June 28, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4745 SENATE RESOLUTION 565—HON- guided missile submarines stationed at SENATE RESOLUTION 566—EX- ORING THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay; PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE OF NAVAL SUBMARINE BASE Whereas 6 ballistic missile submarines SENATE THAT THE PRESIDENT KINGS BAY IN KINGS BAY, GEOR- make up Submarine Squadron 20 and are cur- OF THE UNITED STATES MUST GIA rently assigned to Naval Submarine Base IMMEDIATELY ESTABLISH AN Kings Bay: USS Maryland (SSBN 738), USS INTERAGENCY OFFICE FOR LO- Mr. PERDUE submitted the fol- Rhode Island (SSBN 740), USS Tennessee CATING AND REUNITING CHIL- lowing resolution; which was referred (SSBN 734), USS West Virginia (SSBN 736), to the Committee on Armed Services: USS Wyoming (SSBN 742), and USS Alaska DREN WITH PARENTS IN ORDER S. RES. 565 (SSBN 732); TO PROTECT SEPARATED CHIL- Whereas, in 1954, the Department of the Whereas 2 guided missile submarines make DREN FROM SUFFERING ADDI- Army began to acquire land at Kings Bay, up Submarine Squadron 16 and are currently TIONAL TRAUMA RESULTING Georgia, to build a military ocean terminal assigned to Naval Submarine Base Kings FROM THE ‘‘ZERO TOLERANCE’’ to ship ammunition in case of a national Bay: USS Florida (SSGN 728) and USS Geor- POLICY emergency; gia (SSGN 729); Mr. MERKLEY (for himself, Mr. VAN Whereas the facility at Kings Bay, Geor- Whereas the Department of the Navy HOLLEN, Mr. PETERS, Mr. CASEY, Ms. gia, was completed in 1958, but since there stores the strategic assets of the United HASSAN, and Mr. CARPER) submitted was no immediate operational need for the States at the Strategic Weapons Facilities installation, the base was placed in an inac- the following resolution; which was re- at Kings Bay, Georgia, which is 1 of only 2 tive ready status; remaining naval nuclear weapon storage ferred to the Committee on the Judici- Whereas, in 1975, during treaty negotia- sites in the United States; ary: tions between the United States and Spain, S. RES. 566 the countries agreed to move Submarine Whereas the Strategic Weapons Facility Squadron 16, the fleet ballistic missile sub- Atlantic is responsible for assembling the D– Whereas families belong together, and in- marine squadron, from its operational base 5 missile and processing missile guidance nocent children must be quickly and safely at Rota, Spain; and launcher subsystem components for the reunited with their parents who are seeking Whereas, after evaluating more than 60 ballistic missile submarine fleet; asylum; sites along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, the Whereas the Naval Submarine Support Whereas children and parents are sepa- Department of the Navy selected Kings Bay, Center provides critical support services to rated between 3 different Federal agencies Georgia, as the new home of Submarine the submarines and staffs of Submarine and remain in an indefinite logistical chaos Squadron 16; Squadron 16, Submarine Squadron 20, and all partly due to inadequate interagency com- munication; and Whereas, from January to July 1978, the visiting and other assigned units, which al- Whereas the Department of Health and first group of sailors arrived at Kings Bay, lows the team at Naval Submarine Base Georgia, to transfer the base from the De- Human Services has currently identified Kings Bay to work efficiently and effec- 2,047 children in the Department’s custody as partment of the Army to the Department of tively; the Navy; a result of being taken away from their par- Whereas the D–5 ballistic missile is the Whereas the Naval Submarine Support ents: Now, therefore, be it heart of the Trident weapons system of the Base Kings Bay was established in a develop- Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate United States; mental status on July 1, 1978; that— Whereas construction of Naval Submarine Whereas the D–5 Life Extension Program (1) the Secretary of Homeland Security, Base Kings Bay was the largest peacetime of the Department of the Navy will extend the Attorney General, and the Secretary of construction program ever undertaken by the life of the D–5 missiles until 2040; Health and Human Services must imme- the Department of the Navy; Whereas the Trident Refit Facility pro- diately establish an interagency Office for Whereas, in May 1979, the Department of vides timely and top-quality industrial and Locating and Reuniting Children with Par- the Navy selected Naval Submarine Base logistics support to Trident ballistic missile ents; Kings Bay as the preferred East Coast site submarines of the United States; (2) the Secretary of Health and Human for Ohio-class submarines; Whereas the Trident Training Facility Services must appoint a Director for the Of- Whereas, on October 23, 1980, the Secretary trains sailors in the skills necessary to oper- fice to ensure the successful and safe reunifi- of the Navy announced Naval Submarine ate and maintain Trident submarines and cation of children with their parents; and Base Kings Bay as the future home of the systems; (3) the Office must move with extraor- dinary speed and urgency to safely reunify new Ohio-class submarine; Whereas one of the