckells 12 Pilgrim's sails 16 Com m unications Tiki 26 Solar Satellite Em ail Seam anship W eather Guesstimation 18 Passage making Steering rigs 21 Cat Corner - Cabo Verde Is. 24 Construction An Ounce of Prevention 22 Pot Pourri Letters 26 PCA Events 26 Cadoons 26, 27 Ditty Bag - small ads, big variety 28 Contacts : - For the ful committee Iisting please see page 4 Cover Picture: Ted Moulson's Tane 'Astrophe' comes ashore in Editorial Team : the Scillies during the October gales of Iast year. Ben, Dave, Frank, Herb and Mike There's more of Pahi 31 skipper Pete Kyne's photographs and description on page 20 Ably Assisted By: Hanneke Boon, Richard Bumpus and Andre Viljoen From the PCA Constitution: Editorial Address : The objects of the Association are to promote and further the PCA, 118 Howeth Road, interests of builders and owners of Polynesian Catamarans, and Bournem outh, Dorset, BHIO 5NS, UK to encourage the development of good seamanship in aII its aspects am ongst the association's mem bers. e-mail: editor@ pca-seapeople-org ''Polynesian Catamarans' shall mean the various classes of website : www.pca-seapeople.org catamarans as designed by James W harram. * The Sea People lss April 2001 Page 3 The P.C.A. Com m ittee for 2001 Co-opted com m ittee mem bers: Com m odore: John Thornhill Dave W einstock ''Greenacre', Fernhill Lane, Balsall Com mon, Coventry, 28, M anor Road, Southbourne, W . Sussex, PO 1O8LX, CV7 7AN, England. E ngland Phone + 44 (0) 1676 533041 Mobile phone 07885 845529 E-mail iohnthornhilla uknatewav.net E-mail commodorea nca-seapeople.orq Herb Desson Vice Com m odore, W ebm aster & Events Secretary: 3, St. John's Building, Canterbury Crescent, London, Dave Peak SW 9 7QH, England. C/O. 2, Monks W alk, Gnosall, Stafford, ST20 ODG, Phone 020 7274 9465 England. (May take 1 month to reach me) Mobile phone 0777 552 3346 E-mail webmastera nca-seapeople.orc E-mail squirebuna vahoo.com Secretary: Latin & South Am erican representative: Ken & Anita Hook Frank Sarnighausen (wife Susanne) 1 18, Howeth Road, Bournemouth, Rua Paulino Botelho de Abreu Sampaio, 375 Apt. 1 1 1, Dorset, BHIO SNS, England. Sâo Carlos - SP. Brasil 13561-060 Phone + 44 (0) 1202 531445 Hom e phone: 55 16 272 6234 Time zone, G MT - 2 Contact times 08.00 - 01 .00 GMT hours, Summer time, from March on -3 hours E-mail PcAa nca-seapeople.orq Office phone 55 16 271 5421 Fax 55 16 272 9835 E-mail sarninhausena mailbr.com.br Treasurer: Robed Sheridan 4, High Barn Cottages, W arnford, lntroducing Ken and Anita Hook, Hampshire, 5032 3LD, England. our industrious PCA secretarial team Phone + 44 (0) 1730 829702 E-mail treasurera nca-seaneonle.orq Ken Hook, 53, 182cm , 84Kg, grey, blue,vegan, non-smoker, non- drinker. not available, sailing experience to date Iots of dinghies Editor: and cruising matching RCD category 3 offshore, southern UK. I'm Ben Mullett early retired from almost 30 years in commercial computing and The Editor, PCA, 1 18, Howeth Road, other hats that I wear are (snow) ski instructor, adult literacy and Bournemouth, Dorset, BHIO 5NS, England. numeracy tutor, masseur (swedish), chef. E-mail editora pca-seapeople,orn Anita Hook, 35, 158cm , 59Kg, dark brunette, blue, vegetarian, non- Additional com m ittee m em bers: srnoker, not available, cruising crewing experience Iimited so far m atching RCD category 2 inshore, English Channel. I have worked Sailing secretary: extensively with animals and am very much into cats of both sorts. Mike Duckett As well as two catam arans and two cats of our own we are 16, Grasm ere, Melksham , fostering two more waiting for new homes. W iltshire, SN12 6FQ, England Phone 01225 707142 I'm a builder and sailor, 'Kentiki'' Tiki 21 no. 564, 'Ben-Tiki'' Tiki 39 E-mail mikea duckedhome.screaminq.net based on Tiki 31 plans no.86. Joined PCA in 1991. Have organised sm all ralies in Poole area for 6 years. Australasian representative: Lee