Catholic Education Foundation presents TTHHEE CCAATTHHOOLLIICC EEDDUUCCAATTOORR Volume 15 | Spring 2013 In This Edition A Word from Our Editor Reverend Peter M. J. Stravinskas Page 4 N.J. Catholic School's Civility Code: Only Alexis Shaw Page 6 Girls Pledge Not to Curse Catholic Schools Week 2013 ~ Diocese of Page 7 Charles Taylor Gaylord Bishop Joseph McFadden Describes Catholic Page 10 Tim Drake Schools as Centers for New Evangelization Study: Catholic Education Influences Choice to Page 11 Matthew Archbold Become Nun, Brother How Theology Forms the Good Educator Dr. Christopher Evan Longhurst Page 12 Students Get to Learn about Process, Select Page 15 'New Pope' in Mock Conclave Catholic News Service Diocese Affirms Need for Catholic Fidelity CNA/EWTN News Page 16 after Teacher Fired School-choice Movement Gains Slow but Catholic News Service Page 17 Steady Momentum Median Age Of New Priests 32; Two-Thirds USCCB Page 19 Caucasian, Third Born Outside The U.S. The Catholic Educator 2 Spring 2013 Page 21 St. Rose Venerini Wikipedia Page 24 Parents Told to Pay to See School Curriculum WND Education Page 26 Job Posting Ave Maria University The Catholic Educator 3 Spring 2013 A Word from Our Editor The Catholic school apostolate has been the youth. Immodesty in dress, public displays focus of my entire adult life, beginning of affection, crude language and jokes, when I was but a seventeen-year-old inappropriate and unchaperoned encounters, seminarian, including more than twenty access to contraceptives—these sources of years of teaching and administration in high temptation have been topics studiously schools, and now with a responsibility for avoided by most adults, for fear that they assisting schools to enhance their Catholic will be perceived as “out of it” or “nagging.” identity having been propelled into this Worse still, how many “educators” actually mission at the height of the sexual see nothing wrong with my laundry list and revolution, I was always concerned about thus give wholehearted approval to such the dating habits of my students, since I was behaviors? And then, when unfortunate convinced (as I still am) that, in the Catholic results ensue, everyone seems befuddled, scheme of things, the only purpose in dating asking how such things could happen. I am is to find a spouse. For that reason, I never not thinking simply of unplanned, out-of- supported dances that required dates, even wedlock pregnancies; I am also thinking of (and maybe especially) proms. Why? the incredibly high rate of teenage Because I believe that such events put young depression and suicide, not unrelated to people at risk (theologically, we call them “a putting youngsters into a position for which near occasion of sin”). they might be physically capable but certainly not psychologically prepared—let Hundreds of memories came flooding back alone dealing with the underlying moral recently when it was announced that a Jesuit issues at stake. high school in upstate New York had decided to allow two boys to attend the Because these matters have not been prom as a couple. That fact triggered yet handled sufficiently or at all within the another memory from 2005 when two high context of boy-girl relations, they are now schools on Long Island (one all boys, the emerging within the context of same-sex other coed, but both administered by the relations, fraught with the political baggage Marianists) had cancelled their proms and social pressure of the moment, as well because of the out-of-control nature into as the general sexualization of any affection. which those dances had devolved in terms of Of course, if we had been diligent and sex, alcohol and drugs, let alone the responsible in handling these concerns extravagance displayed (often enough with within the heterosexual frame of reference, parental knowledge and complicity). we would not find ourselves engaged in a rear-guard action now within the In some measure, it was almost inevitable homosexual frame of reference. Indeed, the that a Catholic school would be put in the Church would simply be perceived as “an position of having to deal with such a same- equal opportunity” employer, upholding the sex request/demand. What do I mean? For same standards for all her children. decades, Catholic educators (and here I include priests, teachers and parents) have Particularly disturbing about the scenario been gun-shy or intimidated about with the two boys is that the official addressing the psychosexual issues of our statement of the school’s administration The Catholic Educator 4 Spring 2013 never states clearly just what the Catholic the popular thing. Winking at, or even position is on same-sex relations. Further, encouraging, immoral