ISSN 0216 - 809X (Print) ISSN 2685– 4112 (Online) The Process of Wedding Ceremony in Tulehu Village, Central Moluccas (A Historical Analysis) Rosmiaty1, Abdollah 2, Rahmuni Lestaluhu3 1 Akademi Bahasa Asing UMI, Makassar 2,3 Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Muslim Indonesia Abstract This study aims (1) to find out about The Process of wedding Ceremony in Tulehu village Cen- tral Moluccas (2) to determine the values are contained in The Process of Wedding Ceremony in Tulehu village, Central Moluccas. This study used descriptive qualitative method to analysis the process of wedding ceremony in Tulehu village, central Moluccas. The results of this study in- clude of the process of wedding ceremony in Tulehu village, central Moluccas. There are infor- mal notification, login request, event nahusanamng and sitting gifts, delivery of property / fare and marriage ceremony. In addition, the values contained in the customary marriage of Tulehu village, district. such as moral values, social values and religious values. The results of this study are also expected to religious leaders and community leaders in Tulehu village, Central Maluku district. to teach the customary marriage procedure to the young generation. So that culture is also known by the younger generation. in order to be inherited later. Thus, the values contained in the customary marriage process are not lost. Keywords: Wedding Ceremony, Tulehu Village, Central Mollucas Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) untuk mengetahui tentang Proses Upacara Pernikahan di desa Tulehu Maluku Tengah (2) untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam Proses Upacara Pernikahan di desa Tulehu, Maluku Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk menganalisis proses upacara pernikahan di desa Tulehu, Maluku ten- gah. Hasil penelitian ini meliputi proses upacara pernikahan di desa Tulehu, Maluku tengah. Ada notifikasi informal, permintaan login, acara nahusanamng dan hadiah duduk, pengiriman properti / ongkos dan upacara pernikahan. Selain itu, nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam per- nikahan adat desa Tulehu, kabupaten. seperti nilai moral, nilai sosial dan nilai agama. Hasil penelitian ini juga diharapkan untuk para pemimpin agama dan tokoh masyarakat di desa Tulehu, kabupaten Maluku Tengah. untuk mengajarkan prosedur pernikahan adat kepada gen- erasi muda. Sehingga budaya itu juga dikenal oleh generasi muda. untuk diwarisi nanti. Dengan demikian, nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam proses pernikahan adat tidak hilang. Kata Kunci : Upacara Pernikahan, Desa Tulehu, Maluku Tengah 1. Introduction Islands lie between 3º LU and 8º 20` LU Moluccas is one of the provinces in and 120º BT and 135º BT. Moluccas has eastern Indonesia. with borders divided into two seasons: the rainy season and the sum- 4 parts: the western part consists of, the mer. The capital of Moluccas is Ambon Moluccas sea, Central Sulawesi and South- which has a nickname Ambon Manise. Am- east Sulawesi. The southern part includes bon city stands in the south of the island the Banda Sea, East Timor and East Nusa Ambon in Jasirah Leihitu. Tenggara and the North part included, Moluccas has been known since the North Moluccas and West Papua. Geo- time of the great kingdoms of the Middle graphically the Moluccas region consists of East such as the Pharaoh's Egyptian Work- 999 islands spread over an area of 85,728 ing of Pharaoh. Historical evidence that the km2 with 80% of the sea. Above this area Moluccas are the oldest in Indonesia are the 1605 spread the country as centers of mores records of the clay tablet found in Persia, that differ from each other. The Moluccas Mesopotamia, and Egypt mention the exist- VOL 15 NO 2 DESEMBER 2016 81 ISSN 0216 - 809X (Print) ISSN 2685– 4112 (Online) ence of the land of the very rich east, the land area of 11,595.57 km2 or 4.20%, with a land of heaven, with the result of clove, long coastline of 1,256,230 km. Central Mo- gold and pearls, other and not is the land of luccas Regency are bordered by: Moluccas which is the center of producing 1. North side is bordered by Seram Sea nutmeg, Fuli, cloves and pearls. 2. The south by the Banda Sea Central Moluccas regency is one of 3. Regency of West Seram in the west the districts in Moluccas province, Indone- 4. Regency of East Seram in the east sia. The capital of this district is located in Most of the mainland areas in Cen- Masohi. Most of the mainland area in Cen- tral Moluccas District or about 92.11% are tral Moluccas Regency or about 92.11% are located on Seram island and the surrounding on Seram island and the surrounding small small islands. While the mainland region of islands. While the mainland region of Cen- Central Moluccas Regency spread in Am- tral Maluku Regency spread in Ambon Is- bon Island, Haruku Island, Nusalaut Island land, Haruku Island, Nusalaut Island and and Saparua, and Banda Islands is only Saparua, and Banda Islands is only 7.98%. 