24 Some Food Plants of Lepidopterous Larvae

24 Some Food Plants of Lepidopterous Larvae

24 B, C, E n to111OlogicaL S ociet y DIASPIDINAE (Su hiatll ily ) Lepidosaphes ulmi (L.) Oyste r e; he ll sca le, CO llllll () n o n a p p le th ro u c: h ­ o u t Il ](l ::; t ()f the I nter io r , Tt ha s b een ta ke ll (I n LOlll ba rd y po pla r. dO g' \\'ood . r(le;e . elm . h a\l,tllO r n , a l1 d \\'ill o w . AUlacaspis ros ae ( r: nuc h e) 1.( I::;c e;ca le . O n \I'il d rll:"c bus h es at \ 'en ](Jll: ab() recorded f;- (111 1 \ 'a l1 cou \'cr [sla n cl , I n t h e 111 - te r i(JI' . in fe,; tati() 11 i,; c1llllincd to t h e ]O\·\, e r par t,; of t hc s t c m ,; , a nd it \\'<l ul d appear t ha t t he insect u nl y s urvi\' e::; a t o r h e l() w SIl O\\' le \'e l. Phenacaspis p inifoliae (F i tc h ) l 'ine lea f sca le , C e nc ra ll y dis t ributed a 11 d ha ,; bee Jl recorded u n I), lu g- las ii r . ycll ow pi ne. J;lck p ill c . a nd s pruce, Chionaspis ortholobis Com ,; t, )c k , m e, )::; . I:. C . Chionaspis salicis-nigrae ( \ \ abh ) I :Ia ck \\'iII O\ \' scale, J\ el'(l rd ed by Es::; ig' a ,; ()cc url'l ng In I:. C , eJ11 ca sca ra , Aspidiotus ancylus ( I ' u tn a 111 ) l'utn a l11' s .scale. ():-;() ), ()()s . I ~, C ., UJl h ir clt. A spidiotus ostreaeformis C urtis V e rn' Jl l. IL C . K c l,) \Vna . U. c., and I'e n tictu n. I: , c. Taken o n a pple. p r u n e. p lum . a nd carag'<lna , A spidiotus pini Co m. OS(J}O()::; . I:, C.. a ll d , 'er n () ll . I ~ . C .. o n yell o \\' pIII C. Aspidiotus pernicios u s CO Ill , S a n J (),;C scale . K e rc lll l'os. H.C., O sn),oos, D. C .. S pe n ces I:ridge. n, c :\'Jt at al l num e ro u s \\ h er e cun t rol nH.: a sures arc p r ac ti ced. SOME FOOD PLANTS OF LEPIDOPTEROUS LARVAE List No.6 by 1, l( J. L1 e \\ 'ell ,\' 11 J , 'n ee; Cobble Hill. Vancou ver Isla nd. B. C. 111 pr es e nting t his s ixt h li s t uf F()ud P la n ts of L epiclopte rous lar­ Yae. lil y tha nk ::; a re again clu e t n t h u!'e Ine lllhe r ;-; ()f <l ur S oci e ty \\' IHl h ave o n ce agai n beel1 kin cJ e n o ug h to fu rnis h data to b e included lJ e re. c :-i p ecia ll y at t his time to J\ lr. :\ . ~ \ . Den n." ::; (If t he s taff (If t he D Ol1lil1i o n E n to mological Laborato ry at \ 'crn() n . I:. C .. :'Ir \'. \\'. D O \\ ' n e ~ o f t h e Domin io n Ento m olog'ica l Labu rato n ' at \ 'icto r ia. an d :\'ir. \ V. G. p, [atil ­ e rs of t h e D 0 111 i n i o~1 E n t0 111 ologic;1 LalJl lrato ry a t V a nco u\'er. T h e in itia ls of t h e p er son f urtli ~ h i n g tlt e in fo r matio n a rc p laced in hrack eh fo ll o wi ng t h e r eco rd con cerne cJ, j)roceedings) 7938 25 Delow is a li st of abbrev iation .., and ,.;ign s u ,;e d in · this li st: .--\ . .- \. D.