EANS TIE: make . , .. ' .. .•.. .• •• ~aurelOf Phi Kcppo Tou Volume 85, No. 2, Fall1997 Deadline for Winter: October 15 contentS TerriL. Nackid, Editor William D. jenkins, Business Manager Eli:abeth S. Runyon, Senior Editor James A. Walker, Assistant Editor Contributor this issue: John T. Chafin II COVER It's a bird! It's a plane! It's ...w ell, no, it's not him. Illustrating the conflict between t,shirt and tie; a Phi Tau busts out. More on the clothes debate on page 6. Photo by Ron Kolb, Exposures Unlimited. THE LAUREL is the exoteric publication of The Phi Kappa Tau Foundation. Published prior to 1919 as SIDELIGHTS. A journal devoted to topics related to higher education involving college and alumni interests. Published under the direction and authority of the Board of Trustees of the Phi Departments Kappa Tau Foundation. Editorial Mailing Address: 4 14 North Campus Ave. Mailbox Oxford, OH 45056 [email protected] CONNECTIONS 24 Address Changes: Brothers Across Generations \ 25 Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity 15 North Campus Ave. Phi Tau Laurels 30 Oxford, OH 45056 (513) 523·4193, ext. 221 Alumni News 32 THE LAUREL OF PHI KAPPA TAU is published tri· On Campus 35 annually by The Phi Kappa Tau Foundation, 14 North Campus Avenue, Oxford, OH 45056. Third-class postage Chapter Eternal 4J is paid at Cincinnati, OH 45203, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Phi Kappa Tau, 1997-98 Scholarship Winners 43 15 North Campus Avenue, Oxford, OH 45056 Printed in the U.S.A. ISSN Number: 0023-8996 Anything For A Byline 46 Member: The College Fraternity Editors Association From My Side of the Desk 57 Side Roads 61 Cover concept, design and layout by James A. Walker, photo by Ron Kol&, &posures Unlimited. Table of contents design by James A. Walker, photo by Ron K.olb, Exposures Unlimited. •. • • • • . • • ... , • It's Friday, This Must Be Kliakis • T,shirt and jeans or coat and tie? I · . • •• Confused about what to wear to work? l Take a number. • ' 12 Papa Gil Nu Chapter's James Gilbert "Gil" Paltridge tells us the secret to a - ..• successful life: live it to the fullest. •• 16 Simply the Best •• More of Phi Kappa Tau's most oustanding men discuss how their lives and careers affected by spirit of Founder 2 of 3) • • • T H E P H I KAPPA TAU Maill5CYX FOUNDAT I ON W!e welcome your leuers. Please send ro: Terri Nackid. Ediror, Phi Kappa Tau Foundarion, 14 Norrh Campus Avenue, Oxford , OH 45056. You can reach us by e-mail arlaurel_ediror@phikapparau .org \Ve Pres1dem ami CEO Ross E. Roeder Vice President Thomas C. Cunnmgham reserve che righ1 ro edi1 all material for concenc or ra fie available space . Executive Vice Pres1dem William D. )enkms Treasurer Donald E. Snyder, Sr. The covers of the Wimer and Spring Secretary Norman W. Brown Reactions to Recent Laurels Counsel Raymond A. Bichimer issues of The Laurel made me feel that I After reading the article on Gary did not want such a trashy, juvenilesque Trustees include ch~ officm and: Robert G. Aldndge, Raphael and his fight with cystic fibrosis, I (sic) magazine on display in my home, so I John L. Bartholomew, C. M. Bnu, Ra1• A. Clarke. John F. Cosgro\'e, Mel Detrra, C. Brent DeVore, felt better with myself than I have in the was not going to subscribe. After reading F. Frederick Ferner. Lawrence L. Fisher. Hugh C. last few months. I also have cystic fibrosis Brother Jenkins' eulogy on page 58 of the Fowler, John D. Good, John M. Green, James S. and within the last year have been dealing Spring issue, I decided that perhaps there Hamilton,). K. Hc1lmcler, Theodore A. Hendricks, Thomas E. Hendricks, Dan L. Huffer. Dav1d W. with the possibilities of a lung transplant. were a few refined and cultured brothers Lawrence, Robert D. Leatherman, Edward L. Mnrye, I am 24 years of age and felt it was unfair remain ing in the fraternity who deserved James C. McAtee, F. L. McKmley, Frederick E. Mills. that I had to live my life in this condition. support. My $15 is enclosed. Harold L. Short, Robert F. Ten hover. Carl D. Vance, Graydon Webb, Dr. Rodney E. Wilmoth It seemed to get worse in March of 1997, Frederick W. Vogt, UC-Berkeley '32 when I was going through a divorce and Foundation Administrative Office Wow! I just received the 1997/Spring Executive Vice PreSident William D. )enkm~ also leaving work for the Long Term Dis­ Administrative A-s1stnnt Patricia Parker ability Plan. The doctors feel with my Laurel and am very impressed. Your team Finance Administrator Barbara Fabelo conditions being as they are, the stress of has grown The Laurel into a fine represen­ DirectOr of Communications TerriL. Nackid Senior Ed itor Eli zabeth S. Runyon working causes more problems than it tation of what Phi Kappa Tau is all As.