College Cordova Delta Junction Dillingham Eagle River Fairbanks

College Cordova Delta Junction Dillingham Eagle River Fairbanks

Format: Div. Spec prog: Black 1 hr. class 10 hrs, C &W Alaska Radio Fairbanks 17 hrs wkly. Sarah Kennedy. pres; Jeff Young, gen mgr: Dan Henry, prom & dev mgr; Nick Morrison, prog KAYY(FM )-April 4, 1981. 101.1 mhz; 25 kw. Ant 131 dir; Heather Lende, news dir; Barnaby Dow, news dir; ft. Stereo. 3504 Industrial Ave. (99701). (907) 452- Larry Smith, chief engr. Target audience: General. Spec prog: Eskimo 15 hrs, 5299. Interior Broadcasting Corp. Net: US Progmg, class 2 hrs. jazz 3 hrs wkly. Molly Pederson. Ares; Westwood One. Rep: McGavren Guild. Format: Adult Bill J. Moines, gen mgr; Steve Hamlin. prog dir; Melba contemp. News progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target audience: Homer Ahyakak. opns dir; Yvonne Shay, prom mgr; Gael 25 -34; working families & adults. John R. Lewis. pres; Finkler, news dir; Mel Sather. chief engr. Mark Bylord, gen & gen sls mgr: Dennis Hartley, prog KBBI(AM )-Aug 4. 1979: 890 khz; 10 kw -U. 215 E. & mus dir; Jay Lewis, prom mgr: Willie Forgue. chief Main Court (99603). (907) 235.7721. Kachemak Bay engr. Rates: $25; 23; 23; 15. Broadcasting Inc. Net: Amer Pub, NPR, Alaska Public. Bethel Format: Community, mixed- block. Spec prog: class KBCN(AM)-Sep 12. 1983: 1300 khz; 1 kw -U. DA-1. 20 hrs, C &W 4 hrs wkly. Gary R. Thomas, gen mgr; 4600 Dale Rd. (99701). (907) 479 -0600. Great Alaska KSKM(AM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 1420 Susan Kernes. prog dir; Kathy Thomas, prom mgr; Electric Radio Co. (acq 1987). Format: Talk. Ed news dir, khz. 1 kw -D, 1 kw -N. 3933 Geneva Place Anchorage Eileen Hughes, Scott Morton, chief engr. Parsons, gen mgr. Rates: $15; 13: 15; 12. (99508). Western Alaska Broadcasting, KGTL(AM) -Feb 11, 1981: 620 khz; 5 kw -U. Box 103 KINO(FM) -Co -owned with KBCN(AM) August 1985: 100.1 kw. Ant 76 ft. (99603). (907) 235 -7551. Peninsula Communications KYKD(FM) -Sep 12, 1983: mhz; 3 95.9 mhz: 3 kw. Ant 1.6 ft. (CP: Ant 6.56 ft.). Stereo. Box Inc. (group owner). Net: AP Format: Btfl mus. David (CP: Ant 64 ft.) Stereo. 948 (99559). (907) Prog sep from AM. Format: Country. Rates: $18; 15: (acq 05 -08- F. Becker. pres, gen mgr & chief engr; Glenn 543-4000. Artic Broadcasting Association 18; 13. 87). Net: ABC /I, CBS. Format: MOR, relg. Spec prog: Hermann, gen sls mgr; David Webb, prom mgr. C &W 4 hrs wkly Edward Andrus, gen mgr; Dwight KCBF(AM) -1948: 820 khz: 50 kw -U. DA-1. (CP: 60 Rates: $12: 10: 12; 10. Leiner, chief engr. Rates: $10; 10; 10; 10. kw -U). Box 950 (99707). (907) 452 -5121. Northern KWVV-FM -Co -owned with KGTL(AM). Sep 22, 1979: 15 Television Inc. (group owner; acq 8- -65). Net: CBS. 103.