ttl0l($H 0nilmlilT$ IfD. (sPEclAllsr lN MFG & EXPORTER OF KOLKATA BAI9I_E) ctN No. : U36996MH201 2PLC233562 GST No. : 27AAICM0504E1ZX gg,MULJI GLITZ MALL, VITHALWADI' KALBADEVI ROAD' MUMBAI4OOOOOz' B4O5 / 1&B .405/2, 4TH FLOOR, JETHABUILDING, 4395 [email protected] r Tel:02240041473. l. com : Date:30.09.2020 To, The Listing ComPliance National Stock Exchange of India Ltd' Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G, Bandra Kurla CornPlex, Bandra IEJ Mumbai - 400 051 NSE SYMBOL-MOKSH Dear Sirilvtadam, - ' Meeting of the Company was held on This is to inform you that the Btr, Annual General [AGM) registered of the company wednesday, 30,h september , 2020 at 10:00A'M. at the Qffige- Bldg, Kalbadevi-Road' vitthalwadi', Situated at 8-405/1, 8-405/2,4th Floor, 99,Mulji Jetha the Notice dated 3'd septemb er'2020' Mumbai - 400002 to transact the business as stated in of the proceedings of the AGM as In this regard, please find enclosed herewith the summary A of Schedule III of the SEBI [Listing required under Regulation 30 read with para A of Part 20L5' Obiigations and Disilosure Requirements)' Regulations' This is for your information and records' Than\ing You, Yours Faithfully, For MOKSH ORNAMENTS LIMITED For MOKSH ORNAMENTS LTD' BD_ MR, AMRIT sftng Oirector) MANAGING DIRECTOR DIN:05301251 Ih0ltsll 0nilff[t]lffi [rD. (SPECTALIST lN MFG & EXPORTER OF KOLKATA BANGLE) CIN No. : U36996MH201 2PLC23}562 GST No. : 2TAA|CM O5O4E1ZX B4O5 / 1&B.4O5I2,4TH FLOOR, gg,MULJI JETHA BUILDING, GLITZ MALL, VITHALWADI, KALBADEVI ROAD, MUMBAI4OOOOOz. email:[email protected] r Tel:02240041473. l. Com : 4395 PROEEDINGS OF THE BTH ANNUAL GENERAT MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS OF M/S MOKSH ORNAMENTS LIMITED HELD ON WEDNESDAY, 3OTH SEPTEMBER, 2O2O AT 1O:OO A.M. AT THE REGISTERED OFFICE OF THE COMPANY SITAUATED AT ATB.4O5I1, B. 4OS/2,4TH FIOOR,99, MULJI JETHA BLDG, KALBADEVI ROAD, VITTHALWADI, MUMBAI - 400002. The Bm Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company was held on Wednesday, 30m September, 202p at 10:00 A.M. at the registered Office of the Company Situated at 8-405/1, B- 405/2,4th Floor, 99,Mulji fetha Bldg, Kalbadevi Road, Vitthalwadi, Mumbai - 400002. Mr. Amrit Jawanmal Shah, Managing Director of the Company occupied the chair. The Company Secretary with the permission ofthu Chairman introduced the Directors and the Committee members present at the Meeting. 7 Members were present in person at the Meeting. No Proxy attended the Meeting, The Chairman called the meeting in order as the requisite quorum was present throughout the meeting. Ms. Charmy Harish Variya, Company Secretary informed that the Statutory registers as per the Companies Act, 2073 and other documents as referred on the Notice of AGM are open for inspection bythe Members of the Company. The Chairman thereafter welcomed the Members and proceeded to deliver his speech , giving an overview of the Economy, Impact of-Corona Virus Disease[Covid-19) pandemic and Financial performance of the Company for the Financial year 2079-20' With the Consent of the Shareholders, the Notice Convening the AGM, the Board's Report and the Auditor's report were taken as read Thereafter, the Chairman briefed the members of the business to be transacted at the Bth Annual General Meeting: Ordinary Business: o To Receive, Consider and Adopt the Profit and Loss Account of the Company for the year ended 31s March, 2020 and Balance Sheet as at that date, Cash Flow statement for the year ended 31't March, 2020 and Report of the Directors and Auditors thereon. e To appoint a Director in place of Mr. Amrit fawanmal Shah who retires by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment. ilt0ltsH 0nilmlilrslrn. (SPECIALIST lN MFG & EXPORTER OF KOLKATA,BANGf=) Cltl tto. : U36996MH2012PLC23:3562 GST No. : 27AA|CM0504E1ZX gg,MULJI KALBADEVI ROAD, MUMBAI4OOOOOz. B4O5 / 1&B - 4O5N,4TH FLOOR, JETHA BUILDING, GLITZ MALL, VITHALWADI, email:[email protected] I Tel:02240041473. l. Com : 4395 . To Consider And Approve the re-appointment of M/S S.D. Jain &Co , Chartered Accountants as the StatutoryAuditor of the Company and fix their remuneration. Special Business: o To Consider the Continuation of Directorship of Mr. Jawanmal Moolchand Shah, Executive Director who Has Already Attained the Age of Seventy Years (70). The Chairman Further informed the Members that the Voting results and poll shall be intimated to the Stock Exchange and shall be made available on the Website of the Company within 48 hours of the Conclusion of the Annual General Meeting. The Meeting thereafter concluded with the vote of thanls to all the members at 11:10 A.M' Kindlytalte the same on your records' rl Thanking You, Yours FaithfullY, For MOKSH ORNAMENTS TIMITED Fcr MOKSH ORNAMENTS LTD' €l'il MR.AMRTT;ffi (Director) MANAGING DIRECTOR DIN:05301251.
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