© Lonely Planet 413 Index amoebic dysentery 392 Bathoen 55 ABBREVIATIONS animals, see also Big Five, wildlife, bats 142 B Botswana individual animals Batswana people (B) 62 N Namibia Botswana 72 Battle of Moordkoppie (N) 251 Zam Zambia endangered species 74-5, 96, 227, Battle of Waterberg (N) 206 Zim Zimbabwe 297, 321 Bayei people (B) 63 Namibia 225, 321 beaches (N) 316 safety 50 Bechuanaland Democratic Party !nara melons 335 anteaters 74 (BDP) 57 /AE//Gams Arts Festival (N) 221, antelopes 115, 116, 193 Bechuanaland People’s Party (BPP) 239, 370 architecture 57 books 313 beer A Botswana 66-7 Botswana 71 aardvarks 74 Namibia 220-1, 350, 6 Namibia 223, 316 aardwolves 225 area codes, see inside front cover Bethanie (N) 345-6 abseiling 183 Arnhem Cave (N) 342-3 bicycle travel, see cycling accommodation, see also individual art galleries Big Five 50, 72, 97, 132 locations Botswana 151 Big Tree (Zim) 195 Botswana 158-9 National Art Gallery (N) 238 bilharzia (schistosomiasis) 391 Namibia 363-5 arts, see also individual arts Bird Island (N) 327 INDEX activities, see also individual activities Botswana 66-70 Bird Paradise (N) 328 Botswana 158-60 Namibia 218-22 birds 44-7 Namibia 365-6 ATMs Botswana 74 Victoria Falls 183-5 Contemporary San Art Gallery & Namibia 226 Africa fish eagles 45, 44 Craft Shop 165 bird-watching African wild dogs 116, 117, 132, Namibia 372 Botswana 103, 115, 132, 134, 136, 152 Attenborough, David 316 136 Agate Bay (N) 351 Aus (N) 347 Namibia 152, 267-8 Agricultural Museum (N) 346 Aus-Lüderitz Rd (N) 347-8 Zambia 183 Aha Hills (B) 143, 143 Zimbabwe 183 Aha Hills (N) 288 B black-footed cats 35 Ai-Ais (N) 359 B&Bs 364 blue lake (N) 344 AIDS, see HIV/AIDS Baaiweg (Bay Rd) 317 boat travel 176, see also canoeing, air travel baboons 37, 258, 36, 37 ferry travel, kayaking, mokoro to/from Botswana 170-3 Bahnhof (Railway Station) (N) 314 trips to/from Namibia 377-80 Baines’ Baobabs (B) 109 Boers 54-6, 64, 216 to/from Victoria Falls (Zam) 191-2 Baines, Thomas 109 Bogenfels Sea Arch (N) 356 to/from Victoria Falls (Zim) 198 Bakalanga people (B) 62 Bokaa Dam (B) 90 within Botswana 177-8 Bakwena people (B) 62 books 17, 19, see also literature within Namibia 383 Bangwato people (B) 62 architecture 313 alcohol, see also beer, wine Bank Windhoek Arts Festival (N) Botswana 56, 57, 68-9, 77 Botswana 71 221, 239 culture 63 Namibia 223 baobabs, the (N) 288 environment 224 aloe forest (B) 92 barchan dunes (N) 308 health 388 Alte Feste (National Museum of bargaining 374 history 52, 54, 55, 57, 203, 204, Namibia) (N) 237 basketry 67-8, 129, 167, 373 205, 207 Alte Forte Museum (N) 260 Basters people (N) 217 internet resources 68, 69 Alte Gefängnis (Old Prison) (N) 315 Basubiya people (B) 63 language 60, 394 Alte Kaserne (N) 311 bat-eared foxes 43, 42 Namibia 216, 220, 225, 227, 313 Altes Amtsgericht (N) 314 bateleurs 45, 45 plants 75 414 INDEX (B-C) books continued business hours Central Kalahari Game Reserve (B) rock paintings 144 Botswana 160 155-7, 156 travel 17, 19 Namibia 366 Central Namibia 309-39, 310 Victoria Falls 197 Bwabwata National Park (N) Central Plateau (N) 342-7 wildlife 75, 226 278-80, 280 Chapman’s Baobab (B) 106 border crossings cheetahs 35, 100, 115, 116, 117, 