PLUG-IN ELECTRIC VEHICLE (PEV) ROADMAP FOR NORTH CAROLINA Version 1.1 This document was prepared by the NC PEV Taskforce through funding from the February 2013 U.S. Department of Energy Mountains to Sea Grant and other NC contributors. WAIVER OF LIABILITY The NC PEV Taskforce and Advanced Energy make information available to enhance public knowledge. The information in this guide is provided “as is” and at your own risk. The NC PEV Taskforce and Advanced Energy do not make any representation or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the accuracy, suitability for any purpose, merchantability of, title to or usefulness of the information in this guide. By using this guide, you agree that you are solely responsible for all damages or injury that may result from or be caused by such use. The NC PEV Taskforce, Mountains to Sea partners, Advanced Energy, its agents and employees shall not be liable to you or other third SDUWLHVIRUDQ\GDPDJHV LQFOXGLQJVSHFLDOLQGLUHFWFRQVHTXHQWLDORULQFLGHQWDOGDPDJHVRUGDPDJHVIRUORVVRISUR¿WVUHYHQXHRU loss of use) arising out of or relating to the information contained herein whether such damages arise from mistakes, errors, omissions or interruptions. PERMISSION TO USE COPYRIGHT INFORMED Permission is hereby granted to use, copy and distribute copies of this Guide for internal, personal, informational commercial and non-commercial use, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in any copy of the Guide and proper authorship by the NC PEV Taskforce is acknowledged. 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Award Number DE-EE0005583. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any informa- tion, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. 5HIHUHQFHKHUHLQWRDQ\VSHFL¿FFRPPHUFLDOSURGXFWSURFHVVRUVHUYLFHE\WUDGHQDPHWUDGHPDUNPDQXIDFWXUHURU otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or UHÀHFWWKRVHRIWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV*RYHUQPHQWRUDQ\DJHQF\WKHUHRI The NC PEV Readiness Initiative: Plugging in from Mountains to Sea (M2S) planning project with funding provided by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Cities Program through Centralina Council of Governments. Project collabora- tors include: Advanced Energy, Land-of-Sky Regional Council, NC Solar Center/NC State University, Piedmont Triad Regional Council, & Triangle J Council of Governments. TEMPLATES AND PROCESSES FOR STATE ROADMAP The templates for the Community Planning process were provided through previously developed tools from the North Carolina Get Ready program administered by Advanced Energy. Funding from the U.S. Department of Energy for the North Carolina PEV Readiness Initiative: Plugging in from M2S was used to customize the tools including the Com- munity Planning Matrix, the PEV Initiative Paper and other documents for the Community PEV Readiness Plans. All planning tools used during the development of the Community Plan are included in the appendix of this document. PRIMARY INVESTIGATOR/AUTHOR CONTRIBUTORS Advanced Energy Dominion Resources, Inc. Centralina Council of Governments/ Centralina Clean Fuels Coalition North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation Land-of-Sky Regional Council/ Land-of-Sky Clean Vehicles Coalition ElectriCities NC Solar Center/NC State University Triangle J Council of Governments/ Triangle Clean Cities Coalition Progress Energy Carolinas and Duke Energy Carolinas North Carolina Department of Commerce NC PEV READINESS INITIATIVE: PLUGGING-IN FROM MOUNTAINS TO SEA PARTNERS U.S. Department of Energy PEV Readiness Planning Grant Advanced Energy Land-of-Sky Regional Council/ Jeff Barghout Land-of-Sky Clean Vehicles Coalition Duke Energy: Duke Energy Carolinas Allyson Beback Brian Taylor Jessica Bishop David Berkowitz Bill Eaker Jamie Bond Stacey Carless Cindy Keene Cyrus Dastur NC Solar Center/North Carolina State University Lucy Nguyen Katie Drye Anne Tazewell Lisa Poger Marcy Bauer Progress Energy Carolinas Anna Stokes Aranzazu Lascurain Mike Waters Charles Young Marty Clayton Piedmont Triad Regional Council Dominion Resources, Inc. Centralina Council of Governments/ Hanna Cockburn Centralina Clean Fuels Coalition Ed Hall Sean Flaherty ElectriCities Jason Wager Triangle J Council of Governments/ Phil Bisesi Emily Parker Triangle Clean Cities Coalition Brennan Bouma Kathy Boyer North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation (NCEMCS) Rick Schroeder Bob Goodson 3 NC PEV TASKFORCE PARTNERS: NC PEV Taskforce Steering Committee Timothy Aylor, NC Department of Commerce