Exercise 1 Advanced SDPs Matrices and vectors: All these are very important facts that we will use repeatedly, and should be internalized. • Inner product and outer products. Let u = (u1; : : : ; un) and v = (v1; : : : ; vn) be vectors in n T Pn R . Then u v = hu; vi = i=1 uivi is the inner product of u and v. T The outer product uv is an n × n rank 1 matrix B with entries Bij = uivj. The matrix B is a very useful operator. Suppose v is a unit vector. Then, B sends v to u i.e. Bv = uvT v = u, but Bw = 0 for all w 2 v?. m×n n×p • Matrix Product. For any two matrices A 2 R and B 2 R , the standard matrix Pn product C = AB is the m × p matrix with entries cij = k=1 aikbkj. Here are two very useful ways to view this. T Inner products: Let ri be the i-th row of A, or equivalently the i-th column of A , the T transpose of A. Let bj denote the j-th column of B. Then cij = ri cj is the dot product of i-column of AT and j-th column of B. Sums of outer products: C can also be expressed as outer products of columns of A and rows of B. Pn T Exercise: Show that C = k=1 akbk where ak is the k-th column of A and bk is the k-th row of B (or equivalently the k-column of BT ). • Trace inner product of matrices. For any n × n matrix A, the trace is defined as the sum P of diagonal entries, T r(A) = i aii. For any two m × n matrices A and B one can define P the Frobenius or Trace inner product hA; Bi = ij aijbij. This is also denoted as A • B. Exercise: Show that hA; Bi = T r(AT B) = T r(BAT ). m n • Bilinear forms. For any m × n matrix A and vectors u 2 R ; v 2 R , the product T Pn Pn u Av = hu; Avi = i=1 j=1 aijuivj. Exercise: Show that uT Av = huvT ;Ai. This relates bilinear product to matrix inner product. • PSD matrices. Let A be a symmetric n×n matrix with entries aij. Recall that we defined A to be PSD if there exist vectors vi for i = 1; : : : ; n (in some arbitrary dimensional space) such that aij = vi · vj for each 1 ≤ i; j ≤ n. The following properties are all equivalent ways to characterizing PSD matrices: 1. aij = vi · vj for each 1 ≤ i; j ≤ n. A is called the Gram matrix of vectors vi. So if V T is the matrix obtained by stacking these vectors with i-th column vi, then A = V V . T n 2. A is symmetric and x Ax ≥ 0 for all x 2 R . 3. A is symmetric and has all eigenvalues non-negative. Pn T 4. A = i=1 λiuiui for λi ≥ 0 and ui are an orthonormal set of vectors. The λi are the eigenvalues of A and ui are the corresponding eigenvectors. Exercise: Show that (1) ! (2) and (2) ! (3). Solution: T (1) ! (2): Note that (1) implies that A = V V , where V = (v1; : : : ; vn). Then for any n x 2 R , we have that xT Ax = xT V T V x = kV xk2 ≥ 0, where kV xk2 is the squared Euclidean norm. (2) ! (3): Since A is symmetric, A is diagonizable and only real eigen values. Now assume that A has a negative eigen value λ < 0 with corresponding eigen vector v 6= 0 such that Av = λv. But then, vT Av = λkvk2 < 0, contradicting (2). (3) ! (4) follows from the well-known spectral theorem (that we do not prove here) that any symmetric matrix B has real eigenvalues and its eigenvectors are orthogonal. That P T is, B = i βiuiui where βi 2 R and ui is an orthonormal set of vectors. Exercise: Show that (4)p ! (1) usingp the two views of matrix products discussed above. Solution: Let U = ( λ1u1;:::; λnun) (i.e. with the indicated columns). Then n n X T X p p T T A = λiuiui = ( λiui)( λiui) = UU . i=1 i=1 T Now letting (v1; : : : ; vn) = U denote the columns of U, we directly get that Aij = T (UU )ij = vi · vj. Exercise: If A and B are n × n PSD matrics. Show that A + B is also PSD. Solution: T T n T Note that x Ax ≥ 0 and x Bx ≥ 0, 8x 2 R , clearly implies that x (A + B)x = T T n x Ax + x Bx ≥ 0 8x 2 R . Thus, by (2) A + B is also PSD. Hint: It is easiest to use definition (2) of