REGULATORY SERVICES COMMITTEE AGENDA Thursday Havering Town Hall 7.30pm 1 February 2007 Main Road, Romford Members 10 : Quorum 4 COUNCILLORS: Conservative Group Residents’ Rainham Resident Labour Group Group Group Roger Evans (Chairman) Linda Hawthorn Coral Jeffrey Tom Binding Barry Tebbutt (V Chairman) Steve Whittaker Jeffrey Brace David Grantham Robby Misir Barry Oddy For information about the meeting please contact: Andy Beesley (01708) 432437 E-mail: [email protected] s:\bssadmin\committees\regulatory\agenda\2007\070201agenda.doc REGULATORY SERVICES COMMITTEE SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDA Urgent Business 1 February 2007 Additional Reports The following reports are attached: 13a U0014.06 - Rainham Marshes, Rainham 13b U0015.06 - Rainham Marshes, Rainham 13c P2132.06 – 44-52 Market Place, Romford STEPHEN EVANS Chief Executive 070201suppagenda.doc COMMITTEE DATE ITEM REGULATORY SERVICES 1 February 2007 COMMITTEE 13c This report is submitted with the agreement of the Chair as an urgent matter, pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 REPORT OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE SUBJECT: P2132.06 – 44 – 52 MARKET PLACE, ROMFORD. Proposal: Redevelopment and extension of a predominantly vacant building to provide a multi unit A1 retail scheme including covering over of Swan Walk to create extension of the Liberty Mall and the realignment of the Debenhams’ façade. (Date received 07/11/2006). Ward: Romford Town SUMMARY The proposal is for the redevelopment and extension of a two-storey retail building. The building is located on the south-eastern side of the Market Place adjacent to Swan Walk. It is accessed via The Liberty Shopping Centre and Market Place. The majority of the store now vacant was occupied by Littlewoods and includes a further 10 independent retail stores accessed via Swan Walk. The total redevelopment amounts to a total sales and storage gross floorspace of 9,596m² compared with the existing gross floorspace of 8,174m². s:\bssadmin\committees\regulatory\reports\2007\070201\070201item13cp2132.06.littlewoods site - 44- 52 market place.doc 2 Regulatory Services Committee, 1 February 2007 The redevelopment would result in the conversion of the building and the current ten units to 8 independent retail stores. Within the redeveloped building two flagship stores are proposed; unit 1 fronting Market Place (2,897m²) and Unit 8 fronting the central quadrant of the Liberty Centre (1,899m²). The proposal would create an all-retail multi-unit scheme with a glass link proposed between the Liberty Shopping Centre and the market i.e. covering over Swan Walk. The proposal also involves alterations to and the realignment of the Debenhams’ entrance adjacent to Swan Walk. It is considered that policy objectives would be met and approval of planning permission is recommended subject to the following conditions. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. SC04 (Time limit); 2. SC10B (Details of works and samples of materials); 3. SC57 (Wheel Washing); 4. SC58 (Refuse Storage); 5. SC62 (Hours of Construction); 6. SC122 (Archaeological Investigation) 7. Before the building hereby permitted is first occupied, provision shall be made within the site for adequate refuse recycling in accordance with standards adopted by the Local Planning Authority; thereafter such provision shall be made permanently available for use unless agreed in writing by the Local planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that domestic refuse is disposed of in a sustainable manner. 8. Prior to the completion of the works hereby permitted, provision for staff cycle storage of a type and in a location previously submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local S:\BSSADMIN\COMMITTEES\REGULATORY\REPORTS\2007\070201\070201ITEM13CP2132.06.LITTLEWOODS SITE - 44- 52 MARKET PLACE.DOC 3 Regulatory Services Committee, 1 February 2007 Planning Authority; thereafter such provision shall be made permanently available for use unless agreed in writing by the Local planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of providing a wide range of facilities for non-motor car residents, in the interests of sustainability. 9. SC42 (Noise Insulation - Machinery) 10. Before the works hereby permitted commence a scheme for new plant or machinery shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority to achieve the following standard: Noise levels expressed as the equivalent continuous sound level LAeq (I hour) when calculated at the boundary with the nearest noise sensitive premises shall not exceed LA90 -5dB and maintained thereafter to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To prevent noise nuisance to adjoining properties in accordance with the recommendations of PPG Note 24 Planning and Noise 1994. 