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,150 ft. Prog sep from AM. KYUK(AM )-May 13, 1971: 640 khz; 10 kw -U. DA-1. Rep: Roslin, Art Moore. Format: Adult contemp. Format: Adult contemp. Rates: Same as AM. Pouch 468, 640 Radio St. (99559). (907) 543 -3131. Henry Hove, pres; Bob Johnston, mgr; Dave Ramsey, Bethel Broadcasting Inc. Net: Am Pub, NPR, Alaska gen sls mgr; Charles Newberg, prog dir; Tim Ellis, Pub Radio. Format: Bi- lingual talk/div mus. News staff news dir; Lester Secrest, chief engr.. KTVF(TV) alfil. Houston 5; news progmg 28 hrs wkly Target audience Rates: $34: 30; 34; 15. general. Spec prog: Yupik Eskimo 20 hrs, class 4 hrs, KJHA(FM )-Not on air. target date unknown: 94.3 khz; country 4 hrs wkly. Myron Nanneg. pres; Jerry KFAR(AM) -1939: 660 10 kw -U. Box 910 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 199.47 ft. Box 0, Mission Rd., North Brigham, gen mgr; Chuck Bradley, prog dir; Robin (99707). (907) 456 -5327. Borealis Broadcasting. (group Pole (99705). Evangelistic Alaska Missionary Fellow- Gabriel, mus dir; Peter Twitchell, prom mgr; Richard owner; acq 9- 8 -81). Net: ABC /C. Rep: Katz, Howard. ship Inc. Trotto, news dir; Brad Humelsine, chief engr. Format: MOR, top -40.. Frank Delong, pres: Bill VP Terry Walley, KYUK -TV affil. Walley, exec & gen mgr; mus dir; James Hawman, news dir: Lee Russell. prog dir; Don Juneau KBTB(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 107.9 Garrett, chief engr. Rates: $18; 16; 18: 14, mhz; 3 kw. c/o Omni Enterprises Inc.. 22105 23rd Dr. KAJD(AM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 950 KIAK(AM )-Sep 18, 1972: 970 khz; 5 kw -U. Box S.E. Bothell Wash. (98021). Bethel Communications khz, c/o John Lindaver, Denalie Broadcasting, 3933 73410. (99701). (907) 452 -1931. KQRZ Corp. (4 -24- Inc. Geneva Place (99508). Denali Broadcasting Co. 86). Group owner: Olympic Bcstng Corp. (acq 9- 17 -86). Net: MBS. Rep: Tacher Co. Format: Modern KDEV(FM) -Not on air. target date unknown: 100.7 Chevak country.. Robert Bingham. pres; Peter Van Nort, gen mhz. Box 1352 (99802) Locher Development Corp. mgr; Charlie Short, gen sls mgr; Vicki Goss, mus dir; KINY(AM )-May 28, 1935: 800 khz: 5 kw -U. 1107 W. Rates: 24: 28; 18. `KCUK(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 88.1 Charlie Beck, chief engr. $28; Bth St., No. 2 (99801). (907) 586 -1800. Alaska -Juneau mhz; 152 w. Ant 75.4 ft. Box 6144 (99563). Kashuna- KORZ(FM) -Co -owned with KIAK(AM). Sep 21, 1983: Communications Inc. Net: ABC /I. Rep: Katz. Format: miut School District. 102.5 mhz; 25 kw Ant minus 89.5 ft. Stereo. Rep: Adult contemp. Dennis W. Egan, gen mgr; Kelly Group W Radio Sis. Format: Top-40. John Beiler. gen Peres. opns mgr: Dan King, gen sis mgr; Paul Ryder, sls mgr; Larry Wayne, prog dir, Rates: $35; 30; 35; prog dir; Charlie Gray, chief engr.. Rates: $47: 41; College 17 44: 39. KSUP(FM) -Co -owned with KINY(AM). Dec 1, 1984: KSUA(FM) -Sep 6, 1984: 103.9 mhz; 1 kw. Ant 120 ft. KINO(FM)- Listing follows KBCN(AM). 106.