7.98%. (http://irwanto.info/keadaan-umum- (http://www.malukuprov.go.id) kabupaten-maluku-tengah/) The District of Central Moluccas as The population of Central Maluku one in district of Moluccas that is estab- Regency in 2014 is 530,477 people with the lished by Government Regulation No. 35 of highest population in Leihitu District with 1952 ( L.N No. 49/1952 ) on the dissolution 69,019 people or 13.01% (from the popula- of the Southern Moluccas and establish- tion of Central Moluccas). With an area of ment of Central Moluccas and South East 11,595.57 km2, then by 2014 the population Moluccas. density in Central Moluccas district is 32 After the entry into force of law No. people per km2. The highest population 1 of 1957 dated January 18, 1957, on the density occurred in Kecamatan Kota Masohi main points of government for the whole of 859 people / km2 followed by TNS Dis- territory of the Republic of Indonesia, the trict of 539 people / km2 The number of established autonomous areas including lev- population in Central Moluccas Regency el I autonomous region of Moluccas by which is the workforce of 2014 is 136,763 emergency law No. 22 of 1957 ( No. L. N. people consisting of working population 79/1957 ) were then determined by law No. 119,002 people and looking for work 20 of 1958 ( L. N. No. 60/1958 ). (unemployment) 17,761 people, with Labor Furthermore, in accordance with Force Participation Rate (LFPR) of 55.56%. article 73 paragraph 4 No. 22 of 1957 of More than half (53.55%) of the population emergency laws. It also established autono- of Central Moluccas district in 2014 work in mous regions level II, so that second-level the agricultural sector. The second largest autonomous regions established in the Mo- sector that absorbs labor is trade, hotels and luccas with emergency law No. 23 of 1957 restaurants of 15.68%. (http://irwanto.info/ ( L.N No. 80/1957 ), which is then deter- keadaan-umum-kabupaten-maluku-tengah/). mined by the law No. 60 of 1958 ( L.N No. Cultural values and social cultural 111/1958 ) which covers the autonomous values rooted in the lives of the people of regions Level II Central Moluccas, North Moluccas is one of the basic capital for in- Moluccas, Southeast Moluccas and Ambon. creased unity and integrity include encour- Regions included in the level II au- aging communities to implement develop- tonomous region of Central Moluccas are ment in this area. Indigenous kinship rela- Ambon Island, Lease Islands, Banda Island, tionships and culture should be encouraged East Seram, North Seram, South Seram, so as to create synergy reliable for joint ef- West Seram and Buru as contained in PP. forts to build a New Moluccas in the future. No. 35 of 1952. (http:// Culture means the ideas, customs, www.kemendagri.go.id/) and social behaviour of a particular people Central Maluku Regency, which is or society. Word culture in Indonesian is included in the Province of Maluku has an budaya, derived from Sanskrit buddhayah area of 275,907 km2, consists of an area of which is the plural of budhi which means 264,311.43 km2 or 95.80% of the sea and mind or eternal and power which means cre- VOL 15 NO 2 DESEMBER 2016 82 ISSN 0216 - 809X (Print) ISSN 2685– 4112 (Online) ative works and human initiative. Word cul- in His Word: ture itself comes from the Latin word colere َوأَن ِك ُحوا ا أْلَيَا َمى ِمن ُك أم َوال َّصا ِل ِحي َن ِم أن ِعبَا ِد ُك أم which means to cultivate, work and mainly َوإِ َمائِ ُك أم إِن يَ ُكونُوا فُ َق َراء يُ أغنِ ِه ُم ََّّللاُ ِمن َف أض ِل ِه َو ََّّللاُ associated with the processing of land and َوا ِس ٌع َع ِلي ٌم. -natural change. Thus, it can be said that cul ture is the creation or work and initiative from the mind or the human mind that has “And marry such of you as are solitary been set out in life, expressed in the form of and the pious of your slaves and maid- work, in the form of hand work, or works servants. If they be poor, Allah will that expressed in the form of customs, so- enrich them of His bounty. Allah is of cio, and culture. ample means, Aware”. (Qs. an-Nur : (Ibrahim Hosen, 1971:65) word 32) (https:// marriage is derived from the Arabic word puskafi.wordpress.com/2010/04/12/ "marriage" which means "gathering or op- makna-dan-tujuan-pernikahan/ pressing". 2. Creating peace of mind and compas- According to Experts, marriage sion between husband and wife. Allah means: SWT said, َو ِم أن آيَاتِ ِه أَ أن َخ َل َق َل ُكم ِ م أن أَنفُ ِس ُك أم أَ أز َواجاً ِ لتَ أس ُكنُوا According to language, marriage is al .1 إِ َل أي َها َو َجعَ َل بَيأنَ ُكم َّم َودَّةً َو َر أح َم ًة إِ َّن فِي ذَ ِل َك ََليَا ٍت dhammu or al-tadakhul which means- ِ ل َق أو ٍم يَتَ َف َّك ُرو َن.
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