o • cr> _ o * I- > THE WESTFIELD LEADER The leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly iXewnpaper In Union County a PI Publisher) Second ClfU)*! Pc>Hl««c Palri WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1980 wry Thursday 22 Pages—20 Cents NINETIET on >.37 UJ O.-J More than 100 School Board Appoints 444, Neighborhood "Watchers" Learn about Anti-Crime Surveillance Cuts 22 from '80-81 Staff More lhan 100 pairs of timers in discouraging questions that will be an- residents to be more aware "eyes and ears" turned out burglars? swered for others residents of anything unusual they The Westfield Ficjard of approved by townspeople in students and numbers and fourth grade teacher, :M) struclion of exhaust and at Thursday night's Neigh- —On what kinds of things as well, as the Neighborhood might see in their own Education appointed 4<14 the ltlHO-81 school budget for courses selected by years; Melissa Knuralle. fume systems in Roosevelt borhood Watch meeting to should residents call the Watch program progresses neighborhoods. teachers, nurses, guidance next year totals 22 staff secondary school students,! Edison Junior High School and Edison Junior High see and hear more about (he police? to penetrate into hopefully, Councilwoman Betty List, counselors and rjfiici' staff positions: (hree ad- on financial resources and social studies teacher, 40 Schools and the resurfacing town's new c ill 2 en -police —Are neighborhood youths each of Westfield's who, as Public Safety members for (he jwu-Hl ministrators; two on an ongoing .staff years; and Margaret of floors and stairways at cooperative effort to help estimated 10,000 homes. Chairman is helping to school term al its public librarians; two secretaries, evaluation system. Hoffman. Roosevelt Junior Franklin. McKinley. Wilson curb crime in Westfield. responsible for a lot of the break and entries? Police Chief James Moran coordinate the Neigh- meeting Tuesday ni^hi Of three custodians ;ind 12 The Board of Education High School nurse, 20 years and Roosevelt Junior High The standing-room-only fielded residents' questions borhood Watch effort, said thes« appointment, seven teachers. accepted the retirement Schools.. The move, ac- crowd asked a lot of —What happens to juveniles along with three other that she was very en- received tenure. The Board of Education resignations of four staff Also approved at cording to Holland van questions: who do get caught? members of his depart- couraged by the citizen Salaries noted ,,> the j)s<> approved the transfer members with a cumulative Tuesday's meeting was the Valkenburgh. finance —How many burglars carry —What about vandalism; is ment: Detectives Robert response which was "far appointments for teachers, of :15 elementary staff total of 10G years of service- resignation of Karen chairman, is an effort \o weapons? that part of this program? Kenny and Robert Lowyns beyond our replies and nurses and guidance members and seven to the Westfield public DeBenedietis, high school "make the best us<* ol our —How useful are dogs and .These are the types of and Officer Frank Brunelle. many people who had counselors are subject lo secondary staff members schools. They are: Edgar L. science teacher. .sal(ity and maintenance All of the men stressed replied could not be at the any contract signed by the for next year. Wallace, Westfield High The appropriation of dollars." that residents should not be meeting." Board of Education ;inil the Staff decisions are based School choral music $79,300 from surplus funds These projects had foten afraid to call the police. She said the next step In Westfield Education on projected student needs teacher, 16 years; Doris from the current budge! was included in a 57,2 million "You see it; we want to the program will be Association, who arc 'numbers of elementary Dnrlak. McKinl^v School earmarked for the con- capital lx>nd issue which know about it," said the meetings in each ward, presently negotiating for a was rejected by voters early chief, who added that, "it's when materials and in- new contract - the euin.-nt in March. A bond issue never a problem when formation will be given to one will expire on June.