April 1, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2239 Whitfield Wolf Yoder GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN Mr. Speaker, as we debate the future Wilson (SC) Womack Young (AK) Wittman Woodall Young (IN) PREVENTION ACT OF 2011 course of government spending, we Mr. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, pursu- need to be honest with the people of NOES—187 ant to House Resolution 194, I call up this country about the current fiscal Ackerman Gonzalez Pallone the bill (H.R. 1255) to prevent a shut- state of affairs. Altmire Green, Al Pascrell America averages now trillion-dollar Andrews Green, Gene Pastor (AZ) down of the government of the United Baca Grijalva Payne States, and for other purposes, and ask deficits. We borrow nearly 40 cents of Baldwin Gutierrez Pelosi for its immediate consideration. every dollar we spend. Given the fiscal Barrow Hanabusa Perlmutter The Clerk read the title of the bill. cloud that hangs over our country, it is Bass (CA) Hastings (FL) Peters reckless to assume we can live pain- Becerra Heinrich Peterson The text of the bill is as follows: Berkley Higgins Pingree (ME) H.R. 1255 free forever. Sooner or later, something Berman Himes Polis Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- has to give. Bishop (GA) Hinchey Price (NC) To give families and business con- Bishop (NY) Hinojosa resentatives of the United States of America in Quigley Blumenauer Hirono Congress assembled, fidence that their future won’t be Rahall Boren Holden SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. plagued by inflation, higher taxes and Rangel Boswell Holt Reyes This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Government higher interest rates, our majority Brady (PA) Honda Shutdown Prevention Act of 2011’’. Braley (IA) Hoyer Richardson vowed to move forcefully to cut spend- Brown (FL) Inslee Richmond SEC. 2. FUNDING THE GOVERNMENT FOR THE ing. We made clear that only by put- Butterfield Israel Ross (AR) REMAINDER OF FISCAL YEAR 2011. ting Federal spending on a sustainable Capps Jackson (IL) Rothman (NJ) (a) DEADLINE FOR CONSIDERATION OF LEGIS- trajectory could we create the condi- Capuano Jackson Lee Roybal-Allard LATION FUNDING THE GOVERNMENT FOR THE Cardoza (TX) Ruppersberger REMAINDER OF FISCAL YEAR 2011.—If the tions necessary for growth and job cre- Carnahan Johnson (GA) Rush House has not received a message from the ation. Carney Johnson, E. B. Ryan (OH) Senate before April 6, 2011, stating that it During our 3 months in the majority, Sa´ nchez, Linda Carson (IN) Kaptur has passed a measure providing for the ap- we have delivered on our promise. Six Castor (FL) Keating T. Chandler Kildee Sanchez, Loretta propriations for the departments and agen- weeks ago, after 47 hours of debate, we Cicilline Kind Sarbanes cies of the Government for the remainder of passed H.R. 1 to fund the government Clarke (MI) Kissell Schakowsky fiscal year 2011, the provisions of H.R. 1, as for the remainder of the fiscal year and Clarke (NY) Langevin Schiff passed by the House on February 19, 2011, are save taxpayers $61 billion relative to Clay Larsen (WA) Schrader hereby enacted into law. Cleaver Larson (CT) Schwartz (b) PUBLICATION OF ACT.—In publishing this current spending. In a more open proc- Clyburn Lee (CA) Scott (VA) Act in slip form and in the United States ess than the House had seen in 4 years, Cohen Levin Scott, David we allowed the other party to offer Connolly (VA) Lewis (GA) Statutes at Large pursuant to section 112 of Serrano title 1, United States Code, the Archivist of countless amendments. And over the Conyers Lipinski Sewell Cooper Loebsack Sherman the United States shall include after the past month, we have passed two con- Costa Lofgren, Zoe Shuler date of approval, if applicable, an appendix tinuing resolutions that have cut $10 Costello Lowey Sires setting forth the text of the bill referred to ´ billion in spending. All along, Mr. Courtney Lujan Slaughter in subsection (a). Critz Lynch Speaker, we’ve practically begged Smith (WA) SEC. 3. TREATMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS TO Crowley Maloney Speier MEMBERS OF CONGRESS AND THE President Obama and Senate Demo- Cuellar Markey Stark PRESIDENT. crats to get serious and come to the Cummings Matheson Sutton Davis (CA) Matsui (a) TREATMENT OF MEMBERS DURING A GOV- table with a legitimate proposal. But Thompson (CA) Davis (IL) McCarthy (NY) ERNMENT SHUTDOWN.