Phillip J. Pirages PHILLIP J. PIRAGES Catalogue 66 BINDINGS Catalogue 66 Items Pictured on the Front Cover 172 176 58 114 92 3 52 167 125 115 192 28 71 161 1 196 204 116 Items Pictured on the Back Cover 152 109 193 9 199 48 83 18 117 25 149 59 83 77 90 60 175 12 149 50 41 91 55 171 143 66 50 126 65 80 98 115 To identify items on the front and back covers, lift this flap up and to the right, then close the cover. Catalogue 66: Interesting Books in Historically Significant and Decorative Bindings, from the 15th Century to the Present Please send orders and inquiries to the above physical or electronic addresses, and do not hesitate to telephone at any time. We would be happy to have you visit us, but please make an appointment so that we are sure to be here. In addition, our website is always open. Prices are in American dollars. Shipping costs are extra. We try to build trust by offering fine quality items and by striving for precision of description because we want you to feel that you can buy from us with confidence. As part of this effort, we unconditionally guarantee your satisfaction. If you buy an item from us and are not satisfied with it, you may return it within 30 days of receipt for a full refund, so long as the item has not been damaged. Most of the text of this catalogue was written by Cokie Anderson, with additional help from Stephen J. Gertz. David Clark was in charge of graphics, and he designed and laid out the contents (with some photos supplied by Bill Enos of Emerald Light Photography). Invaluable supporting assistance has been provided by Tammy Opheim and Michal Bette Alkoff. Proofreading was performed by Ellen Summerfield. Conspicuous help with abstruse content was provided by Dr. Edwin C. Hall. We are pleased and grateful when you pass on our catalogue to somebody else and when you let us know of other parties to whom we might send our publications. And we are, of course, always happy to discuss fine and interesting items that we might purchase. ________ page 1 Index of Binders & Binding Styles Index of Binders & Binding Styles (continued) (References are to entry numbers) (References are to entry numbers) Adams, Katherine 147 De Samblanx, Charles 114 Joly fils 120, 121 Publisher's Deluxe 95 Affolter 162 Derôme le jeune 48, 49 Joyce, Carol 201 Ramage 191, 192 Alabaster 103 Derôme le jeune, style of 50 Kalthoeber, Christian 59 Ritter, Michel 106 Amand 97 Devotional Binder 29 Kelliegram 177 Riviere 101, 148-55, 166-68, 171 Armorial 18, 20, 21, 23, 26, 31, Dos-à-Dos 47 Lallier, Monique 208 Root & Son 145 57, 83, 94 Doves Bindery 125-31 Lewis, Charles 69, 70, 71 Royal School of Art Nouveau 122 Doves, Imitation 132, 133, 134 Lortic, Marcellin 105 Art Needlework 165 Arts & Crafts Style 117, 144, 184 Dudley Binder, style of 4 Lloyd, Edmund(?) 87 Sangorski & Sutcliffe 169, 170, 172, 175, 176, Ashton, R. 79 Duodo Style 71 Lubbock of Newcastle 56 184-86 Asprey (bound for) 203 Durvand, Lucien 118 Marius Michel et Fils 109 Saupoudrage Binding 68 Bagguley 123 Dusel, Philip 211 Marius Michel, Jean (père) 108, 109 Scholars, Bindings for Early 14, 15, 16 Bathen, Jacob 13 Eberhardt, Fritz 207 Marius Michel, Henri (fils) 98, 109, 110, 111, 112 Schulze, Otto 146 Battershall, Fletcher 174 Edwards of Halifax 46 Matthews, W. [F.?] 181 Scottish Herringbone 41, 42 Bayntun-Riviere 197 Entrelac 9, 10 Matthews, William 100 "Sede Vacante" Binding 26 Bedford, Francis 90 