24 - MAN( HFSTER HKHALD Fridyv. Dm 14, 1984 That time of the year MANCHESTER FOCUS Good supply of trees this season Active town role Stylist cut his way MHS hoopsters Sleet, rain today; \ quickly. Growers can spend up to sell 200 to .300 trees this year, but putting about 80 million in the sought for shelter up the career ladder win first game cloudy on Sunday ^ By Steven W. Svre ground each year. 16 years waiting for a tree to is taking care of bigger batches United Press International The increase in trees is ex­ grow to a saleable size, and must still in growing stages. Those ... page 3 ... page 11 ... page 15 ... page 2 pected in part from large planta­ BOSTON - Thty vf slurted count on the big year-end payoff. trees, 2-to 3-feet-tall now. will tion expansion in the south. It is popping up now in shopping "You've got to figure up here probably need j another three also attractive as a business cenlor purking lots and empty on eight to ten years to grow years. because profits are taxed at a roadside lots, bringing the pro­ trees," said Max Paine of Some New England planta­ lower capital gains rate reflect­ duct in by the hundreds and Morrisville, Vt. "i don't think tions also run into the hundreds ing the long-term investment of selling furiously to meet a you can predict how many trees or thousands of acres but others growing the trees. demand that only lusts one you're going to have," are smaller Many allow custo­ month out ol the year. Although the money is coming mers to come to pick and chop But becoming a plantation Buying Christmas trees, the in heavily through December, all their own choice. owner has its risks for anyone annual process of looking for the the work has to be done before Though plantation owners cun unfamiliar with the business. |)erfect specimen, arguing over there's any return for the year. sell all the trees ready to be Anything from weather damage prices and then wondering if the The summertime requires chopped hese days, they are to poor planning can put a MnmhtBtn Mrralft thing will look as good in the workers to shape Christmas concerned an oversupply in the grower in a bad spot. Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Saturday, Dec. 15, 1984 — Single copy; 25C living room.us it dues in a dark trees and clear away weeds and future will drive competition. "I "Sometimes the risk outgains parking lot provides the retailers the labor in cutting the trees don't believe that it's true.now. It the benefits." McNeil said. “It a rush of money that dries up usually takes place in will, 1 think, eventually." Paine means you have to tie up your even faster than it started. November. said. land, your time, your investment The National Christmas Trees Paine runs a relatively small from anywhere from six to 16 Petitions Association in Milwaukee says Christmas tree plantation, cov­ Growers across the country years before you get a return on are now planting twice as many Speziale seeks trees should be in ample supply ering about 25 acres. Though it. this year, for about the same New England plantations are trees as they harvest, said prices as last year. It expects 32 typically smaller, some in other Donald-McNeil. executive direc­ "If anything bad happens circuiate million trees to be sold across the parts of the country stretch tor of the National Christmas during those years you can lose l : country this year. across hundreds of thousands of Tree A.ssociation. your shirt. Those who don’t (know the business well enough) quick action Retailers aren't the only ones acres. He said growers were planting downtown SALESMAN DAVE WADE who have to make money by- Paine, who got into the busi­ about 39 million trees annually a sometimes wind up in the hole,” . peddles trees in N.H. delivering in large quantities ness 26 years ago, only plans to few years ago. but now are McNeil said. Bv Susan Vaughn Survey foresees lull In Hartford economy Merrill Lynch Realty on police files Herald Reporter At least two petitions are being sells Connecticut! HARTFORD (UPI) - Former circulated in downtown Manches­ H A R T F O R D (I PI) A sur Sixty-seven percent of the estimates among economists increase. incensed that these rumors sat in a state Supreme Court Chief Justice ter proposing changes to the slate vey indicates Hartford's econ­ respondents said they helieve the nationally that the rate will Most of the economists pre­ state police file for many years” John A. Speziale demanded Department of Transportation’s $4 omy will cool off by early next federal deficit is the most crucial reach 7.2 percent next year. dicted national increases next SARA MENDELSOHN SELLS BOLTONI Speziale said in the letter to