~ SURFACE POSTAGE PAID MAIL AUSTRAUA The official journal of The Returned li Services League of Australia WA Branch [lncollXJratectr PO BoxY3023 Perth 6832 Patron: The 6overnor of Western Australia His Excellenc!:J Lieutenant 6eneral _John Sanderson A[ * .ANZAC DAY ((Tiiey onfg deserve freedom _ .-Wfiiiiltllliiiii cere. ....,... also runs several programs and •man111a1'11~~n to·help you remain active and independent. Tile information includes: \\ ~ Advice about services in your local area Promotion of healthy and active living Help and support with social and day clubs Support for volunteers helping veterans Assistance with respite care Support for those in a caring role Personal financial information Equipment and appliances fur independent living Repatriation Transport eligibility Advice and help to ex-service groups on grants, residential care facilities and funding of commemorative activities To find out more about the Department and its services Please telephone 1300 ss.1918 or. country callers 1800 SSS 2S4 ANZAC House 28 St Georges Tee Perth WA 6000 Facsimile: 9325 7432 Tel. (08) 9325 9799 Countty Callers: 1800 259 799 e-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.rsl.org.au Editorial Managing Editor Len Coplcy Editor Vacant Deputy Editor Ken Morrison Sub Editor Mrs Pat Elphinstone Printer Worldwide Online Printing · Maddington 2a 1787 Albany Highway Maddington WA 6109 Telephone: (08) 9459 7933 Facsimile: (08) 9459 8944 e-mail: [email protected] Deadlines for contributions to The Listening Post 31 January for Autumn Edition 30 April for Winter Edition 31 July for Spring Edition 31 October for Summer Edition If possible submissions should be typed and doublc·spaccd. Photographs con be black and white or colour. This Is your journal and contributions arc welcome. Address to: The Editor The Listening Post RSL, PO Box YJ023 Perth WA 6832 PLEASE DIRECT ALL ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES TO ANZAC HOUSE Opinions expressed by contributors In orclcles a.nd reproduced article!' arc the lndMdual opinions of such contributors or the authors of such reproduced articles and arc not ncccssartly those of the RSL. Reproduction of articles (or extracts) contained In The Listening Post Is -A'C1comcd provided the source Is nckna'o''lcdgcd. The Eduor rcscnocs the right to accept, n:jc<:t, su~dlt nnd rc·arrnnftc mntcrta) submlncd lor publication. CO'Ver picture: Pilatus PC9s ofNo 2 Fl~ Trainiflg School Diamond Nine Formation. Photo by CI?L K Chambers · Phacographic Section RAAF Perth State Executive ANZAC DAY • STATE PBESIDENT Token Appeal ~00 1 K.J. Bliden _, THE 3RD Annual ANZAC Day Token Street SENIOR VICE • PRESIDENT' ' Appeal has been authorised for collection on W.E. Gaynor OAM RFD Wednesday, 25 April 2001. Please note that on the 25th collections can be JUNIOR VICE • PRESIDENT D.G. Rasmussen made in public locations, these primarily ·are: Streets/roads etc; Railways; STATE SECRETARY Bus stops; and Shane Seers OAM JP Taxi ranks. HONORARY TREASURER Shopping Centres, pubs, clubs, markets and the R F. Carter like are NOT classed as public places and therefore with approval of management of these premises, collections can occur prio( to ANZAC COMMITI'EE Day. F. Abbott, J:R. Babbage, J. Brigden, Mrs B. Clinton, L. Copley, M.T. Flanders, D.C. Hall, G. Hourn, N.J. The rules and regulations for collecting are the . ~ Johnston, O.L. Lovelle JP, G.W. Norton, W.P. James same as for Remembrance Day, Poppy Day DSC RAN, F.B. Standen JP, P. White DCM SS, K.R. Appeal. Whiting. Congress 2000 resolved that all proceeds from COUNTRY VICE · ·PRESIDENT the ANZAC Day Street Appeal would be divided R.L. Hatch equally, that is 50150 between the Sub-Branch and State Branch after costs. COiJNTRY REGIONAL VICE · PRESIDENTS Sub-Branches are requested to give the E.J.Bowman (North West) ANZA<;: Day Appeal the same support given to F.Sharp (Northern Wheatbelt) Poppy Day, funds raised pay for ceremonial and A.J. Hutcheson JP (NorthEasternWheatbelt) commemorative activities such as ANZAC Vacant (Central Wheatbelt) Day/Remembrance Day and Wreath Laying Vacant (Gre.at Southern) Services. J.E. Southorn (Upper South-Western) Order form for tokens are available from ANZAC House. Vacant (Lower South-Western) E.I. Morgan (Low'er Great Sout~ern) R.A. Martain (Eastern Goldfields) TRUSTEES R. Mercer AM RFD ED; R. Stone AM,JP. D.R. Warren AM RFD HONORARY ARCHITECT K. Broadhurst FRAIA ARIBA and human rights handed to us by Great Britain; unlike the STATE PRESIDENT'S USA, we didn't have to fight for our freedom! MESSAGE • To remember with great tride those 100,~00 young Australians who loved their. c9uritry enough (their families, friends and wa-r of life) to. · on the line ,like we did, ourselves and to;~lif:Jti.iilla sacrifice if necessary. • To ponder our overall sm.bility I believe