- Mr. A. r\. Dennys. Science Sen'ic e, D ominion Depart­ m ent ,)f .--\griculture. Vernun, 13. C. V";. D.- NIr. \\'. DO\\'Jles. Science Sen ·ice. Dominion Department uf Agriculture. Victuria, U. C. \ V. C. M.- ;'1r. \V. C. l\Ja thers, Science Service, Dominion Depart­ m ent uf Agriculture, \ ' ancuuver, 13. C. I{ . C .-:V[r. R. C lendenning , Science Sen ' ice, Dominion Depart­ ment of Agriculture .. \gassiz, n. c. C. J. S.- Prof es,;or C. J. Spencer. Departll1en t of Z I) ' )Iogy. L" n i I'er­ sity of n. c.. V ancou ver. ]j. C. J. R. J - Mr. J.R. J Lkwell yn J unes, Cubble 1 fill, U. C . .- \11 asterisk (*) denotes that the species has been m entioned befure in these li sts, and that the information now given is either additional, (I ris an amplificati on of what has iJ ee n pre\' iou ,; ly rep, )rted. RHOPALOCERA *Incisalia iroides I \d I'. S pec ies of .\pple; attacks t he l'O Ull'" fruit. , ""' C.-\ ..--\. D.) ~ Papilio eurymedon Cuc. Wild Cherry ( Prunus emarginata Doug !. ), Ocean Spray (Spirea discolor Pur,.;h. ). JUll e I\ erry (Amelanchier florida Lind!. ) (.I.R .J ) Strymon melinus atrofasciata i\IcD. F ruit of Raspberry (\ V. D. ) HETEROCERA Agnopteryx costosa Haw. I\ room (\\'ild and culti lated spec ies) (\\.D . .\ Agrotis (Pseudospaelotis ) haruspica inopinatus S111. Species of . \ PI' Ie. (A . .--\. D. ) ':'Amphidasis (Lycia) cognataria Cn. I 'oplars. species o f Carden Roses. (J .R.J.) S pecie,; of ,\pple. (1\ .i\.D.) Amphipyra tragopoginis L. Species of ,-\pricot. R ose a nd 1' lul1l . ( R. C.) Apatela (Acronycta ) fragilis fragil-oides IL 8:. L\ enj . Iliad; Il allthurt1 ( Crataegus brevispina Doug!.) (J.E.J. ) .! Apatela (Acronycta ) funeralis C. 8:. R. S pecies of ,--\ pple (J.R.J. ) Species of \\illulV (Sallow.) (:-\ .. '\.D. ) Apatela (Acronycta ) illita S m . Spec ies ()f \\'ill () \\' alld .\pple. ( .-\ .r\.D. ) P,patela (Acronyctal perdita C r t. Saskat(J (JIl (June-berry) ( Amelanchier alnifolia \'utt.). S pecies o f ;\pple. (.\ ..\.]). ) Autographa ampla \ \ ·Ik. TUll e-bern' (Amelanchier florida Linc\1. ) ((r\.J. ) , Autographa brassicae I\il ey. In g rcenllUl1 ,;e,; , 'n Chrysanthemulll ~ lI1d .\ 11 t i rr h i IlU III . ( \ \ ' . 1), I Cacoesia (Archips ) argyrospila Wlk .. L eaf Ro ll er,;. A pple ( .\.\.IJ.) ';;Cacoesia (Archips) rosaceana I Tarri s. Leaf l\ullers. ;\ppl e. (.\ . \.D. ) Carpocapsa (Laspeyresia ) piperana Kearf. In Cll11CS I)f Yell U\\· I'ine (Pinus ponderosa Doug!. ) (. \ .. \.D. I 'Thlorosea nevada ria ]'a ck . \Icl er (Alnus rubra I\ ong.) Will oll . (.1.1\ . .1. ) 26 B. C. Ent01J1OiogicaL So ciety Chrysopora lingulacella C lem . Lambs Q uarters (l-' ig V\feed ) ( Cheno­ podium album L.) (A.A.D.) Datana ministra Drury. Species o f Apple. (. \. A.D.) Dichomeris margin ella F a br. [rish Juniper (Juniperus commun:s I.in n. \-ar hibernica ). Spill )' .Juniper (J. communis Lillll. \-a r siberica). ( \\'. D. ) Dysstroma citrata J ,in n. 1;lac k1> err), (Rubus macropetallus D() ug-1.i (J. I,. J.) Ectropis crepuscularia I). 