TRUMPS PLUS 9 2 8 4 4 1 4 4 7 O D E R N December 2012 VOLUME 5 Issue 4 C R E S C E N T Published Quarterly Wishing all our members a joyous and safe holiday season. Thank you to all those wonderful workers who made this yet another successful year for our club. Editorial This is my final editorial editorial team. I would like to thank as Editor of Trumps specifically our club professional, Peter Plus, our quarterly Smith. Peter has always contributed magazine. excellent and informative articles on Bound copies of all the various important aspects of bidding, past editions can be play and etiquette. Our club is indeed found in our library and they record the very fortunate to have such an extraordinary story of our transformation outstanding teacher, writer and person over the past five years, a consequence as our club professional. On behalf of all of the decision to sell the freehold our readers, thank you Peter. premises in Dalkeith and construct our I wish the new Editor and Editorial purpose built facility on Council land as Committee continuing success. outlined by Linda Wild’s article in this edition. A direct result of the huge surge in membership and daily use of the club is the need to plan and care for our new building. In the five years that I have been Editor the club’s Management Committee have succeeded admirably in rising to this challenge. Editor: However the ongoing success of the club John Rigg is dependent on the willingness of the members continuing to contribute in many Assistant Editor: different ways. Val Krantz I would like to pay a special tribute to the Editorial team at Trumps Plus and to the Helen Seward many willing contributors who provide Editing and inter- excellent material for publication each views quarter. In particular Val Krantz, Lynne Errington, Helen Seward and Sheenagh Young have worked well together as a Computer Layout team each contributing their special skills. Lynne Errington Their hard work and enthusiasm has made my job as Editor relatively easy and Printing enjoyable. I thank you on behalf of the and Records members for your strong contribution and Sheenagh Young pleasure you bring to those who look forward to reading Trumps Plus. There have been so many fine CONTRIBUTIONS ALWAYS WELCOME. contributors over the past five years that I CLOSING DATE FOR cannot name them all, but I hope they MARCH 2013 ISSUE IS continue to provide great material to the 25TH FEBRUARY 2013 2 President’s Report Our Annual General member with her vast experience and Meeting held on 9th efficiency. We look forward to their October 2012 saw a continuing commitment. record 73 members Other new members elected to the in attendance. At Committee this year include Dymphna this meeting we Elsey, Peta Fuhrmann, Faye Cullen, farewelled Chris Ursula Maitland and Karen Wallwork. B a g l e y , o u r These ladies bring a certain dynamic President for the past year. Chris has energy to the Committee and have contributed to the running of WABC for enthusiastically embraced the first of the the past six years in various capacities. events since the new Committee was He has been Secretary, Treasurer, a elected. We look forward to a great year. member of the Building Committee, a I was elected as Chair of the member of the Constitutional Committee, Tournament Committee with assistance a member of the Finance Committee and from Carol Pocock. Other members of the Chair of the Tournament Committee. We Tournament Committee include Chris thank him for all his hard work and wish Bagley, John Beddow, Jane Henderson, him many enjoyable hours at the bridge Melanie Sheffield and Jean Field. David table in the coming years. Burn continues as Master Point Secretary The Committee elected this year is a for the Club and Jenny Bosich has kindly very enthusiastic one. The new agreed to continue managing the bar. Our Secretary is Dee Sinton who has been newly formed Finance Committee is working quietly behind the scenes for the chaired by Kitty George and consists of past few years. She works behind the David Woodliff, Nerilyn Mack, Alan bar, helps prepare the cheese and Dundas and Richard Basham who has biscuits for the Saturday crowd and is joined this year. always available to lend a hand at any We wish a kind farewell and thank you to event. Dee has considerable experience members leaving the Committee this as a Secretary/Administrator and will be year. a welcome addition to the team. Jenny Bosich decided that three years Kitty George remains our Treasurer. on the Committee were sufficient. She She has been a very competent has been a great worker at social events, Treasurer over the past year and is also a sensible voice on the Committee and Chair of the Finance Committee and a organises the bar with great efficiency. Convenor of some of our Congresses. Jean Field, has been available year after Kitty is always available to help out at year to organise the Raffles and to help any event and is a valuable member of out in many ways, despite her busy the Committee. schedule as a Director. Jean, whilst Members of the 2011 Committee re- leaving the Management Committee has elected this year include Jo Sklarz and now committed to serve on the Kate Pinniger, who have worked in Tournament Committee. various capacities as competent Alan Dundas was a valuable addition to Committee members and Sheenagh the Committee last year with his Young continues as an ex-officio considerable knowledge of the corporate 3 and financial world. He still has many members this year. board commitments but has agreed to be With the absence of Sheenagh from the a continuing member of the Finance office the transition from Secretary to Committee. David Burn has been a President has been hectic. Kitty and I member of the Management Committee have been extremely busy making sure for many years and has decided that with all the administrative duties were taken his work commitments and Directing care of and we have gained an insight commitments that he does not have the into the work performed by Sheenagh in time to stay on the Committee this year. her capacity as Executive Officer. We This year we have fielded one open are very happy to hand over to her now team, two intermediate teams and two that she has returned to the Office. restricted teams in the interclub “Teams of The final event for the year is the 4”. Christmas Party and Prize giving to be In August we held the “Masters in Teams held on Saturday 8th December and this of 3”, which year we have continues to prove changed the day a very popular from the usual event. Tuesday and This year we plan decided to have a to improve another catered cocktail aspect of the club style event. We facility by the look forward to addition of trophy many members cabinets, some attending. comfortable Finally, I would seating and side l i k e t o tables in the congratulate all entryway and a event winners gallery of Past President’s photographs. this year and to encourage many more Quotations and photographs are currently to participate next year. being acquired and in the coming months Our 2013 Handbook is due for release we hope to begin this transformation. and contains updated names and We have also worked hard to ensure addresses and a full calendar of events that the club continues to be managed in for the year to come. a professional manner commensurate I wish all members a Happy Christmas with the size of the club and its financial and a very successful New Year. status. The introduction of the Finance Committee and the implementation of some new administration systems have improved the governance of the club. Our bar continues to be well stocked and the introduction of bottled wine by the glass last year has added to the enjoyment of the members who like a slightly better drop. The Melbourne Cup luncheon was very successful and enjoyed by a 102 4 New Management Committee Members This year the WABC Management Committee welcomes five new members. Congratulations – and our thanks - to Peta Fuhrmann (who has valiantly put her hand up again after lots of contributions to the club in the past), Ursula Maitland, Dymphna Elsey, Faye Cullen, and Karen Wallwork. They are volunteering time and effort to keep our busy club running smoothly. Resuming members who need no further introduction are Gwen Wiles, now our esteemed President, Kitty George, Jo Sklarz, Kate Pinniger and Sheenagh Young. Back from L: Kate Pinniger, Jo Sklarz, Gwen Wiles, Karen Wallwork Front from L: Dymphna Elsey, Peta Fuhrmann, Dee Sinton. Missing; Kitty George (photographer), Faye Cullen (in Melbourne), Ursula Maitland (in Canberra) Dymphna Elsey In England she met and married Richard Dymphna Thompson was born in Elsey. Bridge was right off her agenda as Manjimup and spent most of her school she’d watched her parents spend most of years at a Perth boarding school. A their time fighting when they played practical and organised young woman, together. No way, she thought, would she she trained at Princess Margaret Hospital ever play that awful game. But Richard before making the popular overseas insisted she learn and she really liked it. pilgrimage that in those days was de Back in Perth she kept playing while his rigueur, countering the effects of living in bridge came down to the odd social the most isolated city in the world.
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