behavior fails on both has anyone even asked why teenagers scores. should be discussing their sexual proclivities at all (regardless of orientation)? The Obama Administration’s attacks on our religious liberty have had the salutary side- A few years back, doing a high school effect of causing clergy to address the evaluation, I came across a school where the immorality of contraception for the first time prom ended with a midnight Mass! What a in decades. Similarly, calls for “sexual lovely way to conclude an evening of good, equality” can provide us with a golden clean fun and how much more difficult for opportunity to pick up the ball we dropped students to leave Mass and engage in forty years ago. immoral behavior. When I began my teaching career, a very Devotedly yours in Christ, wise old Sister told me that the fundamental Reverend Peter M. J. Stravinskas, Ph.D., job of a Catholic school teacher was two- S.T.D. fold: first, to foster virtue, so as to make Executive Director saints; and second, to make the good thing The Catholic Educator 5 Spring 2013 N.J. Catholic School's Civility Code: Only Girls Pledge Not to Curse Female students at the Queen of Peace High and by the main office where many parents School in North Arlington, N.J., stood up came in. during homeroom Friday, raised their right hands, and recited a pledge in unison. But some boys at the school felt snubbed, she said, when they weren't asked to take "I do solemnly promise not to use part. profanities of any kind within the walls and properties of Queen of Peace High School. "It was supposed to be a really sweet, In other words, I swear not to swear. So help innocent, special treat for the ladies me God," they said. specifically for the month of February kind of thing," Flynn said. "And I guess it made Meanwhile, boys at the school were free to the boys feel a little slighted." use whatever language they wanted. But the school soon distributed buttons for The co-ed Catholic high school started a the boys to take part as well. civility campaign in concurrence with National Catholic Schools Week to try "to "A lot of the boys said, 'I have to excuse go back to some old fashion values," myself, there's a lady present,'" Flynn said. resource room teacher Lori Flynn said. Even though the no-cursing ban was only Flynn told ABCNews.com that for the instated on Friday, Flynn said she's already month of February, girls at the school were received a phone call from the all-boys asked to try not to curse. While their Seton Hall Preparatory School in West language wasn't a serious problem, she said Orange, N.J., about instating their own there were plenty of instances of "subtle civility code for the month of Lent. swearing." Flynn said the school was just trying Female students were given pins with a red something new with the no-cursing ban, slash through a pair of lips to wear. While which is technically over for female students Flynn thought the no-cursing crusade would on March 1. But if students wanted to come off as a joke to many students, she was continue the clean language crusade, "we'd surprised by their positive reactions. bring it on the boys, and then we'd do a whole entire Queen of Peace campus with "They said, 'This is serious. We're going to no swearing." do this Mrs. Flynn, we love it!'" she said. "They put their buttons on and took the "We're just starting here," Flynn said. pledge seriously." Alexis Shaw In addition, Flynn said the school put up Feb. 2, 2013 polite zones posted near the school's chapel Abcnews.go.com The Catholic Educator 6 Spring 2013 A Catholic Schools Week 2013 ~ Diocese of Gaylord I recently read an article in the New York the State of Michigan. Alternatively in this Times titled, “Catholic Education, in Need same time period, the Diocese of Gaylord of Salvation.” The authors of the Op-Ed has not closed a single school. That’s piece opened with the sentence, “Parochial right…none of the schools in our diocese education is in crisis” and went on to note have closed. This fact is a testament not only the trends of rising costs, declining to the will of our communities, but also to enrollments and inevitable school closures. the long-standing commitment of individual parishes with schools to invest 40% of their Reading the article could leave one feeling ordinary Sunday income in support of that both helpless and hopeless. The track record school. If I were to report a trend in our of recent decades might seem to foretell a diocese, it would be for increasing the bleak predestined outcome; the impending availability of Catholic education not inevitable collapse of Catholic education as reducing it.
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