留 学 生 紹 介 HIROSHIMA (a tale of nuclear devastation) Division of Bio-chemistry,Faculty of Oral and maxillo facial surgery. SULTANA SARA ・Well, I t ried t o stop time com- pletely,but now its almost the ending t i m e t o w r i t e s o m e t h i n g f o r students of Dental school in J ournal S HIG AKUBU- very well than me but as a foreig n NEWS . S o, i decided to write student I want to share my experi- about me,, It has many thing s to do ence with you !! with having a boring (i mean won- ・Hiroshima, the one of the big g est derful) life. (Ha !! J ust kidding of city in J apan. Offcourse one of the course) beautiful city also. The people who ・To beg in, I turned twenty eig ht, am want to visit Hiroshima now mig ht a wife, mother of one boy and 2nd be surprised to see its beauty now. year student of Niig ata university But the city was not like this after 6 (feeling proud) toward earning a th aug ust 1945. it was the time 8.15 phd deg ree. Anywayz, today I like when the clock stopped. to share one cock and bull story,, ・It was the worst thing that did by (habing doubt ?? )Its about the story the American during any world war about Hiroshima. Thoug h I am sure so far. every japanees knows the story ・There are a lot of innocent people killed who never know why they were killed, they never even in the dream cannot imag ine that why they are suffering still now, they effect of the bombing are still continued in new g eneration. ・Our journey starts from 5th aug ust to join the peach event 2009in Hiro- shima. ・We arrived Hiroshima on 5th and look around the city and the area of the ― 47 ― peach event on that day. But the atomic bomb victim. eag erly waited for the next day ・Children peace monument which is when the peach event will start. very shocking . ・I am very much curious about the ・The flame of peach. event because we learn this story ・There is a museum inside the peach from our childhood in our text book. memorial park which is called peach ・I wanted to know the details of the memorial museum. story wanted to know the situation, ・There are so many damag ed occure wanted to know the feeling s of the on that time. people of Hiroshima wanted to ・S hiroyama primary school leveled know the feeling s of the people by the blast. urakami cathedral who are not affected, wanted to destroyed in an instant. 300year old know the feeling s of the new g en- camphor tree uprooted by the eration. blast. so many people are suffered ・At last the day came we all went to on radiation burn. join the peach event. ・The one of the exciting one was the ・I am surprised to see the people join paper lanterns carrying peace the event. There are many people messag es wrote in my own lan- from different country also join the g uag e (bang la). event. 55country’s minister join this ・It cannot be believed if someone event also. does not see by his own eyes. ・The event starts by flawing white ・How cruel human can be? bird which the symbol of peace. ・The whole city was burnt to ashes. ・At first the g overnor of Hiroshima ・People who died on the spot was g ives a speech then the prime minis- lucky because the people who alive ter of J apan. they suffered most that is the most ・After this event we looked around pathetic they survived for life they different area don’t have any space to stay there ・The atomic bomb dome which is the is no water, everyone shouting world heritag e. The cenotaph for water. It cannot be tolerated. ― 48 ― “Salar de Uyuni”:A place so close to the sky that you can walk in the clouds. Bio-Prosthodontics Marcelo Rosales R. Hello every one. My name is Mar- from the safe harbor. Catch the celo Rosales, I am from Bolivia and trade winds in your sails. Explore. currently studying in the Division of Dream. Discover.” (Mark Twain). Bio-Prosthodontics at Niig ata Uni- Besides,there are no foreig n lands. It versity. I’ve been in J apan for a cou- is the traveler only who is foreig n. ple of years by now,and little by little I am convinced that in this ever- I learned about the lang uag e, tradi- chang ing world, to remain fit and tions,believes and many other thing s competent in this time of g lobaliza- from this beautiful country. For me, tion traveling has become of utmost every day is an adventure, there is importance. The use of traveling has always something new to “discover”, been and still is a way to reg ulate something new to learn, some one imag ination by reality,that instead of new to meet. Like S t. Aug ustine said, thinking how thing s may be, to see “The world is a book and those who them as they are. Henry Miller wrote do not travel read only one pag e” that a travel destination is never a and I believe that as well. place,but a new way of seeing thing s. To travel is to discover that every- one is wrong about other countries. For me, coming to J apan is one of the most g ratifying experiences of my life, not only for the knowledg e I receive, but for the people I met. A journey is best measured in friends, rather than in distance. (Photo : traveling through Uyuni S ince I am encourag ing you to “Fuori Concorso”) travel, may I also sug g est you a I would like to take this opportunity place ? How about my country ? Yes, to encourag e all of you to visit other Bolivia, this time I will particularly countries, to g o abroad, to experi- write about a place that g athered ence life in a different way. What do some attention last year since there you have to lose ? “Twenty years was a documentary about it in the from now you will be more disap- J apanese television. The place is pointed by the thing s you didn’t do called “El S alar de Uyuni”or in Eng lish than by the ones you did do. S o “The Uyuni salt flats”. throw off the bowlines, sail away ― 49 ― away from her with Kusina. G rieving Tunupa started to cry while breast- feeding her son. Her tears mixed with milk and formed the S alar. S alar de Uyuni steadily attracts tourists from all around the world. (Photo :Salar de Uyuni) S alar de Uyuni is the world’s larg est salt flat with 10,582square kilometers. It is located in the Potosıand Oruro departments in southwest Bolivia, near the crest of the Andes, and is elevated 3,656meters above the mean sea level. The S alar was for- (Photo : Salar de Uyuni Tourist from different countries place their med as a result of transformations flag in the salt) between several prehistoric lakes. It is covered by a few meters of salt As it is located far from the cities,a crust, which has an extraordinary number of hotels have been raised in flatness with the averag e altitude the area over the years. For several variations within one meter over the reasons, including lack of conven- entire area. The crust serves as a tional construction materials, many source of salt and covers a pool of of them are almost entirely (including brine, which is exceptionally rich in walls, roof, beds, chairs, tables, etc.) lithium. It contains 50 to 70% of the built using salt blocks cut from the world’s lithium reserves,but that lith- surface of the S alar. ium is not being extracted yet. The larg e area, clear skies and excep- tional surface flatness make the S alar an ideal object for calibrating the altimeters of the Earth observa- tion satellites. The S alar serves as the major transport route across (Photo :Hotel made entirely of salt.) the Bolivian Altiplano and is a major In the low-rain period,from April to breeding g round for several species November, the skies above it are of pink flaming os. very clear,and the air is dry (relative The name S alar de Uyuni orig inates humidity is about 30%,rainfall is roug h- from the Aymara lang uag e. Aymara ly 1millimeter). Absence of larg e- leg end tells that the mountains scale industries in the area and the Tunupa,Kusku and Kusina,which sur- hig h g round elevation also contribute round the S alar, were g iant people. to the cleanness of the air. The S alar Tunupa married Kusku,but Kusku ran also has a stable surface which is ― 50 ― smoothened by seasonal flooding . When covered with water, the S alar becomes one of the larg est mirrors on Earth g iving a spectacular display where the sky merg es with its reflec- tion on the water g iving the sensation of been “walking in the clouds !”For me the view is just breath taking . (Photo : Reflection of the sky on the water, in the middle there is a S oWhat do you think ? Althoug h bus and looks like it is flying in the Bolivia is far away would you g o ? I sky.) certainly hope you do.
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