11. SC32 (Accordance with approved plans) 12. No development shall be commenced until a sustainability statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The statement shall outline how the development will meet the highest standards of sustainable design and construction to incorporate the seven measures identified in Policy 4B.6 of the London Plan and shall be required to demonstrate that the development will achieve a BREEAM (Retail) rating of “Very Good” or better. The developer shall provide a copy of the final Building Research Establishment (BRE) certificate confirming that the development design achieves a minimum BREEAM (Retail) rating of “Very Good”. The development shall thereafter be carried out in full accordance with the agreed Sustainability Statement and if required by the Local Planning Authority, BREEAM Post Construction Assessment shall be carried out on all or a sample of the development to ensure that the required minimum rating has been achieved. Reason: In the interests of energy efficiency and sustainability in accordance with the Council’s Interim S:\BSSADMIN\COMMITTEES\REGULATORY\REPORTS\2007\070201\070201ITEM13CP2132.06.LITTLEWOODS SITE - 44- 52 MARKET PLACE.DOC 4 Regulatory Services Committee, 1 February 2007 Planning Guidance on Sustainability and Policies 4A.7 of the London Plan. 13. Prior to the commencement of development, an Energy Statement shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The statement shall incorporate an energy demand assessment and shall detail the energy efficiency design measures and renewable energy technology to be incorporated into the final design of the development. The statement shall demonstrate how the development will displace at least 10% of carbon dioxide emissions through on site renewable energy measures and energy efficient technology above and beyond Building Regulation requirements. The development or relevant phase thereof shall thereafter be carried out in full accordance with the agreed energy statement and the measures identified therein. Reason: In the interests of energy efficiency and sustainability in accordance with the Councils Interim Planning Guidance on Sustainable Design and Construction and Policies 4A.7, 4A.8 and 4A.9 of the London Plan. 14. No external plant or equipment shall be installed at the site unless details of its design, appearance and location have been agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of amenity. 15. Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted, details that show how the principles and practices of the Secured by Design Award Scheme are to be incorporated into the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of any construction works. Once approved, the development shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed details. Reason: In the interest of creating safer, sustainable communities reflecting the guidance set out in PPS1 and in pursuance of the Council’s duty under section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 to consider crime and disorder implications in exercising its planning functions. S:\BSSADMIN\COMMITTEES\REGULATORY\REPORTS\2007\070201\070201ITEM13CP2132.06.LITTLEWOODS SITE - 44- 52 MARKET PLACE.DOC 5 Regulatory Services Committee, 1 February 2007 16. All of the retail units within the development shall be used for Class A1 of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 2005 or the equivalent class or classes in any subsequent amendment to the Order. Reason: To restrict the use to those uses compatible with this part of the town centre and to enable the local planning authority to exercise control over non-retail uses. 17. The retail uses hereby permitted shall not be open to customers outside the hours of 8am to 8.30pm on any day, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of amenity. 18. Prior to the commencement of development details of the phasing of the construction of retail units 1-8 including details of the roofing of Swan Walk and the integration of the roof with the Liberty Centre, units 1-7 and the refurbished façade of Debenhams facing Swan Walk as approved, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall proceed strictly in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure that the phasing of the development is co- ordinated to secure amongst other things the roofing of Swan Walk in order to integrate it fully with the Liberty Centre. INFORMATIVES: INFORMATIVE 1: The London Borough of Havering fully supports Secured by Design accreditation where appropriate. It is recommended that the applicant consider applying for this award, which is
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