Shipley We will be asking more about you and your boatts) on your 5, Hoffmans Lane, Balm ain, mem bership renewals, also whether or not you want it published New South W ales, 2041, Australia. in the yearbook. This should help aII of us m ake better use of the E-mail lee.shinleva asx.com.au yearbook in the future. North Am erican representative: And I want more, for a database of members and boats that will John Russell realy help members get in touch and get the information they want. 140, Ridge Road, Tyrone, GA 30290, United States. Any additional information sent along with membership renewals, E-mail isrussella neoplepc.com or at any time, wil help build these databases. Members can request extracts from the databases on selection criteria either by European representative: e-Mail or post. Until I find an easy way for you to pay the postage Gerald W inkler for replies all extracts will be sent by e-Mail to you or via a member Oldenburggasse 53, W ien, + 1230, Austria very close to you (geographically & same postal service). Phone or fax (00) 43 1 665 1897 E-mail qerald.winklera omv.com Page 4 The Sea People Issue 44 April 2001 * ,6,. *I ' j t: . '!. :t'): $ ' --1.;. 7.! : - j jt http r//www.wharram .COm i rvf ' Recently, the PcA has gone were not fully acceptable as equal to male sailors) claiming through a testing tim e. one of the that his designs were developed out of some far off native matters that surprised me was how peoples' concepts (that is why they are called 'Polynesian Iittle many of the commentators who Catamarans'), then claimed that Mr. Average could build offered opinions knew of the original history and past person- them with a handsaw. hand plane, chisel and ham mer, with alities of the PCA. materials from the Iocal tim ber yard, and that these designs could then sail the oceans of the world well, he was re- The founding parents of the PCA (both men and women) in garded as m ad, bad and dangerous. 1967 were pal't of the social revolution that was sweeping Brit- ain in the 1960s, a social revolution that crossed into the then At the time (mid-late 1960s), only the brave, independent- yachting scene. m inded had the courage to begin building a W harram de- sign. So, we needed a m utual support group to share our Recently. Denny Desoutter, the founding editor of the problems, encourage each other, help at Iaunchings and 'Practical Boat Owner', also established in 1967, has gone from then on, keep a wary eye out for possible regulatory into Heavenly Sailing. His obituary was in the PBO of April bodies, making adverse decisions. That was the stated aim 2001 . Here are some extracts: of the first PCA group. 'But that was Denny. He gave people a chance. However John Corke was the first PCA Chairman. In recent years, m uch he hated form-filling, bureaucracy and regulations - he the past Ieaders of the PCA have been consigned to obscu- Iiked individuals. He was their champion. That, /*r? part, kvas rity, with im plications of them being out-of-date and of no the m otivation for Practical Boat Owner. In contrast to the value in the present time. It is good to rem ember them , for it m ore elitist and class-ridden yachting magazines, with their gives a balanced picture to the PCA. com mittees a/ld cliques, PBO was unasham edly reactionary. It cut through aII the posturlhg and pretence. It asked ques- John Corke was a London policeman. He was big and tions - often awkward ones - and supplied answers - Iots of brawny. His hand cradled a pint of beer, making it Iook Iike a them - m any supplied by the readers themselves. ' . ... sherry glass. In fact John Corke's beer making recipe kept most of the early PCA going, particularly at Iaunchings. He 'Denny's particular preferences could 5// a book, Iet alone a was a 'marksman', a sub-aqua diver, flew an aeroplane and magazine. Above a// though.
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