NORTHERN TERRITORY OF AUSTRALIA ISSN 0157 8324 Government Gazette No. G34 DARWIN 24 August 2011 GENERAL INFORMATION SUBSCRIPTIONS are payable in advance and are accepted for a maximum period of one calendar year. All subscriptions General issUes of the Gazette contain notices Under the are on a frm basis and refunds for cancellations will not be following headings: Proclamations; Legislative (Acts of Parliament assented to, StatUtory RUles, By laws, given. Rates inclUde sUrface postage in AUstralia and overseas. RegUlations); Government departments administering Other carriage rates are available on application. particUlar legislation or fUnctions; Notices Under the Companies (Northern Territory) Code; Planning Act; Crown AVAILABILITY: The Gazette may be purchased by mail Lands Act; Private Notices; Tenders Invited; Contracts from: Awarded. 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Page 2 The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G34, 24 August 2011 Planning Act (i) dated 13 March 1987 and pUblished in Gazette NOTICE OF EXHIBITION OF PROPOSAL No. G12 of 25 March 1987 naming Wishart Road; TO AMEND NT PLANNING SCHEME and PA2011/0505 (ii) dated 25 May 1995 and pUblished in Gazette I, DAVID MALONE, delegate for the Minister for Lands No. G25 of 21 June 1995 naming an extension to and Planning give notice Under section 17 of the Planning Wishart Road; and Act of the following: (iii) dated 21 JUly 1981 and pUblished in Gazette (a) a proposal to amend the NT Planning Scheme, numbered No. G30 of 31 July 1981 naming Tivendale Road PA2011/0505 as referred to in (e), is to be exhibited Under (later partially renamed McFarland Road); and Division 3 of Part 2 of the Act; (b) Under section 11(1)(a) of the Place Names Act, approve the (b) the amendment is to be exhibited at the following location: recommendation contained in a report by the Place Names Offces of the Department of Lands and Planning Committee that the roads shown hatched on Compiled GroUnd Floor, Cavenagh HoUse, 38 Cavenagh Street, Plan CP5400 be named Wishart Road, Tivendale Road, Darwin Kirkland Road and Syrimi Road, as specifed on the Compiled Plan. (c) the period of exhibition is for 28 days, commencing upon frst newspaper publication of the notice required Dated 10th AUgUst, 2011. by section 17(1); G. F. McCARTHY Minister for (d) written submissions regarding this exhibition should be Lands and Planning made to: Notes Michael O'Neill Graduate Planner Kirkland Road is named in commemoration of Charles Strategic Lands Planning James Kirkland (1856 1949), printer, editor, newspaper Department of Lands and Planning proprietor and pearler, and his wife Margaret (nee Cromie) GPO Box 1680 (c1863 1929). DARWIN NT 0801 or Syrimi Road is named in commemoration of Peter Syrimi Fax: (08) 8999 7189 or (1922 2001) and Maria Syrimi (1922 2004), horticUltUralists Email: [email protected] for 50 years in the Darwin area. (e) the proposed amendment is to the NT Planning Scheme, Tivendale Road is named in commemoration of Lyle Mason to rezone Lot 1931 Town of Darwin (3 Eden Street, StUart Tivendale who arrived in Darwin aboUt 1925 as Assistant to Park) from Zone MD (Multiple Dwelling Residential) to the Chief Veterinary Offcer of the Northern Territory and Zone MR (Medium Density Residential). departed on retirement from the position of Commonwealth Health Inspector. Dated 5th AUgUst, 2011. D. MALONE Wishart Road is named in commemoration of W. Wishart Delegate for the Minister for who was contracted to bUild Darwin's frst sUbstantial wharf. Lands and Planning Wishart and his workmen arrived in Darwin aboard the Airlie 1/34 in 1885 and by 1886 the wharf was completed. Compiled Plan CP 5400 may be inspected: Weeds Management Act • on the place names website at: APPROVAL OF WEED MANAGEMENT PLAN http //www.nt gov