DELIVER TO BOXHOLDER PRSRT. STD. U.S. POSTAGE PAID ALEXIS, IL 61412 STORM PERMIT NO. 9 THE United High School Newspaper Volume 5, Issue 5 TRACKER IN THIS ISSUE: CUSD 304 gets $900K check United’s EAV jumps p. 2 But it was more than particular payment to the school said Whitsitt. “The state owes coming in on time, usually distrcit was just shy of three that money back by June 30, so within a week or so after the Stress hits all ages p. 3 three months late and months being late. I don’t think there will be much listed voucher date. However, at there’s no guarantee The district was scheduled to chance of our payments getting press time the state owed United A S.T.O.R.M. alert p. 4 future state payments receive another transportation back on track anytime soon.” nearly $100.000 in general state payment for the same amount With the backlog of unpaid aid on a voucher approved Janu- will be on time on December 29. However, the bills sitting on the comptroller’s ary 12. Elementary Menus p. 5 By Tony Kozelichki, Publisher website confirms the comptrol- desk, there is concern the state Of the funds received De- At the December 22 meeting ler’s office has yet to release won’t be able to pay its share cember 23, more than $465,000 HS calendar & menu p. 6 of the United Board of Educa- those funds. of the school district’s funding was in reorganization incentives tion, Superintendent Jeff Whitsitt “Right now we are about by the June 30 end of the 08-09 stemming from the 2007 annexa- Various winter activities informed board members of the $220,000 behind - mostly in fiscal year. tion of the Yorkwood district. transportation,” said Whitsitt in “Obviously, we will have a United is owed another year of keep students busy p. 7 fast approaching $1 million in money owed the district by the reference to the amount of back- problem with the budget that reorganization incentive funding, State of Illinois. logged funds the district is owed. we amended. The extent of but there are concerns the state New area co-ops will have Christmas, then, came early Other categories in which the the problem won’t be known will not be able to come through, impact on UHS sked p. 8 as the very next day nearly district is owed money include until we know how much we leaving District 304 with a nearly $900,000 was deposited in the special education, the free lunch are shorted this fiscal year,” said half-million dollar hole to fill. school’s accounts, albeit some 90 program and early childhood Whitsitt. While it’s no consolation, days late in some fund balances. education. “Again, we had some fund bal- United is not alone. It’s likely STORM ALERTS The State of Illinois’ inability And, there are no indications ances available, but they won’t all school districts receiving state to pay service providers on time future payments for the second last forever. If we are shorted funding are getting delayed pay- Federal judge decides has left institutions such as our half of the fiscal year will come enough, we will have to find ments, just like hospitals, nursing own school district wondering if in on time. some short term cash flow op- homes, doctors, pharmacists and Moment of Silence issue “In fact, the state just borrowed tions, but I’m hopeful not to get all other organizations, business- U.S. District Judge Robert Get- the check is truly in the mail. $1.4 billion in order to get all to that point this year.” es and individuals who rely on tleman ruled January 22 that a That, along with the nation- the payments out to those they General state aid payments state tax receipts for funding. state law requiring a moment of wide recession, leaves school owed at the end of December,” to the school district have been Whitsitt concluded, “We are no silence in public schools across districts throughout the state different than anyone else or any Illinois is unconstitutional, say- scrambling to pay their own bills other business. The effect on the ing it crosses the line separating on time. economy has an impact on all of church and state. “Our local tax dollars have Thailand gets cold, too our decisions and our plans.” The ruling came in a lawsuit been coming on time and we By Bast Chaikhunsombat To contact your elected state designed to bar schools from had nearly a half year’s worth of Since December 31 passed, the officials to discuss this issue, enforcing the Illinois Silent surplus fund balance to start the year 2009 has started. please address your comments to Reflection and Student Prayer fiscal year. We are just o It’s good to have a resolution Act. It was filed by talk show ver halfway through the fiscal or something you want to do Rep. Richard Myers host Rob Sherman, an outspoken year and so far can maintain our in the near future. Here in the 331 N. Lafayette St. atheist, and his daughter, Dawn, payments,” said Whitsitt. “I’ve U.S., it’s most important to start