th e 17alley tribune VO UMf 9 NUMBER 6 QUITAQUE, BRISCOE COUNTY, TEXAS — THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1968 PRICE FIVE CENTS PER COPY Sick Report They Bite For Some airs. Charles ( -am returi i home from the hospital in Tub. Heavy Rains Continue Friday of lest week. She is imorms slowly. -0 — Mrs. Jerry Morgan seas admitted To Fall In This Area In the Hall County Hospital Satur- day afternoon. It was reported that The area south of Quitaque that she would remain there several was hit severely just two weeks days. Her illness was diagnosed HIGH PLAINS RESEARCH ago with hard rains and hall, as a heart condition. Service Thursday FIELD DAY DATE SET I caught another hard rain and The Twelfth Annual Field Day possibly some hail In spots in the Mrs. Jimmie Sue Mullin was in For Ola B. Stubbs of the 'Ugh Plains Research early evening hours last Saturday. Lubbock Friday to see the Doctor. Foundation will he held on Thurs- Allen Matthews, Joe Edd Smith, Funeral services for Mrs. Ola B. day. September 12, at the Founds Ford Jihn.son, Bob McWilliams and Stubbs, 60, were conducted at 4:00 others in that area reported re- Mr. and Mrs. Lon McKay talked lion Research Farm at Halfway, p. m. Thursday, July 19. 19a3, at ceiving upwards of 3 inches of rain with their daughter, Charlotte Rog- Texas. Dr. Tom Longnecker, Dir- the Church of Christ in Turkey . and it fell in less than an hours' ers, who is in the hospital in Gal- ector and Executive Vice - Presi- Officiating were Herbert Gipson of lime, according to reports. s eston undergoing a series of siclent, in announcing the date Amarillo, a former minister of the Some of the farmers in that tests. She reported to her parents said, The second Thursday in Sept- Turkey Church of Christ, and Earl area had replanted crops following that the doctor had informed her ember has long been established Cantwell, minister of the Rock the rain and hall that ruined a lot she would be there ten more days as the date for our Annual Field Creek Church of Christ. Interment of crops just two weeks earlier before they would complete the Days." w a s in Dreamland Cemetery at and this young flood just about tests and she will not know until Turkey under the direction of Five of the Commodity Commit- finished it off for some. then if she will have surgery. Mrs. Seigler Funeral Home of Turkey. tees of the Board of Trustees are More damage came in that area Allis Martin Spray and Mrs. Pierce Mrs. Stubbs passed away at 3:30 planning to have exhibits of plants Monday when strong winds started are returning home, and Mrs. P. M. Monday, July 15, 1968 In M. and products of each commodity. sand to blowing. Renee Dudley left Wednesday D. Anderson Hospital at Houston. These exhibits will be located in morning of this week to go to Crops that have not been washed Pallbearers were V. B. "Doc" the farm shop, Seed Production Galveston to spend a week with away or damaged here in the Williams, Leon Lane, Tom Eudy, Laboratory and the 20 Saw Labora- • her sister at the hospital. valley, however, are looking very C. M. Conner, Otlis Lee Mullin, tory Gin. Throughout the afternoon good. and Jack House. members of the committee con PABLO LEAL, JR. IS Mrs. Stubbs was born April 5, cerned, plus others invited to as- Turbulent weather again hit the t908 at the Wolf Flat community sist who are interested in the agri- local area Wednesday night, with HOSLITALIZED WITH TB near Turkey, and had been a resi- cultural production displayed, will heavy rainfall reports in the Tur- The Tribune received a letter dent of Hall County for life. For be host for the exhibits. Plants, key area, where 1SS. to 2 inches of from Pablo Leal, Jr. this week. the past several years she had products, treatments and equip- lain was reported. 011 Thursday night of last week shown above, Weldon Griffin, De- pounds and the largest one was es- He is in Tuberculosis Sanitorium operated Ola B.'s Floral Shop and ment used for each of the several South of Quitaque where it has a fellow came by The Tribune of- loy Myers, and Murray Wise, from timated to weigh 6 pounds. in Carlsbad, Texas. His address is Dress Shop in Turkey. She had Phases of Agricultural research rained so much recently, around :ice and during the course of the left ta right came lugging in the John King and his son, Johnny Pablo Leal, Jr. Mcnight State been in ill health for the past will be shown. three quarters of an inch was re- conversation the fall( got around string of beauties they are holding. of Mesquite, report a catch of a T. B. Hos., Hos. East UP, Carls- several months, and had been a ported. There were some reports b• flaking. This fellow made the re- The trio would not reveal the lo- 3 and a half lb. bass and another bad, Texas 76934. He sends his Field tours of the Research patient in M. D. Anderson Hospital of hail but at this writing the re- ...s.47ijimov.a niir m that wereo "brag- cation of the fishing hole where one nearly 3 lbs.