136, Angola 381 C 152, 267, 34 Botswana 381 camelback riding 320 Chief Khama III 55, 95-6 Namibia 174, 175, 380-1 camping children, travel with South Africa 174, 175 Botswana 27-8, 158-9 Botswana 161 Zambia 174, 381 Namibia 29-30, 364 Namibia 367 Zimbabwe 174, 176, 381 canoeing 183, 366 Chobe National Park (B) 109-18, Botswana Canyon Nature Park (N) 359-60 110 accommodation 158-9 Cape Cross (N) 306 Chobe Riverfront (B) 114-16, 114 activities 158-60 Cape Cross Seal Reserve (N) 306-7 cholera 389 culture 59-71 Cape fur seals 43, 306, 42 Christianity 65, 217 Eastern Botswana 94-101, 95 Cape gannets 47, 47 Christuskirche (N) 235 environment 72-7 Cape hunting dogs 74 churches Gaborone 78-93, 82-3 Caprivi Arts Centre (N) 281 Christuskirche (N) 235 history 52-8 Caprivi Strip (N) 278-84, 279, 280, Felsenkirche (N) 350-1 Kalahari 148-57, 149 281, 283 German Evangelical Lutheran medical services 388-9 Caprivian people (N) 216 Church (N) 315 Northeastern Botswana 102-18, car travel Old LMS church (B) 92 104 driving licences 178, 384 Old Phalatswe Church (B) 95 Northwestern Botswana 140-7, hazards 385 Rhenish Mission Church (N) 326-7 141 hire 175-6, 179, 382, 384-5 St Barbara’s Church (N) 262 Okavango Delta 119-39, 120, 8 insurance 179, 385 cinema 65, 220 INDEX solo travellers 167 purchase 175-6, 179, 382, 385 CKGR, see Central Kalahari Game transport 170-81 road conditions 179 Reserve volunteering 169 road rules 180, 385-6 Clay Castles (N) 308 women travellers 169 to/from Botswana 175-6 climate Brandberg (N) 293-4 to/from Namibia 176, 382 Botswana 15-16, 161-2 British colonisation 56 to/from Victoria Falls (Zam) 192 Namibia 16, 367-8 Brukkaros (N) 344 to/from Victoria Falls (Zim) 198 climbing 294 buffalo fence (B) 75 within Botswana 178-80 coloured people (N) 217 buffaloes 39, 115, 116, 193, 38 within Namibia 383-6 combi travel Buitepos (N) 250-1 caracals 35, 225 to/from Botswana 174 bullfrogs 105 cash to/from Victoria Falls (Zam) 191-2 Bull’s Party (N) 253 Botswana 166 to/from Victoria Falls (Zim) 198 bungee jumping 183 Namibia 372 within Botswana 178, 180 Burnt Mountain (N) 295 castles within Namibia 383 bus travel Duwisib Castle (N) 346 conservancies 30-1 to/from Botswana 174-5, 381 Heinitzburg Castle (N) 237 conservation to/from South Africa 381 Sanderburg Castle (N) 237 Botswana 18, 73, 76, 81, 96, 103 to/from Namibia 381 Schwerinsburg Castle (N) 237 Namibia 18, 50, 229, 297 to/from Victoria Falls (Zam) 381 caves internet resources 76 to/from Victoria Falls (Zim) 381 Gcwihaba (Drotsky’s) Cave (B) organisations 18, 73, 74, 155, 229 within Botswana 178 142, 143 Consolidated Diamond Mines (CDM) within Namibia 383 Phillips Cave (N) 253 205, 350 bushbabies 37, 37 cell phones consulates bushwalking, see hiking Botswana 167-8 Botswana 163 Namibia 374 Namibia 369-70 000 Map pages cemeteries costs, see also inside front cover 000 Photograph pages Botswana 96 Botswana 16-17, 163 Namibia 251, 314, 318 Namibia 17, 370 INDEX (C-F) 415 crafts, see also individual crafts Deutsche Diamanten Gesellschat elephant safaris 183 Botswana 67, 150, 167 (German Diamond Company) (N) elephants 41, 41 Namibia 245, 262, 286, 301, 204, 349 Botswana 100, 101, 114, 116, 117 325, 373 diamonds 83, 356-7 internet