116 KENSWORTH. BEDFORDSHIRE. [KELLY'S owners. On Church End, Burystead, and Nash's farms Post Office, Kensworth Common.-Mrs. Charlotte Busby, are deep wells, the water from which is drawn by large sub-postmistress. Letters through Dunstable arrive wheels worked by donkeys. The soil is loamy; subsoil, at 7.20 a.m. & 2.45 p.m. ; letter box cleared at 8.20 chalk, gravel and clay, yielding good crops of wheat a.m. & 5.50 p.m. ; no sunday delivery of letters. and oats: The area is 2,goo acres; rateable value, Markyate is the nearest money order office & Whip· £2,853; the population in rgor was sr6. snade, 2 miles distant, the nearest telegraph office Kensworth Lynch is one mile south-east. Wall Letter Box, Church End, clea.red at 7·45 a.m. & 5·45 p.m Parish Clerk, Richard Tanner. Wall Letter Box, North End, cleared at g.15 a.m. & P()st Office (situate in Markyate, Herts).-Mrs. Sarah 5·30 p.m Durrant, sub-postmistress. Letters &Trive from Dun­ Public ElementAry School (mixed), built in r853, for stable at 6.40 a.m. & 12.10 p.m.; dispatched at II-30 r6g children; averag-e attendanoo, go; it is supported a.m .. & 6.30 p.m. week days; sundays, u.40 a.m. in part by .Brugis' charity ; Frederick Dickens, master Markyate Village, one mile distant, is the nearest Carriers. Luton, .A.rthur Evans, daily; Dunstable, money order & telegraph office Leonard Langford, daily PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bullman Thomas, Half Moon P.H Hickman Ernest George, assistant Bennett Benjamin, Kensworth house Busby William, shopkeeper overseer & clerk to the Parish Beresford-Hope Miss, Lynch house Child Arthur Robert & Co. straw Council Fitch Cyril Wilfred, Canfi.eld hat manufacturers Langford Leonard, dairy & carrier Hall Miss, Flowerdale house Corkeit Michael, farm bailiff to Geo. Morton William ( exors. of), farmers, Jackson W. Howland, Old hall Powdrill esq. Clay Hall farm Burystead Jones Miss, The Grove Dunstable & District Joint Hospital Pedder George, wheelwright Litle Rev. William Brian Somerville (James Alexander Storey L.R.C.P. Purcbas Wm. Boden, artist,Nash's ho M.A., B.D., LL.D. (vicar), The Edin., L.R.C.S.I. medical officer) Springthorpe Thomas, beer retailer Vicarage Dunstable Golf Club (John Healing, Stanbridge George John, farmer, Isle Morton Mrs. Burystead hon. sec) of Wight farm Palmer Ernest Fredk. Lynch lodge Evans Arthur, baker & carrier Stanbridge William Barton, farmer, Fossey Jacob, beer retailer Green End farm COMMERCIAL. George Julia (Mrs.), farmer, Dove Timberlake Matt. farmer, Corner frm Andrews Joseph, shopkeeper House & Nash's farms Twidell Albert, dairyman Barton Richard, farmer, Down's farm Heady Waiter, baker Wingate Charles, Farmer's Boy P.H Bates George, Old Pack Horse P.H Hickman Ebenezer, farmer, Maylords /Wooldridge Charles, blacksmith Blow Young Jem, farmer,The Grange & Grove farms XEYSOE (anciently Caissot), on the road from Bl'd- of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Master and ford to Kimbolton, is a village and parish, 6! miles Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge, who are also the south from Kimbolton station on the Kettering and impropriators of the rectory, and held since 1875 by the Cambridge section and 7 miles north-east of Sharnbrook Rev. John Hill Banham M.A. of that oollege and rural station on the main line of the Midland railway and 9 dean of Riseley. There is a Baptist chapel at Brook north from Bedford, in the Northern division of the End, founded in 1652, with 500 sittings, also at Kersoe county, hundred of Stodden, Sharnbrook petty sessional Row. Francis Crawley esq. of Stockwood, Luton, is division, union and county court district of Bedford, lord of the manor and prineipal landowner. The soil is ·rural deanery <>f Riseley, archdeaconcy of Bedfo.rd and stiff clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, -diocese of Ely. The church of St. Mary is a building of barley and beans. The area is 3,6gg acres ; rateable stone of mix~ styles, chiefly Decorat_ed and Peryendicu- 1 value, [3,038 ; the population in rgoi was 525. Is;<r, and cons.Ists of chancel, clerestoned nave Wlth north 1 Parish Clerk, Isaac Stapleton. :-:aisle, extendmg to length of chancel, south porch and a H Cl k t p · h C - W'll' W d d massive western tower with crocketed pinnacles and an I on. er 0 arls ouncl1 • 1 lam oo :war • 'OC t agona1 sp1re,· w1'th th ree tiers· o f d oTIIJers, an d con- Brook End. '-taining a clock and 5 bells, the font is Early English, Post Office, Keysoe.