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Garlands and has an American Indian education pro­ erected on City Hall grounds Tuesday lanterns also are being strung along gram, and there is a small Arabic com­ despite several pending lawsuits which Simms Instead of Michigan Ave., this munity in Westland. .•'; ".• question such displays in other cities. year due to road construction this year. "The Pilgrims came to this country * The Nativity scene in Westland is Wayne will nave its tree lighting at 5 to flee religious persecution. They were part of the annual decorations around p.m. Sunday at the Veterans Peace Me­ trying to get away from a situation City Hall, Including numerous tree morial. where government favored one religion lights purchased through donations A Wayne department of public ser­ over another," Fealk said. from city unions and Mayor Charles vice spokeswoman said that the deco­ •That's where we got this Idea of sep­ Pickering. This year's tree lighting cer­ rations are purchased by the city's aration of church and state/ Govern- . emony Is scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday beautlficallon committee and erected ment should stay out of religion in or­ oh the front steps of the City HaU. by city workers. She said that no com­ der to protect our religious freedom." Deborah Block, director of the city's plaints have been received about the parks and recreation department, said Nativity scene. that she is unaware of any complaints Westland City Attorney Jeff Jahr DAM OEAN/«Uff phologriph* about the display. said he is taking a "wait and see" atti­ Caroling Members of Tommy Thompson's family, Include received since the 11-year-old's death. The famN "I know that three or four years ago tude toward the current suits. He said ing (left) his father, James, and mother, Lois; and ly has been touched by the warm.reaction of there was someone who complained. he has received conflicting Information friends, neighbors and others after Tommy's fa­ Hopefully, it won't be a problem this about when the Supreme Court will his sisters and brothers Tina, Toddi Troy and Tr!- year," she said. 'I guess it (the NaUvity rule on the issue, but believes the Bir­ kicks off cia, gather around Tommy's photograph and tal accident Thanksgiving Day. scene) is religious, but the whole mingham case will be In a 'holding pat­ some of the cards and flowers they have Christmas holiday is so commercial- tern" until it does. Jahr noted that no Ued and unreligioua." Injunctions bad been issued to bait the displays. holiday There are two cities now Involved in litigation over religious displays. A THE ACLU is believed" to be using Residents rally to aid case Involving Pawtucket, R.I., Is now Birmingham as a test city, claiming season being heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. that religious displays by city govern­ ments to celebrate religious holidays Westland's annual Christmas tree 03 IN OAKLAND COUNTY, the Ameri­ violate the First Amendment That pro­ lighting ceremony begins at 6 P- - can Civil Liberties Unloo (ACLU) ftied vision bars government from establish­ Monday on the.steps of city ball, Ford . suit against Binntafbam to halt that ing religion. Road between Wayne sod Newburgh. ••/? family hit by city from dlspUytnf roUftofes symbols James Schuster, ACLU attorney, , On >and for the event will be the durtnl Jhtt Chrirtmaj and Haaakkah . saJiUfctths cities of SirmUtfum sj* John Glenn Blfh School band, Gene . neighborhood and Fisher Body in Livo­ Police said Tommy had climbed" up seasons. Oak Park provide *free itdrtge, main-; "Santa" Reeves In his special white car ByMsryKkmk A similar suit filed by the ACLU and Tyrone Hamilton who will lead the staff writer nia, where James Thompson works, on the roof to retrieve the ball when he tenance and erection by city employees fell through the skylight into the gym­ against against Oak Park was dropped and electricity, all at taxpayer ex­ caroling. nave made contributions. Hamilton, who participates in activi­ •Everybody has been Just wonderful/ nasium. George ran to his home across because the displays weren't consid-- pense." On the day he died, Tommy Thomp­ ered "a clear religious example." Oak ties of the Trl-City Therapeutic Recre­ son gave his parents musical Christmas Just so beautiful," James Thompson the street and told his family. A rescue Originally, the two cities, were