Estes & Lauriat (bound for) 113 Mauchline Ware 99 Shepherd, Alice, style of 161 Bickers & Son (bound for) 101 Fanfare 89, 100 Medieval Manuscript Silver Repoussé 55 Birdsall 193 Faux-Book 86 Elements 1, 2, 8, 13 Smith, Philip 200 Blindstamped, Early English 7 Fazakerley, Thomas 92, 93 Mercier, Georges 163 Smith, W. H. (bound for) 156 Blindstamped, Early Italian 1 Fisher, George 190 Meunier, Charles 182, 183 Sobota, Jan 205 Blindstamped pigskin 2, 17, 19, 135 Flore Ornamentale 111, 112 Middleton, Bernard 198 Somber 34 Bonet, Paul 195, 196 Fore-Edge Painting 46, 51, 56, 80, 81, 92, Miniature 27, 75, 112 Spanish Calf 87, 113 Bozerian 61, 62, 63 93, 173 Miura, Kerstin Tini 204 "Spes" Binding 13 Bray, Horace W. 190 Franzese, Niccolò 18 Modelled leather 144, 161 Staggemeier & Welcher 51, 52 Brockman, James 206 Gosden, Thomas 75 Monastic 2, 19 Steel, Robert 30 Capé 89 Gregynog Press Bindery 190 Monogrammed 22, 23, 27 Stencilled Paper Binding 43 Cathedral 85, 189 Grolieresque 12, 152 Mosaic 52, 85, 98, 102, 191 Stikeman, Henry 178, 179 Chained 17 Gruel, Léon 107 Mudie 102 Strapwork Binding 3 Chambolle-Duru 98 Guild of Women Binders 142, 143 Noulhac, Henri 188, 189 Sullivan, Edward 164 Chevannes, Pierre 97 Guild of Women Binders, "Oxford Binding" 136 Sutherland Binding 123 Chivers, Cedric 158, 159, 160 style of 144 Painted Bindings 9, 10, 29, 79, 96, 165, Thouvenin, Joseph 76, 77 Chivers, Cedric, style of 161 Haccius, Irmgard 194 200 Tout 104 Cobden-Sanderson, T. J. 115, 116 Hacon & Ricketts 117 Papal Binding 18, 26 Van Doersmaele, Claes 6 Cockerell, Douglas 156, 157 Hanway Binder No. 2 44 Paste Paper Binding 38, 43 Van Regemorter, Berthe 180 Color-Coded Bindings 88 Harding, John 28 Payne, Roger 57 Vellucent Binding 160 Commemorative 25 Hardy 94 Payne, Roger, style of 58 Wachtler, Daniel 19 Contze, Pieter Diderick 82 Hayday, James 84 Pecking Crow Binder 5 Wallet-Style Binding 8 Cortina Binding 72 Hering, Charles 65, 66, 67 Peller, Hugo 209 Werdenstein Binder 19 Cosway-Style 169-72 Hering & Muller 83 Pictorial, inlaid 177, 193, 200, 201 Women Binders 124, 142, 143, 147, 161, Cottage Roof 28, 35 Hicks, Chris 210 Portfolio Binding 39 165, 180, 194, 199, 201, Cuir Ciselé 183 Horstschulze, Mary 199 Powell, Roger 202 204, 208 Cuir Japonais 118 Hromada, Francisco 96 Prideaux, Sarah T. 124 Wotton Binder "B" 12 Currie, Miss C. B. 171, 173 Irish White Inlay 40 Prize Binding 31 Woven Straw 91 Cuzin 119 Jewelled Bindings 175, 176 Publisher's Boards 54, 60, 78 Zaehnsdorf 137-41 ________ ________ page 2 page 3 Index of Authors Index of Authors (continued) (References are to entry numbers) (References are to entry numbers) Acland, H. W. 131 Famin, Auguste 96 Khayyám, Omar 138 Quaritch Ltd., Bernard 181 Aesop 8 Fénelon, François 51 La Fontaine, Jean de 104 Regan, Hi 203 Anacreon 48, 61 Festus, Sextus Pompei 22 Laclos, Choderlos de 180 Ricketts, Charles 184 Ariosto, Lodovico 49 Flaubert, Gustave 122, 163 Lactantius 9 Ridgway, Emily 160 Armstrong, James 205 Fleetwood, William 30 Lamb, Charles 128, 151 Rogers, Samuel 143 Baïf, Lazare de 4 Florus 50 Light, William 172 Rowlandson, Thomas 153, 154 Balzac, Honoré de 174 Gellius, Aulus 20 Livy 89 Ruscelli, Girolamo 53 Balzac, Jean-Louis Guez de 120, 121 Gisborne, Thomas 67 Loftie, Rev. W. J. 152 Ruskin, John 131 Baour de Lormian, Pierre 68 Goethe, Johann von 142 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 171 Sallust 50 Baptista