Our Operating Sponsors Mission Statement Our Community Foundation is dedicated to helping improve community living and the quality of life for The Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foun- citizens and visitors to Kenora and the Lake of the dation is privileged to have received support from individuals Woods Region. and organizations listed below. These sponsors play a key role in promoting our vision, mission and mandate throughout our re- gion. Each one makes an important contribution to the operating Mandate expenses of the Community Foundation. We commend them for The Community Foundation aims to strengthen the their leadership and vision in assisting us with the development communities we serve by continuously striving to- of endowment funds, which will serve the region in perpetuity. wards three key objectives. • Andrew Paterson & Family • Ne-Chee Friendship Centre • Copperfin Credit Union Ltd • The Township of 1. Providing endowment-building opportunities and • 89.5 The Lake Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls personalized donor services • BDO Canada LLP • The City of Kenora 2. Promoting broad and effective grant making • Community Foundations of • KMTS 3. Offering Community leadership Canada • Hook, Seller & Lundin LLP Impact Our Community Foundation is creating a lasting leg- acy for our region. The permanent endowment funds we are building will stay in our community forever. The yearly earnings from the endowment funds will be used to fund grants to a wide range of community groups. Grants are awarded to local charities in the following fields: Arts and Culture, Health and Well- ness, Social Welfare, Animal Welfare, the Environ- Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant helps build Community Foundation Sustainability. An $11,800 grant from the Trillium Foundation to pur- ment and the Community at Large. chase a joint donor database & accounting software program is helping us with the tracking of donor’s contributions, grant disbursements, invest- ment growth and other financial data. We are grateful to the Trillium Foundation for their support. Scope We are one of 183 Community Foundations across Canada. Together our assets total $3.0 billion. In 2011, we made grants totalling $154 million to thousands of Table of Contents charities across the nation. In 2011, a total of $219 mil- lion was contributed as new gifts to existing endow- 2 Intro to our Community ment funds. Our 2011 Audited Financial Statements Foundation are available from the Community Foundation office. 3 Message from the Board President & Executive Director Front Cover 4, 5 Our Donor List Our front cover invites readers to reflect on the time- 6, 7 2011 Grant recipients less physical beauty of the Kenora and Lake of the 8, 9 Celebrating Our Donors, Woods Region. We are very fortunate to live, work and play in such extraordinary surroundings. Cover Recipients and Volunteers photos and bottom banner photo provided by Tom 10, 11 Giving Options Thomson Photography. 12, 13 Our Fundraisers This document is generously sponsored by: 14, 15 Volunteers: Board and Committees Hook, Seller & Lundin LLP. 16 Grant Catchment Area Designed and Printed By: Overdrive Design Labs 2 2011 In Review Message from the Board President & Executive Director Endowment Growth $3,000,000 In 2011, our Community Foun- $2,500,000 dation had the opportunity to celebrate our generous donors, $2,000,000 worthy grant recipients and ded- $1,500,000 icated volunteers. Our endow- ment funds grew by $336,000 $1,000,000 and we delivered grants of over $500,000 $152,000 to charities doing won- derful and varied work in our re- $- gion. We were honored to welcome David Northcott, Executive 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Director of Winnipeg Harvest , as the key note speaker at our June Granting ceremony, where we achieved a milestone distribution 2004-2011 Cumulative of $100,000 in grants in one evening. Our agency endowment Grants of $856,000 funds grew by the inclusion of Women’s Shelter Saakaate House $180,000 and the Minto Parent Child Resource Centre. We look forward to $160,000 working with both organizations in attracting new donors to their $140,000 endowments. We continue to benefit from the solid support of $120,000 our operating sponsors, including increased visibility on the in- $100,000 side back cover of the 2011 Kenora Telephone Directory by KMTS. $80,000 If you do not know about the impact of the Community Founda- $60,000 tion in our region, we invite you to learn more about us; volunteer, donate, attend a granting ceremony or fundraising event. We ex- $40,000 tend our thanks to the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration $20,000 for the funding to hire summer student Lindy MacKey, as well as $- 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 to the NOHFC Program of the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines for the financial support provided for our 2011-2012 Marketing Intern, Josh Tinkler – Josephi. Fundraising Totals $70,000 THANK YOU to our volunteers, generous donors and sponsors $60,000 for your leadership, commitment and dedication in helping us improve community