Education & Children’s Services Committee Conference Room 2, Ground Floor, Fife House, Glenrothes Tuesday, 28th August, 2018 – 10.00 a.m. ________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA Page Nos. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - In terms of Section 5 of the Code of Conduct, members of the Committee are asked to declare any interest in particular items on the agenda and the nature of the interest(s) at this stage. 3. MINUTES - (a) Minute of meeting Education & Children’s Services Committee 3 - 6 of 22nd May, 2018 (b) Minute of Education Appointment Committee of 11th, 17th, 23rd, 7 - 14 25th May, and two minutes of 8th June and 14th and 22nd June, 2018. (c) Minute of East Fife Trust Committee of 12th April, 2018 15 - 19 (d) Minutes of West Fife Trust Committee of 20th April, 2018 20 - 27 4. EARLY LEARNING & CHILDCARE - Report by Executive Director 28 - 46 (Education & Children’s Services) 5. A BETTER CONNECTED DIRECTORATE FOR 2020 - Report by 47 - 92 Executive Director (Education & Children’s Services). 6. BUILDING FIFE’S FUTURE – THE SCHOOL ESTATE - Report by 93 - 143 Executive Director (Education & Children’s Services). 7. EDUCATION & CHILDREN’S SERVICES DIRECTORATE PLAN - 144 - 181 Report by Executive Director (Education & Children’s Services). 8. EDUCATION AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES DIRECTORATE – 182 - 194 REVENUE BUDGET 2017/18 - PROVISIONAL OUTTURN REPORT – Joint report by Executive Director (Education & Children’s Services) and Executive Director (Finance & Corporate Services). 9./ 1 - 2 - 9. EDUCATION AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES DIRECTORATE – 195 - 200 CAPITAL INVESTMENT PLAN 2017/18 - PROVISIONAL OUTTURN REPORT – Joint report by Executive Director (Education & Children’s Services) and Executive Director (Finance & Corporate Services). 10. EDUCATION AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES DIRECTORATE – 201 - 210 REVENUE BUDGET 2018/19 PROJECTED OUTTURN – Joint report by Executive Director (Education & Children’s Services) and Executive Director (Finance & Corporate Services). 11. EDUCATION AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES DIRECTORATE – 211 - 217 CAPITAL INVESTMENT PLAN 2018/19 PROJECTED OUTTURN - Joint report by Executive Director (Education & Children’s Services) and Executive Director (Finance & Corporate Services). 12. COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME. 216 - 217 Members are reminded that, should they have queries on the detail of a report, they should where possible contact the report authors in advance of the meeting to seek clarification. Linda Bissett, Head of Democratic Services, Finance & Corporate Services. Fife House, North Street, Glenrothes, Fife. KY7 5LT 21st August, 2018 If telephoning, please ask for:- Susan Williams, Committee Administrator, Fife House, Glenrothes Telephone: 03451 555555 (Ext. 442243) or E-mail: [email protected] Agendas and papers for all Committee meetings can be accessed on www.fifedirect.org.uk/committees 2 2018.E.Ch.S.C.40 THE FIFE COUNCIL - EDUCATION & CHILDREN’S SERVICES COMMITTEE - GLENROTHES 22nd May, 2018 10.00 a.m. – 12.22 p.m. PRESENT: Councillors Fay Sinclair (Convener), David Barrett, James Calder, Linda Erskine, Ian Ferguson, Helen Law, Kathleen Leslie, Rosemary Liewald, Mary Lockhart, Dominic Nolan, Alistair Suttie, Craig Walker and Richard Watt, Mr Alastair Crockett, Mr George Haggarty, Ms. Carol Herbertson and Bailey-Lee Robb. ATTENDING: Carrie Lindsay, Executive Director (Education & Children’s Services), Shelagh McLean, Head of Education & Children’s Services (Equity & System Improvement), Jacqueline Price, Head of Education & Children’s Services (Early Years), Lynn Gillies, Service Manager (Family Support), Rona Maclean-Ross and Gordon Wardrope, Education Officers, Education; Chris Campbell, Team Manager, Social Work; Elizabeth Mair, Committee Administrator, Finance & Corporate Services Directorate. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Mr. William Imlay. 67. CHANGES TO MEMBERSHIP Decision The Committee noted that:- (a) Councillor Linda Erskine had been appointed as Vice-Convener of the Committee at the Fife Council Meeting on 3rd May, (b) Councillor Dominic Nolan had replaced Councillor David J. Ross; and (c) Mr. William Imlay had been appointed as the new Church of Scotland Representative. (Councillor Bobby Clelland entered the meeting following consideration of the above item). 68. MINUTES (a) Education and Children’s Services Committee – 27th March, 2018 Decision The Committee approved the minute. (b)/ 3 2018.E.Ch.S.C.41 (b) Education Appointment Committee – 9th May, 2018 Decision The Committee approved the minute. 