8.: S. Species of .\pple. ( ..'\.. A . D.) Epinotia ( Eucosma) terracoctana "Vlshlll. \ rlllltus (Arbutus menziesii I'u r"h ). ( \\'. C . .\1. ) " Euchlaena mollisaria II bt. l\ec1FIO\\'ererl Cu rran t ( Ribes sanguineum I'ursh.). I:lack Il a\\thorn ( Crataegus brevis­ pina j)oug!. ). -' u n e-herry (Amelanchier flor­ ida L in( I1 . ). 1',l ack hcrry ( Rubus macropetal­ Ius /)Ollg !. ). \\, ill oll's (Salix hookeriana Uarr. 8.: Salix scouleriana ( 1I o(,k. ) Darr.) (J.R .J. ) Graptolitha torrida S il l. Species o f .\pple. L an-ae II· ill feed up"n the )'oung fr11i t. (. \ .. \. D. ) *Halisidota argentata I'ack. Species o f Spr uce (Picea) . (1\. :-\ . I).) Heliothis phloxiphaga C . &. 1\. l\ntirrhinuJ11 8.:. Sc hi zanthtb illcludi ng t he seed pods. ( \\.]).) Hemerocampa pseudots ugata .\LcD. Doug las J.'ir ( Pseudotsuga muc­ rona ta (J\af. ) S udl\·. ). \\' estern \Vhite Fir ( I:abam ) ( Abies g randis l ~ in d 1. ). Jl e1ll iock (Tsuga h eterophylla ( I\af. ) Sarg.) . U . I\.J,) Hemerophila pariana Cic1-d:. Species of .\pple. I'ear. SI\'eet Cherry. and .\f" ull taill .\"h (Sorbus aucuparia. ). ( \\'. ]). ) Hyphantria cunea Drury. .\pple. C h"kc Cherry (Prunus demissa :\ u tt. ) ( . \ . : \. I). ) ) L aspeyresia ( Enarmonia) prunivora \\·al"h. Spel'ie" of Apple ( .--\ .. \.n. ) Lyonetia speculeUa Clem. Mine;; ill leale;; of .\ pple. ( ,\. A.Ii.) M'a lacosoma americana Fahr. .\pple and prohahly \V ill o \\·. (. \ . \. I). ) " Malacosoma disstria J 11m. Specie,; of .\pple. ( .\. _\.D. ) Malacosoma fragilis Stretch. Specie,; () f\pplc. ( .\. 1\. D.) Marmara arbutiella I\u"ck . .\1 ines ill leal'C'; o f .\ r hutus (A . menZleSIl I'ursh.) (\\'. C . .\ 1 ) Ocnerostoma piniariella Zeller. '\ fi ll l''' needles ,,' \\'hi te I'inl' ( Pinus m onticola I)()ugl. ) (\\ . Ci\/. ) ';' Orthosia hibisci ell. Species of .\pplc. (.\ . \. I). ) P a rastichtis purpurea a ntapica Sill . 1,(,(\ 1:1()II'l'red Currallt ( Ribes sang uineum I 'ur:; il. ). \IdeI' (Alnus rubra 1\()Il !..: .). I\ird Chern ( Nutallia cerasiformis T. (<( C.). \\'ild Ch~'rr.l' (Prunus emarginata D O ll ~ I. ). / Ull c-bern' ( Amelan ch ier fl orida I ,illdl.). ~I;('l'il' :; (If i~ lls(, . (J. 1\ . .I .) Phlyctaena it y salis 'tiBialis Dyar. In stelll '; of 'i'ili"tie". (J. 1\. /. ) Plutell a maculipennis Curt. l\al1 Illtl,;tard. (C. /.~. ) 27 Polia lubens (lutra lglaucopis Ila11lp ~U l l. L()cl~cp,,, c I'inc. (Pinus con­ torta 1)" u ;...:1.1 ( \\·_C.

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