___ .,~ ......... ,~:,.' : ~~.rrr~,D .• ," .,~/-~l ;'. t .' , ~~...~'~~~~~~~~. All forms 01 GUSED C·AR Insurance , SALE , , , , CONTINUES AT THE . DAILYNEWSr,. ~ Water St. -- NOVA MOTORS (1962) LTD, Elizabeth Av. ,~ I' '\" I - THE DAILY NEW~, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1962 (Price: 7 Cents) I, • II i • ,I 10 a es loo···n Ian iron - Indians In Retreat 19 Die .In Oil Tanker Blast Before Chinese ·TClIER. Ln.-AP­ bod','s have Menon Hlints At Peace Talks I reco\'ered and Ban othm wcn' being Cp from Reuters-AP REEl Sunday night I NEW DELHI-Bitter fighting on the China­ the Norwegian Pl'otest i India frontier blazed into its second day Sunday tankr Boheme, ill the Missis· Meetings ,as India anno1.mced Chinese attacks on 18 In­ Ril'er nenr here •dial' forward posts in Kashmir. collision, fire and .1OIIA:-lNESBURG (Reutm\ -I' Leading newspapers declared India was In The white-ruled South African d . gOI'ernment ncted Saturday to I a esperate undeclared war for s!.Jrvlval. ' were 30 sur­ cru~h popubr SUptJOl·t for Xegro I The defenc,~ ministry said two more border including the n,,!Innallst leadrr Nelson Man-, • captain. EigM ~eta by hannin!! all protest meet-: posts had fallen to the Chinese, who also over- mgs throughout the, eot~lltry lor' whelmed two posts Saturday hours after the injnred. SIX months and ordermg the ' \,,5, ('oa,t Guard s.1id h~l1se arresl of two other nalion- fiercest fighting of the three-year-old border " 1',1 lire i5 confined afl, altst leaders. dispute broke out. m'o;ion, in the ships Thc action hcre came as se- hJ\€ cca5cd. and the curity on gOl'cl'llment ministers Indian Al'my IlCadqllarters re- , ',' cliOi;rc cargo of nitrate and buildings in Pretoria was' ported Irom Knshmir the Chi­ ,: '. ,~~i(l;hips i~ helicl'cd heing tightcncd following an ex- ncse attacKcd 13 posts in the' .;:: ,! dancer, Fircfighters plosillli there Fridav night whieh Chip Chap RiI'Cr area of north-: - ,j 10 uo"cI the drums of, wrecked the ollicr' 01 the minis- ern Ladakh. and li\'c posts in; _> In prel'cnt a major: tel' of agricultural. economics' the Pangong Lake arca. ' I and marketin,~. Dirk (;,'5, Defence :\1 i n i s tel' V, K.' (,';,t Gu.rd ,,,i,1 Ihe fire, ! , .:~stiee ~Iinister Balthaza_r, Kishna ~Ientll1 said the two , . " (::;t!'ll the ,Iern of the' 'oUcr ordcl cd the honse m - 'posts whwh fell Sunday wcre' , ~:',\ is confinecl 10 Ihc in­ r~st for hl'e years ~f Waltcr sllhsidiaries 01 main posts Ihnt, :" ,ro,md " large refri~cr· CHICAGO-Fire rages in "L" train here Oct. 17th few minutes after about 750 passengers from burning ,Slsulu. former exccntlVc mem- remainod intact I ! her of the hanned Mrican Xa-, -,. I c:::1parlmrnl aft. ' train and another had been rescued in dramatic effort by firemen employing snorkel basket and ladders i tional Congrcss. and Ahmed (In Pcking. Ihe Chinesc dc-' " t 'exclusively. Two ,cars of train were destroyed, but there were no seriolls injuries to any passengers. I Kathadra. sccI'etary of the "free fence mini,try c1ni,med Chinese: refn,crallon compar·, --- I :'IIumlcln" movcment. Police, troops "rccOlwcd" seven posts: "1S ncar the crell"s quar· :, I were huntinl( for hoth mcn, 'from "a g ~ r c s s i 1- e Indian' 'em nine hodics were ~ '. .. troops" at the eastern end of, ,t:ed :ione 01 the,e bodies , Slsulu, 42. awattmg tnal on an ,the disputed horder) , , iern idenlificcl. and SI. I I incitement ehargc. I\'ns to have I ' Parish Icounty\ Sheriff! ! appcared in court last 1lonllay. POST WII'ED OUT J. ~Iartin ,aid he 'with Mandela, hut at thc last i ~Ienon announeed Saltu·day. they could be identified. U. S. Explodes i minute the case was postponed, that Khinzemane an-d Dhola. a of the 12 bodies was a week ~nd the court switched, key ,posl 011 the northeastern I :~!l~l-1rlar of Second Mate to PretorIa, ' I frontIer. hml fallen to the Chi- KRISHNA MENON \rollsen. 00, o[ Copen­ BAN ENDS APRIL ~o I nese. The Imlian garrisoll at! , Denmark. whose body ' Vorster banned until April 30', Khinzcmane virtually was wiped: bassador 1. A. Benediktov, Rus- p:rked up in the mile·wide I : alt protcst mcetings over per-: out, he said_ : sia a~reed several weeks ago to shortly after the accident. i ( i sons detained for any offence. : ~l 'd ' ' : deliver 1IiG fi~htcrs to India. U 0 b , • enon sm ?Illldn.' the ChI' I BACK ON JOB (OJit Guard said one N Ie a r B m 'ncse were shelltng much farlher I • 1 w~rl:~r reported that i south of the hordcr in Indian: tLS. Ambassador John Ga- 01 Ihe olher hodie.