Initial Environmental Examination Document stage: Final version Project number: September 2017 Republic of Uzbekistan: Western Uzbekistan Water Supply System Development Project Prepared by the Communal Services Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan “KOMMUNKHIZMAT” for thО Asian DОvОlopmОnt Bank (ADB) This report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB Board of Directors or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. TABLE OF CONTENTS GLOSSARY.............................................................................................................................. 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... 6 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 13 2. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK AND STANDARDS .... 14 2.1. Institutional set up of water supply and environmental sectors ..................... 14 2.1.1. Institutional set up of water supply sector ................................................. 14 2.1.2. Institutional set up of environmental protection ........................................ 17 2.2. Policy and Legal Framework ............................................................................... 18 2.2.1 ADB Safeguards Policy ................................................................................ 18 2.2.2 National Environmental Regulatory Framework ....................................... 19 2.2.3 National EIA requirements ........................................................................... 21 2.2.4 International Environmental Legislation ..................................................... 23 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ........................................................................... 24 3.1. Existing situation.................................................................................................... 24 3.2. Project components .............................................................................................. 52 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT ................................................................... 59 4.1. Physical conditions................................................................................................ 59 4.2. Water resources .................................................................................................... 65 4.3. Biological resources .............................................................................................. 71 4.4. Soils ......................................................................................................................... 74 4.5. Socio-economic conditions .................................................................................. 75 4.6. Cultural Heritage.................................................................................................... 79 5. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATE MEASURES ....... 79 5.1. Pre-construction stage .............................................................................................. 80 5.2. Construction stage .................................................................................................... 82 5.2.1 Physical resources .............................................................................................. 82 5.2.2 Biological resources ............................................................................................ 92 5.2.3. Socio-economic resources ............................................................................... 94 5.2.4. Cultural heritage ................................................................................................. 96 5.3. Operational stage ...................................................................................................... 97 6. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION, AND PARTICIPATION .... 100 7. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM...................................................................... 110 8. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................... 111 8.1. Environmental Mitigation measures ................................................................. 111 8.2. Environmental Monitoring .................................................................................. 123 8.3. Reporting .............................................................................................................. 126 8.4. Institutional arrangements.................................................................................. 126 8.5. Capacity building activity .................................................................................... 130 8.6. Cost estimation for EMP implementation ........................................................ 131 9. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ........................................................... 133 10. APPENDIXES .......................................................................................................... 134 Appendix 1: National water quality standards ............................................................ 134 Appendix 2: Registration list of participants attended Public Consultation ................ 136 Appendix 3: Announcement in newspaper about planning Public Consultation ....... 139 Appendix 4: Example of presentation provided during Public Consultation .............. 141 Appendix 5: Pictures from Public Consultation .............................................................. 142 Appendix 6: Examples of noise measurements analysis.............................................. 144 Appendix 7: Water quality analysis .................................................................................. 148 Appendix 8: Asbestos-Containing Materials Management Plan ................................. 150 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank CPS – Country’s PartnОrship StratОgy CWR – Clean Water Reservoir DMA – District metering Areas EA – Executing Agency EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment EMP – Environmental Management Plan EMR – Environmental Monitoring Report EMU – Environmental Monitoring Unit FAM – Facility Administration Memorandum FGD – Focus Group Discussions GOU – Government of Uzbekistan GRC – Grievance Redress GRM – Grievance Redress Mechanism HH – Household ICB – International Contract Bidding IEA – Initial Environmental Assessment IEE – Initial Environmental Examination IRTM – Interregional Trunk Main LAR – Land Acquisition and Resettlement NCB – National Contract Bidding NRW – Non-revenue water NWSDP – National Water Supply Development Program OCC – Operational Control Center O&M – Operation and Maintenance PCU – Project Coordination Unit PIA – Project Implementation Assistance PLC – Programmable Logic Controllers PMC – Project Management Consultant PPTA – Project Preparatory Technical Assistance PVC – Polyvinylchloride REA – Rapid Environmental Assessment (ADB checklist) SES – Sanitary and Epidemiological Services SNPC – State Nature Protection Committee TA – Technical Assistance TN – Tuyamuyun-Nukus inter regional trunk main CSA – Communal Services Agency WDC – Water Distribution Center WSS – Water Supply and Sanitation WT – Water towers WTP – Water Treatment Plant WWTP – Waste Water Treatment Plant GLOSSARY Glavgosexpertisa State Department responsible for Conducting Environmental Expertise Under SNPC Khokim Governor of administrative unit Khokimiyat Regional government authority KMK National acronym for Construction norms and regulations Makhalla A community of neighbors, which is based on full independence and self-governance. OVOS National acronym for EIA assessment process PZVOS National acronym for Concept Statement on Environmental Impact SanR&N Sanitary - epidemiological norms and regulations Som Local currency SNiP Set of basic regulatory requirements and regulations governing the design and construction in all sectors of national economy of Uzbekistan Uzbekenergo Managerial body in the electric power and coal industries, which are major structural components of the national economy Uzhydromet State governing body specially authorized for the solution of tasks in the field of hydrometeorology in the Republic of Uzbekistan and in its activities it is accountable to Cabinet of Ministers ZVOS National acronym for Statement on Environmental impact ZEP National acronym for Statement on Environmental Consequences WEIGHTS AND MEASURES LPCPD – liters per capita per day NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The project has been designed to address the water supply shortage, quality and operational and maintenance issues in six districts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Alternative technical options were analyzed and the optimum design solution for regional water supply system was identified based on the efficiency of the investment and operational expenditures and reduction of social and environmental impacts. The Project is in line with priorities set by both ADB and the GOU, namely with the ADB Country Operation Business Plan Uzbekistan 2012-2014 anН thО Country’s partnОrship Strategy (CPS) Uzbekistan 2012-2016 as well as with
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