PLEASE RETURN TO COUNCIL CHAMY58S YUKON TERRITORIAL COUNCIL SECOND SESSION 1966 Votes and Proceedings VOLUME 3. (Sessional Papers) .... 11 May, 1966. SESSION,.L :2/.PER NO. 1-1966 ( 2nd) Mr. Spec1ker, Members of Council. Motion No. 47 - Air Strip It is respectfully requested that the Administration consider extending and upgrading the Territorial air strip at Beaver Creek, Y.T., and also the air strip for Haines Junction. C A location for a flight stri1J at Beaver Creek has been selected and agreed to by the Territorial Government and the Department of Transport. However, so far we have been unsuccessful in our attempts with Ottawa to have this strip classified as a "Remote Airport 11 under the Public Airports Policy and, therefore, development of this strip will be a Territorial responsibility if such action is justified. At the !)resent time a flight strip within the boundaries of the selected location referred to above is being developed by Mr. J.A. Stalburg for his own use and for use by transient aircraft. In the new Five Year Agreement a sum of ~$20,000.00 per year has been provided for airport development and if this item is approved, gradual improvement to the Beaver Creek strip could be made commencing in 1967. At Haines Junction the Pon L;;1.ke flight strip is 6,000 feet long according to the tforld Aeronautical Chart (117) Wrangell Mts., and therefore, is of sufficient length to accommodate four engine aircraft. The Department of Public Works, who are responsible for maintenance of the strip, inform me that the strip does not require upgrading insofar as surfacing is concerned. During the break-up period the strip does becon:e soft but this is normal for gravel strips throughout the Territory at this time of year. In the light of these facts, upgrading and extension is not required at this time. G. R.Cameron, Commissioner. May 13!) 1966. SESSIONLL P~PER NO. 2-1966 (2nd) ]'/Jr. Speaker !J Members of Council. Motion No. 40 Resolved .that the Commissioner be requested. to forwa::~d to the Minister of Northern Affairs and lfational Resour·ces for his earliest con.sideration the. accompanying resolution of this Council~ Resolved .that the Minister of Northern .Affairs and National Resources refer Bill Cl4 ?, An Act to Amend the Yukon Act, to the Standing Cammi ttee on Northern Affairs and National Resources in the House of Commons to enable the Council of the Y1L1<on Territol'.'y to !)resent the case for the amendments inherent in ·or. consequential to or otherwfse necessary to realize the philosophy· implicit in the fallowing· Changes how requested of the Minister: · a) The Ccnm,c~l of the Yukon Territory to be known as: the Yukon Legislative. Assemby; b) · The number of members of the Yukon Legislative Asse'mbly to be 'increased ·to 15 and the terms of the Assembly to ·be.· increased to four years; c) The Advisory Committee on Finance to be replaced by an Executive Committee of not less than five members· tri th full executive powers in ·the following classes of subjects:- i) Education, health and weliare ii) ·Territorial resources including land iii) ·Public· wc:irks iv) Justice and Corrections · v) R~veBUe and.finance vi) Forestry· vii) Fishery viii) All residual executive and adminis trativ~ functions incl:uding industry and labour controll_ed or perf9rmed by the Federal government, anq. the Legislative Assembly to have exclusive legislative. jurisdiction.· to make ordinances for the Government of the Territory in relation to the above classes. of subjects in addition to the legislative powers existing under Section 16 of the Yukon Act. d) The number of Members of the Yukok Legislative Assembly to be increased from 15 to 21 or such greater number as the Yukon Legislative Assembly may determine at the expiration of 12 years from the implementation of amendments to the Yukon Act implicit in this resolution ,rhenall necessary legislative and other changes are to be effected to constitute the Province of Yukon with the c~/ same legislative and executive powers as those which exist in the provinces of I Canada •. · I e) The Members to be given all necessary authority analogous to that in Provincial Legislative assemblies to establish their indemnities and allow­ ances and to have all the requisite powers to establish or participate in a pension plan or group health plan; f) Section 24 of the Yukon Act to be repealed; g) The status of the Yukon Legislative As ,3embly to be enlarged so that it shall have full capacity to attend all Inter-Provincial and Federal-Provincial conferences and to participate in resulting r'iscussions and agreements; h) The Land Titles Act to be repealed in respect of the Yukon Territory and replaced by a Land Titles Ordinance; i) All Crown land to be held