Mantuanus, Giovanni 2 Goldsmith, Oliver 149, 154 Longus 106, 108, 194 Scott, Sir Walter 99 Berners, Juliana 65 Good, John M. 79 Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus 80 Senault, Louis 77 Berosus the Chaldean 5 Gosse, Edmund W. 150 Macaulay, Thomas Babington 185 Senex, John 39 Betjeman, John 210 Grandjean de Montigny, A. 96 Maillol, Aristide 194 Shakespeare 132-34, 157, 176, Bida, Alexandre 111 Gray, Thomas 169 Malory, Sir Thomas 193 179 Boccaccio, Giovanni 6 Grimm, Jacob & Wilhelm 200 Martial 16 Shelley, Percy 129, 139, 140, Bouchet, Jean 109 Gronow, Rees Howell 137 Maritain, Raissa 198 141, 170 Brookshaw, George 72, 73 Guarini, Battista 27 Markham, Gervase 75 Sliman Ben Ibrahim, Baamer 146 Browning, Robert 136 Gunton, Symon 57 Mason, William 59 Smith, James Edward 54 Burnet, Gilbert 90 Hafner, Gotthard 38 Matthieu, Pierre 71 Snodgrass, W. D. 201 Byron, George Gordon, Lord 92 Hanway, Jonas 44 Melanchthon, Philipp 17 Sotheby, William 56 Callimachus 66 Hardy, Thomas 158, 159 Meray, Antony 182 Sowerby, James 54 Campbell, Thomas 93 Harvey, Christopher 211 Michelant, H. 107 Spangenberg, Johannes 55 Carion, Johann 17 Haslewood, John 65, 69 Mitchell, Ben 205 Spenser, Edmund 33, 155 Caylus, Madame de 94 Haug, Lodewijk 82 Mitford, Mary Russell 161 Sterne, Laurence 58 Cebes 8 Havergal, Frances 102 Mitford, William 84 Sturt, John 34 Champfleury 105 Hayley, William 52 Montesquieu 60 Swinburne, Algernon 166, 204 Christian, Susan 144 Heath, Charles 87 Moore, Thomas 167, 175 Tennyson, Alfred 100, 116, 192 Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle 195 Henley, William 124 Morgan, Aaron Augustus 173 Theocritus 156 Combe, William 153 Henri IV of France 71 Morillon, Claude 71 Theognis 156 Corneille, Pierre 76 Henry, O. 178 Morris, William 147, 186 Thomas à Kempis 7, 35, 107 Cotton, Charles 203 Herbert, George 211 Musset, Alfred de 162 Thomas Aquinas 1 Cunningham, Peter 187 Hereford, Charles 78 Nanni, Giovanni 5 Thompson, Francis 196 Dante 112 Hesiod 156 Needham, Paul 207 Ticknor, George 113 De Bartha, Georges 209 Hockney, David 200 Nus, Eugene 182 Valeriano, Giovan Pierio 19 De Vigny, Alfred 110 Homer 12, 37, 64 Ogilby, John 39 Van Lerberghe, Charles 164 De Wint, Peter 172 Horace 191 Ovid 13 Varin, Amédée 182 Delille, Jacques 63 Howel, Laurence 34 Painter, William 70 Verrius Flaccus, Marcus 22 Dinet, Étienne 146 Hugo, Victor 189 Parkinson, John 197 Virgil 81 Dionysius Cato 156 Irving, Washington 123 Pater, Walter 117 Walton, Izaak 203 Dodsley, Robert 45 Jardine, Sir William 88 Perrault, Charles 119 Waring, John Burley 95 Donatus, Alexander 26 Johannes Chrysostomus 18 Phocylides 156 Watson, William 127 Dumas fils, Alexandre 188 Johnson, Samuel 83, 145 Plutarch 24 White, Gilbert 177 Duncan, Alastair 209 Jones, Henry Arthur 126 Polehampton, Edward 79 Wilde, Oscar 202 Durosoy, Barnabas 97 Josephus, Flavius 21 Pollux, Julius 31 Wordworth, William 168 Eliot, Claude 118 Kaden, Woldemar 101 Polybius 14 Wotton, Thomas 12 Eschenbach, Wolfram von 206 Kavin, Mel 208 Pope, Alexander 64 Xenophon 8 Estienne, Charles 15 Keats, John 130 Pythagoras 156 ________ ________ page 4 page 5 A Partial Index of Topics Index of Provenance (References are to entry numbers) (References are to entry numbers) Art & Architecture: 57, 72, 73, 95, 96, 117, 118, 131, 148 Gardening: 15, 63, 160, 197 Abbey, John Roland 12 Kalbfleisch, Charles C.
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