—The Secretary of the we got nothing in return. No legisla- Thompson (MS) DeFazio McClintock Senate and the Chief Administrative Officer Tonko tion. No credible plan to cut spending. DeGette McCollum of the House, respectively, shall not disburse DeLauro McDermott Towns Mr. Speaker, I want to underline the Tsongas to each Member or Delegate the amount of fact that we do not want a government Deutch McGovern his or her salary for each day that— Dicks McIntyre Van Hollen shutdown. Yet as Senate Democrats Vela´ zquez (1) there is more than a 24-hour lapse in ap- Dingell McNerney refuse to pass a bill, that unsettling Doggett Meeks Walz (MN) propriations for any Federal agency or de- Donnelly (IN) Michaud Wasserman partment as a result of a failure to enact a prospect now looms ever larger, which Doyle Miller (NC) Schultz regular appropriations bill or continuing res- is why they must act. Edwards Miller, George Waters olution; or Today, we are bringing a bill to the Ellison Moore Watt (2) the Federal Government is unable to Waxman floor that makes clear that continued Engel Moran make payments or meet obligations because Eshoo Murphy (CT) Weiner inaction on the part of the Senate the public debt limit under section 3101 of Farr Nadler Welch Democratic majority is simply unac- title 31, United States Code, has been Fattah Napolitano Wilson (FL) ceptable. Filner Neal Woolsey reached. Fudge Olver Wu (b) TREATMENT OF THE PRESIDENT DURING A Finally, this bill also ensures that Garamendi Owens Yarmuth GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN.—The President going forward, should there ever be a shall not receive a disbursement of basic pay government shutdown, that Members NOT VOTING—16 for any period in which— of Congress and the President will not Barton (TX) Frelinghuysen Smith (TX) (1) there is more than a 24-hour lapse in ap- get paid. If we can’t do our job, why Campbell Giffords Tierney propriations for any Federal agency or de- Carter Kucinich should we get paid? Visclosky partment as a result of a failure to enact a Chu Landry Young (FL) Mr. Speaker, funding the government Duffy Sessions regular appropriations bill or continuing res- at the levels passed by House Repub- Frank (MA) Smith (NJ) olution; or (2) the Federal Government is unable to licans might not be what Senator REID make payments or meet obligations because wants, but surely even he would agree b 1252 the public debt limit under section 3101 of that it’s a better alternative than shut- So the resolution was agreed to. title 31, United States Code, has been ting down the government. I urge my The result of the vote was announced reached. colleagues to support this bill. as above recorded. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, to begin A motion to reconsider was laid on ant to House Resolution 194, the gen- this debate, I yield 4 minutes to the the table. tleman from Georgia (Mr. WOODALL) distinguished Democratic whip, the and the gentleman from South Caro- gentleman from Maryland (Mr. HOYER). f lina (Mr. CLYBURN) each will control 30 Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman minutes. for yielding. The Chair recognizes the gentleman April fools, America. This is a joke, PERSONAL EXPLANATION from Georgia. America. This is not real, America. As Mr. LANDRY. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall Nos. Mr. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield a matter of fact, Mr. WOODALL of Geor- 221 and 222, I stepped outside to discuss 1 minute to my leader, the gentleman gia says it’s not real. It’s not going to issues with a constituent group and completely from Virginia (Mr. CANTOR). pass the Senate. He made that very lost track of the time. Had I been present, I Mr. CANTOR. I thank the gentleman clear. The majority leader just said if would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ from Georgia for yielding. the Senate won’t take what we give VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:49 Apr 02, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AP7.033 H01APPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H2240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 1, 2011 them, we’re going to shut down the MICHELLE BACHMANN, who apparently Examine the facts. When the curtain government. That’s what he just said. may be a candidate for President, said came up on this Congress, we were al- And that’s what I believe to be the this, that deem and pass, quote, ig- ready 3 months into this fiscal year case. nored the Constitution and warranted with no budget and on a temporary The last time the government shut the impeachment of the House Speak- spending plan that went through early down was not when we had a Repub- er. Quote, there should be people that March. This House went to work lican President and a Democratic Con- are calling for impeachment off of crafting legislation that would fund gress but when we had a Democratic something like this. the government for the rest of this fis- President and a Republican Congress. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The cal year while delivering on our pledge They shut down the government in 1995 time of the gentleman has expired. to cut spending. The response from the and 1996. They shut down the govern- Mr.
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