The Carillon FATHER EMIL J. KAPAUN COUNCIL 10022 August 2016 CHARITY-UNITY-FRATERNITY-PATRIOTISM Fr. Kapaun showed pipe shot out of his mouth during action in Korea. VATICAN TAKES 1st STEP TO FR. KAPAUN SAINTHOOD WICHITA, KAN. — The sainthood cause of Father Emil Kapaun, a priest of the Wichita Diocese who was a military chaplain during the Korean War and died in a prison camp, is one step closer to consideration by the pope. Father Kapaun, of course, is the patron of our own Council #10022 here in Leisure Knoll. SIX HISTORICAL consultants of the Vatican Congregation for Saints' Causes met in Rome recently and approved the historical documents submitted by the Diocese of Wichita on behalf of Father Kapaun's cause. The documents were originally presented to the congregation as part of the "positio," or position paper. The Vatican's consultants approved the documentation June 21 after evaluating it for completeness and accuracy. The "positio" is the official document that will be used to determine if Father Kapaun lived a life of heroic virtue and sanctity. If such a determination is made, the priest will be declared "venerable," the first of three major steps for sainthood. The second step is beatification and the third step is canonization. In general, each of these steps requires the church to accept evidence that a miracle has occurred through the intercession of the sainthood candidate. LAST NOVEMBER at the Vatican, Wichita Bishop Carl A. Kemme formally delivered the 1,066-page report on the life of Father Kapaun to Angelo Cardinal Amato, prefect of the Congregation for Saints' Causes. Father Kapaun, ordained for the Wichita diocese in 1940, served in the U.S. Army as a chaplain and died in 1951 in a Korean prison camp after heroically serving his fellow soldiers. He was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously on April 11, 2013 by President Obama in the White House. THE AFFIRMATIVE vote of the historical consultants at the Vatican allows Father Kapaun's cause to move forward to the theological consultants, who will . to determine if Father Kapaun's writings and teachings are doctrinally sound and in harmony with church teachings. Father John Hotze, a Wichita diocesan priest, and the episcopal delegate of the Office for the Beatification and Canonization of Father Emil Kapaun, said the process may seem unending but that the naming of a saint has never been and, hopefully, never will be taken lightly. ‘THIS NEWS cannot be perceived as anything but a great sign," he told the Catholic Advance, Wichita's diocesan newspaper. "This is a great step forward and . .much more quickly than I had anticipated," adding that he is hopeful his cause will "proceed with speed" and soon Father Kapaun will be honored as a saint of the Catholic Church. Christopher Riggs | Catholic News Service Grand Knight’s Message: Back From a ‘Rocky’ Mountain Vacation in the Adirondacks SO, HERE WE ARE...back from the Adirondack Mountains after a blessed two weeks with offspring and assorted grandkids and in-laws, where the mercury rose daily into the mid-90s but plunged into the 60s at night. WELL, BLESSED might not be the appropriate word. Taking a page from the Jerry Ford playbook, I discovered I couldn’t walk and chew gum at the same time – taking a trip down three stone stairs outside one of our cabins, falling backwards, spraining both wrists, my back, both hips, pulling practically every muscle in my supple body and suffering a concussion to boot (they’re suing me for breaking the concrete). BUT I MADE IT to the installation on a walker and here I am for my second – and absolutely final – term as GK. You’ve all honored me so much that my gratitude is beyond expressing. But there are many other Brothers out there who should step up, serve, and bring fresh ideas and new blood to the leadership. This is a great Council with a noble patron. NO LESS an indication of this is the lead story on Page 1 which SK John Bilotta, PGK, supplied to the Council. It deals with the first step taken by The Vatican to promote the sainthood of Father Emil Kapaun, the recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor in 2014 for his ceaseless service and unbridled bravery in Korea. I am in contact with the bishop’s office in Wichita, Kan., (where Father Kapaun was from) to see what we can do to help. I AM ELATED to report that the raffle for the St. John’s Scholarship Fund is a great success, thanks to SK Dan Spina, PGK, the chairman. See Page 2. THE BLUE CLAWS Baseball Night with the Knights is also moving forward nicely but there are tickets still available. It’s on Aug. 4. Check out the details on Page 5. Brothers Fred Bohinski and Tim Sammy are running the event. FINALLY, SK JULIO TOJEIRA says it’s never too early to plan. So he asks that we pencil in Oct. 1 – NOW --for the Jersey Shore Roustabouts dance. Vivat