Sports - Pages15-18 Prom - Pages 11-14 Feature -Pages 7-10 Editorial- Page 6 News -Pages1-5 wear anypants. he doesn’t because Finland from banned ics were Duck com- Donald In thecourseofanaver- Sunday willalwayshave PRSRT STD assorted insectsand10 Inside This apples, waspslikepine age lifetime,youwill, while sleeping,eat70 Months thatbeginona nuts, andwormslike Sweet Dreams U.S. Postage Paid a “Fridaythe13th.” Lucky Months Disney Dress Beetles tastelike That Really Ogden, UT Odds New Food Ends fried bacon. Issue Permit No. 208 Group spiders. Code Bugs! ‘n’ A cockroachcan A live several WEBER HIGHSCHOOL430WESTDRIVEPLEASANTVIEW,UT84414W head cut with its weeks off. THE thing that can be healed by sheer not some- does not,” sheadds. “It’s be healed, but beingupsetwhen it ken boneand notonlyexpectitto broke theirarmtonot haveabro- sion willjustgoaway.” theirdepres- they just‘cowboyup’ wanttobehappyorif people don’t is, andsotheythinkdepressed to-day problems,liketheirsadness just likeanormalresponsetoday- for peopletoassumedepressionis verycommon says,“It’s teacher, some misunderstandingsaboutit. sive episodes,yetthereseemstobe fromdepressionanddepres- suffer fromdepression. suffering pression is,”saysRose*,ajunior the facttheyhavenoideawhatde- say thesethingsitreallyhighlights Ithinkwhenpeople you nottobe.’ There isnoreasonfor to behappy. need You be sodownallthetime. ____________________________ Assistant totheChief By ____________________________ Teenagers seekbetterunderstandingofillness photo: Young Tarzan (Na- Tarzan photo: Young “It’s liketellingsomeone who “It’s WHS psychology Crystal Cale, American teenagers One infour Don’t “‘Smile, you’llfeelbetter. Walker) travels to Africa travelsto Walker) tie VanTassel) developsa VanTassel) tie to studygorillas.Bottom protective bond with her bondwithher protective than Norman)questions baby Tarzan, Kala(Ka- Tarzan, baby Katie Montgomery Professor Porter (Gabe Porter Professor MARCH 2014 SINCE 1946 VOLUME 284 ISSUE 4 ISSUE 284 VOLUME 1946 SINCE 2014 MARCH photo: A doting father, dotingfather, A photo: adopted child.Middle his difference from his from his difference Top photo: Caring for photo:Caringfor Top member Prom Prom member Teachers re- Teachers moments - gorilla family. gorilla family. Page 3 5RVH ³7KDW PHQWDOLW\our society in a nutshell,” says GH¿QLWHO\ That’s think andact liketheydo. depression symptoms, says Cale. fromdepression. not suffer certain waydoesnotmean theydo so eventhoughsomeonemayacta quired tobeclinicallydepressed, She saysnotallsymptomsarere- to getoutofanegativemindset. ously interestedinandtheinability teem, disinterestinactivitiesprevi- lessness, extremelylowself-es- hopelessness, afeelingofworth- Cale arelowmoods,afeelingof “laughing themoff.” symptoms canbesolvedbysimply by manysymptoms.”Noneofthese is apsychologicaldisordermarked realize,” Calesays,“isdepression norance andarrogance,”shesays. the impressionofunbelievableig- does nothingforme,anditgives “It dawn” or“justlaughitoff.” alwaysdarkestbeforethe up! It’s people saythingslike,“Buck will.” Photo below: Acrobatic skills were neededbymanyper- skillswere Acrobatic Photo below: formers. PaulCalvodemonstrateshistalentsduringthe to sold out audiences. For a review over themusical, see over areview to soldoutaudiences.For spent many hours perfecting swinging routines onsilks. spent manyhoursperfectingswingingroutines “People want otherpeopleto Often peopleareblamed fortheir fewsymptomsoutlinedby A “What mostpeoplefailtofully annoyingwhen Rose* saysit’s Weber Productions delivered their rendition of rendition their delivered Productions Weber Photo above: Playing lead role as Tarzan, Jared Olsen Jared Tarzan, as Photo above:Playingleadrole page 9; special photo feature onpage10. page 9;specialphotofeature Tarzan song, “Waiting for This Moment.” for song, “Waiting Super Hero Hero Super frenzy- Page 9 ing sick.” frustrated withsickpeopleforbe- boils downtoishealthypeopleare What it blamed fortheirproblems. and othermentallyillpeopleare contributes tothewaydepressed Camille Webb, WHS psychology Camille Webb, Tarzan man) sketchesphotosofthe plan to capture gorillasand plan tocapture ton) plans on protecting his ton) plansonprotecting Clayton (JohnChild)hasa photo: Leader ofthetribe, photo: Leader Top photo: The villain Mr. The villainMr. photo: Top Kerchak, (Chase Warbur- (Chase Kerchak, she sees in Africa. Bottom she seesin many animalsandinsects sell themtozoos.Middle with them, they’re abnormal.’ It’s It’s with them,they’reabnormal.’ somethingwrong ‘oh no,there’s andwethink words psychdisorder, hearthe “We cially andmedically. ment ofthementallyill,bothso- logic whenitcomestothetreat- atwisted agreesthere’s teacher, photo: Jane(PaigeNor- Photos byLeviEasley family. Wrestlers prepare for state- for prepare Wrestlers ers canjustsnapthemselvesou common forpeopletoassumeoth- Receptors maybeoversensitiveo and mentaldisabilitiesareformed. depression, otherpsychdisorders The counselorslikedhowshekep and nominatedduringeighthgrade. she said. happening insideoftheschool,” of anaturaldisasterorsomething duties. rated onSRT Munford. composure understress.Munfor by acounselorwhoadmiredhe memberinseventhgrade an SRT students. Shewasnominatedtobe ber Highandcanconnecttothe Munford, senior. there tocomfortthem,”saidRachel are We fect onalotofourstudents. Itusuallyhasanef- passed away. when somebodyinourschoolhas ety ofthingsbutmostimportantly, kids whoarestrugglingwithavari- the roleofpreventionandsuppor aretrainedandtaskedwith (SRT) Team StudentResponse School’s High Weber impacts onthem. troubled eventscanhavehuge Forteenagers,these and disaster. ____________________________ Assistant totheChief By ____________________________ enced. perception andhowlifeisexperi- ic systemresponsibleformood, the brainthatmakeupdynam- millions ofchemicalreactionsin School OfMedicine”)thereare High. Weber on thestudentsof to easepeoplefromhardertimes. provide muchneededhelpandaim and socialstanding,theystepinto inpersonality students differing who areinturmoil. for anystudentsandtheirfamilies to doifweareactivated,”adde trol, preventingcliquesandwha like suicideprevention,rumorcon- other monthandhavediscussions sincethen. has beenonSRT neurotransmitters playingrolesin given byHarvardMedical askey cals. adequate amountofcertain chemi- resultinginanexcessorin- mitter, LQVHQVLWLYHWRDVSHFL¿FQHXURWUDQV cial HealthReportFromHarvar Spe- A derstanding Depression: sion?” (originallyprintedin“Un- School in“WhatCausesDepres- your mood.” ters andchemicalsthatregulate withtheneurotransmit- thing isoff choice, ofcourse,butrathersome- a achoice.Itisn’t of it;thatit’s problems with teen assistance team offers Response Page 16 Sessions wasalsorecommende wouldalso becalledincase “We elabo- Ashlyn Sessions,junior, We- Munfordknows As asenior, In life,therearetimesofcrisis It iswhenthesystemfalterstha arealwaysonthewatchfo “We keepsveryclosetabs The SRT Comprised ofapproximately25 “We havemeetings aboutevery “We The followingchemicals are According toHarvardMedical Landon Wood Landon Wood Depression continues Depression SRT continues on SRT on page 3 page 3 d d d d r - r r t t t t t 2 Warrior News NEWS March 2014 Warriors discuss unpleasant phobias, Methods given to overcome fears in healthy ways ____________________________ Dowden says, “Well, at my old SKRELD ³,¶P DOVR DIUDLG RI ¿VK´ ing, they’d move the spider closer By Alea Spendlove elementary school the kids used to she says. “You pick it up and then and the system would restart, with Staff Reporter help with school lunch. When I was LIÀRSVDURXQGDQG\RX¶UHMXVWOLNH another calmed period followed ____________________________ LQ¿IWKJUDGHP\WHDFKHUWROGPH ‘OMG I thought you were dead!’” by the fear moving more and more to go work in the kitchen. I had to “My friends and I have a lot of into your bubble. Eventually, you’d One may know the basic anato- serve this weird canned corn stuff. the same fears, actually,” Harris have to touch the spider without be- my of the brain—the cerebellum, It smelled terrible, and it was in- says. “You might think phobias ing afraid.” the brain stem, the cerebrum, and sanely hot in there! I just served would be more of a family thing, Webb adds the more self-depen- the diencephalon—but perhaps a this gross corn to my friends and all but it isn’t that way with me!” dent people (or perhaps those with less well-known part of our heads Rachel Levy, junior, says, “My an embarrassing phobia) may want is the amygdala. family doesn’t have many of the to get over the fear themselves, at The amygdala is found in the same fears as I do. I’m most scared their own pace, and this is possible; temporal lobe the brain and is re- of insects and spiders! They’re so though, it requires will power. sponsible for the cute little emotion creepy and, just, no.” “You can use this method, cogni- people call fear. Phobias can hinder peoples’ tive behavioral therapy, anywhere “In the Stone Age times, the hu- daily lives, though, and they desire and for free. This deals more with man race relied upon fear to keep getting over their fears. your mindset than the physical University of Utah representative talks to class about col- us alive,” says Ms. Webb, Weber “There are several different presence of what you fear. Rea- lege possibilities. Photo by Ellie May Kerr High psychology teacher. the other kids, and they kept me for methods to get rid of phobias,” Ms. soning through it, telling yourself “Over time, we learned as a spe- at least three hours.” why you shouldn’t be afraid, is the After high
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