PARC NATIONAL DE LA GARAMBA. — MISSION H. DE SAEGER en collaboration avec P. BAERT, G. DEMOULIN, I. DENISOFF, J. MARTIN, M. MICHA, A. NOIRFALISE, P. SGHOEMAKER, G. TROUPIN et J. VERSCHUREN (1949-1952). Fascicule 33 (2) ENDOMYCHIDAE (COLEOPTERA POLYPHAGA) BY H. F. STROHECKER (Miami) Although the northeastern part of the Congo Republic is near the nor- thern limit of endomychid distribution in Central Africa, the intensive col- lecting of the De Saeger Expédition has resulted in the capture of more than 15.000 specimens. Most of these are referable to the genus Danaë, but several other genera are represented. I wish lo thank Henri De Saeger for making these specimens available for my continuing study of the Endomychidae. Grant G-9023 from the Uni¬ ted States National Science Foundation has accelerated the survey of this material and enabled me to clarify taxonomie problems through study of the Gorham and Arrow types in the British Museum, and the Pic types in the Paris Museum. 1. — Subfamily EUMORPHINAE. Genus MYCETINA Mulsant. Mulsant, Hist. Nat. Coleop. France, Sulcicolles (1846), p. 15. *1. — Mycetina africana Gorham. Gorham, Trans. Ent. Soc. London (1874), p. 442. A single male. Collection No. 3843. (•) Type studied. 40 parc national de la garamba Genus LYCOPERDINA Latreille. Latreille, Genera Crust. et Insect. (1803), III, p. 73. *2. — Lycoperdina clavata Arrow. Arrow, Bull, et Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. (1948), LXXXIY, p. 47. Two females bearing the collection numbers 3068 and 3190 are referred provisionally to clavata. Genus ANCYLOPUS Costa. Costa, Fauna Regno Napoli, Coleotteri, Endomychidei (1854), p. 14. 3. — Ancylopus bisignatus Gerstaecker. (Figs. 1 a, b.) Gerstaecker, Monographie der Endomychiden (1858), p. 192. Study of maie aedeagi shows that five forms, probably species, of Ancy¬ lopus (s.s.) occur in Africa. The distribution of these is puzzling and requi- res additional study. The Senegal specimen, of which the aedeagus is figu- red, has the coloration described by Gerstaecker, i.e. ferruginous with two small, black spots on each elytron. The Garamba maies have the aedeagus essentially identical, but the elytra black, each with two red spots. Collection notes indicate that this species is associated with low végéta¬ tion, especially grasses. Before me are 375 maies and 183 females. Collec¬ tions Nos. 1129, 1274, 1275, 1320, 1332, 1341, 1564, 1570, 1574, 1614, 1801, 1876, 1877, 1887, 1890, 1900, 1918, 2071, 2072, 2084, 2140, 23C8, 2484, 2551, 2558, 2642, 2659, 2765, 2775, 2846, 2881, 2902, 2915, 2916, 2917, 2942, 2967, 3548, 3941. Genus INDALMUS Gerstaecker. Gerstaecker, Monographie der Endomychiden (1858), p. 185. The collections contain examples of nine species of Indalmus, the largest assembly which I have seen from any comparable area. Two of these species are undescribed. parc national de la garamba 41 4. — Indalmus grandis Pic. Pic, Mélanges Exotico-Ent. (1920), 34, p. 1. Villiers, Bulletin I.F.A.N. (1954), XVI, pp. 515, 516, figs. 3-6. 82 maies, 108, females. Collection Nos. 649, 991, 1304, 1386, 1801, 1826, 1876, 1984, 2052, 2112, 2135, 2282, 2317 a, b, 2357, 2420, 2484, 2486, 2594, 2642, 2654, 2700, 2717, 2739, 2770, 2780, 2805, 2821, 2861, 2863, 2873, 2902, 2967, 3190, 3281, 3695, 3705, 3719 , 3761, 3807, 3883 , 3887, 3919 , 3943, 3954, 3989, 4023, 4045, Nagero IV-30.VII.54 (C. Nebay). *5. Indalmus percheroni Strohecker. Strohecker, Revue Zool. Bot. Africaines (1954), XLIX, pp. 145, 147, fig. 10. 