14426 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 11 July 13, 2006 Vladimir Bukovsky—Cambridge Univer- Michael McFaul—Stanford University, US; intendent of the Wyoming Valley West School sity, UK; Alan Mendoza—Executive Director, Henry District. Leos Carax—Film director, France; Jackson; Society, UK; Mr. Piazza received his Bachelor of Science Patrice Che´reau—Film and theater direc- Marianne Mikko—Member, European Par- tor, France; liament, Estonia; degree from Mansfield University and his Mas- Daniel Cohn-Bendit—Member, European; Tim Montgomerie—Editor, ter of Science degree from Wilkes University. Parliament, Germany; ConservativeHome.com; His post-graduate work includes principal cer- Pierre Daix—Writer, France; Martin Palousˇ—Permanent Czech Repub- tification and a superintendent’s letter of eligi- Prof. Nicholas Daniloff—Northeastern Uni- lic; Representative to the United Nations; bility from Temple University. versity, US; former Czech Ambassador to the US; Mr. Piazza began his career with Wyoming Ruth Daniloff—Writer, US; Carlo di Pamparato—Children of Chechnya Valley West School District in 1971. Over the Fertilio Dario—Comitatus libertates; Action; Relief Mission (CCHARM), UK; past 35 years, Mr. Piazza has taught elemen- Franco Debennedetti—Senator, Italy; Richard Pipes—Harvard University, US; Martin Dewhirst—University of Glasgow, Daniel Pipes—Writer, US; tary grades ranging from kindergarten through Scotland; Daniel Pletka—American Enterprise Insti- sixth grade in subject areas including mathe- Freimut Duve—Former member of the Ger- tute (AEI), US; matics, social studies and reading. man Bundestag; Organisation for Security Oksana Ragazzi—UK; He was an instructional support specialist, and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Rep- Josep Ramoneda—Philosopher, Center of head teacher and department chairperson. He resentative; Contemporain Culture, Spain; served as assistant principal and principal of Dr. Marek Edelman—Former dissident, Vanessa Redgrave—Actress; Leader of the Warsaw ghetto uprising; the Wyoming Valley West Middle School. James Rogers—Executive Secretary, Henry Mr. Piazza was appointed as superintendent Humphry Crum Ewing—Chairman, The Jackson Society, UK; Standish Group; Jacques Rupnik—Professor of political of schools in the Wyoming Valley West School Edourad Fillias—President, Alternative sciences, CERI, France; District. He also holds the position of adjunct Liberale, France; Prof. Aloyzas Sakalas—Member, European professor at Wilkes University Graduate Paolo Flore´s de Arcaı¨s—Director, Parliament, Lithuania; School. Micromega, France; Randy Scheunemann—President, Com- Mr. Piazza currently serves on the Luzerne Carl Gershman—President, National En- mittee for the Liberation of Iraq; County Community College Foundation Board dowment for Democracy; Gary Schmitt—American Enterprise Insti- Andre´ Glucksmann—Philosopher, France; of Directors and the Luzerne County Conven- tute (AEI), US; tion Center and Arena Board of Directors. Alex Goldfarb—Foundation for Civil Lib- Jorge Sempru´ n—Former Minister of Cul- erties, US; ture of Spain; His service organization affiliations include Adam Gopnik—Writer, US; Andre´ Senik—Philosopher, France the Knights of Columbus where he is a Third Veronique Nahoum Grappe—Anthropolo- Andrew M. Sessler—Emeritus Director of Degree Knight, and the Wilkes-Barre Chapter gist, France; the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; of UNICO, an organization where he once Andrew P. Grigorenko—President, General Andrzei Seweryn—Theater director, served as president. He is also a charter Petro Grigorenko Foundation, Inc; Come´die; Franc¸aise, France; Robert Halfon—Political Director, Con- member of the Kingston Kiwanis Club. Dr. Brendan Simms—Co-President, Henry servative Friends of Israel; Augie and his wife, Corine, have two chil- Jackson; Society, UK; Daniel Hamilton—Johns Hopkins Univer- dren, Jeffrey and Maria. Robert Singh—Birkbeck College, Univer- sity, US; sity of London, UK; Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- Arthur Hartman—Former US Ambassador Aleksander