tar-, unit entered the building by breaking Park displays noel candles and a Jew­ geted, according to ACLU officials, be­ ation Program, is yisuajly Impaired. cards. It was another example of the said. "We want toihank them from the Despite his handicap, Hamilton Is a bottom of our hearts." out a window. ish religious candelabra called a meno- cause they are represented by top law thoughtfulness that his family says the rah. self-taught pianist who played ih^ Na- "The neighbors and schools and ev­ firms. The ACLU sent letters to both 11-year-old Westland resident often Some communities, like Canton cities. Schuster said the letters were Ig­ tlonal Anthem on the opening'day at showed. erybody have been so good to them," Police said Tommy was taken to Wayne County General Hospital, where Township, Livonia, Garden City, South- nored, and the ACLU decided to sue. Tiger Stadium this year. 'He was more giving than anything," said Westland resident Kim Novak, But Hamilton won't be playing Mon­ he was reported In critical condition field and Lathrup Village don't have The suit seeks no money damages. said James Thompson, Tommy's fa­ Tommy's aunt. "One of the neighbors "If Birmingham puts up Christmas day night. Instead, he'll lead the crowd ; took up a collection. From all over, due to severe Injuries Including a col­ Nativity scenes. Some of those cities ther. "He hasn't really gone from our have lights and tree decorations. South- displays, then Hindus, Moslems and In singing traditional holiday songs. hearts* they put in donations and everything: lapsed lung. He was transferred by hel­ 'After Santa arrives at 8:30, the icopter to the University of Michigan field has a decorated tree and a Jews are, at least by the message im­ Tommy died Thanksgiving Day after There were more than 100 cards from plied, relegated to second-class citi­ switch illuminating hundreds of tree the kids. Hospital in Ann Arbor, where he died dreldel, which is a toy associated with he fell through a skylight in the roof of Hanukkab. zens,* added Paul Fealk, chairman of lights will be thrown. Marshall Junior High School la West- •If it wasn't for everybody, they (the some 20 minutes later, according to land. Now people are helping the family) would fall apart. This has Novak. Thompsons through the grief, in such a brought them close together. The/re "It's really unbelievable this had to way that the family wants to express taking It really, really hard." happen," Novak said. They had the Its appreciation publicly. Tommy was the youngest of five table set. They didn't get to have their supper* Hol iday safety stressed children: Troy, 22; Todd, 21; Tina, 17; CARDS, FLOWERS, baked goods and Tricta, 13. His survivors Include his during the winter months. The leading TEACHERS, CLASSMATES and A few extra safely precautions can • If someone grabs your purse, let and donations have been pouring Into parents and grandparents. causes are cigarettes and heating Principal John Martin from the Wild- help keep your spirits bright and your go of it. Don't struggle. the Thompson home since the accident. Besides their grief, the Thompsons equipment. wood school were among those who at­ holidays safe, according to police and • Immediately report lost credit CTassmates of Tommy's at Westland's hope that an accident like Tommy's The following safety precautions are tended Tommy's funeral services Mon­ fire representatives. cards, checks and identification if your Wlldwood Elementary School sent the won't happen again. recommended: day. In a memo distributed to the com­ Westland Police recommend the fol­ purse Is stolen. family handmade cards and a banner lowing safety tips for holiday shoppers: • Go to the police station to report a • Choose a Christmas tree that does that reads 'We're Sorry." School offi­ THE ACCIDENT took place around munity, Martin said that contributions for the Thompsons could be sent to the • M you go from store to store, put stolen or lost purse not have shedding needles. Keep it cials expressed sympathy. A relative 4:05 p.m. Thanksgiving Day at the Jun­ ? standing in water while It Is in the ior high school, located across the school and would be forwarded to the your packages in the car or In a locker • At home, don't leave gifts or estimates that 400 people from the v bouse. If you use an artificial tree, be street from the Thompson home.
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