29976 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 103 / Friday, May 28, 2010 / Notices has been processed pursuant to the FTZ Length Carbon-Quality Steel Plate DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Act and the Board’s regulations; and, Products From Italy: Preliminary Results Whereas, the Board adopts the of Antidumping Duty Administrative International Trade Administration findings and recommendations of the Review, 75 FR 4779 (January 29, 2010). Initiation of Antidumping and examiner’s report, and finds that the The review covers the period February Countervailing Duty Administrative requirements of the FTZ Act and 1, 2008, through January 31, 2009. The Reviews Board’s regulations are satisfied, and final results of this administrative that the proposal is in the public review were originally due no later than AGENCY: Import Administration, interest; May 29, 2010. As explained in the International Trade Administration, Now, therefore, the Board hereby memorandum from the Deputy Department of Commerce. orders: Assistant Secretary for Import SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce The application to expand FTZ 272 is Administration, the Department has (‘‘the Department’’) has received requests approved, subject to the FTZ Act and exercised its discretion to toll deadlines to conduct administrative reviews of the Board’s regulations, including various antidumping and countervailing Section 400.28, and to the Board’s for the duration of the closure of the Federal Government from February 5 duty orders and findings with April standard 2,000-acre activation limit for anniversary dates. In accordance with the overall general-purpose zone through February 12, 2010. Thus, the deadline for the final results of this the Department’s regulations, we are project, and further subject to a sunset initiating those administrative reviews. provision that would terminate administrative review has been DATES: Effective Date: May 28, 2010. authority on May 31, 2017 for Site 9 if extended by seven days, until June 5, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: no activity has occurred under FTZ 2010. See Memorandum to the Record procedures before that date. from Ronald Lorentzen, DAS for Import Sheila E. Forbes, Office of AD/CVD Administration, regarding ‘‘Tolling of Operations, Customs Unit, Import Signed at Washington, DC, this 13th day of Administration, International Trade May 2010. Administrative Deadlines As a Result of the Government Closure During the Administration, U.S. Department of Ronald K. Lorentzen, Recent Snowstorm,’’ dated February 12, Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Deputy Assistant Secretary for Import 2010. Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20230, Administration, Alternate Chairman, Foreign- telephone: (202) 482–4697. Trade Zones Board. Extension of Time Limit for Final SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Attest: Results Andrew McGilvray, Background Executive Secretary. Section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Tariff Act The Department has received timely [FR Doc. 2010–12958 Filed 5–27–10; 8:45 am] of 1930, as amended (the Act), requires requests, in accordance with 19 CFR BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P the Department to issue the final results 351.213(b), for administrative reviews of of an administrative review within 120 various antidumping and countervailing days after the date on which the duty orders and findings with April DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE preliminary results are published. anniversary dates. However, if it is not practicable to International Trade Administration complete the review within this time Change to the Deadlines for No- period, section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act Shipment Letters and Separate Rate [A–475–826] Certifications allows the Department to extend the Certain Cut–to–Length Carbon–Quality time limit for the final results up to 180 Effective with this Federal Register Steel Plate Products From Italy: days after the date on which the notice, the Department is changing the Extension of the Final Results of preliminary results are published. deadline for submission of No-Shipment Letters and Separate Rate Certifications Antidumping Duty Administrative The Department finds that it is not Review from 30-days after initiation to 60-days practicable to complete this review by after initiation, as indicated in the AGENCY: Import Administration, June 5, 2010, because the Department relevant sections of this Federal International Trade Administration, requires additional time to consider the Register notice. The Department Department of Commerce. extensive comments submitted by the requires that a company under review, EFFECTIVE DATE: May 28, 2010. interested parties in relation to the which currently has a separate rate, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: preliminary results of this review. submit either a No-Shipment Letter or a Dmitry Vladimirov, AD/CVD Consequently, in accordance with Separate Rate Certification, as relevant Operations, Office 5, Import section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act, the to the company’s situation, as described Administration, International