ATAL BHUJAL YOJANA (Atal Jal) State: MAHARASHTRA Department: Ground Water And Surveys Agency ……………………….. HYDROGEOLOGICAL REPORT BLOCK : NARKHED DISTRICT : NAGPUR YEAR : 2019-2020 Towards partial fulfilment of requirements for Disbursement of Incentive under DLI -1 DATE OF DISCLOSURE: …25…/11…../2020… 1 HYDROGEOLOGICAL REPORT (YEAR : 2019-20) STATE : MAHARASHTRA DISTRICT : NAGPUR BLOCK/TALUK : NARKHED BLOCK/TALUK HQs NARKHED A GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Geographical area (Ha) : 66569.70 Ha 2. No. of Gram Panchayats : 70 3. No. of towns 2 No. of villages : 154 4. 5. Population (2011) : Male Female Total 60742 57261 118003 6 Average Rainfall (mm) : Monsoon Non-monsoon Annual 975.10 mm 59.80mm 1034.90mm 7. River basin : Wardha Basin,Wainganga Basin 8. Major soil types : Black Cotton Soil B LAND USE 1. Forest area (Ha) : 7822.00 Ha 2. Cultivable area (Ha) : 62555.00 Ha 3. Net sown area (Ha) : 62555.00 Ha 4. Gross cropped area (Ha) : C CROPPING PATTERN (As in 2019-20) 1. Major crops grown : Kharif Rabi Summer Perennial Rice Wheat, Veg, Citrus, Soya , Chilli Cotton, Chana, Sugarcane Tur D IRRIGATION FACILITIES (As in 2019-20) 1. Net irrigated area (Ha) : 7936 ha 2. Gross irrigated area (Ha) : 8500 ha 3. Area under irrigation (Ha) (Source- : DW BW/TW Tanks/Ponds Canals Others wise) 7936 72.27 492 E GEOLOGY & HYDROGEOLOGY 1. Predominant rock type : Hard Rock / 2. Major geological formations : Deccan Trap 3. Important water-bearing formations : 2 Fractured and Jointed Basalt 4. Status of coverage under NAQUIM Covered / F GROUND WATER CONDITIONS 1. No. of wells used for Water Level : Open wells BW/TW/ PZ (WL) monitoring. CGWB SGWD Total CGWB SGWD Total 6 11 17 5 0 5 2. Monitoring mechanism (Nos.) : Manual DWLR Telemetry CGWB SGWD CGWB SGWD CGWB SGWD 11 11 3. Monitoring frequency : Agency No. of times monitored/year CGWB 4 times/ year SGWD 4 Times /Year 4. Period of water level data : Agency Period of WL data availability (From - To) availability. From (year) To (year) CGWB 2010 2019 SGWD 2009 2019 5. Water level range (m.bgl) : Minimum/Village Maximum/Village Pre-monsoon (April-May 2019) 6.40m/Sawargaon 17.80m/Thadipavani Post-monsoon (November 2019) 0.10m/lohara 13.50m/Thadipavani 6. Seasonal WL fluctuation range (m) : Minimum/ Village Maximum/ Village 4.30 /Thadi Paoni 10/Jamgaon G GROUND WATER QUALITY 1. No. of wells used for Water Quality Open Wells BW/TW/ PZ (WQ) monitoring. CGWB SGWD Total CGWB SGWD Total 6 11 17 2. Monitoring frequency Agency No. of times monitored/year CGWB 2 SGWD 2 Times/Year(Premonsoon & Postmonsoon) 3. Period of water quality data Agency Period of WQ data availability (Years) availability CGWB 2015-19 SGWD 2015-2019 4. Parameters analysed Agency Parameters Analysed CGWB pH ,EC,TH, Calcium ,Magnesium ,Potassium ,Sodium ,Carbonate ,Bi- carbonate ,Chloride ,Sulphate ,Nitrate ,Fluoride SGWD Temperature,Colour,Odour,Taste,Iron, Nitrate,TDS. Fluoride,Alkalinity, Turbidity, pH,Chloride,Sulphate.TH. 