^ V PAGE THIRTY-TWO W E D N E S D A Y , AU G U ST 7, 1968 p ' ^ Aanriipjatpr EoraIttQ lirraUi Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O *Clock First Church of Christ,'" Scien­ gregants at the Burger Chef, af­ per hour, and that hi* men, About T o w d tist, will conduct its regular Directors Get Petition ter hours, are tuned In on the po­ vdien off -duty, don’t even want Wednesday Evening Testimony lice, radio-'wmve length, and dis­ the Job. VITAII1NS ICktwMk Bible ctaaees will be meeting at 8 at the church, 447 perse wheh they hear a com- Sonife o f the drlve-ln prob­ COMPARE AND SAVE ATBU fi Doiljr Nat Praas Ron conductM tonlgbt nt T;ao «t the N. Main St. On Noise at Drive-ins . plaint. lem*, he said, are because of The Weather CSnirch of Chxlit, Lydall and . fh r The WaMt rv. “Manchester policemen are town’s anti-lolterlag ordinance d lgn orettl sadd, ’ ’T lie nuia- young and inexperienced man­ Vernon Sta., including an adult Jdwvah’s Witnesses will con­ ARTHUR DRUa Aogiwt S, U I9 Fair toriigM. Low between 60 spending entirely too much time and of the state law pertaining ancee ore all over town, and agers. r- atudy on “ How On* Bible Came duct a theocratic ministry and 66. T om orrow m oatly fa ir, at drive-ins, when they should be to unmuffled automobiles and not merely at the Burger Chef. He said that, under the.town’s to U a.” school Friday at 7:80 p.m. and a doing more important police motorcycles. No wonder the community at anti-loltering onknance, piriice warm. High in die 80r. service meeting at 8 :S5 at King­ cannot make arreats 'without 14,685 work,” said Police Chief James “It they are no4 enforceable, large In the country is plagued OaopenUlve Summer J.H. dom Hall. evidence and 'without affidavits Reardon last night. let’s change them so that they wUh riots and chaos. Let’s stop Menchowter .. A City o f Vittage Charm Preirnm win bold a meeting and warrants from the state RANGE Reardon, speaking after the will be enforceable," he recom- H here at the beginning —etop lar Oradeo 7. 8 and 9 tonight, Members of the Daughter* of prosecutor. Under the or­ Board of Directors had accepted niended. it wMle M’a etlH only a epork ' N' VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 288 (TWENTY PAOBS^TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1968 AdNwtWag m ID PRICE TEN CENTS at 7 at South Kethodiat Church, Isabella are ha'vlng a naUcnal and before K becomes a flame.’’ dinance, he said, alleged loiter­ a petition from ISO nelg)\bor8 of He acknowledged that the Uas lIMn St Sponaored by convention in S t Paul, Mtam., Reardon said that his men ers first must be asked to move the Main St. Burger Chef Res­ Burger Chef management has FUEL OIL Emanuel Lutheran, Concordia Aug. 12 ttuough Aug. 16. Over check all drlve-liw, once or twice on. taurant, decrying nolseu and Lutheran, and South Methodist 80 members from the state are cooperated in moves to correct every hour, and that, when re­ Mayor Nathan Agosttnrili nuisances in the vicinity of the nuisances on Its parking lot, and GASOLINE Churdtea, Qte theme is "CM sIb making the trip.. Lea'ving Fri­ plying to a complaint call, find praised the Manchester pidlce town’s diive-lns, - said, “The in America —Hope Through Ac­ day from the local group of St. conceded that the rolice respond things In order on the parking “ fo r an outstanding Job, consid­ tio n ." Margaret’e O rde are Mrs. Jo­ problems in Manchester arc not immediately to complaint calls. lot*. ering the problems." nearly as rough as they are in BANTLY OIL seph FUkowskl, Miss Stephenie “ But those measures are only He saM that motorcycles are He said that he 'will coll a other areii towns.’’ stop gaps,” he sold, appealing Offlcera and members of the Tunsky, ICss Aims LaGace, legal pieces of eQuipment and meeting of drlve-in operators The spokesman for the peti­ British American Club will meet Mrs. Ann IQdy, and Mr. and to the directors for stronger are properly licensed, in accord­ within the next month, to dls- Nixon Picks Agnew As Running Mate tioners was Rudolph Signorettl measures. at e;tO p.m. tomorrow at the Mrs. WUtred Lemire. ance with *tate statute. cuas and impletnent possible of 14 Bond St. He asked for duUiouae to proceed to Trinity Findlay photo He said he believed, but with­ He said that the drive-ins esn’t sdutlons to the loitering ahd stricter enforcement of the MIAJWT BEACH, Fla. ESpiacopal Church, 120 SIgoumey First Congregational Oiurch of out