21 maies, 14 females. Notes indicate its occurrence under decaying leaves and among tufts of grasses and sedges, probably associated with vegetable mould. Collection Nos. 160, 175, 991, 1129, 1275, 1320, 1537, 2317 a, b, 2420, 2700, 2873, 2915, 3018. 3240 , 3268, 3281, 3288, 3306 , 3411. *6. — Indalmus rufocinctus Strohecker. Strohecker, Revue Zool. Bot. Africaines (1954), XLIX, pp. 143, 146, fig. 6. 6 maies, 6 females, taken in superficial layers of soit and from tufts of grasses. Collection Nos. 2282, 2420, 370.1, 3761, 3792, 3883. *7. — Indalmus obscurus Strohecker. Strohecker, Revue Zool. Bot. Africaines (1954), XLIX, pp. 143, 144, figs. 4, 10. 1 • 3 maies, 6 females with collection data similar to those of the preceding species. Nos. 2484, 2654, 3320, 3854, 3883, 3943. *8. — Indalmus vittiger Strohecker. Strohecker, Revue Zool. Bot. Africaines (1954), XLIX, pp. 143, 144, fig. 3. 87 maies, 90 females taken under leaves in dry forest and among grass tufts. Collection Nos. 1129, 1274, 1275, 1315, 1320, 1326, 1341, 1386, 1502, 1507, 1564, 1703, 1856, 1876, 1954, 2225, 2282, 2317 a, b, 2594, 2717, 2805, 2821, 2863, 2873, 2874, 2902, 2915, 2957, 2967, 3015, 3017, 3018, 3106, 3115, 3190, 3240, 3268, 3281, 3283, 3288, 3360. 42 parc national de la garamba *9. — Indalmus nigrescens Strohegker. Strohecker, Mitteil. Zool. Mus. Berlin (1959), XXXV, p. 179, fig. 3. 83 maies 65 females, many from the same situations as the preceding species. Collection Nos. 63, 175, 305, 1078, 1084, 1085, 1107, 1129, 1190, 1275, 1320, 1325, 1332, 1360, 1386, 1444, 1487, 1537, 1564, 1565, 1570, 1616, 1705, 1735, 1795, 1856, 1876, 1887, 2317 a, b, 2420, 2478, 2700, 2739, 2805, 2821, 2863, 3002, 3018, 3190, 3240, 3288, 3296, 3320, 3383, 3401, 3411, 3761, 3883, 3943, 3954. 10. — Indalmus pici Villiers. Villiers, Bulletin I.F.A.N. (1954), XVI, p. 520, figs. 21-23. 17 maies, 20 females, apparently associated with the two preceding spe¬ cies. Collection Nos. 175, 190, 305, 1190, 1275, 1327, 1332, 1487, 1537, 1564, 1801, 2280, 2478, 2590, 2821, 2967, 3281, 3412,, 3883, 3919. *11. — Indalmus saegeri n. sp. (Fig. 2.) A species of the bivittatus group; entirely black, pronotum densely punc- tured. Length : 5,4 mm. Sides of pronotum almost straight, a little convergent basad and slightly rounded to the front angles. Latéral suîci linear, deep, reaching the middle of pronotal dise. Transverse sulcus deep and close to base. Elytra but little broader at base than pronotum, gradually widened to apical third, rather abruptly rounded to apex. In the male there is a short, triangular tooth on the front tibia distal to mid-length, and the hind tibia is sinuate, a little enlarged apically. Holotype : male : taken by H. De Saeger from grasses growing in fis¬ sures in a granitic outerop, 17 kilometers from the Bagbele camp. Collec¬ tion No. 505. Allo type : female : data as for holotype. Par a type : maie : data as for holotype. *12. — Indalmus afer n. sp. (Fig. 3.) Very much like the preceding in form. Perhaps the final coloration is black but the series at hand consists of specimens which are dark brown with legs and antennae black. Length : 4,8-5,2 mm. parc national de la garamba 43 The external sexual