~ may HONOLULU tAP) -A nuclear' cloudy weather, ,aCr Cr as hK"lls I 5: terri lory Ihan bcfore. but the i hl·alth. ,who ;vent to London Sat- he momcd. that they device the size of thc atom! Minutcs after the test, the I ,shelling was not eontinuous. ! urday mtendmg to stay a wee~, bal/ been crcll1~lcd in the bomb thnt destroyed lIiroshima IAEC announced another high-: " ( \ ,hastened back to :olew Delhi. that raged .1it. in 1945 was dctonated above: altitude shot above Johnston for: LAC ~!F"GA:,\TIC. Que, CP , Both Indian off:cials and Red explaining "this is not a good Johnston I,sland Friday night. i Tuesday night or Wednesday: ~ll'e meml~ers of the ~;mle lam- Chinese officials I:aid thel'e had time 10 be off the job." I3X~'10n ~hiJl rnn~ht Another larger tesl shot is morning. T'hi, one will im'oh'c, ~Iy. were .kllled and Ihree .others heen hcaH casualties. But no' The Red Chinese were prC5- ancl alt ilt 3:10 a,m. scheduled for Tuesday night. • a !;ll'ger dCl'ice than Frida'! I S\mday ;\'hen, thell' cal', gil'cn, sing altnck, 900 mib rart in , when the bol\' collided mJl~l'ed fi~ures wel~e Obserl'crs on the island of I night's blast which packed ~ I collided WIth ,a Canad!,m .Paclfl,c the nispnted highlands of the I !~rin~ of fOllr oil barges, Kauai, c10scst to the htast and. power of less than 20,00lJ tons! Hallways frclght Iram ,m thiS lloll'cI'Cr. ~lcnon e,limaled '[fimal,lI'a~ where wintpJ' al- . !~r n,m;n~ har~r~ crealed , about 100 miles northwcst of' of T:-':T. : communtly ne,ll' the ~IalOe bor- ,roughly tlwt Chine,,' casual lies 'ready 'has set in. wiln heal'y !,kr and brllshed the • 1I0noluln, reported a hright 01'- i : d~r. ..' , . 'were ontnnmhering Indian lJY snowfall, d Ih~ 'hip, ange fireball that burst into ' fhc I Icl~ms II ere l!lent:f1ed as fOUl' 10 OIlC, l , I rolli~ion. , ,view abol'e the horizon ill 10:30, : :'Ilrs. A~ncn Isabelle. "I. h;:1' ," . ' " The Indians. ilt ti,e enr! of ex- : . 'Polluta·on' sons .Juilcn. 21, amI .racques, I. Ihc UlltlC_C al,o ~nnol1nced Ircmelv rllg~cd supply lines that inlo the ' ,p,m. IIonolulu tllllC Fnday, I , I d "I t "II' In I hearl' los;c, DIllOI1" Its IrtIO'lS' " I' H I I d I't .. , nm nu~ 1 ers •,OC ,I. ". illH,. r' depend on all' drops"am human I eavy COli( 5 re uce! I S \ IS- "-ol-nde I, "II of nn'll'"v "'In .I.. ho werc fiahtina "strictly in p,oc'.~ tl·,·ll'n<,. -11'e,"d;' llad been J l ual effects to a 1ightllin~ flash " 1.. ,', n " 'I ," - -;-el[-defcncc, " .. n" JAMES R, HOFFA, TOlamster President 'ovcr Honolulu. which is 750 P bl '. les, , i driven out of six ~r sCI-en de· , Rolr Gjel'I"" sliohtll'" miles nor t h easl ri[ Johnston ro em ! Mr. l,ahelle. Ihe rll'tl'Cr. and (Chinn had Icd~"d a "most fcncc, posts and sllll were re- !ki?r~r or 1he' Rol~cme, r----------------------­ Island. ,two otller ,c1~lldren. Renalct ~1~c1' In-gent. mosl serious and strong- i trealm~.,. , s tbm ~',~ no foq on Ihe The detonation was only the By Greg MacDonahl ! TIolamlr, \\ele t?kcn to ho,PIt., t. cst prolest" WIth Ihe Indian Obscl\crs salel the Clune.! at the lime ~I the col1i~ion, second sue c ess[ul American Canadian Prcss stal! Wrller at I.'~c :lIc;,(3nllC. ,where th~n', l::mhas,y. in r e kin g against, appeared to he ~ettmg . them- after\\'ards, ho\\'. I high.altitude nuclear test in six Residents along stretches of ~onrhtlOn was descnbed as cnt- i "frenzied allacks by aggressive' se_Ires well - entrenched m the , f02 rame in sud.' tries in the Pacific this year. the SI. Lawrence River in Que- lca!,. : Indian troops.') 11'ldcl)' separate.d bo.r~er areas , ' Gjel!l,n ~aid. Hoffa Goes Four have lailed because of bee often have to keep their! 1he accI~ent occurred at. a, ., ' he~ore II'tnter I,n.tensilies to . the troubles-with 'fhor boosters lifl- windows Closed to shut out the 'l~vel c~oSStng: Quebec Provm· i SA''iS U:,,\PREPARLD , pomt. \\'her~ milltary operahons 10 cre.. memhm of the ; ing warheads into the sky. smell. clal Pollcc satd there was SOIllC! '~Icnon aceu,e!1 the R,ed Chl- ~re lmposslhle. PJ)~nif D. hall1in~ Ihe barge ' 'I U'ere lafe. A new missile was used this The Don River which runs I' f?g on the unpaved road at the,' Jle~e of.
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