~istant Editor )ames A. Walker does good. I am now living with my par­ about-brotherhood for life. ents, [who] help me each day with treat· Enclosed is my subscription card­ Phi Kappa Tau Foundation Funded ments and support. I thank them dearly. $! S is a deal for a magazine like this! Scholarships, Grants, Assistanrships and Awards However, I am still scared. Jay McCann, National Councilor, Elfe.., Omega Sehola~h1ps Six (6) awarded annually $2,250ea. Reading the article about Gary made Spring Hill College '74 me realize there are other people out there Named Scholarships Nine (9) awarded annually $1,250cu. that had a great life, went to college, The Laurel looks great. .. nicely de­ Parents Fund Schol3fship$ joined Phi Tau, and are loved. People deal signed, reader-friendly, colorful, profes­ Two (2) awarded al\Dually with problems everyday of their lives. I sional, well printed, good use of white Undergraduate $1,000 feel! live day by day and hope for the best. space. The writang is OK ... my guess is Graduate $1,000 Thank you for showing that fraterni­ that there are a bunch of contributing Foundation Grams ties are not just made up of hazing and writers, and thus there is no one style Twenry (20) awdrded annually $1,000 ea. parrying people, but of people who have throughout the magazine ... Interfraternity Educational Fellowships Up to three (3) nwarde..l annually $5,000 cu. feelings and problems. It also shows that The one rhing that strikes me, and the bonding of brotherhood is important impresses me, is that the same people are Emergency Educauonal Grants Up to $1,000 ea. (Applicarions selected annually) later in life. in the magazine, and have been in the Kelly D. Koch, Oklahoma State '91 Selected Chapter/ magazine for the past 20-plus year , from Individual Awards Varymg Amounts issue tO issue, from year to year, decade to Graduate Assistantships $1.000-5,000 ea. On page 4 7 of the Winter 1997 issue decade. These are the people in the lead­ {Available where chapters of The Laurel you failed to indicate the ership positions of the Fraternity-the and colonies need as;iswnce) identity of the men in the photo. Perhaps John Greens, Bill Brasches, John Phi Beta Kappa/Phi Kappa Phi you did not know who was pictured. Cosgroves, Tom Cunninghams, and yes, Scholastic Honorarics I knew all of the men pictured but Membership fee rebares the Bill Jenkins's. Why is that? Have we recall the names of but two. Front row, not been able to attract much new blood? AddirioMI &lucanonoll'~ams art f..,J.,d Urrough granu appliM for tJr.o.yJ. Plu IGoppa Tau FrtUmV.ry Ht~ man on right is John Y. Mace. Back row, Or, once we're involved, we stay forever man second from right is Sterling Schultz. involved with Phi Kappa Tau ? ¥./I.PP ... I was a member of College '31, Den­ I don't pretend to know the answers. Q.~ ..,~~·~ .>­t tal '35 and when you reach my age instant Just curious. just an observation. It's deja recall is not too good! However, I'm ..., ~ vu, all over again (Yogi Berra??). I feel like 0 0 "Staying Connected"!! 0No/l.i~ I'm back in the earl y '70s again. ••• Matthew C. Catuna, Pennsylvania '27 Terry Leaman, former Laurel Editor, The Phi Kappa Tau Foundation Ohio '63 14 North Campus Avenue We cerwinly didn't know thac che phoco used in our "Stay Connected" ad was !he Alpha Oxford, Ohio 45056 Iota ream. Thanks for letdng us know! (513) 523,1778 4 THE PH I KAPPA TAU FRAT ERN I T Y National Officers Jusr a quick note of compliment over Grammatically Correct Like Me Presidem G regory Hollen the Winter edition of The Laurel. Never Vice President Todd Napier have I enjoyed the magazine so much as I [I] came across Sig Redelsheimer's Executive Director John M. Green Financial Advisor Earl Folker have with this recent light-heartedness criticism of James Walker's use of "like." Educational Director Joel Rudy within the pages. Thank you for your This is to defend James. Legal Counsel Richard Ludwick efforrs and good humor! A Grammar of Present Day English Past President Stephen Brothers Chris Parrish, Colorado '79 says "like may, for convenience, be re­ The National Council garded as a preposition governing the Consists of: The National Presidcm, National Vice Thank you, Bill, for the beautiful substantives that follow (it)." As I inter­ Presidem, Past President, Executive Director and: tribute you wrote in the Spring 1997 Bill Crnne, Thomas Cunningham, Ray Cox, Nadim pret this "me" would be the object of the Homsany.
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