69. PUPILWISE AND PARENTWISE SURVEYS, SESSION 2017/18 The Committee considered a report by the Executive Director (Education & Children’s Services), presenting a summary of the Parentwise and Pupilwise survey process undertaken across Fife in academic session 2017/18. The results would be used to identify strengths and areas for focused attention across all sectors at individual educational establishment level and at Fife-wide strategic level. Decision The Committee noted:- (1) the survey process and findings; and (2) that members were invited to find out more about pupil and parental participation activities. Schools would welcome elected member contact to talk about the different ways they listen to pupils and parents/carers and how they use this information. (Councillor Mary Lockhart entered the meeting during consideration of the above item). 70. OUR MINDS MATTER: SUPPORTING YOUNG PEOPLE’S EMOTIONAL WELLBEING. The Committee considered a report by the Executive Director (Education & Children’s Services), sharing strategic approaches around supporting young people’s emotional wellbeing in Fife and describing the first year of the implementation of the Our Minds Matter framework. Decision The Committee:- (1) endorsed the Our Minds Matter framework and its associated approaches; (2) noted the initiatives and programmes underway; and (3) agreed that an Our Minds Matter information session for elected members be arranged. (Councillor Craig Walker left the meeting during consideration of the above item). 71./ 4 2018.E.Ch.S.C.42 71. SUPPORT FOR VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS The Committee considered a report by the Executive Director (Education & Children’s Services) presenting recommendations for the level of support to voluntary organisations funded by Education and Children’s Services in Fife for the period 2018-2019. Decision The Committee agreed:- (1) to approve the level of funding to voluntary organisations as detailed in the schedule attached to the report; and (2) that a briefing note giving further information on the financial position of the organisations be prepared and circulated to members. (Councillor Craig Walker rejoined the meeting during consideration of the above item). 72. SCHOOL TRANSPORT – A REVIEW The Committee considered a report by the Executive Director (Education & Children’s Services) outlining a number of approaches to providing greater consistency and equity with regards to school transport provision. Decision The Committee agreed:- (1) to ask the Education & Children’s Services Directorate to develop a formal proposal, in line with the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, for approval of the content by Committee in August 2018, with regards to implementation of a Walking Routes to School (WRTS) Policy; (2) to note that the Council had consistently rejected any change to the 1 and 2 mile entitlement distances for school transport and once again rejected officer proposals to reduce these in preparation of its budget for 2018/19; and (3) that wider issues relating to school transport should be considered as part as a comprehensive review, including a members workshop, of the Council’s approach to subsidised transport. 73./ 5 2018.E.Ch.S.C.43 73. FIFE SCHOOLS: EXCLUSION POLICY & PROCEDURAL GUIDANCE The Committee considered a report by the Executive Director (Education & Children’s Services) providing a draft revised exclusion policy and procedural guidance for Fife Schools, taking account of the June, 2017 publication of the national guidance relating to exclusion and the ongoing Getting It Right For Every Child developments of inclusion, nurture and de-escalation. Decision The Committee agreed to:- (1) note the draft exclusion policy and procedural guidance; and (2) approve the policy for circulation to Fife schools. 74. EDUCATION AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES COMMITTEE - WORK PROGRAMME Decision The Committee noted the current version of the Work Programme which would be further updated, as appropriate. _______________________ 6 Education & Children’s Services 2018.EAC.12 Committee 28th August, 2018 Agenda Item No. 3(b) THE FIFE COUNCIL – EDUCATION & CHILDREN’S SERVICES COMMITTEE – EDUCATION APPOINTMENT COMMITTEE – GLENROTHES 11 May 2018 10.30am – 2pm PRESENT:Cllr Darren Watt, George Haggarty, RC Represntative, Peter McNaughton, HoS, Angela Logue, Education Officer, Lesley Jack, Parent Council, Louise Kilpatrick, Parent Council 23. EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS Decision The Committee resolved that under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Act. 24. HEADTEACHER – ST BRIDE’S RC PRIMARY SCHOOL The Committee interviewed 2 applicant(s) on the short leet for this post. Decision Agreed to recommend the appointment of Jo-Anne Angel, currently Depute Headteacher at St Margaret’s Primary School. 7
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