I' UI* Qi .H I1 0 &, hi 1, 7 : I . - * -1 ALPHASERVER 4100 SYSTEM -. ORACLE AND SYBASE DATABASE PRODUCTS - - 1 FORVLM .& Digital . &&' *-I INSTRUCTION EXECUTION ON ALPHA PROCESSORS 663***01 c: c: "' ~echn ica l 3 Journal i ri. i . - ,.i;' F ,. ! , 14 )-? ".,' & I-, 1 *,< .- , ',,I"',., , '*a, ,...,- csa y -p~ iic Editorial The Digital TechnicalJournalis a refereed The following are trademarks of Digital Jane C. Blake, Managing Editor journal published quarterly by Digital Equipment Corporation: AlphaServer, Kathleen M. Stetson, Editor Equipment Corporation, 50 Nagog Park, Alphastation, DEC, DECnet, DIGITAL, Helen L. Patterson, Editor AK02-3/B3, Acton, MA 01720-9843. the DIGITAL logo, VAX, VMS, and Hard-copy subscriptions can be ordered by ULTRIX. Circulation sending a check in U.S. hds(made payable AIM is a trademark ofAIM Technology, Inc. Catherine M. Phillips, Administrator to Digital Equipment Corporation) to the CCT is a registered trademark of Cooper Dorothea B. 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TPC-C is a tions is a major theme in this issue of the Equipment Corporation or by the compa- registered trademark of the Transaction Journal. The cover is a collage of images nies herein represented. Digital Equipment Processing Performance Council. UNIX from the development of the AlphaServer Corporation assumes no responsibility for is a registered trademark in the United 4100 four-processorsymmetric multipro- any errors that may appear in the Journal. States and in other countries, licensed cessing system, which offers 8 gigabytes ISSN 0898-901X exclusively through X/Open Company of memory and indusuy leadership per- Ltd. Xilinx is a registered trademark of Documentation Number EC-N7629-18 formance. This four-processorsymmetric Xilinx, Inc. multiprocessing system is not ody charac- Book production was done by Quantic terized by very large memory but by low Communications, Inc. latency, high bandwidth, and 400-megahertz microprocessors. The cover design is by Lucinda O'Neill of DIGITAL'S Corporate Design Group. Contents ALPHASERVER 4100 SYSTEM AlphaServer 4100 Performance Characterization Z,lrka C\ctano\iic and llarrel 13. Do~ialclson The AlphaServer 4100 Cached Processor Module Maurice B. Stcinm.ln, George 1. Harris, Architecture and Design Andrcj Kocrv, Virginia C. Larncrc, and Rogcr D. l'annell The AlphaServer 4100 Low-cost Clock Distribution System Roger A. l'>i~nie Design and Implementation of the AlphaServer 4100 CPU Glcnn A. Herdeg and Memory Architecture High Performance I10 Design in the AlphaServer 4100 Samuel H, Duncan, Craig 1). Keefer, and Symmetric Multiprocessing System Thomas A. ~McL~ughlin ORACLE AND SYBASE DATABASE PRODUCTS FOR VLM Design of the 64-bit Option for the Oracle7 Relational Database Management System VLM Capabilities of the Sybase System 11 SQL Server INSTRUCTION EXECUTION ON ALPHA PROCESSORS Measured Effects of Adding Byte and Word Instructions 1)avid I? Huntcr and Eric B. llctrs to the Alpha Architecture Vol. 8 No. 4 1996 Editor's Introduction Just 40 years ago, a machine called the The ApliaScl.vcr 4 100 cachcd pro- de~nonstratca clear perforninncc ben- TX-0-.I successor to Wlurlwind- cessor 111od~llcdesign is prcscnted by cfit for decision support s)jstems 2nd was built at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory Mo Steinman, George Harris, Andrej online transaction processing. The to find out, among other things, ifa Kocev, Ginny Lamere, and Roger author summarizes data that show core memory as large as 64 Icwords Pannell. Built .lround the Alpha 21 164 a clear benef t for a datnbasc wit11 the could be built. Over tlie years mem- 64-bit 1USC microprocessor, tl~c 64 Bit Option enitbled running on ory sizes have grown so large that, module is the first kern DIGITAL the AlphaServer 8400 with 8 gigabytes in the '90s, the industry has felt the to employ a higli-performance, cost- of memory; in some cases, the perfor- need to characterize memory in big effective sy~ichrono~~scache rather mance increase was 200 rimcs tha~ macliincs as iiet-y large. At five orders than a traditional asynchronous cache. ofrhe standard configuration. Syb~ of magnitude greater in size than the Next, Roger Dame reviclvs the clock engineers T.K Rengarajan, Mas TX-0 memory, the AlphaServer 4100 distribution system, the use of off- Berenson, Ganesan Gopal, Rrucc 8-gigabyte memory is indeed very the-shelf phasc-locI<ecl loop circuits McCread!!, Sapan Panigrahi, Sriknnt large, even by today's standards. Wl~ole as the basic building block to keep Su bramaniam, and Marc Sugiyama databases can be designed to reside in costs low, and the signal integrity examine the technology of rhc memory. Very large memory technol- techniques developed to optiniize System 11SQL Server that uJasspc- ogy, or VLM, is a key to tlie system performance of tlic clock distribution citically designed for VLM systems. and application performance discussed system for a worst-case clock skew of In addition to achieving record results in this issue of the.Journa1, which fea- 2.2 nanoseconds, a goal which the 144th the SQLServer running on the tures the AlphaServer 4100 system, team far exceeded. A unique memory AlphaServer 8400, the engineers Iiavc database enhancements from Oracle architect~~refor the model 5/300E is laid tlie ground\vork for future main Corporation and f?om Sybase, Inc., and the subject of Glenn Herdeg's paper. memory database systcms. extensions to the Alpha architecture. This memory design incorporates a Recently, byte and word instruc- The AlphaServer 4100 is a mid- processor module that has no external tions were added to DIGITAL'S range, symnietric multiprocessing cache and instead takes advantage 64-bit Alpha architecture.
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