Macomb, IL 61455 a high school student. also met with the maintenance the year by welcoming your new (309) 836-2707 As passed by the Illinois Gen- personnel to brainstorm some President. (309) 836-2231 FAX eral Assembly, the law allows ways of saving in the current Other countries have kept a students to reflect on the day’s budget year.” close watch on the American activities rather than pray if that The Illinois State Board of people during the election cycle Sen. John Sullivan is their choice and defenders Education’s website (www.isbe. and many are exited over Presi- 926 Broadway have said it therefore doesn’t net) allows individuals to ac- dent Obama’s inauguration. Suite 6 force religion on anyone. cess information regarding the in this area a couple of weeks In the last year, some people Quincy, IL 62301 But Gettleman backed critics amount of state funding each back, but for us the temperature probably had both good and bad (217) 222-2295 such as the American Civil Lib- school district is scheduled to is normally 68-75* throughout experiences, and some people (217) 222-2944 FAX erties Union, who say the law is receive in a given fiscal year. the winter. might have done something a thinly disguised effort to bring It also details disbursement before the New Year, like Christ- religion into the schools. dates in each of the 24 categories mas, getting gifts, eating food, It remains unclear if Gettle- the United district qualifies for and sightseeing. A little heat during the cold months man’s decision will end the state funding. For me, I went to an under- dispute or merely signal a fresh To access the information, ground concert in Peoria with On Friday, January 30, United battle in a federal appeals court. click on the FRIS Inquiry tab my host “brothers.” It was good. High School librarian Mary United High School discontin- at the top. Then just search for After the concert, we visited a Murray conducted her annual hot ued practice of offering the mo- United. The school district is friend’s house and played a trivia sauce sampling day. ment of silence at the beginning listed about 3/4 of the way down board game. She began the project four of this school year. the list. years ago, challenging brave By accessing information The next weekend at a church in Galesburg, I met an exchange and unsuspecting students to IHSA bans game prayer provided for each of the 24 test their culinary instincts while categories, one can click on the student who was from Thailand, The Illinois High School As- tasting a variety of hot and spicy “details” tab and see exactly how as well. sociation Board of Directors at sauces and foods. much money the school district We talked about the problems its January 12 meeting approved Each year dozens of students has received, when the funds since arriving in the U.S., specifi- a recommendation to include a accept the challenge, but many were approved, and the date the cally the language barriers, home policy in the IHSA Handbook refuse to return for a second try a comptroller’s office released sickness and school. and Terms & Conditions for year later. those funds. Thai news is generally better every sport/activity that prohibits With the recent opening of For example, under “Transpor- and more positive;, however, I est offerings in under a minute. prayer over the public address Buffalo Wild Wings in Gales- tation, regular and vocational” did get some bad news recently. Mettler was awarded by having system at IHSA state series burg, anyone can now take a you will find the state made Thailand had a cold spell his picture placed on the restau- events. similar challenge. a payment of $181,380.45 on recently, with temperatures rant’s wall, and walked (shakily) The ruling does not affect regu- Pictured right is United junior December 22. However, the dropping down to as low as away with a T-shirt and, report- lar season contests. 50*. I know that sounds warm, James Mettler who consumed a edly, true appreciation for what it voucher date for those funds half dozen of Wild Wings’ spici- was September 24, meaning that especially given the record cold means to be “hot.” STORM TRACKER Agendas light at December & January board meetings 1905 100th Street Due to school cancellations high as the newly projected total Also discussed was ongoing tee meeting was held between Monmouth, IL 61462 309-734-9411 and bad weather, the December was in the 1991-1992 school talks with the Monmouth-Ros- the two districts in January, but meeting of the United Board of year, when the combined EAVs eville district about an expir- no decision regarding future con- The Storm Tracker is published Education was postponed until of the former Alexis, Warren and ing contract with United which tracts between the two districts monthly by the journalism students of Monday, December 22.
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