Jesus Phil Roura, GK Council 10022 July 2016 Calendar of Events Aug. 8, Monday Chapter Meeting, 8 p.m. St. Barnabas Council 8603 Aug. 12, Friday Father McGivney’s Birthday Aug. 11, Thursday Council Meeting, 7 p.m. Lakeside Lodge Following the Meeting Is Our Giant Raffle at 8 p.m. Details on Page 4 Aug. 14, Sunday 4 th Degree Picnic, Noon-5 p.m. Veterans Park, Bayville. Only $5 per person. Aug. 15, Monday Feast of the Assumption of Our Blessed Mother Aug. 25, Thursday Board Meeting, 7 p.m. Lakeside Lodge KNIGHT MILESTONES August Birthdays Frank P. Riina 2 nd 88 Willard F. Osberg 3 rd 93 George V. Matranga 15 th 83 Anthony F. Kamand 26 th 85 August Anniversaries John & Muriel Fields 2 nd 69 Antonio & Clara Marino 12 th 38 PGK Andrew & Mary Corso 15 th 63 Daniel & Kathleen Flynn 16 th 47 Dominic & Judy Tangredi 20 th 50 Ronald & Linda Draney 22 nd 3 GIANT RAFFLE Our annual raffle benefits the St. John’s Scholarship Fund started by Father Bernie to help worthy children of the Parish. The raffle raises $2,000 by selling only 100 tickets at $20 apiece -- half going to St. John’s and the rest being split up as follows: 1st Prize: $400 2nd Prize: $300 3rd Prize: $200 4th Prize: $100 The raffle will be held on Aug. 11 at 8 p.m. in Lakeside Lodge following our monthly Council Meeting. You don’t have to be present to win but if you want to view the raffle just show up at 8 on the 11th. PGK, PFN Dan Spina is conducting the raffle. Thanks to your generosity, the raffle is sold out. No more tickets are available. ‘MARY JANE’S CHURCH’ IS DEDICATED IN ECUADOR After months of prayers and planning, a small church was dedicated on July 24 in honor of Mary Jane Kazimir in Pujuli-Latacunga, Ecuador, about 1.5 hours south of the capital of Quito. Mary Jane is the late wife of PGK Jules Kazimir, Council #10022’s current advocate. The church – called the Lord of Divine Mercy – is located in Pujuli-Latacunga, Ecuador, about 1.5 hours south of the capital of Quito. It fulfills a wish Mary Jules, accompanied by two daughters, two granddaughters , and his cousin, the Rev. Steve Malkiewicz, attended the blessing. A plaque reads: “In Loving Memory of Mary Jane Kazimir.” The Carillon is published soley for the distribution to, and information for, the Brother Members and Columbiettes of the Fr. Emil J. Kapaun Council #10022 of the Knights of Columbus in Leisure Knoll, Manchester, New Jersey. Any republication of the information within -- without the expressed permission of the publisher -- is forbidden. Copying for personal use is allowed. © Copyright 2016 Phil Roura and K of C Council #10022 – All Rights Reserved Baseball Night With The Knights WHO: LAKEWOOD BLUE CLAWS vs. HAGERSTOWN SUNS WHEN: THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 2016 WHERE: FIRST ENERGY PARK, LAKEWOOD PICNIC: 6-8 P.M. GAME TIME: 7 P.M. Minor League Baseball at Its Best Featuring the sons of Mariano Rivera & Bucky Dent on the Suns ADULTS: $35 CHILDREN (5-12): $24 Includes: Southern-Style BBQ for 2 Hours! Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Sauerkraut, Beans, Pulled Pork, BBQ Chicken, Mac & Cheese, Condiment Platter, Cole Slaw, Pasta Salad, Water, Watermelon, Cookies and Fountain Soda *************TREAT THE GRANDKIDS ************ Call Tim Sammy (732-657-1110) Fred Bohinski (352-387-6160) The Columbiettes PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE DEAR SISTERS: OUR STATE CONVENTION was a big success. The back packs amounted to 875 and the toiletries came to 1,521 bags. They will be distributed to our schools and food pantries. OVER A million tabs were collected; representatives from the Ronald Mc Donald House were delighted to receive them. We should be proud of the efforts we made and good works that we have done – and continue to do. NOW, we are getting ready for our next event -- our Tea on Tuesday. Aug. 16, at Noon. Tickets are $16. Sandwiches, salads, dessert, iced and hot tea and coffee will be served. There also will be entertainment. Anyone wishing to donate gifts for our basket may call any Board Member. ON BEHALF of all the Columbiettes, I want to thank our outgoing secretary Bette Jane Osgood for all her hard work. GOD BLESS us all and God bless America. Joanne Martin President COLUMBIETTES’ OFFICERS 2016-2017 Joanne Martin 732-657-4049 President Cathy Varsalona 732 657-7642 Past President Rose Spina 732-323-3041 Vice President Cathy Bilotta 732-831-5099 Secretary Kathy Simons 732 323-8202 Financial Sec’y Barbara Liona 732-657-1872 Treasurer Jo Caruso 732-657-3399 Sentinel COLUMBIETTES CELEBRATIONS August Birthdays Carol Arrigo 6 th Gail Noonan 6 th Adrienne Watson 12 th Rosemarie DosSantos 20 th Sue Olcsvary 24 th Carol Rooney 25 th Connie Domonkos 26 th August Anniversaries Marie & Randall Salso 27 th 44 Clara & Nino Marino 12 th 38.
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