-Isaac Sta_pleton, sub-postmaster. ·'J)robably dating from 12oo, and has the following in- Letters t~rough St. Neot arriVe at 7.20 a.m. & 1.35 -scription as rendered into modern French running p.m. ; d'lspatched at 10.35 a.m. & 5-35 p.m. ; no round the base: ' sunday delivery. Riseley, 4 miles distant, is the " Trestui qui par ici passerez nearest money order & telegraph office Pour l'ame de Warel priez Letter Box in Keysoe Row,cl~red at g.4o a.m.&5.20 p.m Que Dieu par sa grace Letter Box, Brook End, cleared at ro.5o a.m. & 5.50 p.m Vraie merci lui fasse: .Amen." County Police Station, George Javens, constable ' There is also an ancient slab, inscribed in Lombardic Council School (mixed), erected in 1875, at a cost or ·capitals: "AVBRE :DE :T-YE :GIST :CY :DIEV :DE: £r,soo, inclusive of house for mistress, for I50 SA :.ALME :EYT :MERCY," and a coped slab carved children; average attendance, 85 ; Miss Mary Jane with crosses recerch~e and roses : there is a piscina on Chandler, mistress · :t;he south side of the chancel and east end of the north 'fhe National School, erected in 184o, is now used as a aisle : the east window of the chancel was filled with sunday school . -stained glass in x885, representing the •Crucifixion, in memory of the Rev. William .Airy M.A. vicar from 1836: Carriers to:­ -the edifice was restored in 1885, and has now 270 sit- Bedford-Albert Gillett, wed. & sat. & Bernard Wood- tings. The register dates from the year I7I5· The living ward, sat ·is a vicarage, net yearly value [255, including 150 acres St. N Gillett, thurs -Banham Rev. John Hill M.A. (vicar Gillett Joseph, farmer, Mill lane Stanton Herbt. farmer, Brook End k rural dean), Vicarage Gillett William, farmer, Keysoe Row Stanton Thomas, farmer, Keysoe Row :::Barnes Rev. George (Baptist), The Green Mrs. miller (wind), Mill hill Stapleton Elijah, farmer, Brook End Manse, Brook End Green Thomas, farmer, Keysoe Row Stapleton William, farmer, Mill hill COMYERCIAL. Hartop Benjamin, farmer, Brook End Stewart Albert, butcher, Keysoe Row "Banks George, farmer, Park farm Hartop William, farmer, College Tibbutt .Arthur, beer ret.Keysoe Ro:w "Brown Chas. shopkeeper, Keysoe Row farm, Keysoe Row Wagstaff Wm. beer ret. Keysoe Row Brown Joseph, farmer, Keysoe Row Hawkins Benj. farmer, Keysoe Row Walker Ernest & Charles, farmers, Cook Joseph, beer ret. & shopkeeper Horsford Charles. farmer,Keysoe Row The Grange Cuthbert Ernest H. beer retailer, James George, farmer, Keysoe Row Walker Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Brook End Matthews John, farmer Brook End Farrer James, beer retailer Matthews Thomas, farmer Whitlock Joseph, farmer,Keysoe Row Farrer William, farmer, Berry fields Parnell Willia.m, bricklayer Whitlock Thos. farmer, Church farm Fisher Charles, carpenter,Keysoe Row Ruff Isaac, White Horse P.H. Key- Woodward Bernard, carrier Fisher John, carpenter, Keysoe Row soe Ro:w Woodward Thomas, boot & shoe ma. Franklin Samuel, farmer,Keysoe Row Seth Joseph,Chequers P.H.Brook End Woodward William, outfitter & hon. George Thos. shopkeeper,Keysoe Row .Sharman Ernest, farmer,Keysoe farm clerk to Parish Council, Brook End Gillett Albert, carrier, Brook End Stanton Eli, butcher, Brook End Woolston Elijah, shopkpr.Keysoe Row KNOTTING is a village and parish, on the borders of Kimbolton and 5 south-east from Higham Ferrers, in Northamptonshire, 2! miles north from Sharnbrook sta the Northern division of the county, hundred of tion on the main line of the Midland railway, 6o! from Stodden, Sharnbrook petty sessional division, union London, 10 north from Bedford, 8 south-w~>11t from and county court district of Bedford, rural deanery of • .
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