" ....,.", " .... ........ .....j , Holiclay Deafh Toll ~ Tr.mc ................................ 374 rlt. Weatlt., Ic)wan ; ....In. .. ... ................... .... 35 Drewnl"l ... ......... .......... .... 1. ~.11y f.lr loci.., _ tenltht. W.rmer to. MIIC. .......... .. ..................... n - day, hl.hl ..ner.11y ne.r to. Outlook Wednn­ ) 01 owan d.y - F.lr .. ,.rtIy cloudy Md .,Itw werm. I--'~"" Tot.1 .. ........................... '29 Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Herald TribUDe News Service Features Tuesday, July 4, 1961, Iowa City, Iowa ,....... ,.., .......... , ............ .. Court Halts National Maritime Strike NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pot.' 0 ." Appeals Judge : lncfnn.tI ......... 45 28 .616 British Push Hemingway's ~8 Angeles ....... .. 3 31 ,581 211 I ;an Francisco .. •• • • .• 41 31 .4. 31> Pltloburgh .......... 36 3\ .531 , Won't ·Grant IIl1waukee .......... 33 33 .l!OO 8'1.0 it Loul. , •.•.. • .... 31 36 ~ 44e 12 Lines Near Ruled Chicago ......... ... 28 U .400 151\ .. .... ... 22 .328 ., Phil. delphia 411 Union Request TOOAY'S PROBABLE 8TA.UBI Iraq Border pen Question Cincinnati (Hunt 8·3) at M11wauk .. Adion Taken Due (Buhl 5·5) san francisCO (Sanford 3·5) a~ Pitts­ Elworthy Says, 'The Authorities Say No To Hawaiian Famine, burgh (Friend 8- 8) Last Thing We Want Inquest To Be Held; St. !.<lut. (MUler \.1) a\ Chicago Jobless Threat (E ll .worttl 2-5) Is A Shooting Match' Friends, Kin Gather !.<lo Angeles IDrysd.. lc 5-5) at Phlla. NEW YORK "" - A temporary delphia (Roberts I.BI- nlght K!UW AIT "" - British troops ad· KETCHUM, Idaho "" - Authori· restraining order was issued here vanced their lines across this oU ties said Monday Ernest Heming· Monday night, halting the J8-day shiekdom to within five miles of way died of "a self·inflicted gun· maritime strike. Iraq's border Monday. .hot wound in the head," - but And a U.S. Court of Appeals Win 5-2 Reinforcements and supplies they left open the question of judge at Hamden, Conn., refused to stay the order. Musc.Une ...... .. 1tt 8M 0- ~ 5 , poured in to help counter what whether it was accidental, or sui· Iowa City .......... 010 110 x-. 4 I British intelligence agents called Judge Charles E. Clark listened Berlin and Cr.mi),; &bot.'el a •• to a union appeal at his summer Snook, a continued buildup of Iraqi regi. said there will be no in· ments across the frontier. The 61·year-old autbor died home in Hamden, theD allowed Air Me.1 Sir ehe"'" EI· wwtfty, _"r In chief of writer',s wife, who heard a NO DI WEDNESDAY CAR WASH BrlHsh Middle East fercH, said found him dead about 7:30 ,.... Deily I_a" will not ... publithocf Wedne ..y of at ·he now hes more than 3,000 Sunday. He was lying in his bee.,.. troops on hand - eftw a hezard­ I/ pSlJarnas near the living room of tho Fourtft of July holldey. PlAt­ Randall's Super Valu ous Itert ceuted by bad flyill9 secluded home. llcotlon will ...-- ThurMIey ....ether. There wei a doubl.·b.,.,..1 mornl,.,• By SUI Elworthy said confidently that shotgun by his ,id.. S.nlor Nursin', Cia .. this contingent, backed by na vy Asked whether the death certiIi· the restraining order to go into ef· and air (qrce firepower, can meet wording mcans the dcath was fect. He said he saw no over·riding TODAY, JULY 1 any agg·ression from Iraq, the accidental or suicide, V, K. Jeppe. reason for him to stay it. counbry which claims Kuwait as sen, Blaine County prosecuting at· Federal Judge Sylvester Ryan, an Iraqi province, torney, said: in issuing the restraining order, The Britisb are not alone. The "We are making no determina· said continuation of tbe strike 2,400..man army of Kit1wait's ruler, tion. " would result in "irreparable harm Shiek Sir Albdullah as-Salim as· Meanwhile a sad migration of and injury" and imperil the nation· Sabah, was alerted when Iraqi family aneJ friends began arriving Son Talks to Reporter a1 health and safety. Premier Abdel Karim Kassem Monday to mourn Hemingway. J.ck H.mln,wIlY, 38, son of tho la.. Ern,.t H.mln,way, talks to Even as Ryan acted, attorneys voiced the annexation threat June for at least two of the uDions in· Funer.1 Mf'Vi~ _. tenta· a roptrlor about the d ..th of his father behind their hom. In 25. tivofy Nt for Friday, but a fam· volved attempted to set in motion ~TED Thousandl of Bedovln tribft­ Ketchum. Idllho Monday. Lon,·tim. friend of the H.mlnllwey., legal machinery to appeal the de· ily spok.smert said the