the existing system'of Constitutional Monarchy has made this poiii[NUID.: is one of the six (6) oldest democracies in • Australia is a land of infinite resources, great ~-­ vast contrasts. In only 213 years we bavo acbjp. a remarkable. degree of development througho1U 1be laud - made possible by stability of government. • Our multiculturaf society has added a UDiqucme&l to the fabric of Australian· society; this diversity has b~ and enriched us. I am personally glad that Australia's Olymptcs were- so sHccessful. Australians proudly sang Advance Australia Fair A What does Australia Day with gusto and meaning. To many, the Australian Flag mean to Australians? became more endeared particularly to our young people who, quite rightly, now identify it with success and as our greatest SEVERAL young Australians in· their early 20s with national symbol uniquely Australian. whom I spoke recently said that to them Australia Day meant another public holiday and fireworks. One said it was to It is up to each one of us as serving or ex-serving members commemorate Confederation in 190 I ; another told me it was to keeP. emphasising one important thing whenever we can. to celebrate Australia becoming a nation in its own right. Unless Australians remain vi&Jlant the freedom we take for Overall, the answers were not what I had expected! I granted may be taken from us. We will not be allowed, with immediately thought of a recent press report from the UK, only 1/ 100 of the worlds population, to continue to occupy which indicated that only 20% of school children questioned Ill Q. of the werlds land unless we remain strong! If our had had any idea of who Sir Winston Churchill was. Indeed young people get no other message we've got to keep telling some were reported to have said that they thought Adolf them till they believe it - THE PRICE OF LIBERTY IS Hitler had been Britain's wartime leader! Although we can ETERNAL VIGILANCE. say that the ANZAC Day message and its meaning is probably better well known and understood by most young Australians now, more than ever hefore, we certainly cannot Fremantle Barracks be as confident with the meaning ot: Australia Day. ON Sunday 14 January 2001 , Premi'er Richard <;:ourt announced that W A had been successful in having the There are those (according to media reports) who think Federal Government,transfer ownership of the Fremantle that ANZAC Day should be Australia' s National Day and Barracks to Western Australia as a Centenary of Federation that Australia Day ought to be abolished entirely; some initiative. \ consider that commemorating 26 January is indeed discriminatory to Australia's Aboriginal population. Over This is indeed a great victory for the ex~service community the past two years, during the RSL Cadet of the Year in Western Australia, the volunteers, the City of Fremantle selection process, I made a point of asking the finalists and all those in the community who supported the fight to whether ANZAC Day and Australia Day should be save the Barracks. The League in this State, fully backed by combined. With rare exceptions these fmalists were adamant National RSL, can now be proud that our combined efforts that each should remain separate - for different historical and contribution were, in the end, successful. The retention reasons. of the Barracks and ~e Museum were won by People Power as a Team Effort, over a long period. Well !fone everybody. Subject to approval in principle by the Prime Minister, Thank you for what you did and congf!!tulations. Major General Michael Jeffery AC AO(Ml~).CVO MC_ may soon head up a select team of prominent Citizens to w1dely I understand, that while ownership of th.e ,site will be vested consult with Australians from different stratas in each State. in the State Government, the <::ity of Flremantle is to handle The idea will be to provide recommendations to help the administration on the Government's behalf. The Museum rationalise the medium term future of ANZAC Day, will be charged a peppercorn rental and remain in sitp. nationally, and also consider Australia Day. In the me?"time Personally. I am oveijoyed and delighted with the outcome. I've searched my own soul on the meaning of Australia Day .. - what does it mean to me? . There are some who would say that the fate of the • I am proud to be an Australian ~nd_ lucky to be ahve to Barracks was a foregone conclusion on the basis of a State reside in this great continent (albeit g1rt by sea!) and then a Federal election combined with the Centenary of As a citizen it's great to share the heritage, which ':'e _all Federation take so much for granted. The heritage of freedom, JUStice year; I do not share this view. In any event I would like to behalf of the League in a very professional manner.
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