„..sitAnzliips Lake rag din all his friends here, and Farm featuring studies underway for the past three weeks. ports seer" not confirmed. .1c"-ethee- ,-..;,,in to the •v.i 1- . ,. ',"--.^ ''' ' —'s — ' hear aeons essays's- at the Foundation will start at Survivors include her husband, - an our later say Ih i area lake. The firelf71-11sSiiii: and beautiful out one. Hesialsoansgen.rre. Tribune to 1:00 p.m. and continue until 4:45 •:eta (Rho Stubbs of the home: one son, the Ore grinning young fellows sevensia. 'red a total of 25 ing places near Quitaque. thank everyone who remembered p.m. Guides for eoch large truck PAMPA RODEO PLANS SET OS° him with gifts for graduation. He H. A. (Sonny) Mullins of Turkey; will be professional agricultural Pampa is all decked out with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Johnson Mr. ararMrs. Ralph Carter TOb Antr a / has been ili and could not get all Personnel. new street decorations in prepar. of Turkey; six brothers, George visited their son, Melvin Carter In the thank you cards mailed. A popular feature of the Field ation for the 24th annual Top o' ALL-STAR GOOD ATTENDANCE AT QUITAQUE Johnson Turkey, Denny Johnson of Lubbock Monday. The Carters Days has been the display of the Texas Rodeo scheduled July 24 - 27. came back by Plainview to get BASKETBALL GAME SATURDAY LIONS CLUB MEETING Houston, Foy Johnson of Tulsa, latest farm equipment and sup- their grandson, Lane Hedrick A group of Quitaque basketball A good crowd was on hand Mon- Okla., Lloyd Jahnson of Fresno, plies. The various manufacturing The big RCA rodeo will get un- whose parents are on vacation. fans will drive to Duncanville Fri- day night at the school cafeteria. ROBERT PHELPS ACCEPTS Calif., Charles Johnson, Seagraves, firms supply the display and have derway on Wednesday, July 24. —0--- day afternoon and will attend the New president Bill Griffin appoint- COACHING JOB AT MOBEETIE and Clark Johnsen of Lubbock; and representatives on hand to ex- with a street paiade at 4:00 P.M. Trilbe Beck spent several days Saturday sessions of the program ed several committees for the in- Robert Phelps has accepted a five grandchildren. plain and sometimes demonstrate. and the first rodeo performance at days last week with Dot Arnold in at the Girl's Basketball Coaching coming year. These were: Pro- position with the Mobeetie schools The various firms are allotted 8:00 P.M. Canyon. School and then Saturday night gram Committee: Morris Stephens, as coach, replacing Frank Muir, Beutler & Son, of Elk City, Okla. Mr. and Mrs. Sid McFall, Jr. space on the grounds of the Half- will see the annual basketball Herman Moseley and Bob Ham; who is the new coach of Quitaque will furnish stock and direct the were host and hostess for a pre- way Community Building on the game between the North and South Membership: Duke Woods and High Schools. arena . ... The Beutlers own LIONS SWEETHEART birthday anniversary dinner for basis of first reservations being All - Stars, the teams being made James Brunson; Reporter and In- some of the roughest rodeo stock 0 his father, Sid McFall Sunday. received being given prinrty on up of girls selected from teams all formation: 0. R. Stark, Jr. Fin- in the business, and they will be Those present to enjoy the day to- sites of their equipment or pro-o- over the state of Texas. ance: Board of Directors; and hallenging some of the top pro- TURKEY LITTLE LEAGUERS TO gether were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miss Cherri Rapp of Estelline, a Pianist: Sweetheart Sherry Stark. lessismal cowboys in the world at McFall and Jena of Vigo Park, The display of activities and pro- name well - known to all basket- PLAY SILVERTON LITTLE LEAGUERS the Pampa show. Senator Clem The Turkey Little Leaguers will Mr. and Mrs. Ruffus Dill. fa niece grams of the various governmental ball fans in this part of the world, President Griffin also announced McSpadden, of Claremore, Okla. play the Silverton Little Leaguers and her husband of Mr. McFall,) agricultural service is another is a member of the North squad that twelve new flags had been will be this year's announcer. at Turkey, Monday night.
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