rUn, G.or,. Brown, center, listens with h... d bowod. H.mln,way kJlIod "*' ..... bMn ermed end sont which will be pr/y"', may ... cision. .. the frontl.r, And a detecft. as .....y .. WodnftcIey. Ha Mid himself Sunday whil. cleanin, e ,un. -AP Wirephoto Ryan said the restraining order mont of Saudi Arebl... troops, it all d.pondod upon tIM erriy" had been riled and was in effect, ckers (female) tho numbor "",tatod, errivocf 4 Characters Who Found Plays ~ of e 10ft, Potrick, thought to ... ' I thus ending at least temporarily Monciey. Shown In ,..h.. rsal for the four piaYI to ... ,Ivon "Skin of Our Tooth," J.rry Emery, G, Omahll, on a Mferl In Afric •. ·sts the multimillion dollar, IS-day A Damascus newspaper, At II • Another report indicated ,the 'I more than 80,000 ,va. ;l -I a bl e: Wahda, said the Saudi Arabians on elt.rnat. nl,hts by tha R• .,ertory Thoatr. are Meeduff in "Macb,th," and Thad Thorp, G, Aber. 2 S~.U I Nove I , ~~~~e~~~oIYing four actors, ••ch In costum. for a dltto,..nt play. d.. n, S. D., SIr Ralph Bloomhfl.ld Bonlntten In services will be a simple affair at . / totaled 1,800. gravesioo in the Ketchum Ceme· • At 2 p.m, Friday Ryan will hear 1. ,t : ~ I ". From I.ft ar.: Phyllis Gold, G, Deyton, Ohio, "Doctor's DiI.mma." Th, R • .,ertory Tho..,. Iraq is supposed to have an army tery, rather than, as originally 'I H I J. a motion for a temporary injune' ::30 'p.m. of 70,000, but is no match for the who pleyl <Mrl. Cendour In "School for Scandal," optns Thursday with "Mllcb.th." thought, in Our Lady oI the Snows British In war machinery. Mary Lou S..... A2, D.. Molnel, Sabin. In -Daily Iowan Photo by Joe K.rplHk Catholic Church. Va ue emlngway Lio~~rlie" PrcsldentKennedy bad Pri.' ,...nl..... ""-oId ~. • . finally and reiuctanUy moved in ~. mitlriisht ~. - Mrs. ~em\n~ay, Who spent millert told ~ ,Houoo of ~ Askqd tO~lIs sess the I Pia, ce In .1U' of us w~oId deny it.!1 ~ert~y , tou. ttl tbr an 'lnjunctlon 0' halt ~~ ~ I.. London tbot Jrect w.. 1 ratureu 0 : Er st HemlrWwf. don't I . /I ~ j:o~tl1 striae \(I~ile<' hew ~ef11I:It'S 'M' '.. '.' I ~1 1, 'II' Q' , .. '.'V i' f!l j :. IDg HenungwayOf. their marriagefrom an adonng ~ to Inv" Kuwait ,1N!fo,... ·'11 ~ch prot~ct. 'b ' W' h1e aqa rred suiltfa til e lm! matle" to 'a settlement1 o '7 ·oaliJf· I h' ~ i' l'f '~'I! 'nih'" ~th~e ~aC:!K 8rl.. ", troope mowd In Setur­ J I I 'I" / ~ public, issued a J)rie[ statement pv lists: 1m th SUI Wri~ers ' . ~ n W~icH h idll s It '\ta" Ilis tirst l'6courlle to tJi-"lIi'IV f. " 'a'"\iii " e' I" . I A•e 1". 1 terming the death accideotpf. t : 111 I , .. dey and "tfIere .... .. Si,M of ~ ho facUlty grced that h was rkin a ,t liot fi ish d bef re In his !Ifx months b! ·of1'ice. Jr r, ." I. c" " " .1 1 11 / I I ! r 'I' '" ';1 ' I She refused to accept ' visitors r tho tftrNt dlmlnllhI"I. " , ,1',' , I of " I { : I I (. I' I • II ,., J , 'j 1 II ' ){ until midmorning Monday, one of the top Amcrican writers of his death, but 1 believe the work • The order 1'~!ltraln9 both ' labdr !d Apply- Fi~st things first, he said in res· fiction. I • h(> has left us will be read as 10lli and management deret1dailts ' rro'in J " ~ Amont thosa arrlvl", for the ponse to a Laborite suggestio" that 101 I . Th "" '. f ,111 -. R. V. Cas 11, whose novel "CI~ as our culture surVives;" 1/, "e ~ga~lng or taki~, par~ f in ~, a Britain ask the United Nations to Anderson" was published in June ' ~,tnke or. a wa,lkout or ot~erwl/;e take over police duty in Kt1wait. by Simon and Schuster comment· mterCermg . With or aHectln.g the i'ROSH CO. Iraq again denied that it is con­ art~ry' ~ re :~;S~~~~:~~;:~= St· d t H rt Rep " e'a ed : ' orde~l.y eontmuance of work m the HmdftlW'ay, a 10ft. ArIother 10ft, U en s U centrating troops against Kuwait. manl1me industry." Gr.. ory, • unIvertIty of Miami It insisted its claim to sovereignty "Beyond any question Ernest The unions were directed to "in· By LINDA BRANDT day at 8 p.m, in UniverSity The· Carr, A4, Cedar Rapids ; Kathy medlcel Itudont, Wei .1.. ex· c:atine Road will .be advanced by peaceful Hemingway was one of the three Staff Wrlt.r atre. Kehoe, X, Davenport ; Richard pocted. · struct their members to .resume means. or four great American fiction normal employment and to take The 21-member cast, making up Riggleman, G, Dcloit ; Mary Lou Fellow townsmen mourned the EIWOf'Ihy, however, said ItIt in. Birnan Woods will again come to writers of this century.
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