5. Known ground water quality issues, /// Iron/Nitrate/Others (Pl. specify)TDS,Fluoride if any H. GROUND WATER RESOURCES 1. Latest assessment year 2017 2. Assessment Unit Watershed 3. Annual extractable GW resource (ha.m) 8863.24 4. Current annual GW extraction (ha.m) 6019.98 5. Net GW availability for future use (ha.m) 2831.76 6. Stage of GW extraction (%) 67.92 3 7. Category of block/taluk/(2017) safe 8. Category of block/taluk/ in previous 2013 2011 2009 2004 assessments safe safe safe safe I WATER-RELATED SCHEMES 1. Schemes with a bearing on ground water, being implemented in the block / taluk. Centrally Sponsored /Central Sector i) -MGNAREGA Schemes ii) PMKSY iii) -- iv) State Schemes i) MREGS. ii) Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Krushi Swavalamban Yojana. iii) Birsa Munda Krushi Kranti yojana. iv) Sinchan Vihir Yojana. v) Hydrofracturing. J GROUND WATER RELATED ISSUES 1. Ground water related issues of the block/ i) Issues related to GW availability : Groundwater is being exploited for cultivation of Oranges and Sweet Lime. ii) Issues related to GW quality : There are issues related to Nitrate,Fluoride,TDS and Iron in the taluka iii) Other issues if any. : -- TABLE-01 BASIC DATA OF WATER LEVEL (WL)/WATER QUALITY (WQ) WELLS LOCATIONS STATE-MAHARASHTRA, DISTRICT- NAGPUR, TALUKA- NARKHED Sl. No Well No. Village Name Long. Lat. Agency Purpose of Type of well Monitoring point (m.agl) Diameter (m) Aquifer tapped Depth (m.bgl) (DW/BW/TW/PZ) monitoring (WL / WQ / WL & WQ) Height of measuring DWLR/ Telemetry) mechanism (Manual/ Reduced Level (m.amsl) 1.70 1 W212910078290001 Belona 78.4809378 21.4885726 DW 401.5 Fractured and vesicular Basalt 0.30m 9.50m 2.70m WL Manual SGWD 2 W212050078202501 Dawsa 78.3379942 21.3473024 DW 363 Fractured and vesicular Basalt 0.30m 12.00m 1.50m WL Manual SGWD 3 W212250078252501 Jalalkheda 78.4194217 21.3832214 DW 363.2 Fractured and vesicular Basalt 0.55m 14.80m m WL Manual SGWD 4 W211930078261501 Jamgaon Bk. 78.4341414 21.3261581 DW 385 Fractured and vesicular Basalt 0.55 11 5 WL Manual SGWD 5 W211610078243001 Lohara 78.4074897 21.2709228 DW 395.7 Fractured and vesicular Basalt 0.6 8.3 5 WL Manual SGWD 6 W211945078224001 Mendhla 78.3775868 21.3292169 DW 381 0.45 15 3 WL Manual SGWD 7 W211920078290001 Rohana 78.4767222 21.3465556 DW 417 0.55 12 5 WL Manual SGWD 8 W211525078240001 Sawanga (lohari) 78.3995342 21.2568965 DW 386.9 0.5 9.1 1.9 WL Manual SGWD 9 W212330078381001 Sawargaon 78.6350012 21.3959941 DW 411.4 0.5 8.6 2.1 WL Manual SGWD 10 W212110078181501 Thadipavni 78.3011280 21.3546220 DW 361.8 0.75 20.2 2.5 WL Manual SGWD 11 W212615078350501 Yeni Koni 78.5811215 21.4449102 DW 402.2 0.75 17.8 3 WL Manual SGWD 4 TABLE-01-Continued Sl. No Well No. Village Name Long. Lat. (m.agl) A g en c y (M a n u a l/ Type of well Diameter (m) Depth (m.bgl) Aquifer tapped (DW/BW/TW/PZ) DWLR/Telemetry) Purpose of monitoring Monitoring mechanism Reduced Level (m.amsl) (WL / WQ / WL & WQ) Height of measuring