
214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE . January 27, 1982 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, January 27, 1982 The House met at 3 p.m. also serves as pastor of the Beaver Yesterday there was a special elec­ The Reverend Dr. W. Jean Richard­ Creek Church in Knoxville, Tenn. He tion held for a legislative seat for the son, moderator of the general assem­ is in Washington to attend a confer­ Iowa House, District 84, in Burlington, bly, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, ence of partiCipating Presbyterian de­ Iowa. That seat had been held by a Knoxville, Tenn., offered the follow­ nominations this week. Republican who vacated it to move to ing prayer: It is a great honor for me and for California to find work. Burlington Almighty and Eternal God, the Su­ this Chamber to have the leader of has an estimated unemployment rate preme Architect and Creator, the the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of over 12 percent. Loving Father, the Sovereign Lord of with us today. Dr. Richardson has pro­ Yesterday the Democratic candidate, all the universe, how excellent is Thy vided great leadership not only to this Elaine Baxter, swept that seat with 61 name in all the Earth. church but his community as well and percent of the vote. That was the We acknowledge Your dominion is an outstanding example of how one fourth straight Democratic victory in over us. You are God of gods, King of makes his Christian commitment the Iowa since November-three of which kings, and Ruler over all rulers and central theme of his everyday life. Dr. seats were previously held by Republi­ nations. Your ways are above our Richardson, I am grateful for your cans. ways. Yet, You are personal Redeemer being with us today. The voters of Burlington said some­ and Friend. thing yesterday which is going to be We confess our human limitations as DISCHARGE PETITION FOR repeated throughout the Midwest this we confront the great issues of life. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 149, fall-that a movie script version of real We plead for divine help. BALANCED BUDGET life is fine for the theater, but is disas­ Bless all Your servants in govern­ <Mr. VOLKMER asked and was trous for our farmers and workers of ment everywhere; especially, those as­ given permission to address the House this country. sembled here in this House. May they for 1 minute and to revise and extend Farm prices, in real terms, are at receive wisdom and strength beyond his remarks.) their worst level since the depression. their normal abilities that by and from Mr. VOLKMER. Mr. Speaker, last Layoffs and plant closings are occur­ their actions truth will be honored, evening, President Reagan gave his ring all over Iowa. Our economy is in justice will be done, and peace estab­ first state of the Union address. It was real trouble. We need action now, not lished among us. a well delivered address, but I think he theatrics. For Thine is the kingdom and the has missed the point. power and the glory, forever. Amen. Mr. Speaker, the Nation's economy is in desperate straits. Unemployment PLANNING TO COVER YOUR OWN BURIAL COSTS SHOULD THE JOURNAL is nearing 10 percent and interest rates remain at restrictively high NOT BLOCK SSI OR MEDICAID The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ levels. ELIGIBILITY amined the Journal of the last day's Mr. Speaker, I do agree with the <Mr. GLICKMAN asked and was proceedings and announces to the President that it is time to get this House his approval thereof. given permission to address the House country going again. However, I for 1 minute and to revise and extend Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the strongly disagree with his methods. He Journal stands approved. his remarks.> is obviously not going to give up the Mr. GLICKMAN. Mr. Speaker, ghost of supply-side economics, so re­ sometimes I just cannot believe the REV. W. JEAN RICHARDSON covery will be long and painful. way Government programs operate. A <Mr. JONES of Tennessee asked and Mr. Speaker, the economy will not whole range of States have programs was given permission to address the improve until we lower interest rates designed to cover burial costs of indi­ House for 1 minute and to revise and and that will not occur until we reduce victuals who have been on public assist­ extend his remarks.) the huge budget deficits and balance ance, but under the Federal medicaid Mr. JONES of Tennessee. Mr. the Federal budget. For these reasons, and SSI programs, owning a burial Speaker, it is with great pleasure that today I am filing a discharge petition on House Joint Resolution 149, the plot or burial insurance program I rise today to introduce to my col­ constitutional amendment