Forst. million downtown reconstruction prompt action Friday from state a state police colonel and com­ year with most new job openings problem facing the American Fifty percent of those sur­ year in the jobless rate, housing plan. NEW LISTING! officials on a state police file mander of the force. occurring in low-paying service economy. Most suggested the veyed believe an expansion in starts and domestic auto sales. containing "outrageous rumors The petitions arc apparently a Hartford Superior Court Judge response to an informational meet­ industries. government should respond w ith service industry jobs would Bolton $155,000 and allegations" about him. John D. Brennan, in a one-man Established Auto Sales & Radiator Busi­ ing sponsored by the Greater Most of the' respondents reduced spending and increased provide the most growth through BUI of Rights Speziale, in a letter to Public grand jury report released this ness In high traffic area. 3 buildings. 3000 Manchester Chamber of Com­ agreed that high deficits and taxes. the remainder of the decade, and Safety Commissioner Lester J. week, criticized state police for The Bill or Rights were greatly sq ft. on 1.5 acres. Permits for auto and merce in late November (o discuss interest rates will bring on The survey, assembled by an 35 percent attributed growth to Forst, said that under a court order spreading unfounded rumors link­ influencetPby the Declaration of gas sales. For more information call Merrill the plan, which has gained prelimi­ another national recession as economic analyst, said most expansions in the high technol­ he obtained copies of state police ing Speziale to illegal gambling in Rights of Virginia, which was Lynch Realty. Sara Mendelsohn 872-7777, nary approval from the DOT. A early as the second half of 1985. local economists believe state­ ogy and electronics industries. reports showing a file was created Torrington. written in 1776 by George Mason, a public hearing on the plan is Results of the survey con­ wide unemployment over the The economists said the infla­ on him. Brennan attributed the spread­ Virginia delegate to the Constitu­ scheduled in Manchester on Jan. 9. ducted among members of the next two years will reach a tion rate will average 4.7 percent "These reports are rife with ing of the rumors in part to tional Convention. Mason did not Merrill Lynch One of the petitions was Initialed Hartford Area Business Econo­ maximum of 5.2 percent and will nationwide next year, increasing outrageous rumors and allegations resentment among troopers to sign the Constitution and opposed by merchant George Marlow and then increase to 5.8 percent from to 5.6 percent in 1986. Most listed Realty about me," said Speziale. who Speziale's decision several years mists showed general agree­ its ratification because he felt it did Dr. Robert H. Fish, both of whom 1987-89 stepped down as chief justice last ago to grant a new trial to Peter ment that there is a limit to the higher housing costs and mort­ not sufficiently oppose slavery or K-Marl Plaza 295 Hartford Turnpike operate businesses on Main Street. The predictions are lower than gage rates as reasons for the safeguard individual rights. month to join a private law firm. Reilly in one of the state's most growth of service Industry jobs. Vernon, Connecticut 872-7777 UPI photo The other Is being promoted by the "A prompt and direct answer controversial murder cases. Dr. Glen Doran of Florida State Downtown Coordinating Commit­ from you is called for. I am Forst was directed by Gov. Friday. The remains, which include tee, according to Kenneth Bur- William A. O'Neill to investigate University, right, explains the signifi­ intact skulls, are thought to be 7,000 the allegations rai.sed in the grand cance of the human remains found at a kamp, who owns the Manchester years old. With him, from left to right, are Mall at 811 Main St. jury report and has requested a Titusville, Fla., archaeological site U.S. to send copy of the more than 1,500 pages Drs. Philip Laipis, William Hauswirth The petitions are similar in that REAL of transcripts made from Bren­ during a news conference in Cocoa on and David Dickie. they support the basic reconstruc­ nan's investigation. tion concept in the plan and Cubans back Speziale. in his letter to Forst, propose widening the street at said he was upset that the state Scientists haii discovery several locations to allow for the WASHINGTON (UPI) - The police commander has not taken retention of more angle parking ESTATE featuring. United States and Cuba reached an action yet against the troopers than called for in the plan.
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