characters of the maie are a short, sharp tooth on the front tibia and a slight undulation of the hind tibia. Holotype : maie : collected among grasses growing on alluvium in the valley of the Kalangata. Collection No. 2420. Allo type : female : data as for holotype. Paratypes : 7 maies, 8 females. Collection Nos. 305, 1386, 2282, 2420, 2424, 2615, 2863, 3420, 3678, 3989. a b 2 3 Fig. l. — Ancylops Msignatus Gerstaecker. a : aedeagus of specimen from Senegal, dorsal view; b : aedeagus of specimen from Garamba National Park, dorsal view. Fig. 2. — Indalmus saegeri n. sp. Aedeagus, ventral view. Fig. 3. — Indalmus afer n. sp. Aedeagus, ventral view. Genus TRYCHERUS Gerstaecker. Gerstaecker, Archiv f. Naturgeschichte (1857), XXIII, p. 223. *13. — Trycherus fryanus Gorham. Gorham, Trans. Ent. Soc. London (1875), p. 12. Villiers, Bulletin I.F.A.N. (1953), XV, p. 1487, figs. 87-88. One maie and one female, collected in wooded savanna and in forest. Collection Nos. 3328, 3817. 44 parc national de la garamba *14. — Trycherus senegalensis Gerstaecker. Gerstaecker, Archiv f. Naturgeschichte (1857), XXIII, p. 223. * Trycherus spinipes Arrow is quite certain ly a synonym. The Garamba material consists of 14 maies and 5 females. Most of these were taken from dead wood in forest. One note describes the forest as of guinean type. A few records cite capture on trees in wooded savanaa, and two specimens were taken from low savanna végétation. Collection Nos. 934, 1508, 2112, 2188, 2298, 2746, 2942, 3068, 3115, 3190, 3367, 3475, 3499, 3622, 3826. 15. — Trycherus arrowi Villiers. Villiers, Bulletin I.P.A.N. (1953), XV, p. 1491, figs. 102-104. One maie and one female, from decaying wood in forest. Collection Nos. 801, 929. II. — Subfamily STENOTARSINAE. Genus DANAë Reiche. Reiche, in Perret et Galinier, Voyage en Abvssinie (1847), III, p. 408. Study of the Gorham, Arrow and Pic types permits considérable clarifi¬ cation of the taxonomy of this difficult genus. The collections from Garamba Park contain thousands of specimens. While the maies offer good spécifie characters, I cannot be certain that assignments of females are allogether correct. *16. Danaë rufescens Pic. Pic, Mélanges ExoLico-Ent. (1921), 34, p. 2. *Danaë nigricornis Arrow, Bull, et Ann. Soc. 'Ent. Belg. (1948), LXXXIV, p. 52. 4"T)anaë laticollis Strohecker, Explor. Parc. Nat. Upemba (1952), fasc. 7, p. 12, figs. 7, A-B. 1455 maies and 3491 females. The principal collection sites were lierba- ceous végétation and bushes in forest or wooded savanna. Collection Nos. 420, 439 , 441, 486, 519 , 529, 576, 612, 632 , 673 , 769 , 838, 899 , 929, 1424, 1425, 1430, 1507, 1546, 1548, 1726, 1803, 1888, 1900, 1916, 1950, 1968, 1970, 1984, parc national de la garamba 45 2052, 2056 , 2057, 2063 , 2092, 2195, 2242, 2247, 2318, 2338, 2379, 2380, 2383, 2392, 2396, 2446, 2467, 2468, 2471, 2475, 2481, 2486, 2491, 2590, 2599, 2600, 2602, 2651, 2659, 2678, 2708, 2718, 2761, 2769, 2806, 2807, 2808, 2814, 2816, 2818, 2821, 2874, 2901, 2902, 2910, 2912, 2913, 2939, 2987, 2991, 3C67, 3123, 3125, 3214, 3387, 3402, 3417, 3431, 3447, 3448, 3450, 3500, 3501, 3503, 3608, 3657, 3700, 3714, 3719, 3720, 3721, 3729, 3743, 3758, 3761, 3763, 3765, 3773, 3792, 3793, 3805, 3919, 3939, 3944, 3983, 3988, 4036, 4040, 4042, 4057, 4078, 4083, 4103, 4805.
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