in the name of the Crown in Right of the Territory. /2 -2- I have today received an answer from the Minister. regarding Motion No. 40. The information is as follows: Thank you, for your telex recE?ived today, communica·i.;ing to me the text of Motion No. 40 p.assed by CoU!).C_il on May 5t~. I wanted to give the earli8st possible response to this communication in view of the fact that Bill C-147 is scheduled for debate in the House of Commons this week. I want first of all to commend the Council for their careful examination of questions relating to the framework of the Yukon Government, and the interesting suggest:J:ons put forth in the Motion. While I do not necessarily ae;ree with.the details, I am pleased to see this sort of deb.ate going forward on a topic of such importance. SpE:lcifically in answer to the resulution, I am not prepared to recommend tot he House of Commons that Bill 0-14 7 be referred to the Standing Cammi ttee on North(3rn Affairs and Na tion~l Resources for consideration and even were it so referred, I do not be.lieve that the terms of reference should be so broad as to permit an examination at this time of the very broad questions the Council has in mind. Bill 0-147 is essentially a house keeping-measure to give a. well deserved increase to· salaries of Ter.ri torial Councillors and make other minor adjustment in the Act. It was never contemplated as an omnibus measure to reshape the constitution of the Yukon. I am fully aware of the importance and urgency of thisproblem. I said in Whitehorse recently that there are sound arguments for the appointment of a Commission to study the matter thoroughly but that I preferred to reserve judgment on this point until I receive the report of a· similai· COO"CJiit&lornow enquiring into Governmental structure in the Northwest Territories. In the meant.~me, ,I have already stated that the ]'.ederal Government will cooperate in an economic study which is in any case, in my opinion, an essential pre­ requisite to governmental investigation. Consideration of these major questions by a Committee of the House of Commons would, in my opinion, be _more __ appropriately held untjl such time as studies of this kind are available. In the meantime, I think it important that the amendments in Bill 0-147 not be delayed by a general examination of the sort suggested by the Council which, i.n view of its importance, would inevitably take many months for proper consideration. G.R. Cameron; ·Commissioner .. •if 14 July, 1966. SGSSION •• L i\.PEh NO. 3-1966 (2nd) Mr • Speaker , Members of Co1mcil. Hotfon No. 33 .:.. Fresh Water•Fishing . _It is the opirlion of, Council that the Administration should, 8.t the, ( .earJiest time permissable, prepare legislation in respect of fresh water fishing in the Yukon. in order to assume the responsibilities now under the control of the Federal Department of Fisheries. Our pb;-ector:,has now informed us that Dr.A.W.H. Needler, Deputy Minister, I)_epartment of Fisheries, st.at,es the question of transfer of administi-ative control of fresh water fisheries to. the Yukon . I Territorial Government is being seriously considered within the Department and ~hat Dr. Heedler hopes. soon to be in a position to reply further on this matter. , il •. /; {//· /" ... i. "f/f/ ( /;,(/{'-'•:,_.,,--• (,'. ;).'.[,/_' : , l, /. · , I F. •B.' Fiiigland, Administrator. · SESSIONi~L p,-.PER NO, 4-1966 (2nd) Mr. Speaker, Members of Council Motion No~ 9 - Construction ·6f · Gr"eenhouse 1 That ~he Administration make every possible e·ffs-ir't to have the proposed experimental. greenhouse scheduled for Beaver lodge, Alberta, constructed at the Experimental Farm at 1019 Alaska Highway. 1 Our Director has informed us that our lYiinister communicated to the Honourable J.J. Gr-eene, Minister of Agriculture, the content.of the above Motion •. Following is the Honourable Mr. Gr-een I s reply, for your information:. · 1 lv,w:. dear Col;League: . Thank you for your recent letter about our· Experimental Farm at Hile 1019, Alaska Highway. I have taken note of the concern indicated by members of the Council of the Yukon Territory and the Wnitehorse Chamber of Commerce regarding developments at the Experimental Farm. I appreciate their interest in these developments and can assure them that we will continue to do our best to meet the real needs for agricultural information for the area. Our plans for the Farm at Mile 1019 are as outlined by the Honourable Harry Hays in his letter of November 17tll, 1965, to which you refer. We intend to maint1.:,in the Farm as a functional unit with a resident staff -to continue experimental work under the guidance of professional staff located at Beaverlodge.
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