Trade Department is extending the time limit in the relevant sections of this Federal Administration, U.S. Department of for completion of the final results of this Register notice, below. If a company Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution administrative review by 60 days to under review that currently has a Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230; August 4, 2010. separate rate fails to submit either a No- telephone: (202) 482–0665. This notice is published in Shipment Letter, a Separate Rate SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: accordance with section 751(a)(3)(A) of Certification, or a Separate Rate the Act and 19 CFR 351.213(h)(2). Application (as appropriate) for this Background POR, the company will not have Dated: May 20, 2010. On January 29, 2010, the Department demonstrated its eligibility to retain its of Commerce (the Department) John M. Andersen, separate rate status and will be published the preliminary results of the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for considered to be part of the China-wide administrative review of the Antidumping and Countervailing Duty entity for purposes of this antidumping duty order on certain cut– Operations. administrative review. The to-length carbon–quality steel plate [FR Doc. 2010–12963 Filed 5–27–10; 8:45 am] Department’s practice remains products from Italy. See Certain Cut–to– BILLING CODE 3510–DS–S unchanged for companies that do not VerDate Mar<15>2010 19:07 May 27, 2010 Jkt 220001 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\28MYN1.SGM 28MYN1 jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 103 / Friday, May 28, 2010 / Notices 29977 have a separate rate, i.e., a separate rate the country are subject to government Entities that currently do not have a application is due 60-days after control and, thus, should be assigned a separate rate from a completed segment initiation. single antidumping duty deposit rate. It of the proceeding 1 should timely file a is the Department’s policy to assign all Separate Rate Application to Notice of No Sales exporters of merchandise subject to an demonstrate eligibility for a separate Under 19 CFR 351.213(d)(3), the administrative review in an NME rate in this proceeding. In addition, Department may rescind a review where country this single rate unless an companies that received a separate rate there are no exports, sales, or entries of exporter can demonstrate that it is in a completed segment of the subject merchandise during the sufficiently independent so as to be proceeding that have subsequently respective period of review (‘‘POR’’) entitled to a separate rate. made changes, including, but not listed below. If a producer or exporter To establish whether a firm is limited to, changes to corporate named in this initiation notice had no sufficiently independent from structure, acquisitions of new exports, sales, or entries during the government control of its export companies or facilities, or changes to POR, it must notify the Department activities to be entitled to a separate their official company name,2 should within 60 days of publication of this rate, the Department analyzes each timely file a Separate Rate Application notice in the Federal Register. The entity exporting the subject to demonstrate eligibility for a separate Department will consider rescinding the merchandise under a test arising from rate in this proceeding. The Separate review only if the producer or exporter, the Final Determination of Sales at Less Rate Application will be available on as appropriate, submits a properly filed Than Fair Value: Sparklers From the the Department’s Web site at http:// and timely statement certifying that it People’s Republic of China, 56 FR 20588 www.trade.gov/ia on the date of had no exports, sales, or entries of (May 6, 1991), as amplified by Final publication of this Federal Register subject merchandise during the POR. Determination of Sales at Less Than notice. In responding to the Separate All submissions must be made in Fair Value: Silicon Carbide From the Rate Application, refer to the accordance with 19 CFR 351.303 and People’s Republic of China, 59 FR 22585 instructions contained in the are subject to verification in accordance (May 2, 1994). In accordance with the application. Separate Rate Applications with section 782(i) of the Tariff Act of separate-rates criteria, the Department are due to the Department no later than 1930, as amended (‘‘the Act’’). Six copies assigns separate rates to companies in 60 calendar days of publication of this of the submission should be submitted NME cases only if respondents can Federal Register notice. The deadline to the Assistant Secretary for Import demonstrate the absence of both de jure and requirement for submitting a Administration, International Trade and de facto government control over Separate Rate Application applies Administration, Room 1870, U.S. export activities. equally to NME-owned firms, wholly Department of Commerce, 14th Street foreign-owned firms, and foreign sellers and Constitution Avenue, NW., All firms listed below that wish to qualify for separate-rate status in the that purchase and export subject Washington, DC 20230.
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