CHINESE MEDICINE nective tissue (called connective tissue proper above). Fascia and connective tissue have become synonymous terms and are often used interchangeably, although by definition, fascia is only a part of the larger system. Fascia is a Latin word meaning The Role of Connective Tissue as the “band” and refers to the sheets of fibrous tissue under the skin and throughout the Physical Medium for the Conduction body.2 (p. 111) The other types of connective tissue, bone and cartilage, are not sheets, of Healing Energy in Acupuncture but they are covered by fascia. All of the body structures are united and supported ® and Rolfing by the fascial components. Each of the in- dividual muscles is infused with intramus- by Dick Larson, Ph.D., L.Ac., Certified Advanced Rolfer cular connective tissue and surrounded with fascia; this fascia then connects with the fascial network which is continuous throughout the body. A complete function- This article was originally published in the sic physical components. One of the most ing unit is formed, the myofascial system.5 American Journal of Acupuncture, vol. 18, prevalent and influential elements in the no. 3, 1990. Copyright American Journal of body is connective tissue. All the systems This interconnectiveness extends to the cel- Acupuncture, 1990; Reprinted with permis- of the body – circulatory, nervous, diges- lular level. One researcher notes: “Cellular sion. tive, and musculoskeletal – are ensheathed biologists have discovered that each cell in in connective tissue. In fact, this intercellu- the body has its own myofascial system, lar medium encompasses literally every cell consisting of a somewhat stiffened skeleton ABSTRACT in the body.1 made of tubules interconnected with a fi- brous ground substance, some parts of This paper is an exploration of the new Connective tissue is made up of cells which which are contractile.”6 understanding of the primary role that con- specialize in forming the various substances nective tissue (the body’s myofascial sys- that hold the body structure together.2 Con- An overview of fascia reveals the enormity tem) plays in the distribution of Qi through- nective tissue exists in many forms, with and pervasiveness of the tissue. Besides the out the body and the acupuncture merid- the particular intercellular substance deter- extensive sheaths and folds around and ians. Connective tissue is reviewed. mining its individual traits. This intercel- between the organs, there is an immense Acupuncture’s relationship to connective lular substance is known as ground sub- quantity of tissue which encircles all living tissue is discussed, first as shown in ancient stance. cells and also every fluid which fills the joint acupuncture texts; then modern scientific cavities and serous spaces. If all other tis- findings on the role the tissues play in Qi Ground substance is the matrix in which sues were removed from the body, the re- movement are presented. Next is an intro- the cells and fibers of connective tissue, as maining fascia alone would be enough to duction to Rolfing, a therapeutic form of well as all other cells of the body, are continue to present a normal contour: the 1(p. 3) connective tissue manipulation. Both theo- embedded. This permits the ground outer appearance of the body would not retical and scientific aspects of Rolfing are substance to stabilize the spatial and func- have changed.4 (p. 66), 7 explored, as well as Rolfing’s relationship tional relationships of the cells and fibers. Fascial tissue, because it is so intimately to acupuncture. The final discussion pro- Therefore, ground substance is sometimes involved with the more specialized tissues poses a new understanding of the body and referred to as “intercellular cement,” since 2 (p. 80) of the body such as the organs, must natu- suggests new possibilities of diagnosis, it helps hold the cells together. rally possess a broad ability to adapt physi- treatment, and potential research. The ground substance, made up of a vari- ologically. The internal environment re- Acupuncture, in existence for thousands of ety of components, varies in composition quires fascia to maintain a level of plastic- years, is a whole and complete modality and viscosity from tissue to tissue. For ex- ity to match the constantly changing meta- used to describe and therapeutically inter- ample, in loose, ordinary connective tissue bolic circumstances. Thus, the broad vene in the human energetic system. The the ground substance is a soft, viscous gel. adaptivity and plasticity of fascia offers an 3 more we can understand the mechanics of By contrast, the matrix of bone is very hard. excellent environment in which other more acupuncture within the structure of our “Three types of connective tissue are gen- specialized tissues such as the organs may knowledge in the West, the more we can erally recognized: connective tissue proper, thrive and function.4 (p. 66) use the therapy and contribute to it. One of having mixed fibers imbedded in a more Fascia is divided into two differing layers the most puzzling questions about acu- or less fluid or gel-like matrix; cartilage, the in the body. Superficial fascia lies just un- puncture concerns the process through fibers of which are enmeshed in a some- der the skin, in the form of thin, yet strong, which the Qi travels throughout the body/ what plastic ground substance; and bone, elastic sheets which serve as both a con- energy field. in which the matrix is infiltrated with inor- ganic salts.”4 tainer and as a support for the whole To understand the movement of Qi, and the body.8(p. 38) The well-being of the body is de- body in general, one must examine the ba- The focus of this paper is the myofascial con- pendent upon the tone of this tissue, which 24 STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION / SUMMER •AUGUST 2003 CHINESE MEDICINE can be affected in a variety of ways. The cine.”4 (p. 66) The reality is that all forms of of blood vessels. The earlier Ling Shu in the physical trauma of an accident or the re- healing – acupuncture, allopathic medicine, Huang Di Nei Jing (circa 100-300 BC, writ- percussions of surgery both have wide chiropractic, osteopathy, surgery, bodywork ten perhaps as early as the late Zhou dy- ranging effects; fascial tissue becomes and more – are mediated through the con- nasty) offered discussions of the lengths denser and shorter as it goes through the nective tissues when healing the body. and capacities of various organs.10(pp. 133-134) healing process. This is again due to fascia’s In studying classical texts such as the Han effort to support; when an area is injured Shu and the Ling Shu, we find the Chinese or damaged, the shortening and thickening ACUPUNCTURE observed and commented on the anatomi- makes the area more stable and less prone The connective tissue is a semiconducting cal structures of the body and their relation- to disruption as the healing proceeds. Since communication network that can convey ship to the functioning of Oriental Medi- the fascia connects and communicates to all bioelectric signals between every part of the cine. These classical references point to the parts of the body, these compacted areas body and every other part. This fascial com- fascial system; the “fat, greasy tissues” of will convey the strain in numerous direc- munication network comprises the merid- the human body. These structures were ac- tions and produce a response at remote ian system of traditional Oriental Medicine, knowledged, were understood, and were points. According to Dr. Ida Rolf: with its countless extensions into every viewed as an important component in the functioning of the body.10(p. 133) “This is probably the mechanism through nook and cranny of the organism. The elu- which reflex or pressure points become sive Ch’i [Qi] in its various forms, the source manifest. Here, congestion or malfunction of energy and information for all parts of SOURCE THEORY of an internal organ will be felt as a limited the organism, is revealed to consist, at least spot of pain, sometimes quite intense un- in part, of bioelectric, biomagnetic, biome- Beginnings were always significant to the der surface pressure at a point very distant chanical. and bioacoustic signals moving theorists of Chinese medicine; the origin from its origin. For example, many women through collagen fibers. ground substance, indicated both form and function, referring at certain times in the menstrual cycle re- and associated layers of water to the body or the universe. Therefore, 9(pp. 12,14-17) port pain elicited by pressure on a circular molecules. source theory holds an especially important place in Chinese medical theory.10 (p. 97) area (perhaps an inch in diameter) at the Study regarding how the acupuncture sys- very crown of the head. In other words, the tem occurs and operates in the body has The Ling Shu in the Huang Di Nei Jing was uterine congestion of the menses sets up been ongoing for thousands of years. The one of the first books to discuss the ener- strain as far away as the top of the head. ancient Chinese were less concerned about getic source within the body. The Ling Shu “Many people are aware that reflex points how acupuncture worked and more curi- theory of the Triple Warmer is the ground- can be found on the sole of the foot. When ous about what acupuncture did and in work for part of the Nan Jing source theory. 10 (p. 97) individual visceral organs become con- what way it could be used most efficiently. “In both the Ling Shu and Nan Jing, the Triple Warmer is described as a source gested, pressure on a specific point in the Today, however, there is great emphasis on of the meridian system.”10 (p.
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