Cindy Keene, Duke Energy Carolinas Jeff Barghout, Advanced Energy Chris Kniedler, General Electric Marcy Bauer, NC Solar Center Ward Lenz, NC Department of Commerce Jessica Bishop, Duke Energy Carolinas Bob Meilish, NC Department of Commerce Jamie L. Bond, Duke Energy Carolinas Cynthia Moseley, NC Department of Commerce Brennan Bouma, Triangle J Council of Governments Lee Anne Nance, Research Triangle Regional Partnership Kathy Boyer, Triangle J Council of Governments Kenneth Pace, NC Department of Transportation Randy Brecheisen, PEMC Emily Parker, Centralina Council of Governments Joshua Caillavet, General Electric Marie Patane, NC Dept. of Commerce Stacey Carless, Advanced Energy Julian Prosser, City of Raleigh Bo Carson, Research Triangle Regional Partnership Richard Radil, NCEMCS Marty Clayton, Progress Energy Carolinas Matt Raker, Advantage West NC Hanna Cockburn, Piedmont Triad Regional Council /DUU\6KLUOH\8QDI¿OLDWHG (G'DYLV8QDI¿OLDWHG Anna Stokes, Advanced Energy Katie Drye, Advanced Energy Brian Taylor, Land of Sky Regional Council Ken Dulaney, Advanced Energy Anne Tazewell, NC Solar Center Bill Eaker, Land-of-Sky Regional Council Joe Tolson, Representative North Carolina General Assembly Bradley Ellington, NC Department of Transportation Jason Wager, Centralina Council of Governments Sean Flaherty, Centralina Council of Governments Mike Waters, Progress Energy Carolinas Wade Fulghum, NC State University Hope Williams, Dr. NC Independent Colleges and Universities Bob Goodson, NCEMCS 4 WORKGROUP MEMBERS Policy, Codes and Standards Education and Outreach Ronnie Fields Southern Reimage Consultants Katie Drye Advanced Energy Tobin Freid Durham City-County Anna Stokes Advanced Energy 'DQ$XVWLQ 1&2I¿FHRIWKH6WDWH)LUH0DUVKDO Bill Eaker Land-of-Sky Regional Council 0DWW.HPQLW] 1&6WDWH(QHUJ\2I¿FH Bob Mielish NC Department Commerce Brian Taylor Land-of-Sky Regional Council Brennan Bouma Triangle J Council of Governments Jim Kennerly NC Sustainable Energy Association Brian Taylor Land-of-Sky Regional Council Daniel Amburn NC League of Municipalities Charles Adair NC Sustainable Energy Association 5REHUW6KXOHU 1&2I¿FHRIWKH6WDWH)LUH0DUVKDO Chris English Blue Ridge Community College James Sauls Raleigh Economic Development Cindy Keene Duke Energy Carolinas Jose Colon Centralina Council of Governments Dan Austin NC Department of Insurance Jim Bartl Mecklenburg County Code Enforcement Dave Navey Charlotte Truck Center Jamie Bond Duke Energy Carolinas Donna-Maria City of Raleigh Frank Olafson City of Raleigh Harris Joe Weathers Mecklenburg County Code Enforcement James Pick Triad Electric Vehicle Association /DXUHO:ULJKW 1&2I¿FHRIWKH6WDWH)LUH0DUVKDO Linda Taylor NC State University (Chief Accessibility Code Consultant) Marty Clayton Progress Energy Carolinas Alan Holcombe Thurso Power Michael Thornton NC State University Mike Waters Progress Energy Carolinas Pam Carpenter NC State University 5\DQ7XUQHU 8QDI¿OLDWHG Phil Bisesi ElectriCities Joe Dooley The Pew Charitable Trusts Philip Brown NC State University Gordon Dash City of Raleigh Richard Dell AVRC Erin Shown NC Sustainable Energy Association 5\DQ7XUQHU 8QDI¿OLDWHG Charles Young Advanced Energy Sandra Simpson GreenNC Ed Hall Dominion Resources, Inc. Sean Clark Falcon Engineers Bill Eaker Land-of-Sky Regional Council Tobin Fried Durham City-County Dave Navey Charlotte Truck Center Charles Young Advanced Energy Julie Robinson NC Sustainable Energy Association Mike Davis NC Sustainable Energy Association Sean Flaherty Centralina Council of Governments Infrastructure Mike Waters Duke Energy Carolinas Brian Taylor Land-of-Sky Regional Council Jamie Bond Duke Energy Carolinas 5REHUW6KXOHU 1&2I¿FHRIWKH6WDWH)LUH0DUVKDO Jessica Bishop Duke Energy Carolinas Dick Dell AVRC Jen Baker City of Raleigh Brad Ellington NC Dept. of Transportation Roe ODonnell Town of Wake Forest Brian Edens Thurso Power Systems Wendell Hardin City of Winston-Salem Jason Kinnell Veritas Economics Allison Potts DNA Group 0LNH0XIÀHU :(6&2'LVWULEXWLRQ Ed Hall Dominion Resources, Inc. James Sauls Raleigh Chamber Commerce Tracee Humes Eaton Corporation Lynn Graham City of Raleigh Kostya Filippenko Schneider Electric Angela Liu I-Cubed Chris Kniedler General Electric Barbara Rogers Ford Motor Company %RE0LHOLVK 1&6WDWH(QHUJ\2I¿FH David Peterson Nissan North America 0DWW.HPQLW] 1&6WDWH(QHUJ\2I¿FH Jason Epstein Baker Renewable Jeff Greene Spec Electric Nkosi Tyehimba Siemens Marcy Bauer NC Solar Center Kevin Beck Evatran Jim Woods Shealy Electric
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