Planning Board DATE: 19th December 2018 NOTES: 1. Items may be taken out of order and therefore we are unable to advise the time at which an item will be considered. 2. Applications can be determined in any manner notwithstanding the recommendation being made 3. Councillors who have a query about anything on the agenda are requested to inspect the file and talk to the case officer prior to the meeting. 4. Any members of the public wishing to make late additional representations should do so in writing or contact their Ward Councillors prior to the meeting. Please give a day’s notice if you wish to inspect a file if this is possible. 5. Letters of representation referred to in these reports together with any other background papers may be inspected at any time prior to the Meeting and these papers will be available at the Meeting. 6. For the purposes of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, unless otherwise stated against a particular report , ‘background papers’ in accordance with section 100D will always include the case officer’s written report and any letters or memoranda of representation received. Planning Board Report 19th December 2018 Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Planning Board - 19th December 2018 Item Page Application Ward/Site Case Number Officer DM01 4 2018/2573/OTS Land At Coalpit Lane, Mr James Stoke St Michael, Shepton U'Dell Mallet, Somerset, Coleford And Holcombe DM02 13 2018/1476/OTS Shireways, Cannards Mr James Grave Road, Shepton U'Dell Mallet, BA4 4LX Shepton East DM03 27 2018/1868/OTS Upper Row Farm, Row Mr Carlton Lane, Laverton, Bath, Langford Somerset, BA2 7RB Ammerdown DM04 33 2018/1348/OTS Land At 362511 144804, Mr Charlie Bolters Lane, Downside, Bladon Shepton Mallet, Somerset, Shepton East DM05 40 2018/1951/FUL 52 Bove Town, Mr Rob Glastonbury, Somerset, Palmer BA6 8JE Glastonbury St Edmunds DM06 49 2018/1952/LBC 52 Bove Town, Mr Rob Glastonbury, Somerset, Palmer BA6 8JE Glastonbury St Edmunds DM07 55 2018/1902/HSE Church Cottage , Church Mr John Walk, Baltonsborough, Shaw Glastonbury, BA6 8RL Butleigh And Baltonsborough DM08 61 2018/1829/HSE The Old Foundry , Dudwell Mr John Lane, Chewton Mendip, Shaw Wells, BA3 4NE Chewton Mendip And Ston Easton DM09 66 2018/2169/FUL 82 Stockhill Road, Mr John Chilcompton, Radstock, Shaw BA3 4JH Ashwick, Chilcompton And Stratton Planning Board Report 19th December 2018 Page 2 Agenda Item No. DM01 Case Officer Mr James U'Dell Site Land At Coalpit Lane Stoke St Michael Shepton Mallet Somerset Application Number 2018/2573/OTS Date Received 10th October 2018 Applicant/ Mr Nigel Cheshire Organisation Application Type Outline - Some Matters Reserved Proposal Application for Outline Planning Permission (all matters reserved) for the erection of 2 detached dwellings Ward Coleford And Holcombe Parish Stoke St Michael Parish Council Chair and Vice Chair Referral This application is referred to the Planning Board under the discretionary powers of the Development Management Team Leader. The Ward Members have also requested that the application be heard by the Planning Board. Site Description and Proposal This application seeks outline planning permission with all matters reserved for the erection of two detached dwellings on land at Coalpit Lane, Stoke St Michael. The application site is part of an agricultural field lying to the south of a property called ‘Bloomfield’ and is currently accessed via a public right of way, which is located to the south of the application site. The public right of way does not run through the site. The main village of Stoke St Michael lies approximately 50m to the south of the site. Outline planning permission was approved in 2014 at this site for two dwellings, at a point in time when the Local Planning Authority (LPA) could not demonstrate a five year housing supply. However this permission expired in January 2017, as the reserved matters were not submitted within 3 years of the permission being granted. Indicative plans have been provided with the application submission, however these are purely provided for illustrative purposes, as all matters (access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) are reserved for further consideration, in the event that outline permission is granted. Planning History 2018/0575/PREAPP - Erection of two detached dwellings following outline planning permission 2013/1573 – Informal advice offered on the 23rd March 2018. 