So long, shorts ACCENT: The jazz sound of In Cinq Cloudy and cooler today. Highs around 40. Cloudy and damp Thursday with a 30 per­ cent chance of light rain. Highs VIEWPOINT: Dating at Notre Dame in the 30s. the independent newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s Refeuling jet crash at Dyess AFB ‘particularly terrible’ Associated Press the plane experienced some rible one,” said Maj. Dennis kind of problem during his Pierson of SAC H eadquarters ABILENE, Texas - A mili­ take-off roll, according to offi­ in Omaha. tary refueling jet bound for cials who spoke on condition The plane, based at K.I. Hawaii with 19 people aboard they not be identified. Sawyer Air Force Base near crashed in a ball of flames on “ It was toward the end of the Marquette, Mich., was en route takeoff Tuesday at Dyess Air roll and he apparently had no from Dyess to Hickam Air Force Base, killing at least 17 choice but to press on,” said Force Base in Hawaii on a people, the Air Force said. one source. training mission with 19 people Military dependents were “But he didn’t have the on board, said Dyess Airman among the 12 passengers on power to get up for some rea­ 1st Class Beverly Foster. board, said Dyess spokesman son,” added another. Some of those aboard were Sgt. A1 Dostal, but he did not The wreckage burned for from Sawyer, said base spokes­ know how many. The plane had more than an hour after the woman Sgt. Anita Bailey. a crew of seven, he said. crash. The plane came to rest “We’re trying to get in touch The plane’s crew “never got tilted at about a 45 degree an­ with the families now but it’s it off the ground,” said witness gle, a charred wing tipped hard, because there’s some Vernon Wright, 19. “The first toward the sky. confusion,” she said. “We re thing I saw was just the mush­ At least 17 people were killed, waiting for confirmation that room of the smoke.” said Lt. Col. George Peck, a these people have been con­ “I heard the plane as it was spokesman at Strategic Air tacted.” coming down,” said Skeet Command Headquarters at The sources in Washington Jackson of Abilene. “Engines Omaha, Neb. said the plane was carrying were backfiring and missing. Military officials said they close to a full load of fuel total­ The Observer / Suzanne Poch It curved off to the left and were recording the bodies as ing 155,000 pounds, including its Strung up crashed. And then I saw the they found them. own fuel and fuel to transfer ball of smoke and fire go up.” “Any aircraft accident is during the flight to Hawaii to Keenan Hall juniors Zachary Hudgins (left) and Kevin.McKay (right) look Initial reports fowarded to bad, but the fact that there are some F-16 fighters flying down from the roof on the larger-than-life bass guitar for the Keenan Air Force commanders at the as many fatalities makes it Revue. It took the pair three days to build the guitar. Pentagon suggested the pilot of (the crash) a particularly ter­ see CRASH, page 6 U.S. teens bomb international math and science survey Associated Press Buck Rogers of the 1990s is less-pessimistic face on their dent of the American Federa­ Kingdom, the United States, going to be living in Seoul, findings, noting that almost all tion of Teachers, said elemen­ and Canada’s British Colum­ WASHINGTON - American Korea, instead of Chattanooga of the U.S. teen-agers demon­ tary school teachers won’t be bia, New Brunswick, Ontario teen-agers scored last in math or Chicago,” said former Ten­ strated mastery of basic math able to deliver unless they are and Quebec. The last three and well below the m ean in sci­ nessee Gov. Lamar Alexander, skills and knowledge of required to take math and sci­ were divided into French- and ence in an international survey now president of the University everyday science facts. ence courses to qualify for their English-speaking samples. whose results “pose a serious of Tennessee. “We are making improve­ licenses. challenge to our position in the “How many times must this ments on our own terms. We “We’ve got a long way to go Korean students demon­ world community,” the E duca­ nation be reminded of its edu­ are educating every child in before we turn it around,” strated the highest overall tional Testing Service said cational deficit?” Education America,” said Archie Shanker said. “The next gen­ mathematics achievement Tuesday. Secretary Lauro Cavazos Lapointe, executive director of eration of (elementary school) while those from the United The U.S. youngsters were asked in a statement, referring the ETS center for the Assess­ teachers has already been ed­ States and French-speaking outperformed in math by their to repeated findings that U.S. ment of Educational Progress. ucated