UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko DIPLOMSKO DELO Iva Starc Maribor, 2011 UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko Diplomsko delo INDOEVROPEJCI IN BESEDE SKUPNEGA IZVORA INDOEVROPSKIH JEZIKOV Graduation thesis INDO-EUROPEANS AND WORDS OF COMMON ORIGINS FROM THE INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES Mentorica: Kandidatka: red. prof. dr. Dunja Jutronić Iva Starc Maribor, 2011 Lektorici: Maja Schweiger, profesorica angleškega in nemškega jezika Maja Malnarič, profesorica slovenskega in nemškega jezika ZAHVALA Zahvaljujem se mentorici, red. prof. dr. Dunji Jutronić, za strokovno pomoč pri izdelavi diplomskega dela. Iskrena hvala družini in prijateljem za vso pomoč in podporo v času študija. I Z J A V A Podpisana Iva Starc, rojena 22.08.1987 študentka Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru, smer angleški jezik s književnostjo in sociologija, izjavljam, da je diplomsko delo z naslovom Indo-Europeans and words of common origins from the Indo-European languages pri mentorici red. prof. dr. Dunji Jutronić, avtorsko delo. V diplomskem delu so uporabljeni viri in literatura korektno navedeni; teksti niso prepisani brez navedbe avtorjev. _______________________ Maribor, 2011 POVZETEK Indoevropejci predstavljajo najštevilčnejšo jezikovno družino sveta. Zaradi svoje številčnosti in raznolikosti so skozi zgodovino pomembno vplivali na oblikovanje današnjega sveta. Mnogi strokovnjaki skušajo pojasniti njihov izvor in način, po katerem so živeli, a jih pri tem ovira predvsem primanjkljaj dokazov. V prvem delu diplomske naloge so bili opisani indoevropski jeziki in narodi, ki uporabljajo te jezike v Evropi in Aziji. Tako kot številna strokovna dela, se je tudi diplomsko delo poskušalo najti domovino Indoevropejcev in poti po katerih je potekala njihova razselitev. V nadaljevanju diplomske naloge sta bili opisani indoevropska kultura in vera. Indoevropski jeziki so vplivali na oblikovanje drug drugega. Glede na to, da je angleški jezik eden izmed mnogih jezikov indoevropske jezikovne družine so bile poiskane tiste angleške besede, ki imajo s temi jeziki skupen izvor. Besede so bile nato umeščene v različne kategorije glede na njihov pomen. Pripisana pa sta jim bila tudi pomen in poreklo. Ključne besede: Indoevropejci, domovina, širitev, kultura, vera, skupen izvor ABSTRACT Indo–Europeans have had an important role throughout the history since they represent the most numerous language family in the world. Many scholars have been trying to explain their existence throughout past centuries. This has been causing them many problems since the evidence is rare. In the first part of diploma paper Indo–European languages spoken by various nations in Europe and in Asia are described. Then, as many other scholars, the diploma paper tries to find the homeland of Indo-Europeans and paths of their expansion. Later on Indo–European religion and culture are discussed. Indo– European languages influenced one–another and since English is one of many Indo–European languages, words of common origins from the Indo–European languages were looked for. The words were then divided into categories according to their meaning. The meaning and origins of the words are also provided. Key words: Indo–Europeans, homeland, expansion, culture, religion, common origins REFERENCES 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1 1.1 The main aim and purpose .................................................................................. 1 2 INDO–EUROPEANS ............................................................................................... 2 2.1 Indo-Europeans in Europe .................................................................................. 4 2.2 Indo – Europeans in Asia .................................................................................. 10 2.3 Indo –European homeland problem .................................................................. 15 2.4 Indo–European expansion ................................................................................. 22 2.5 Indo–European culture ...................................................................................... 24 2.6 Indo –European Religion .................................................................................. 27 3 WORDS OF COMMON ORIGINS FROM THE INDO – EUROPEAN LANGUAGES ................................................................................................................. 31 3.1 FAMILY ........................................................................................................... 31 3.2 NATURE .......................................................................................................... 34 3.3 NUMBERS ....................................................................................................... 39 3.4 PARTS OF THE BODY ................................................................................... 44 3.5 PRONOUNS ..................................................................................................... 46 3.6 OTHER WORDS .............................................................................................. 49 4 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................... 53 5 WORKS CITED ...................................................................................................... 54 Picture 1: Expansion of Indo – European languages………………………………...............4 Picture 2: Map of Indo European migrations from about 4000 to 1000 BC according to the Kurgan model; the Anatolian migration …………………………………………………..23 Table 1: Social division .................................................................................................... 28 1 INTRODUCTION The Indo-European family of languages has more speakers than any other language family. Approximately half the world`s population speaks an Indo- European language as a first language. It is named so because of its individual members who were prevalent in the area between and including India and Europe. Nowadays Indo-European languages have been spread to every continent and many islands. The languages of the Indo-European family were originally spoken throughout Eurasia, west of the Urals and also in the Indian subcontinent, with an outlying branch in Chinese Turkestan. The earliest attested subgroups of the Indo- European language family are Anatolian, Hellenic, Indic, and Iranian. The other major subgroups are: Celtic, Italic, Germanic, Baltic, Slavonic, Albanian, Armenian, and Tocharian. All these languages are descended of Proto-Indo- European language. 1.1 The main aim and purpose The aim of the paper is to represent the Indo-Europeans and the words of common origins from the Indo-European languages. Indo-Europeans lived and moved all around the world. The aim of the paper is to describe their way of living in Europe and in Asia, their homeland problems, their culture and their religion. There are not many words of common origin from Indo – European languages, but the paper is going to represent as many as have been found. 1 2 INDO–EUROPEANS The Indo-Europeans did not burst into history; they straggled in over a period of 3,500 years, announcing their arrival in the historical record in as varied media as clay tablets in Anatolia and Greece, inscriptions carved on the face of an Iranian cliff, a dedicatory inscription on a Germanic helmet or a Lutheran catechism for pagan Lithuanians. But no matter when or how we first encounter the language of Indo–European speakers, they all have one thing in common: they invariably speak an already differentiated Indo–European language, never Proto-Indo- European… (Mallory, 1996, p. 24). Indo–European languages are mostly spoken in Europe (except for Finnish, Hungarian and Basque) and Asia (from Turkey to India). In sum there are three billions of people who speak more than 150 Indo–European languages. Since these languages can be found all over Europe and Asia, scholars settled on the term Indo-European for this culture, and Proto-Indo-European as the designation for the mother tongue. It would be better to call the language by the name its original speakers gave it, but that is not possible since no one has as yet been able to figure out what that name was, or for that matter what the Indo-Europeans as a people called themselves. On the other hand scholars were able to deduce much else about them. A linguistic family is a group of languages that shares common characteristics in the system of language like morphology, phonology, lexicon, syntactic. That is why it is assumed that Indo–European languages have the same origin, in a period of time and in geographic zone. The ancestral origin language was named Proto– Indo–European language and was born by about 5,000 years ago. Where it was born it is still unknown and the linguists cannot reach the agreement. 2 In the late eighteenth century, the British philologist William Jones formulated the first hypothesis about the existence of the linguistic family. He noticed similarities between the four more known ancient languages: Sanskrit, Latin, Greek and Persian. Franz Bopp supported his theory. In nineteenth century the language family was named Indo-Germanic, but later on, Indo-European. Most of the characteristics of Proto-Indo-European languages disappeared in modern languages. Among Indo-European languages various grammatical typologies can be found and many
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