April 11, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E391 TRIBUTE TO CARL BURT forcement of the law and provide adequate HONORING ALECIA A. funding for programs to assist children who DECOUDREAUX HON. DAVID YOUNG may have experienced such abuse. OF IOWA There is no crime greater that an individual HON. BARBARA LEE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES can commit than the crimes of child abuse, in OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, April 11, 2016 all of its forms. The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Monday, April 11, 2016 Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Act (CAPTA) established the first federal child today to recognize and congratulate Carl Burt Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor protection legislation, and was signed into law of Des Moines, Iowa, as one of Iowa’s 2016 the extraordinary career of Mrs. Alecia A. by President Nixon on January 31, 1974. Heroes of the Heartland, sponsored by the DeCoudreaux. Mrs. DeCoudreaux serves as American Red Cross of Greater Iowa. This marked the new precedent for the na- the President of Mills College, my Alma Mater, Each year, the American Red Cross serving tional response to child abuse and neglect. and will be stepping down to conclude a suc- greater Iowa honors individuals for their acts Then in 1983, President Reagan proclaimed cessful tenure in academia. Born in Chicago, Illinois, Mrs. DeCoudreaux the month of April as National Child Abuse of great bravery, dedication and service to the began her academic career as a student of Prevention month. community. The winners are nominated by English and Political Science at Wellesley Col- their peers, highlighting Iowa’s most compas- In 1989, the National Center on Child Abuse lege in 1976. After receiving her Bachelor of sionate and caring individuals. These extraor- and Neglect awarded nine grants to assist in Arts degree, Mrs. DeCoudreaux continued her dinary people commit actions which dem- developing and implementing community- education and received a Doctor of Laws de- onstrate the potential heroism and kindness based prevention strategies, in furtherance of gree from the Indiana University School of which is in all of us. Heroes of the Heartland that cause. Law in 1978. reflect the values and vision of the American In addition, these grants assisted in devel- While at Mills, Mrs. DeCoudreaux furthered Red Cross, leaving a positive impact on cen- oping a coordinated multidisciplinary training inclusion by instituting the first women’s col- tral Iowa. program for professionals and community lege policy for admitting transgender students. In announcing the Award, Red Cross offi- leaders to improve public awareness cam- This policy has become a model for women’s cials explained why Mr. Burt is being recog- paigns, and implement crisis intervention pro- colleges across the nation. She also expanded nized for his heroism. Last spring, he was grams. Mills’ global focus and reach by participating in having an outdoor dinner with a friend and her the U.S. Department of State’s Women in In 1996, under the Clinton Administration’s mother when the friend noticed her mother Public Service Project (WPSP), hosting 25 emphasis on collaboration and integration slouched back in her chair, barely breathing. women delegates from 22 countries in a 10- among child and family serving systems, a Mr. Burt immediately took action and at- day conference focusing on women solving new grants program called the Community- tempted to begin cardio-pulmonary resuscita- the climate crisis. tion (CPR) but her jaw was clenched. He told Based Family Resource and Support Mrs. DeCoudreaux led the campus commu- his friend to call 9-1-1 emergency while he (CBFRS), was created. nity and collaborated with the school’s board continued giving rescue breaths. Mr. Burt These grants reflected the belief that public of trustees to find solutions to tough economic started doing chest compressions and after and private child abuse prevention and treat- circumstances. Many educational programs only two compressions, the mother suddenly ment programs must work together toward have suffered similar downturns, and Mrs. awakened. Emergency services arrived, common goals. DeCoudreaux’s commitment to higher edu- checked her vitals and determined that she In 2005, there was a renewed commitment cation succeeded in sustaining Mills College. had had a seizure but would recover. As part to make child abuse prevention a national pri- In January 2016, Mrs. DeCoudreaux joined of his daily role as a jail service aide for Polk ority. 11 other Northern California colleges and uni- versities in signing the Oakland Promise Col- County, Iowa, Mr. Burt is required to be cer- As a result, the Children’s Bureau focused lege Pathway Partnership, which offers finan- tified in CPR. on making safe children and healthy families a cial aid and mentoring support to Oakland Mr. Speaker, Mr. Burt is an Iowan who has new priority, a theme that was also adopted high school graduates. These graduates made central Iowa citizens very proud. He has by the National Conference on Child Abuse learned the skills necessary to continue a path dedicated his life to quietly doing what is right and Neglect. and not seeking such attention. But it is with in academics and further their careers. Mr. Speaker, children were not forgotten great honor that I recognize him today. I ask Her many accolades portray Mrs. during the great debate over the Patient Pro- that my colleagues in the U.S. House of Rep- DeCoudreaux as a tireless advocate for ac- tection Affordability Care Act, which included resentatives join me in honoring Mr. Burt for cess to education, including the Award for key provisions that created the Maternal, In- his courage. I thank him for his service and Education from the Convention of the Elimi- fant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Pro- wish him continued success in all his future nation of All Forms of Discrimination Against gram. endeavors. Women; the ABC 7 News Profiles of Excel- lence Award; the Madam C.J. Walker Pioneer f Thus far during my time in Congress, I have continually proposed amendments aimed to Award; and recognition as a Leadership Cali- COMMEMORATING APRIL AS NA- assist families and children across the nation. fornia Trailblazer. She was selected as one of TIONAL CHILD ABUSE PREVEN- My amendment to HR 3700, which was San Francisco Business Times’ Most Influen- TION MONTH passed in this chamber, directed the Secretary tial Women in Business, and she was included of Housing and Urban Development and the in Diverse Issues in Higher Education maga- HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE Secretary of Labor to work together to zine’s 30 Women Making a Difference feature. On behalf of the residents of California’s OF TEXAS produce an annual report on inter-agency 13th Congressional District, Mrs. Alecia A. strategies. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DeCoudreaux, I salute you. I thank you for Monday, April 11, 2016 These strategies would strengthen family your outstanding leadership in higher edu- economic empowerment by linking housing Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to cation and wish you continued success as you with essential supportive services, such as recognize the importance of April as National transition to this exciting new chapter of life. employment counseling and training, financial Child Abuse Prevention Month. f growth, childcare, transportation, meals, youth As Co-Chair of the Congressional Children’s recreational activities and other responsive ON THE PASSING OF LAWRENCE D. Caucus, I have always believed that our chil- services. KOONCE, SR. dren are our nation’s greatest strength and re- source. Once again, I thank my colleagues in the National Child Abuse Prevention Month is House for their efforts in protecting the chil- HON. KAREN BASS OF CALIFORNIA remembered as a time to reflect and renew dren of this nation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES our shared dedication and responsibility to Mr. Speaker, this important month serves to protect every child in our country, no matter remind each and every one of us, that as Monday, April 11, 2016 their social or economic background. Americans we have a solemn responsibility to Ms. BASS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to note As elected officials, we have an obligation to educate, feed, and protect our children at all the passing of a long-time community advo- condemn this violence, work for stronger en- costs. cate, Lawrence D. Koonce, Sr. VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:56 Apr 12, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11AP8.023 E11APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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