au/placenames/register/2011/documents/CP5400 pdf FOR CABOMBA CAROLINIANA • at the offce of the Surveyor General I, KARL RIO HAMPTON, Minister for NatUral ResoUrces, 3rd Floor NAB House, 71 Smith Street, Darwin. Environment and Heritage, Under section 10(1) of the Weeds Management Act, approve the "Weed Management Plan for 3/34 Cabomba (Cabomba caroliniana) 2011", prepared by the Planning Act Weed Management Branch of the Department of NatUral ResoUrces, Environment, the Arts and Sport, as a weed NOTICE OF MAKING OF AMENDMENT management plan for the pUrposes mentioned in section TO NT PLANNING SCHEME 10(1)(a) to (d) of the Act. AMENDMENT No. 191 The plan is to remain in force for 10 years from the date of DARWIN LOCALITY this instrUment. I, GERALD FRANCIS McCARTHY, the Minister for Lands Dated 9th AUgUst, 2011. and Planning, Under section 28(1) of the Planning Act, give K. R. HAMPTON notice that Minister for (a) I have, under section 25(2)(a) of the Act, amended the NatUral ResoUrces, NT Planning Scheme by rezoning Sections 6010 and Environment and Heritage 3465 HUndred of Bagot from Zones CP (CommUnity 2/34 PUrposes) and PS (PUblic Open Space) to Zone SC (Service Commercial); and Place Names Act (b) copies of the amendment, (Amendment No. 191), are REVOCATION AND NAMING OF PLACES available from the Offces of the Department of Lands I, GERALD FRANCIS McCARTHY, Minister for Lands and Planning, GroUnd Floor, 38 Cavenagh Street, Darwin. and Planning: Dated 11th AUgUst, 2011. (a) under section 11(1)(a) of the Place Names Act and with G. F. McCARTHY reference to section 43 of the Interpretation Act, revoke Minister for the instruments: Lands and Planning The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G34, 24 August 2011 Page 3 SCHEDULE DETAILS OF DETERMINATION Description of Crown land the : Lot 8, Town of sUbject of the proposed grant Fleming Person to whom proposed grant is : MG and JT Swart as to be made TrUstees for WRSC SUperannUation FUnd (ABN 51121 590 180) Price : Nil Proposed Development : Light IndUstry/ Service Commercial 6/34 Police Administration Act SALE OF GOODS Notice is hereby given that pUrsUant to section 166 of the Police Administration Act, the following property as shown on the attached SchedUle has been in the possession of the Offcer in Charge, Police Station, Tennant Creek, for a period in excess of 3 months and this property will be sold 4/34 or otherwise disposed of in a manner determined by the Crown Lands Act Commissioner of Police, if after twenty eight (28) days from the pUblication of this notice the property remains Unclaimed. NOTICE OF DETERMINATION OF PROPOSED GRANT LEASE OF CROWN LAND Dated 17th AUgUst, 2011. C. BARRETT Notice is hereby given, in pUrsUance of section 12(6) of the A/SUperintendent Crown Lands Act, that the Minister for Planning and Lands Tennant Creek Police Station has made a determination Under section 12(3) of the Act to grant an estate in fee simple, details of which are specifed EXHIBIT/MPR DESTRUCTION in the SchedUle. 3337964 Pink BMX Mongoose Bike 4661020 Dated 15th AUgUst, 2011. 346129 2 Paintings R. MORRIS Regional Manager 345700 PlUmber's Gas Bottle and Fitting Lands and Planning 347715 Browning Tornado CompoUnd Bow SCHEDULE 7/34 Description of Crown land the : Proposed Lot 3294, Police Administration Act sUbject of the grant CasUarina Street, Town of Katherine NOTIFICATION OF CONSENT AGREEMENT Persons to whom proposed grant : Northern Territory of PUrsUant to section 55 of the Police Administration Act notice is given that an Agreement has been made in pUrsUance of is to be made AUstralia section 51 of the Act. The Northern Territory Police Force PUrchase Price : NIL Consent Agreement 2011 was certifed by the Police Arbitral Rent : NIL TribUnal pUrsUant to section 53(2) on 23 JUne 2011.
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