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant minus 988 ft. Stereo. Prog sep Stereo. Box 83831, Fairbanks (99708). (907) 474 -7054/ KSUA(FM) -See College. from AM. (907) Net: ABC /R. prog: 7055. Student Media Inc. Net: NBC The Source 586 -1063. Spec 4 hrs. Rates: 23; 25; 21. Format: AOR. Thomas Van Flein, pres; Patrick J. KUAC -FM -Sep 20, 1962: 104.7 mhz; 10.5 kw. Ant Jazz . $27; ft. U. Alaska 1420). Sutherland, gen mgr; Tom Anderson, gen sis & prom 440 Stereo, of (99775- (907) KJNO(AM) -Oct 19, 1952: 630 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 w -N. 474 -7491. of Alaska. Net: NPR. Format: Div, class. mgr; Gerald Evan, prog dir; Eric Sewl, mus dir; Richard U. (CP: 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N). 3161 Channel Dr. No. 2 (99801). Zdanovec, chief engr. Rates: $20; 17; 20; 14. Spec prog: Jazz 5 hrs, folk 4 hrs wkly. Patrick (907) 586 -3630. Southeastern Alaska Broadcasters O'Rourke, chancellor; Bruce L. Smith, gen mgr; David (acq 1968). Net: CBS, CBS RM. Rep: Tacher. Format: L. Waisted, chief engr. KUAC TV alfil. Adult contemp. Roy Paschal, pres; Dennis Egan, Cordova KUWL(FM )-Oct 10, 1985: 91.5 mhz; 380 w. Ant 49.5 gen mgr; Ed Hawkins, gen sis mgr; Jim Prevost, prog ft. (907) 457 -5895. Fairbanks dir; Bill Major, chief engr Rates: $19; 16.50; 19; 14. KLAM(AM)-May 1953: 1450 khz; 250 w -SH. Box 60 Stereo. Box 339 (99707). Foundation. Net: Format: (99574). (907) 424 -3222. Denali Broadcasting Inc. Educ Broadcasting CNN. KSUP(FM) -Listing follows KINY(AM). Adult contemp, relg. L. Benson. pres: John R. Net: Alaska. Rep: Alaska Radio/TV Sis. Format: Jack CBS, KTKU(FM) -July 9, 1984: 105.1 mhz; 3.84 kw. Ant pres; Shelton, Snider, gen mgr: Keith Andree, chief engr. Contemp, C &W John Lindauer, Clay minus 1,057 ft. Stereo. 3161 Channel Drive No. 2 gen & coml mgr, prog dir, Micah Lynn, mus & news KWLF(FM )-Not on air. target date unknown: 98.1 (99801). (907) 586 -1882. Juneau Broadcasters Co. William dir; Billie Shelton. prom mgr; Bechtel, chief mhz; 25 kw. 1100 Cushman (99701). Borealis Broad- Net: CBS R /R. Rep: Tacher. Format: Top-40. CHR. Rates: 6.05; engr. $6.05: 6.05; 6.05. casting Inc. Dennis W. Egan, pres & gen mgr; Geoff Brandt, gen sis mgr: Paul Damon, prog dir. Delta Junction Galena KTOO(FM) -Jan 27, 1974: 104.3 mhz; 1.4 kw. Ant minus 1,016 ft. Stereo. 224 4th St. (99801). (907) KDCZ(FM)-Not on air, target date unknown: 93.5 KIYU(AM) -July 4. 1986: 910 khz; 5 kw -U, DA-1. Box 586 -1670. Capital Community Broadcasting Inc. Net: mhz, Box 507 (99737). Delta Communications Inc. 165, Tiger Freeway (99741). (907) 656 -1488. Big River NPR, Amer Pub, Alaska Pub. Format: Div, classical. Public Broadcasting Corp. Net: Amer Pub, NPR, Spec prog: Jazz 14 hrs, Alaska native 1 hr wkly. Peter Alaska Pub Radio. Format: Div. News staff one; news A. Frid, pres & dew dir; Bill Legere, stn mgr; Toby Dillingham progmg 35 hrs wkly. Spec prog: Jazz 8 hrs, Sp 3 hrs, Tobiason, prog dir; Jeff Brown, mus dir; Miva Rickey, Indian 7 hrs wkly. John Billings, pres; Scott underwriting dir; Elizabeth Arnold. news dir; Joe KDLG(AM)-July 22. 1975: 670 khz; 5 kw-U. (CP: Waterman, gen mgr: Carole Huntington, news dir. Axford, chief engr. 10 kw-N). Box 670 (99576). (907) 842 -5281. Dil- lingham City School District. Net: NPR. Format: Div. Glennallen Spec prog: Yupik 1 hr wkly.

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