Established June, 1893 LOWELL. MICH.. THURSDAY. SEPT. 26. 1957 Number 23 Crosscountry Team IMiilippinc (iirl Visit's Campuus Mrs. Mabel Gross, 67, Arrows Victorious Over Ionia 19-7; Open Season This Week Passes Unexpectedly Vote Tuesday, October 1st on re- . - i • The Red Arrows crosscountry , Mrs. Mub«>| Gross, ti". passoi! Meet Wyoming Park Vikings Here Friday team, league champions for the 1 iwiiy very unexpectedly Saturday Kent County Improvement Program Victorious over Ionia last Fri got off to a slow start and found last two years, appears to have noon, SepUtnber «1 at Hlodgett Kent County cili/ens are being home, new County Medical Care day by a score of 19 to 7. the Red themselves trailing 7-0 at the half the personnel to do It again this lin-pit tl wlH're she was rushed by asked to vole on :i 12 million dol- Facility to replace Maple drove Arrow football squad engnges Wy- on an Ionia score from a Berger year. Lowell's Irreplaceable state ambulance alter suffering a heart lar capital improvement program Homo, about T • million to move oming Park at 7:30 this Friday, to Kelley pass. champion distance runner in the attack living only a Ir.v tninutrs on Tuesday, October 1. the election the airport, or add on present site, September 27. This will be the After taking the second half kick- mile and two-mile runs. Hob Cari- after arrival. She had not been will call for the approval of a levy new county library headquarters, Arrows' second home game of the off, the Arrows needed only four gon, will be sorely missed by this ill and her death wa, , shm-k to1 '>f "ni- mill tax for ten years. new county building, new animal current season. plays to reach paydirt. Ken Spoo- year's squad. It is hoped, however, The "Pay-As-Vou-Go" projects shelter, new Psychiatric hospital to Last year the Lowell took a nar- ner and Chuck Ryder accounted that this year's team balance will .Mrs, Gross was horn in Mecosta to •*« huilt with this money include replace Receiving hospital. All row 13-12 decision from the Vi- for the 60 yards, with Ryder dash- offset this kiss. county near Big Rapids. October 9 park improvements, new children's these capital •nprovements are kings. who. along with Lowell, are ing 32 yards over left tackle for The "regulars" of this year's IJWl. and moved with her parents i estimated to cost 12\ million dol- the Grand Valley's only unbeaten the score. Bill Miller was stopped team will be Noel Smith, Bob |:o Grand Rapids when a little girl lars. squad. Last week the Vikings took on the extra point try. White, Wayne Miller, Marvin Van- I After her marriage she and her Knit Kxtension Supervisors Quiet the measure of Sparta. 2(M). The first time Ionia got the ball Tlmmeren. Gene Walter. Brian | husband came to a farm in Ver- Most of the supervisors in this In the Ionia grme the Arrows in the third quarter, they fumbled, Hoog, and Bob Minnie, Smith Is gennes in 1922 where they made Offices Move and alert Frank Polsal recovered a junior and Walter and Hoag are their home until his death in NV area are not campaigning for or against the capital improvement the ball for the Arrows on the sophomores, meaning that Lowell vember 19. In I!M" she pav« The Cooperative Kxtenslon Ser- program. They told the editor that Ionia 32. On the first play from will continue to have good c-oss- up her home there and went to vice offices have recently moved they felt it was up to the voters scrimmage, Tony Stormzand, aid- country teams in the future. jllve with hrr daiiKhter. Mrs. John and are now opi-n for business at and that is why they voted to put ed by the blocking of Joe St rouse, CROnSCOUNTRY SCHEDULE Potter, remaining there as long 728 Fuller Avenue, just north of went 32 yards for the touchdown. Michigan on the Sunshine Hospital it on the ballot, September 26—Rockford at John- as she lived. Chuck Ryder scored the extra grounds. George Cook, Lowell attorney and son Park. She was a member of the Lo- point. This move came after a request chairman of the building commit- October J—Wyoming Park at well Methodist Church and the In the final period, after taking Mary Group, tho Blue Star Moth- that was submitted by the Agri- tee that studied and asked for the Fallasburg Park, cu Tuesday vote says in a letter to the ball over on downs from the October 7—East Grand Rapids ers. Kgypt Grange and the Egypt 'iural and Kducatlon Commit- visitors, the Arrows powered their ,>e