living and the quality of life in our beautiful $50,000 Kenora and Lake of the Woods Region. $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $- 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Copperfin CEO Dennis Alvestad left and Orlo Mejia, Vice President Kenora Hockey Hero Mike Richards graciously poses with of Operations and Business Development, third from left pose with summer student Lindy MacKey on the left and marketing intern Community Foundation Directors. Copperfin Credit Union is our Josh Tinkler – Josephi. major operating sponsor. BUILDING FOREVER TOGETHER 3 Our 2011 Donor List The Community Foundation thanks all of our donors for contributing to the future of the Kenora and Lake of the Woods Region. Pro- ceeds from our fundraising events are used to support our operating expenses, with a few limited exceptions; all other gifts are placed in our permanent endowment funds. Donations are invested as capital and the investment growth is granted to registered charities annu- ally, in line with the donors wishes. Our goal is to help improve the lives of as many people as possible within our family of communities. Every effort has been made to provide a complete list of donors. If however your name is missing from this list, we sincerely apologize and ask that you contact us. Anonymous (6) John & Madeline Brose Terry Douglas Family Warren Kroeker Denise Adams Don Brown Sayer Down Bruce Hamilton Lynn Krolyk Greg & Shelley Agnew Mercedes Brown Heather Duchominsky Handi Transit Bake Sale Angela Kuchma Nicki Ahrens Shawn & Charlotte Brown Adrienne Dufour Cecil Haney Deanne Kulchyski Bob & Connie Aitken Pamela Bryson Laurel Dufresne and Family Kim Hanstead Kyla Kulchyski Rob & Hilary Aitken Marnie Buffett Joanne Dunford Harbourfront Concert Series Dominique Kyle Bert Alcock Shelley Bujold Rob & Patti Edie Maegan Hayward Chris Lacy Gloria Alcock Craig Bullock Donna Edwards Andrea Helkenberg Derek Laffin Judy Alcock Leanna Bullock Marlene Elder Ashley Hendy Doug Lafreniere & Dennis & Linda Alvestad Robert & Susan Bulman Jane England John Hendy Lydia Eberhardt Mike Alvestad Majan Bunn Deb Everley Stephanie Hiebert Lake of the Woods Insurance Pat Alvestad Phil & Pat Burke Vikki Favreau Paul & Carol Hill Gerald Lambert Rev. Amell Cindy Burnell Mandi Fawcett Dan Hillis Lisa LeBlanc Leslie Apland Bill & Lois Burris Wayne & Carol Fehr Shelley Hodges Pat Ledger Gary and Carolyn Bachman Bill & Meg Cameron Jodie Fenelon Dale & Cindy Hogg Nello LeDonne Natalie Baker Ken & Joan Campbell Janet Findlay Greg Holland Legion Poppy Fund Don Barnard Susan Campbell Jennifer Findlay Colleen Holloway Leslie Legross Maude Barnard Alyson Candline Firefly Craig Holmstrom Barb Leighton Pat Barnard William & Mary Candline Heidi Fitzgerald Linda Holmstrom Sandi Lentz John & Sharon Barr Dave Canfield Donna Fleming James Hook George Letwiniuk Mona Bartmanovich Iris Caron Madison Fleming Rhonda Horsman Tara Letwiniuk Jeff & Rae Bath Becky Carr Bill Forster Claudette Howe George Lockhart Donny Beasant Brenda Chambers-Ivey Colin & Monica Foster H. Hristov Jim & Debbie Lockhart Beaver Brae Secondary Louise Chatel Peter & Lesley Fox Jackie Hummelbrunner Scott Lockhart and Family School Youth in Ron Chatel Anne Frechette Husky Group of Companies Heidi Loohuizen Philanthropy Group Kent & Judy Christie Joseph Fregeau Jim Hutchinson Lowery’s Basics Anita Bedard City of Kenora Donna Friesen Investors Group Allan Luby Maurice Bedard Fay Clark Chris Fulton S. Irish Shannon Lucas Ken & Cindy Behrsin Chris Clark Wendy Fulton Drew Irwin Gladys Lupien Tracy Benoit Jim & Diane Clarke John Gale Shelley Johnson Marion Macadam Maria Berezowski John Contini Corey Gallagher Susanne Johnson Sydney MacDonald Trish Berry Donald & Ida Copenace Darlene Geary Joan Kantola Sylvie MacDonald Darlene Bichon Copperfin Credit Union Tanis Geary Debra Kasprick Scott & Darlene MacGillivray John Bilton Claudine Cordeiro Shari Gentes Jason Kennedy Dan MacNeill Al & Lynn Bisset Canadian Pacific and Will Gibson Maeghan Kennedy Kelly MacNeill Ann & Emile Blouin Kenora Employees Philip Girard Kenora Association for Cora MacRae Brian Booty Tina Crespeigne Lana Goodman Community Living Gerald MacRae Len Boucha Carol Davis Bob Gordon Kenora Borealis Multisport Joyce MacRae Angela Bouchard Scott DeGagne Michele Grafham & Social Club Patrick Magee Diane Boucher Daniella Demare Tony Grande Rob Kirchmann Wendy Maguire Kim Boucher Dianne Derouin Joan Grandmount Glen & Debbie Koch Katelyn Mahaffy Kevin Boutette Janelle Devlin Chris Granger Kim Koivukoski Valene Mahaffy Rita Boutette Bill & Kim Dingwall Richard Gratton Heather Kowalchuk Mike & Kim Majur Ken Bracken Dingwall Group Josie Groen Terri Kozak S. Mandamin Ingrid Braun Brad & Lisa Doerksen & Chad Gropp Brian Kraynyk Carmen Marginet Michelle Bretecher Family Ben Gustafson Dorothy Kraynyk Len & JoAnn Mark Paul Brett Rob & Megan Dokuchie David & Jo-Anne Haines Minetta Kraynyk Steven Marquis Julius & Ruth Brinkman Noreen Donnelly Thomas Hall Ian Krochak Lauri-Ann Marshall Louise Brooks Bryce & Nicki Douglas Cathy & Leo Halley and Stephanie Krochak Robert Marshall 4 Janelle Mathews Jon Pearson St.
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