largest covered dry children with their parents. Whereas, on January 15, 1989, the first Tri- docks of the Northern Hemisphere is located dent ballistic missile submarine, the USS at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay; f Tennessee (SSBN 734), arrived at Naval Sub- Whereas construction of not less than 12 SENATE RESOLUTION 567—CELE- marine Base Kings Bay; Columbia-class submarines is scheduled to BRATING THE 40TH ANNIVER- Whereas the Coast Guard commissioned begin in 2021, with the first submarine slated the successful Maritime Force Protection SARY OF THE AMERICAN to be fully operable by 2031; Unit, the first of its kind, on July 24, 2007, at HOMEBREWERS ASSOCIATION Whereas Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay to provide is responsible for $1,142,000,000 in total eco- Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Ms. COL- enhanced security for the SSBN fleet of the LINS, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. GARDNER, and United States within the homeport transit nomic output to the Camden County area; area; and Mr. BENNET) submitted the following Whereas Camden County, Georgia, is home Whereas The Camden Partnership has sup- resolution; which was considered and to 1 of 6 Coast Guard Atlantic Area Maritime ported Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay agreed to: Safety and Security Teams that conduct since its inception, and continues to promote S. RES. 567 missions including counter-drug and migrant the ability of the base to conduct current Whereas on October 14, 1978, President interdiction boardings and escorts for high- and future missions, and the ability of the Jimmy Carter signed into law Public Law 95– capacity passenger vessels; community to provide a highly qualified 458, which legalized homebrewing under Fed- Whereas Marine Corps Security Force Bat- workforce: Now, therefore, be it eral law effective February 1, 1979; talion Kings Bay secures strategic assets Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas on December 7, 1978, the following within the Strategic Weapons Facility At- (1) honors Naval Submarine Base Kings 2 intrepid individuals founded the American lantic area of responsibility in order to pre- Bay on its 40th anniversary; Homebrewers Association in Boulder, Colo- vent unauthorized access or loss of control; (2) commends the thousands of men and rado: Whereas Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay (1) Charlie Papazian, author of the seminal women who have worked and trained at was named the top military installation in book on homebrewing entitled ‘‘The Com- Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay; the Department of Defense for 2007, receiving plete Joy of Homebrewing’’; and the Commander-in-Chief’s Installation Ex- (3) honors the people of Camden County (2) Charlie Matzen; cellence Award for its ability to sustain its and the Georgia coastal communities for Whereas the mission of the American mission, increase productivity, and enhance their continued support of Naval Submarine Homebrewers Association is to promote the quality of life; Base Kings Bay; and community of homebrewers and empower Whereas Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay (4) looks forward to Naval Submarine Base homebrewers to make the best beer in the is the state-of-the-art home to the Trident II Kings Bay continuing its instrumental role world; Submarines of the Atlantic Fleet in St. in the strategic deterrence and national de- Whereas because alcohol is predominately Marys, Georgia; fense of the United States. regulated by individual States, the American Whereas Submarine Group 10 exercises Homebrewers Association has worked dili- operational and administrative control of gently and successfully from the inception of Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines and the association until 2013— VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:05 Jun 29, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28JN6.094 S28JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S4746 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 28, 2018 (1) to ensure that homebrewing is a legal Whereas the American Homebrewers Asso- Homebrewers Association’s (AHA) 40th activity in each State and the District of Co- ciation and its members have contributed to ‘‘birthday’’. Since its founding in 1978, lumbia; and the rise of the craft brewing industry, the AHA—whose mission is to promote (2) to assist with drafting and advocating which— for State legislation relating to (1) is now larger than the industry has ever the community of homebrewers and homebrewing across the United States; been in the history of the United States; and empower homebrewers to make the Whereas homebrewing added $756,000,000 to (2) consists of more than 6,000 small and best beer in the world—has had a tre- the economy of the United States in 2017, independent breweries located across the mendous impact on America, both and created 6,983 full time jobs in the United United States that are helping to reinvigo- within and well beyond the scope of States in 2017; rate local economies: Now, therefore, be it beer.
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