- :io. designed lo provide about $(i residents call." the block captain volunteers 19B0. School Calendar Proposed million for energy-saving One such resident, who for distribution in their For a variety of reasuns, and renovation projects for described herself as a neighborhoods. Anyone 61 staff members have been In an effort to involve and inform the Hoard Meeting Room at :iO2 Elm the school district plant is "hawk" in her neigh- interested in serving as n given notice of "no job parents early on about the proposed Street. expected to be approved borhood, said that she had block captain may contact assurance" for them ;it this 19H0-81 school calendar, School The proposed calendar includes the next Tuesday by the board never been rebuffed by her or the police Depart- time. This number includes -Superintendent Laurence F. Greene following holidays: Rosh Jiashanah. tor submission to the voters police when she called. ment. Mrs. List added that those staff members whose released the proposed calendar Ibis Sept. 11; Thanksgiving recess, Nov. 27 ina special election May 13. In addition to this block captains will not be salaries are contingent upon week. and 211; New Year holiday. Jan. l and 2: In additional action, the question-and-answer period, solely responsible for ob- federal or state funding Martin Luther King Day' Jan. 15; tiood board accepted the the audience saw a film on serving in their neigh- under Title 1, Title VI or the School administrators and 1he Friday, April 17; and Memorial Day, resignations of school crime prevention and heard borhoods; "that must be State Compensatory Westfield Education Association, May 25. There are also school holidays secretaries Catherine everyone's responsibility." representing teachers in the school presentations on home Education program. Sonic system, have been consulted about the for students only on Nov. 13 and M for Barrett, Rita Sharkey, security and observation. An audience member of these staff positions wiil proposed calendar. Teachers' Professional Days and on Marcella Paoline and Mrs. Audience members agreed when he said, "In be appointed later if an'I March 12 and 13 for in-service training Anne Halick. scored well on the short order to make something when the funding is ap- The calendar was presented to the days for staff. Three week-long vacation observation test conducted like this work, you can't be proved. lioard of Education at its public meeting periods include Dec 24-31 for Christmas Appointments for the by Det. Lowyns. who urged afraid to gel involved." Ten of the staff ni(.-mher>, Tuesday. Adoption of the calendar will vacation; Feb. 16 through 20 for mid- remainder of the given "no job assunui'V lie on (he agenda for Board action ;il a winter vacation; and Aprit20 through 24 school year include that of will be replaced by siaff special meeting on April 29 at 8 p.m. in for spring vacation. Mrs. Theodora Hitter, members returning in Jefferson fifth grade, at an Fire Department annual salary of $12,R50. Council to Act September, 1980, from Introduced were policies Principal Search Seeks Applicants leaves of absence. on safe operation of On Street By law the Bmr! ol vocational courses, physical The Fire Department Education has to inform Proposed School Calendar 1980-81 education exemptions, Project announces that positions are staff members by April .10 pregnant and married Narrowed to Six open and applications may deadline if they will not have students and school Town Council is expected be picked up at a conlract offered to them at Six applicants for the the communities in which Number of School equipment disposal to take initial steps at its headquarters on North Ave., this time for the 1980-8! Days per Month procedures. Action on these 8:30 p.m. public meeting principalship of Westfield finalists are now employed Fire Station No. 2 on Central school term. Thursday and Friday High School are being in- for on-the-job observations will be taken next month. Tuesday to provide for the Ave. or from the Town The (il staff positions for August 2H and 2!l Betty Kopf, member of improvement of a section of terviewed by a team of and interviews with people Clerk. Workshop for NEW Teachers central staff administrators currently working with the which there is no job the Weslfield Recreation Tice PI., for the construction Applicants, who must be assurance for 1SW0-BI at this Tuesday. September 2 Commission, appeared at of curbing and sidewalks in this week. applicants. between the ages of 1B-35, Workshop for ALL Teachers Marie Scian, director of time include two tenured the session to request a joint parts of town, to authorize In January, a mailing was must pass medical written personnel. 32 non-tenured Wednesday. September :! • Schools Open meeting of recreation of- an agreement with Union personnel for the Westfield sent to more than 50 of the and oral examinations. Wednesday, June 24 • Schools Close public schools, said more leading colleges and personnel and 27 aides. ficials with members of the County for the Community The deadline for filing is 5 The school staff decrease, PUPIL HOLIDAYS operations and facilities Development Revenue than 80 Applications have universities known for their p.m. May 16. been received for the high outstanding programs in due to declining enrollment. September 11 - Rosh Hiisltanah -September 19 committee of the board to Sharing program ami to October 23 discuss mutual concerns. amend an ordinance con- school position which Albert developing secondary school The Recrea lion Commission cerning police radio com- Bobal will leave on Aug.
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