Smolar—Historian, France/Po- lating Mr. Piazza on a distinguished career in to the Soviet Union and France; land; the field of education. His exceptional record Satu Hassi—Member, European Par- Bart Staes—Member, European Par- of service and dedication to duty is an inspira- liament, Finland; liament, Belgium; Roger Helmer—Member, European Par- tion to both his peers and to the students for Konrad Szymanski—Member, European; liament, UK; whom he worked tirelessly to prepare for adult Mary Holland—New York University, US; Parliament, Poland; life. Mr. Piazza’s contribution to the greater Marie Holzmann—President, Droits de Andres Tarand—Member, European Par- Wyoming Valley community has left a lasting l’homme in China, France; liament, former Prime Minister of Estonia; David Trimble—1998 Nobel Peace Laureate; mark and has had a positive effect on improv- Robert Hunter—Former US ambassador to ing the quality of life. NATO; Prof. Inese Vaidere—Member, European Toomas Hendrik Ilves—Member, European Parliament, Latvia; f Ari Vatanen—Member, European Par- Parliament, Estonia; TRIBUTE TO RICHARD S. ELSTER Bruce P. Jackson—President, Project on liament, France; Transitional Democracies; Mark von Hagen—Columbia University, Kjell Olaf Jense—President, Pen Club, Nor- US; HON. IKE SKELTON Stuart Wheeler—UK; way; OF MISSOURI Richard Wilson—Harvard University, US; Alan Johnson—Director, Democratya, UK; IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tunne Kelam—Member, European Par- Henryk Wozniakowski—Director, ZNAK, liament, Estonia; Poland; Thursday, July 13, 2006 Tatiana Yankelevich—Director, Sakharov Bogdan Klich—Member, European Par- Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, it has come to liament, Poland; Program on Human Rights, Harvard Univer- Bernard Kouchner—Former UN ambas- sity, US; my attention that a distinguished career at the sador to Kosovo; Founder, Medecins sans lIyos Yannakakis—Professor, France. Naval Postgraduate School will soon come to Frontie`res, Medecins du Monde, France; f an end. Mr. Richard Elster has announced his Irina Krasovskaya—President, We Remem- official retirement after 37 years of service. ber Foundation, Belarus; CONGRATULATING AUGUST PI- After receiving his bachelor’s degree from Guntars Krasts—Member, European Par- AZZA AS HE RETIRES FROM THE the University of Minnesota in 1962, Richard liament; Former Prime Minister of Latvia. WYOMING VALLEY WEST pursued his M.S. in Industrial Relations, and William Kristol—The Weekly Standard, SCHOOL DISTRICT his PhD in Industrial Psychology. By 1967, US; Girts Valdis Kristovskis—Member, Euro- Richard had finished with school and become pean Parliament, Former President of the HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI a project scientist at Litton Industries. Lithuanian Parliament; OF PENNSYLVANIA Dr. Elster became associated with the Naval Vytautas Landsbergis—Member, European; IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Postgraduate School in 1969 when he joined Parliament, Former President of the Lithua- the faculty as an assistant professor. During nian Parliament; Thursday, July 13, 2006 his tenure, he served as an associate pro- Bernard Henri Levy—Philosopher, France; Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today fessor, professor, Chairman of the Department Ekkehard Maass—German-Caucasian soci- to ask you and my esteemed colleagues in the of Administrative Sciences, Dean of Instruc- ety, Germany; Giwi Margwelschwili—Schriftsteller, Ger- House of Representatives to pay tribute to my tion, and the Provost and Academic Dean. many; good friend Mr. August Piazza, of Jenkins Throughout his career at Naval Post- Cliff May—President, Foundation for the Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, graduate School, Dr. Elster served in several Defense of Democracies; upon the occasion of his retirement as super- high ranking Pentagon positions. Starting in VerDate Sep 11 2014 12:20 May 03, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\E13JY6.REC E13JY6 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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