requiring a counts against you. In short, that leagues the Reverend W. Jean Rich­ balanced Federal budget. means those programs encourage ardson, moderator of the general as­ Mr. Speaker, I strongly urge my col­ people to dispose of assets they have sembly of the Cumberland Presbyteri­ leagues to join me in this effort to put into covering the costs of their an Church, who gave today's opening bring this all-important legislation to own burial. In this way, we are dis­ prayer. As the only Cumberland Pres­ the floor for consideration. couraging people from taking care of byterian in this House, it is a great themselves. honor for me to have him as my guest That does not make good sense, and today. WE NEED ACTION NOW it adds to the impression that the Fed­ Dr. Richardson graduated from <Mr. HARKIN asked and was given eral Government is insensitive and un­ Bethel College located in my congres­ permission to address the House for 1 caring. I hope we will straighten this sional district in 1951. He also attend­ minute and to revise and extend his out. To do so, I have introduced legis­ ed and graduated from the Cumber­ remarks.) lation today that would add to the list land Presbyterian Theological Semi­ Mr. HARKIN. Mr. Speaker, last of assets to be excluded from the re­ nary in 1955. He has devoted his life to night, as Ronald Reagan was giving sources test for medicaid and SSI eligi­ the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, the Warner Brothers version of bility, burial plots, and burial insur­ having served as pastor in a number of "There is a light at the end of the ance programs. I would welcome the churches. In addition to his duties as tunnel," out in the grassroots of Iowa, cosponsorship of each· and every moderator of the general assembly, he the voters were rewriting the script. Member of the House. 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. January 27, 1982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 215 WE STILL HAVE THINGS TO DEFICITS MUST BE REDUCED percent reduction and 120 employees LEARN FROM ROOSEVELT <Mr. PEYSER asked and was given will be left with WIN, a 72-percent re­ permission to address the House for 1 duction. This is the office which at­ <Mr. WILLIAMS of Montana asked tempts to secure full- and part-time and was given permission to address minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) jobs for AFDC welfare recipients. the House for 1 minute and to revise When the bill was on the floor last and extend his remarks.) Mr. PEYSER. Mr. Speaker, the President should have listened to December 10, the gentleman from Mr. WILLIAMS of Montana. Mr. Abraham Lincoln's advice when Lin­ Massachusetts, Mr. CoNTE, said: Speaker, as this week we commemo­ coln said, "You can fool some of the Let me assure you we have carefully con­ rate the 100th birthday of Franklin people some of the time, but you can't structed this legislation to assure that first Delano Roosevelt and the anniversary fool all of the people all of the time." of all no state unemployment office may be of the beginning of the New Deal for The President never last night ad­ closed as a result of this legislation. Second, the American people, we will find in dressed the issues that really has the no employees of these offices may be laid our observations that we can still people of this country worried-the off as a result of this legislation. If his cal­ learn things from Roosevelt and from culations are wrong, the administration will issues of unemployment, high interest submit a supplemental budget refund to the New Deal. rates, and the ballooning deficit. assure processing the higher workload. We can learn of both his accomplish­ Instead he talked about 1984, and ments and his faults and I am sure we giving the food stamp program back to Well, I say the administration's are going to hear a great deal about the States, giving welfare back to the guesses are wrong and that we need his faults. States. Can you imagine 50 food stamp action now to stop the massive layoffs in Employment Service offices. It is Perhaps Roosevelt was best when plans, 50 welfare plans? It will not be the United States, it will be the dis­ sheer stupidity to cut off and to stifle talking about his own faults. I particu­ one of the few instruments we have to larly like it when he said: united States. I hope this Congress, as I said the put people back to work. Better the occasional sins of a government other day, will have the guts to turn This bill makes available an addi­ living in the spirit of charity than the con­ tional $210,490,000 from the unem­ sistent omissions of a government frozen in these programs down and get us on the ice of its own indifference.
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