without math or sci­ Ontario showed the lowest. counterparts in four other children perform poorly in “Everyone is talking now ence. You’ve got a terrible Youths in South Korea and countries and four Canadian math and science. about higher-order skills, pipeline problem.” British Columbia turned in the provinces and were among the Cavazos called the situation higher standards. I’m very The assessment, financed by best science performance. The worst science achievers in the “a national tragedy,” while confident that this is going to the National Science Founda­ United States, along with assessment of 24,000 13-year- other educators termed the happen,” Lapointe added. “If tion and the Department of Ireland and French-speaking olds. survey results frightening and we articulate what we want to Education, was based on tests Ontario and New Brunswick, “The obvious conclusion is devastating. do, the schools will deliver.” of students in Ireland, South “perform well below the that unless we’re careful, the ETS officials tried to put a But Albert Shanker, presi­ Korea, Spain, the United mean,” the report said. Nicaraguan hijacks Colombian airliner Associated Press Minister Carlos Disanti, who declined further comment. SAN JOSE, Costa Rica - A The Red Cross treated some Nicaraguan Indian exiled in passengers for shock, officials Colombia hijacked a domestic said, but no other injuries were airliner with 122 aboard to reported. Costa Rica on Tuesday by threatening to set a passenger Public Security Minister afire with gasoline, officials Hernan Garron said the said. hijacker was identified as Al­ A passenger said the co-pilot vin Antonio Siu, a Miskito In­ overpowered the hijacker, who dian living on San Andres Is­ was carrying two orange juice land. cartons of gasoline with wicks, just before the plane landed. A public Security Ministry statement said Siu would be An anti-terrorist squad ar­ turned over to Costa Rican Sign me The Observer / Suzanne Poch rested the hijacker, and three judicial authorities and for­ other people were detained mally charged with hijacking Tim Hogan (left) and Kathy Habiger confer over in the Center for Continuing Education today from after the Ace airline Boeing 727 the plane, which officials in seating arrangements for the upcoming Junior Par­ 2-10 p.m. touched down at an airport Colombia said had 116 pas­ ents’ Weekend. JPW seating registration will be open near the capital, said Interior sengers and a crew of six. page 2 The Observer Wednesday, February 1, 1989 IN BRIEF INSIDE COLUMN U.S. Senator Dan Coats of Indiana announced today that he has been chosen as the Republican leader Magazine not at fault; of the Senate Labor and Human Resources Subcommittee on Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism. The subcom­ mittee has already begun hearings on child care legislation it’s all in how you see it and is expected to consider issues such as parental leave and drug and alcoholism initiatives. Coats will also serve The opinion expressed in this space yesterday on the Labor and Human Resources Subcommittee on disturbs me, because I think it speaks ill of Regis Aging, the Labor and Human Resources Committee, amd men - and women. the Senate Armed Services Committee - The Observer Both sexes by now are familiar with the an­ Coccia nual Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, which A chuckhole in Tulsa, Okla. was so deep it prompted is due out next week. Every year at this time News Editor Bill Schreiber to stand in the street with a 10-foot pole to the scantily clad women pictured therein will warn motorists. Schreiber and others lowered the pole unleash a flood of angry letters and protests completely into the manhole-sized hole as startled against the exploitation of women, male motorists steered away. City workers barricaded three of chauvinism, etc. But this issue isn’t the prob­ four lanes of Boulder Avenue south of downtown Tuesday lem, and I’ll tell you why. morning after officials were informed of the two manhole­ This Swimsuit Issue will mark the magazine’s sized holes that opened into a cavern big enough for a car. 25th anniversary of publishing photos of A storm sewer cave-in apparently was to blame, officials females in the latest swimwear. The.reason is said. - The Observer as easy to see as the women who model the suits. It’s not the pictures that are so offensive; it’s the thought behind it. OF INTEREST Does SI publish photos of curvaceous women clad in cutaway spandex just for profit? It cer­ Thomas Dooley Award winner Robert Lombardo tainly stands a lot to gain. Thousands of sub­ will be at the Center for Social Concerns Feb.
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