this pflper. Each project Is Mont people don't think that the at Johnson Park. Extension Group, being active in ' Hoard of Supervisors to way for 65* yards In fifteen plays, (.aclj move these offices where they necessary and vital to the con- back of the Lowell stores on Flat October 10-Godwin at Fallas- with Stormzand carrying the ball Funeral services were held at I woul,,UIUd lh«> more accessible to the tinued prosperity of our county. river the the most beautiful things burg Park. vices were held at " more nccessii over from the one-yard line as the f ,hp The method of financing is "Pay- October 16—Grandville at John- Roth Funeral Home. Tuesday aft-i " county, In the world, but one Mr. Burriss. game ended. As-You-Go" and represents a very son Park. emoon. the Relevv . J. Marion De- The Extension offices far e located an artist from Detroit, says you Lowell 0 0 13 S- 19 in a building just south of the conservative approach. I know of October 22—Cbnference and Vinney officiating, and burial was don't run Into an Interesting sub- Ionia 0 7 0 0-7 main hospital. This building houses no program where the people of ject like that very often. The ad- YMCA meets at Indian Trails. jmade in Onkwood cemetery. Surviving besides Mrs. Potter is the agricultural. 4-H. home dem- the county will get so much for vanced art class at Lowell High The Arrows picked up 16 first October 26—Regionals, so little. I urge every voter In the another daughter. Mrs. Shirley onstration and consumer marketing watched him paint In water colors downs and 329 yards rushing to November 2—State meet. county to vote "Yes" at the Coun- 11 first downs and 215 yards rush- Anderson of Ada. and a son, agents. In addition to office space, for almost an hour on Wednesday. All meets start at 4:15 p. m. there is a meeting room which ty-wide election to be held Tues- * * * ing for the Ionia teasn. The Lowell Arthur of Lowell; and nine grand- Bob Thaler. will accommodate 50 people and a day, October 1st". The Liomi Club received a check team was paced by three juniors, Sports Reporter childrenv Ml* Lydlm Ah«h«o of Batengiis. Philippines, here with Mrs. room for soil testing. Cost Is Small from Reg Voorhees of Chicago for halfbacks Ken Spooner and Chuck Francis Ounpan watching the action of a dishwasher In the farm Extension agents are extending The cost to the tax payer In the $50 boosting the swimming pool Ryder, and tackle Truman Stahl. — - - — n I iJ home of Mr. and Mr*. FiWls ( umpau on Cancadp nwul nouth joo s uougnrers not a §200 Damage i m invitation to you to stop and Lowell area will be about $2.00 per fund to 58,733.75. Mr. Voorhees Is Ryder was the leading ground sa I weat of U>weU. Mis* Ahahao la one of 178 young p«>ople from 1 insrauciTion monaay visit the new offices There is no thousand assessed valuation. In head of the professional talent for gainer with a total of 107 yards 43 countries who are voting this country as part of the Interna- and a 7.1 yards average per carry. Caused Bv {parking problem and the location other words an avenge Lowell tax- the Showboat. Bethel No. 14 of the Interna- tional Foreign Youth Bxchaage program. The Lowell second team, coached is easily reached from all points payer with a $2,500 00 assessment tional Order of Job's Daughters • The Campau family are happy by Ken Williams, was defeated in Auto Aeeident will pay about $5.00 per year. Most held its third meeting of the new that Lydia can spend a couple the rain Friday afternoon at Ionia A car driven by Orison Abel. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Davis of I taxpayers will have an opportunity season at the Masonic Temple, Frank L Keiser of weeks with them seeing a typi- Btcts Offictrs Sept. 17 by a score of 2i to 7. This was the 17. of Lowell caused about J2tX) Waterford, Michigan called on|to get use out of many of these Monday evening, September 23. at cal American family close at hand first time the two second teams worth of damage when it crashed Mrs. Anna Yardlev Wednesday, improvements. 7:30 p. m. with Honored Queen III Long Time; As a visitor in this program Miss The Logan Farm Bureau was had met each other. down an embankment on 52nd Jeanne Lisccmb presiding. Ahabao has visited in Jaium. entertained at the home of Mr. Many of the team members at- street about 11:15 Saturday night and Mrs. Harold Yoder on Tues- Mrs.
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