confirmation, that the con­ afford to hire poUcemen at $6 nuisance problem. Engaged (AP)—RichaPd M. inxioo, 8t, Hartford, to attend the me­ Vernon, Hartford Tpicc. and winner of the RepubUoan morial aervice fOr David AUely, Center Rd., w ill hold its Church The engagement of Miss Deb­ Council and Library tonight at Youths Riot presidential nomination, to­ a m em ber. orah Beth Rubin of Manchester 8 at the church. day picked Gov. &iin> T. ngton LOL will meet to- to Alan N. Munits of Detroit, Agnew of Maryland as his nigh,' at 7:S0 at W.P. Quieh Fu­ The Ladies Auxiliary of Man­ Mich., has been announced by lit M ia m i, rumdng mate. neral Home, 225 Main St, to chester C h a p te r, Disabled her pcu:«nt8, Mr. and Mrs. Da­ Nbeon mode the eanotmoe- pay their reapeots to the late American Veterans, will meet vid B. Rubin of 103 Weaver Rd. ment In a brief news conliiw nee David ClHUnbera, who was a tonight at 7:30 at the VFW 25 Injured at 12:40 p.m. He aaU’acme 100 Mr. Munitz is the son of Mr. member. Hom e. party leadero had been ooaadR- and Mrs. Raymond Munltz of lO A ia, Fla. (AP) —Bands of ed. Mias Patricia Hogan, daugh­ Akron, CRiio. young Negroes set fire to care, The eeleetton c f Agnew, a ooe- Miss Rubin, a 1967 graduate Personal Notices ter of Mr. imd Mrs. James T. atoned white motorlet* end loot­ tlme stgiporter of dor. Naina Hogan of 141 Bolton St., and of Manchester High School, is ed storee in a flve-Uook area of A. Rockefeller cf New Totic, Miss. Jane Wsigner, daughter of attending Eastern Michigan nortbweet ICaml Wedneeday was a major surprise. The In Memoriam Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner of University, Ypsilanti. Her fi­ night In a dtetorhanoe towflied Maryland govenwr delivered In lovkie memory of our Horn, 181 Bolton St., have been nsun- ance attended Akron University off when police maoeed at a ral­ the nominating speech fOr Nix­ If- 5 Martha P t . Hewitt, who passed sway Aus. 7, 1967. ed to the Dean's List for the and is a senior at Elsa Cooper ly aimed at airing proUema fao- on last night. spring term at Albertus Magnus School, Detroit. W HITE SALE N egroes. Nixon opened hie news cooisp Lovms meraoiies never die. As years roll on sod days pass by. C ollege, N ew Haven. They 'wlU Ihe wedding Is planned* for Some 36 peisone were Injured, ones saying die daXberatSoaS In our hearts a memory ts kept. be Juniors at the school in the June 1969. indudlng two Negroee who po­ "have been very thorough on Of one we loved and wal never fop- aet. fa ll. lice eald were shot by unknown what we think Is a tremendously gunmen. Important decision." a Mrs. A. J. Stroker and FYunlly David F. King, son of Mr. Five Day Forecast All About 100 Negroes were ar- He said he wanted a and Mrs. Edward F. King of reeted, moeUy on riiaigee of die- QuaXlled to be preafdant, who In Memsiiam WINDSOR LOCKS (AP)—The In loviK nMtnory of Spec. 4, Ed* orderiy oonduct leading to riot­ could campaign effeofively and 106 Oreenwood Dr., a student U.S. Weather Bureau says , tem­ First Qiality ward L. rouech. who cUed Aur. 7. ing. who would be able to 1966. at the University of Connecticut, peratures In OonnecUcut Thura- is attending Army Reserve Of­ CANNON. TzouUe bixAe out in the pre­ new respoosibllltiea dealing The tears in my eires, 1 can wipe day through Sfbnday are expect­ especially with the problema cf away ficers’ Training Corps summer ed to average below normal. dominantly Negro area about But th« ache in my heart, will ai* camp at Indiantown Gap Mili­ 0:80 pjn., eeveral boura before th ki;Miatlon'e oittee. ways st&y. tary Reservation, Ann'ville, Pa. Daytime highs averaging Luxurious 'Long Wearing RepuMlcan ddegatee 10 mflea Nbfixon said he had been in el- Mother mostly in the 70s and ovemight away acrose Btocayne Bay aa moet contlnuouB seerioo wUh lows ranging from the upper 60s one hour out for sleep and that Card O f Thanks WUUam J. O’Neill Jr., son of Miami Beach nominated Rldi- Mr. and Mrs. William O’Neill to the mid 60s. No marked day- ord XL Mxon aa their preelden- 100 leaden had been consulted, We wtah to thank all of our neich- to-day change. bora. friends and relf..tres for me of 17 Doane St., has been named Percale Sheets Muslin Sheets tlal candidate. in person or by phone. many ads of kindne,« and sym- Precipitation may total one- “I have now made a deef- paUiy shown ua in our recent be­ to the Dean’s lis t for the second IBaml Police lA.
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