2013/1573 - Development of part of a field adjacent to Coalpit Lane for the erection of two detached dwellings – Approved 09/01/2014. (This permission expired on 9th January 2017 as the reserved matters had not been approved within 3 years of the outline permission). Planning Board Report 19th December 2018 Page 3 Consultations and Representations Ward Member(s) Requests that the application is heard by the Planning Board. Parish Council Recommend refusal on the following grounds: - Lies outside the current development limit of the village; - Lies outside the emerging development limit included in the draft Local Plan Part II; - Inconsistent with the policies adopted by the Parish Council for identifying sites for development; - Inconsistent with the views submitted by the Parish Council in respect of future development sites subsequently incorporated within the Local Plan Part II. Local Highway Authority (SCC) Recommend standing advice applies. County Ecologist (SCC) No objections subject to the attachment of relevant conditions. Representations The Local Planning Authority has received 3 letters of OBJECTION, raising the following points (summarised): - Scale of dwellings; - Harmful visual impact; - Increase in traffic; - Impact to highway safety; - Impact to ecology/ wildlife; - Site is located outside the development limits of the village; - Loss of light; - Coalpit Lane needs to be widened before any new houses are allowed; Full details of all consultation responses can be found on the Council’s website www.mendip.gov.uk. Planning Analysis Policy Context Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 places a duty on local planning authorities to determine proposals in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The following development plan policies and material considerations are relevant to this application: The Council’s Development Plan comprises: - Mendip District Local Plan Part I: Strategy and Policies (December 2014) - Somerset Waste Core Strategy Planning Board Report 19th December 2018 Page 4 The following policies of the Local Plan Part 1 are relevant to the determination of this application: CP1: Mendip Spatial Strategy CP2: Supporting the Provision of New Housing CP4: Sustaining Rural Communities DP1: Local Identity and Distinctiveness DP4: Mendip’s Landscapes DP5: Biodiversity and Ecological Networks DP6: Bat Protection DP7: Design and Amenity DP8: Environmental Protection DP9: Transport Impact of New Development DP10: Parking Standards DP23: Managing Flood Risk Other Material Considerations: National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), 2018 Planning Practice Guidance (PPG), 2012 Somerset County Council Parking Strategy, 2013 Somerset County Council Standing Advice, 2015 Key Issues Principle of the Proposal: Given that the previous outline planning permission has expired and the LPA can now demonstrate a secure 5 year housing supply, this application has to be considered afresh as an application for new build-dwellings outside the development limits of Stoke St Michael, in a location where development of this nature is strictly controlled. Core Policy 1 (CP1) of the Adopted Mendip District Local Plan says that to enable the most sustainable pattern of growth for the Mendip District the majority of development will be directed to towards the five principal settlements (Frome, Shepton Mallet, Wells, Glastonbury and Street). The application site is located outside the defined development limits of Stoke St Michael, where Policy CP1 states that any proposed development will be ‘strictly controlled’ and will only be permitted where it benefits economic activity or extends the range of facilities available to the local community. The development would only contribute two general, open market dwellings towards the supply of housing within the District and any economic benefits will be limited to the construction process. As such it is considered that there are no exceptional circumstances associated with the provision of the dwellings in question. Core Policy 2 (CP2) states that the delivery of new housing will be secured from three sources: (a) Infill, conversions and redevelopments within Development Limits defined on the Proposals Map, (b) Strategic Sites identified on the Key Diagrams for each town associated with Core Policies 6-10 and (c) other allocations of land for housing and, where appropriate, mixed use development, outside of Development Limits through the Site Allocations process (Part II). None of which apply to this site. Policy CP2 makes it clear that the allocation of sites for housing outside of Development Limits should be secured through the 'Site Allocations' process in line with the housing requirements for each area identified in the supporting text to that policy,, the informed views of the community and the subsequent consents and Planning Board Report 19th December 2018 Page 5 capacity within development limits. This site lies outside the development limits of Stoke St Michael, so clearly allowing development before the Site Allocations process has taken place
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