resources 76 Victoria Falls (Zam) 191 Botswana 61 Namibia 267, 279 Victoria Falls (Zim) 195, 197 history 56, 204, 205, 349, 350, 355 safety 72 credit cards Jwaneng (B) 92 Zimbabwe 193 Botswana 166 Lüderitz (N) 349 Elephant’s Head (N) 253 Namibia 372 mines 92, 109 Elephant’s Walk Museum (Zim) 195 crocodile farms (B) 121, 251-2 Sperrgebiet (N) 354-5 Elim Dune (N) 336 Crocodile Ranch (N) 255 Diamond Trading Company 83 Elizabeth Bay (N) 355-6 Crocodile Ranch & Wildlife Nature diarrhoea 391-2 embassies Sanctuary (Zim) 195 Diaz Point (N) 351 Botswana 163 crocodiles 115, 121, 195, 251-2, difaqane 54 Namibia 369-70 255, 279 digital photography 166, 373 emergencies, see inside front cover culture Dimawe Hill (B) 91 endangered species books 63 dinosaur footprints (N) 254 Botswana 74-5, 96 Botswana 59-71 disabilities, travellers with Namibia 227, 297, 321 internet resources 59, 65 Botswana 168-9 environment Namibia 211-23 Namibia 375 Botswana 72-7 Cultural Centre, Museum & Art disappearing lake (B) 142 Namibia 224-30 Workshop (B) 151 D’kar (B) 150-1 environmental issues customs regulations Dombo Hippo Pool (B) 134 Botswana 75-7 Botswana 162 Dordabis (N) 342 Namibia 228-30 Namibia 368 drinks, see also beer, wine Epupa Falls (N) 302-3 INDEX cycling Botswana 71, 163-4 Erongo Mountains (N) 252-3 Victoria Falls (Zam) 191 Namibia 223, 370 etiquette 60, 211, 373 Victoria Falls (Zim) 198 driving, see car travel Etosha National Park (N) 264-9, within Botswana 178 driving licences 265, 6 within Namibia 246, 383 Botswana 178 Etsha 6 (B) 143-4 Namibia 384 euphorbia plant 369 D drugs European explorers 203 Daan Viljoen Game Park (N) 238-9, Botswana 165 European people (N) 216 238 Namibia 371 exchange rates, see inside front cover Damara people (N) 215-16 drumming 184 Damara terns 321 dunes F Damaraland (N) 292-8 Dune 45 (N) 336 Falls Craft Village (Zim) 195 dance Dune 7 (N) 326 Felsenkirche (N) 350-1 Botswana 68 Elim Dune (N) 336 ferry travel 176 Namibia 221-2 Namib dunes (N) 337 festivals dangers Namibia 316 Botswana 163 Botswana 162 Duwisib Castle (N) 346 Namibia 220, 221, 239-40, 370 Namibia 368 filariasis 389 Davies, Caitlin 69 E film Dead Vlei (N) 337 Eastern Botswana 94-101, 95 Botswana 65 debit cards Eastern Delta (B) 129-30 Namibia 220 Botswana 166 economy First People of the Kalahari (FPK) 64 Namibia 372 Botswana 12, 59, 60-1 fish 183, 226-7 Deception (Letiahau) Valley (B) 157 Namibia 12, 212, 213 Fish River Canyon National Park (N) deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 388 ecotourism 229, see also GreenDex 358-61, 358 dengue fever (break-bone fever) 389 education 61 fishing Department of Wildlife & National elands 152, 267 Botswana 138, 160 Parks (DWNP) 26-8 electricity Namibia 366 Deutsche-Afrika Bank Building (N) Botswana 159 Victoria Falls 183 315 Namibia 364 flamingos 47, 328, 46 416 INDEX (F-H) food gemsboks 39, 116, 152, 267, 339, hartebeests 39, 267, 39 Botswana 70-1, 163 39 Hartmann’s Valley (N) 304 Namibia 222-3, 370 geography Head, Bessie 19, 69, 96 football 84 Botswana 72 health 387-93 forts 260, 345 Namibia 224 books 388 four-wheel driving geology insurance 387 Botswana 176-7 Botswana 72 internet resources
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