point 1 W211557078243001 Lohara 78.408333 21.265833 Dug Well 401.53 9.5 CGWB 2 W211915078260001 Jamgaon Bk_Pz 78.433333 21.320833 Bore Well 398 40 CGWB 3 W212050078284801 Rohna_Pz 78.48 21.347222Bore Well 385 40 CGWB 4 W212057078284801 Rohna 78.48 21.349167 Dug Well 385.17 11 CGWB 5 W212107078274401 Inderwada_Pz 78.462222 21.351944 Bore Well 389 200 CGWB 6 W212301078250901 Jalalkheda_Pz 78.419167 21.383611 Bore Well 377 32.2 CGWB 7 W212330078380601 Sawargaon 78.635 21.391667 Dug Well 415 12.9 CGWB 8 W212556078393401 Malapur 78.659444 21.432222 Dug Well 446.1 16.8 CGWB 9 W212800078320001 Narkhed 78.533333 21.466667 Dug Well 407.85 12.5 CGWB 10 W212807078264501 Mohad 78.44583321.468611 Dug Well 424 19 CGWB 11 W212815078321301 Narkhed_Pz 78.536944 21.470833 Bore Well 415 40 CGWB 5 TABLE-02 WATER LEVEL (WL) DATA OF MONITORING WELLS-SGWD STATE-MAHARASHTRA, DISTRICT- NAGPUR, TALUKA- NARKHED Sr.No. Well ID Well Type Village May-15 Oct-15 May-16 Oct-16 May-17 Oct-17 May-18 Oct-18 May-19 Oct-19 1 W212910078290001 DW Belona 5.8 2.75 7.9 3.1 7.2 2.7 9 2.6 8 2.9 2 W212050078202501 DW Dawsa 7.5 2.7 8.4 1.1 7.5 2 9.1 4.3 9.1 0.1 3 W212250078252501 DW Jalalkheda 8.2 6.1 9.2 4.3 8.7 6.5 10.8 7 10.2 5 4 W211930078261501 DW Jamgaon Bk. 10 2 8.2 1.8 8 2.2 8.2 1.8 10.2 0.2 5 W211610078243001 DW Lohara 5.8 0.5 5.4 0.6 5.9 0.9 6.5 0.7 7.6 0.1 6 W211945078224001 DW Mendhla 8.7 4.2 10.4 4.1 9.5 3.7 10 5.5 10.5 2.6 7 W211920078290001 DW Rohana 9.4 3.9 9.4 3.8 8.9 4.8 10.7 3.6 11.2 3 8 W211525078240001 DW Sawanga (lohari) 5.5 2.7 7.6 1.9 6 3.1 6.7 2.7 8.4 2 9 W212330078381001 DW Sawargaon 4.8 2.9 5.1 2.8 5.9 2.9 6.9 3.1 6.4 2.8 10 W212110078181501 DW Thadipavni 14 14.4 15.6 13.9 17 13.9 16.9 14.4 17.8 13.5 11 W212615078350501 DW Yeni Koni 6.2 3.5 11.2 2.4 9.4 2.2 12.6 4.7 11.4 2 6 TABLE-02-Continued WATER LEVEL (WL) DATA OF MONITORING WELLS-CGWB STATE-MAHARASHTRA, DISTRICT- NAGPUR, TALUKA- NARKHED Sr.No. Well ID Well Type Village May-15 Nov-15 May-16 Nov-16 May-17 Nov-17 May-18 Nov-18 May-19 Nov-19 1 W211557078243001 Dug Well Lohara 5.52 2.38 8.2 1.55 9.5 1.7 6.6 1.6 9.5 1.85 2 W211915078260001 Bore Well Jamgaon Bk_Pz 5.1 2.42 6.2 2.4 5.8 3.1 6.75 2.8 6.9 2.5 3 W212050078284801 Bore Well Rohna_Pz 9.3 8.03 11.6 8.3 12 8.6 14 9.4 12.1 7.2 4 W212057078284801 Dug Well Rohna 7.25 5 8.8 5.9 8 5.4 10.4 6.5 10 5.2 5 W212107078274401 Bore Well Inderwada_Pz 7.38 4.81 7.5 4.1 8.9 4.5 6 W212301078250901 Bore Well Jalalkheda_Pz 11.05 9.38 13.9 9.8 14 11.8 10.8 7 W212330078380601 Dug Well Sawargaon 7.25 6.07 8.7 6.3 11 9.7 5.8 6.6 10.8 5.6 8 W212556078393401 Dug Well Malapur 12.3 5.4 13.9 7.8 12 11.6 14.3 11.9 9.6 12.5 9 W212800078320001 Dug Well Narkhed 8.28 6.09 8.9 5.7 9 6.7 9.2 7 10.4 6 10 W212807078264501Dug Well Mohad 14 19 10 11 W212815078321301 Bore Well Narkhed_Pz 3.9 3.06 8.1 2.8 5.7 3 6.5 3.3 4.4 3 7 TABLE-03 WATER QUALITY (WQ) DATA OF MONITORING STATIONS-SGWD STATE-MAHARASHTRA, DISTRICT- NAGPUR, TALUKA- NARKHED Sr.
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