PSD above. Exercise: Show the above using (1) instead of (2). In particular if aij = vi · vj and bij = wi ·wj can you construct vectors yi using these vi and wi such that aij +bij = yi ·yj? T T T Solution: Define z1; : : : ; zn by the relation zi = (vi ; wi ) for i 2 [n]. Then clearly hzi; zji = hvi; vji + hwi; wji = aij + bij. • Tensors. Let v 2 Rn. We define the two-fold tensor v⊗2 as the n × n matrix with (i; j)-th T ⊗2 2 entry vi · vj. This is same as vv , but it is useful to view v as an n dimensional vector. Similarly, if v 2 Rn and w 2 Rm, v ⊗ w = vwT is viewed as an nm dimensional vector. Exercise: Show that if v; w 2 Rn and x; y 2 Rm, then hv ⊗ x; w ⊗ yi = hv; wihx; yi. One can remember this rule as, the dot product of tensors is the product of their vector dot products. Solution: X X hv ⊗ x; w ⊗ yi = (v ⊗ x)ij(w ⊗ y)ij = vixjwiyj i2[n];j2[m] i2[n];j2[m] X X = ( viwi)( xjyj) = hv; wihx; yi . i2[n] j2[m] Similarly, one can generalize this to higher order tensors. For now we just discuss the k-fold tensor of a vector by itself. If v 2 Rn v⊗k is the nk dimensional vector with the (i1; : : : ; ik) entry equal to the product vi1 vi2 ··· vik . n ⊗k ⊗k k Exercise: Show (by just expanding things out) that if v; w 2 R then v ; w = (hv; wi) . Solution: X X hv⊗k; w⊗ki = v⊗k w⊗k = (v ··· v )(w ··· w ) i1i2:::ik i1i2:::ik i1 ik i1 ik i1;:::;ik2[n] i1;:::;ik2[n] X X X k = (vi1 wi1 ) ··· (vik wik ) = ( vi1 wi1 ) ··· ( vik wik ) = hv; wi , i1;:::;ik2[n] i12[n] ik2[n] as needed. Exercise: Let p(x) a univariate polynomial with non-negative coefficients. Let A be a n × n PSD matrix with entries aij, and let p(A) denote the matrix which has its (i; j)- entry p(aij). Show that p(A) is also PSD. 0 0 Hint: Use that aij = hvi; vji for each i; j, and construct suitable vectors vi and vj such 0 0 ⊗k ⊗k k that p(aij) = vi · vj. Use the property hv ; w i = (hv; wi) of dot products tensors stated above. Solution: Since A is PSD we can write Aij = hvi; vji for vectors v1; : : : ; vn. Let k p(x) = c0 + c1x + ··· + ckx , where c0; c1; : : : ; ck ≥ 0. Now define the vectors z1; : : : ; zn by p p p ⊗2 p ⊗k zi = ( c0; c1vi; c2vi ;:::; ckvi ) for i 2 [n]. Then by the previous exercises, we see that ⊗2 ⊗2 ⊗k ⊗k hzi; zji = c0 + c1hvi; vji + c2hvi ; vj i + ··· + ckhvi ; vj i 2 k = c0 + c1hvi; vji + c2hvi; vji + ··· + ckhvi; vji 2 k = c0 + c1aij + c2aij + ··· ckaij = p(aij) . • If the Goemans Williamson SDP relaxation for maxcut on a graph G has value (1 − )jEj where jEj is the number of edges in G, show that the hyperplane rounding algorithm p achieves a value of (1 − O( ))jEj. n Solution: Let v1; : : : ; vn 2 R , kvik = 1 denote the optimal solution to the SDP for G. Recall that the SDP value is X 1 (1 − hv ; v i) := SDP, 2 i j (i;j)2E and that the value achieved by Goemans Williamson rounding is X θij/π (i;j)2E where cos(θij) = hvi; vji for all (i; j) 2 E. By assumption, we know that the MAXCUT of the graph has size at least (1−)jEj edges, and hence the value of the value of SDP is at least (1 − )jEj as well. To begin the analysis, we will first remove all the edges for which the angles are less than π=2, and show that the value of the remaining edges is still at least 1 − 2 (this will allow 0 us to apply a useful concavity argument). Namely, let E = f(i; j) 2 E : hvi; vji ≤ 0g, and let α = jE0j=jEj. We first show that α ≥ 1 − 2. To see this, note that X 1 X 1 (1 − )jEj ≤ (1 − hv ; v i) + (1 − hv ; v i) 2 i j 2 i j (i;j)2EnE0 (i;j)2E0 ≤ (jEj − jE0j)=2 + jE0j = (1 − α)jEj=2 + αjEj , where the lower bound α ≥ 1 − 2 now follows by rearranging. Using the above, we can lower bound the value of the SDP restricted to the edges of E0 as follows, X 1 X 1 1 (1−hv ; v i) ≥ (1−)jE|− (1−hv ; v i) ≥ (1−)jE|− (jE|−|E0j) ≥ (1−2)jEj .
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